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UploaderQWERTYas1, avatar
TagsEnderman, Minecraft, qwertyas1, zombie
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Info1920x1080 // 1.2MB // png
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QWERTYas1: helloooooooo

I'm back I guess

Halo induced hiatus


sorry for doing this request first, I know I have others that have been waiting longer, but I had a brief moment of inspiration and I had to go with it :')
Also, the request asked for "zombies" (as opposed to zombie) -- and like, I have no imagination --- hence the lonely little dude off at the side ;w;

Apparently this was meant to be a youtuber, but I've forgotten who it was and I deleted the original request so I actually have no idea .-. halp

hopefully I'll be back to posting consistently soon :DDDDD

peace outtttttttttt

oh, and, totally join our Kik group, Rule 34 Minecraft, #minecraftrule34

we don't actually post a lot of minecraft stuff but we're cool cats :^D

OH! And I got a new screen, = bigger screenshots = bigger drawings

hopefully now those people out there using projectors can now appreciate my shitty lineart in glorious HDDDDDDD
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Anonymous1: I think it's supposed to be Aphmau. Good work!
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Birty607: As always Buddy, nice work <3 she's got some work cut out for her hasn't she? XD
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TheRulerOfRule34: Her facial expression is...hnghh.
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Anonymous2: Nice, could you do Aphmau, AshleyMarie and Alex getting tentacled like in that pic of Alex you did before? Thanks :D
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Gentlemen18: OMG This was my request! Thank you so much Querty for doing it :D Her name is AshleyMarie BTW. It looks great too :D
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MrWhatshisface: Yay your back and nice work to

Could you do Alex traped By spiders and geting Fucked In all holes
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Anonymous3: I might sound like a werido but can you do ianite?
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Anonymous4: Can we have a enderdragon girl sucking a dick.
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Anonymous5: Seed?
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MrWhatshisface: Just realized there is an enderman in both of your pics that invole youtubers is it the same enderman
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Anonymous6: I cummed my screen with this :D
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: I second this with an added "please".
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Anonymous8: Welcome back qwerty... we meet again. Remember me? I'm the one that requested zombie rapes rule 63 steve. Right now I can't think of a request and I'll try not to spam
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QWERTYas1: @Anonymous: thanks :)
@Birty607: awh, thanks dude XD Indeed she does >u>
@TheRulerOfRule34: hehehehehhehehehe
@Anonymous: ohhhh, that sounds like a lot of work....

we'll see :P

@Gentlemen18: Oh, awesome! No worries, hope it managed to maintain the original idea you had :) And thank you.!! I should probably be a bit less zealous with my deleting T3T

@MrWhatshisface: bleeeeh, it's only been like

...oh wait


a month?

whoops, hahaha.... ^^;

...and maybe! We'll see, i haven't been too happy with my spider drawings recentlyyy

@Anonymous: I don't believe you sounds any weirder than any of us XD I'm not sure what that is, I'll search it up, so possibly :) I think someone requested something related to it a little while ago, so keep yo' eyes peeled!

@Anonymous: enderdragon girl... like, a anthro enderdragon, mob talker style? Or the female enderdragon I drew aaages ago- cuz if so, I'm not if I feel comfortable doing that--- I've started to try and wean myself away from using animals, and keeping it strictly to fantasy, or humanoid mobs- that, of course, means the enderdragon is exempt, buuuutttttt.... we'll see. It depends on which one you mean after all :) I don't actually have a humanoid enderdragon design drawn up, so I'm not sure if I want to introduce one to the world, yknow? Just some clarification would be siiickkk

@Anonymous: Ahhhh, your comment makes me happy for some strange reason C: I'd send it through, but unfortunately I've moved significantly from the spawn point. However, I can upload my world to my google drive, and you could download that instead? I had to do some serious village renovation to get the paths to actually be walkable, remove gravel blocking doorways, add carpets and decorations etccc ----- I'll upload that and message THIS message tomorrow morning with the link :)

@MrWhatshisface: Ask the people that requested, I just draw what I draw :P That's an interesting idea though, that there would be certain mob/s that pursue certain kinds of character in the world? that was my original intention when I first started drawing, but the notion of requests kinda threw any pairings I had out the window, haha

perhaps that's a way to reimplement this idea, albeit in a slightly different manner :) I'll look into the idea, thank you ^^ At this point, however, the unstated assumption is that they are different endermen~

@Anonymous: well, uhh, thanks! XDD glad to know I'm doing something right =w=

@Anonymous: you fool, that was last week's password! YOU FAIL

...but seriously, if you do want it, respond to what I said to the other anon about the 'kind' of enderdragon girl, and I might just do it :P

@Anonymous: oh ho, hello ! I do indeed remember you ^^; sorry I never got around to that animation =3= I didn't save the PSD file, so I would have had to redraw in sections of the background.... which I'm too lazy to do ._.
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Anonymous9: It looks awesome!
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MrWhatshisface: Also i understand about just playing halo 5 for days straight when i first got it played it for a month straight and still enjoy playing It
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QWERTYas1: @QWERTYas1: as promised, here's my world :) You'll probably spawn in the middle of a forest, so search around for an activateable command block, which ought to take you to steve's house--- There's currently, ehhh, a waterfall/sitting area, steve's house, rule63 steve's house, alex's house, endergirl's house, the village, and a few secrets hidden in and around the village area :P Pretty much all of my pictures have been taken in this world.

@Anonymous: thanks! :D

@MrWhatshisface: hehehe yessss, definitely :D PM me, add you on xbox live? =w=
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MrWhatshisface: Ya u can add me but could i tell you my account on Kik my user Name for Kik Is Crazydogs850
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Anonymous10: can you make LDShadowLady skin gets bukkakked by enderman? or make her show her wet panties (white-blue stripped panties)and it leaks through her feet to the ground?
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Anonymous11: Don't mean to spam, but remember that elder guardian request? I do. I never forget...
_____ _____
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Anonymous12(11): Wow. That post failed. It was supposed to be a face.
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Anonymous13: Personally, I was meaning a humanoid, mob talker style enderdragon. Please and thank you!

(Thank you is the password, correct?)
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QWERTYas1: @Anonymous: perhaps :)

@Anonymous: oh god ahahah

I had uh

not forgotten


I'll get on it..! That's an oooold request my goodness
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Shadowdash: please more like this :D
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Anonymous14: Can make this a gif?
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Anonymous15(14): Can you make this a gif?
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QWERTYas1: @Anonymous: waaay too much work, but I wish I could ;v; this is probably one of my favourite still =)
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EdgyBear: nice work
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QWERTYas1: @EdgyBear: woah, thanks XD
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EdgyBear: oh :o

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