sorry for doing this request first, I know I have others that have been waiting longer, but I had a brief moment of inspiration and I had to go with it :')
Also, the request asked for "zombies" (as opposed to zombie) -- and like, I have no imagination --- hence the lonely little dude off at the side ;w;
Apparently this was meant to be a youtuber, but I've forgotten who it was and I deleted the original request so I actually have no idea .-. halp
hopefully I'll be back to posting consistently soon :DDDDD
Anonymous8: Welcome back qwerty... we meet again. Remember me? I'm the one that requested zombie rapes rule 63 steve. Right now I can't think of a request and I'll try not to spam
@Gentlemen18: Oh, awesome! No worries, hope it managed to maintain the original idea you had :) And thank you.!! I should probably be a bit less zealous with my deleting T3T
...and maybe! We'll see, i haven't been too happy with my spider drawings recentlyyy
@Anonymous: I don't believe you sounds any weirder than any of us XD I'm not sure what that is, I'll search it up, so possibly :) I think someone requested something related to it a little while ago, so keep yo' eyes peeled!
@Anonymous: enderdragon girl... like, a anthro enderdragon, mob talker style? Or the female enderdragon I drew aaages ago- cuz if so, I'm not if I feel comfortable doing that--- I've started to try and wean myself away from using animals, and keeping it strictly to fantasy, or humanoid mobs- that, of course, means the enderdragon is exempt, buuuutttttt.... we'll see. It depends on which one you mean after all :) I don't actually have a humanoid enderdragon design drawn up, so I'm not sure if I want to introduce one to the world, yknow? Just some clarification would be siiickkk
@Anonymous: Ahhhh, your comment makes me happy for some strange reason C: I'd send it through, but unfortunately I've moved significantly from the spawn point. However, I can upload my world to my google drive, and you could download that instead? I had to do some serious village renovation to get the paths to actually be walkable, remove gravel blocking doorways, add carpets and decorations etccc ----- I'll upload that and message THIS message tomorrow morning with the link :)
@MrWhatshisface: Ask the people that requested, I just draw what I draw :P That's an interesting idea though, that there would be certain mob/s that pursue certain kinds of character in the world? that was my original intention when I first started drawing, but the notion of requests kinda threw any pairings I had out the window, haha
perhaps that's a way to reimplement this idea, albeit in a slightly different manner :) I'll look into the idea, thank you ^^ At this point, however, the unstated assumption is that they are different endermen~
@Anonymous: well, uhh, thanks! XDD glad to know I'm doing something right =w=
@Anonymous: you fool, that was last week's password! YOU FAIL
...but seriously, if you do want it, respond to what I said to the other anon about the 'kind' of enderdragon girl, and I might just do it :P
@Anonymous: oh ho, hello ! I do indeed remember you ^^; sorry I never got around to that animation =3= I didn't save the PSD file, so I would have had to redraw in sections of the background.... which I'm too lazy to do ._.
MrWhatshisface: Also i understand about just playing halo 5 for days straight when i first got it played it for a month straight and still enjoy playing It
QWERTYas1: @QWERTYas1: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByG0fIFyYwCYb2Z4cHVrYWhkdVE as promised, here's my world :) You'll probably spawn in the middle of a forest, so search around for an activateable command block, which ought to take you to steve's house--- There's currently, ehhh, a waterfall/sitting area, steve's house, rule63 steve's house, alex's house, endergirl's house, the village, and a few secrets hidden in and around the village area :P Pretty much all of my pictures have been taken in this world.
Anonymous10: can you make LDShadowLady skin gets bukkakked by enderman? or make her show her wet panties (white-blue stripped panties)and it leaks through her feet to the ground?
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I'm back I guess
Halo induced hiatus
sorry for doing this request first, I know I have others that have been waiting longer, but I had a brief moment of inspiration and I had to go with it :')
Also, the request asked for "zombies" (as opposed to zombie) -- and like, I have no imagination --- hence the lonely little dude off at the side ;w;
Apparently this was meant to be a youtuber, but I've forgotten who it was and I deleted the original request so I actually have no idea .-. halp
hopefully I'll be back to posting consistently soon :DDDDD
peace outtttttttttt
oh, and, totally join our Kik group, Rule 34 Minecraft, #minecraftrule34
we don't actually post a lot of minecraft stuff but we're cool cats :^D
OH! And I got a new screen, = bigger screenshots = bigger drawings
hopefully now those people out there using projectors can now appreciate my shitty lineart in glorious HDDDDDDD
Could you do Alex traped By spiders and geting Fucked In all holes
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@Birty607: awh, thanks dude XD Indeed she does >u>
@TheRulerOfRule34: hehehehehhehehehe
@Anonymous: ohhhh, that sounds like a lot of work....
we'll see :P
@Gentlemen18: Oh, awesome! No worries, hope it managed to maintain the original idea you had :) And thank you.!! I should probably be a bit less zealous with my deleting T3T
@MrWhatshisface: bleeeeh, it's only been like
...oh wait
a month?
whoops, hahaha.... ^^;
...and maybe! We'll see, i haven't been too happy with my spider drawings recentlyyy
@Anonymous: I don't believe you sounds any weirder than any of us XD I'm not sure what that is, I'll search it up, so possibly :) I think someone requested something related to it a little while ago, so keep yo' eyes peeled!
@Anonymous: enderdragon girl... like, a anthro enderdragon, mob talker style? Or the female enderdragon I drew aaages ago- cuz if so, I'm not if I feel comfortable doing that--- I've started to try and wean myself away from using animals, and keeping it strictly to fantasy, or humanoid mobs- that, of course, means the enderdragon is exempt, buuuutttttt.... we'll see. It depends on which one you mean after all :) I don't actually have a humanoid enderdragon design drawn up, so I'm not sure if I want to introduce one to the world, yknow? Just some clarification would be siiickkk
@Anonymous: Ahhhh, your comment makes me happy for some strange reason C: I'd send it through, but unfortunately I've moved significantly from the spawn point. However, I can upload my world to my google drive, and you could download that instead? I had to do some serious village renovation to get the paths to actually be walkable, remove gravel blocking doorways, add carpets and decorations etccc ----- I'll upload that and message THIS message tomorrow morning with the link :)
@MrWhatshisface: Ask the people that requested, I just draw what I draw :P That's an interesting idea though, that there would be certain mob/s that pursue certain kinds of character in the world? that was my original intention when I first started drawing, but the notion of requests kinda threw any pairings I had out the window, haha
perhaps that's a way to reimplement this idea, albeit in a slightly different manner :) I'll look into the idea, thank you ^^ At this point, however, the unstated assumption is that they are different endermen~
@Anonymous: well, uhh, thanks! XDD glad to know I'm doing something right =w=
@Anonymous: you fool, that was last week's password! YOU FAIL
...but seriously, if you do want it, respond to what I said to the other anon about the 'kind' of enderdragon girl, and I might just do it :P
@Anonymous: oh ho, hello ! I do indeed remember you ^^; sorry I never got around to that animation =3= I didn't save the PSD file, so I would have had to redraw in sections of the background.... which I'm too lazy to do ._.
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@Anonymous: thanks! :D
@MrWhatshisface: hehehe yessss, definitely :D PM me, add you on xbox live? =w=
_____ _____
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(Thank you is the password, correct?)
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@Anonymous: oh god ahahah
I had uh
not forgotten
I'll get on it..! That's an oooold request my goodness
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