Hell_B0T: Damn... The EndohypexDAzayaxIcefrost is strong. Now only if we could get these three minecraft porn stars into a fully animated porno. That would be perfect.
Hell_B0T: @TotallyNotASpy: Eh, as much as i like Mine-Imators simple design and easy use, I'd personally like it if someone dished out some manpower and energy to do this in Autodesk Maya, and also do some voice acting. But I'm getting a little ahead of myself. Now excuse me as I still can't find my TAR-21 to kill that hat wearin' fuckboy that had sex with Grace.
Hell_B0T: On what authority do you have to say that this is garbafe, Anon2? Did you go to Yale University with a PhD in Fine Arts and Studio arts, cause if you did, you wouldn't be here bitching like you are. Next time when you are calling someone's work trash, check your privilage.
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Mine-Imators Unite!
However! I do agree with Spy, The old style suited you better.
(By "some people" he means me :3)
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