SickoMan: If there is one character that I wish existed in real life then that would be Selina. I'd pound that pussy soooo deep that she will have to consider getting a pet insurance.
AlyssaBathory: I was looking for Catwoman pics and this is what I find? Don't get me wrong I have nothing against gays or gay porn. Hell I am a lesbian. But shouldn't Batman be sucking Superman's cock? Considering how he always runs around with a little boy sidekick which is also wearing rubber. I was talking about Robin if some of you didn't catch on lol
JohnnyBGoode: @AlyssaBathory: I'm struggling to see the logic in this. Are you saying Batman should be the bottom because he has a sidekick? I'm here for Catwoman too (this is actually my favorite version of her) but your comment threw me off guard
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