UltimateDestroyer: @Anonymous: Not my thing, but I wouldn't mind throwing around ideas with you. (DM me if you wanna discuss your comic) I usually start with in universe objects or concepts, but I encourage anyone to take their art ideas as far as they can.
Farfegnugen: @PartyCrasher: Because Tony Todd is that awesome. Do you how many dead actors get the twice Featured Image treatment, in a row? Well, I can count them on one finger.
Farfegnugen: @PartyCrasher: What makes you think we need to calm down? We know he got featured twice and is having fun with that fact. You just happen to get a mod and an admin to respond to you. Not like this feature will be around the whole week.
Anonymous27: @Anonymous: Thank you so incredibly much for telling people the truth that Andrew Wakefield was and still is a fraud for all time! It really makes me feel much better as someone who deeply cares about actual public health and especially as an autistic person! :D
PartyCrasher: @Farfegnugen: I mean I don't care what the featured image is, I was just a little confused on why we got two for the same death. No big deal man.
Anonymous29(26): @Anonymous: Why should I explain anything? Facts are facts: Steven Universe is cancer for faggots. I imagine you like it but don't consider yourself a faggot; well, I've got bad news for you...
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Damn you are right!
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Any feedback and ideas are welcomed.
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