Anonymous1: Upcoming Bitch-Alert! Be prepared for near-dicKless racists Dumas's, to have a SHITFEST, over Cartoon White Woman, AND, Cartoon Black Man, having Sex! They'll tell ya; "it's the end of days, the Rapture will be coming, ANY DAY NOW!
Anonymous2: @Anonymous: "How dare anyone have an opinion other than mine !!!!"
What a fucking tedious shitbag turd. Of course it would suddenly become different if you or yours "get the treatment" eh ?
Cane751: "Upcoming Bitch-Alert! Be prepared for near-dicKless racists Dumas's, to have a SHITFEST, over Cartoon White Woman, AND, Cartoon Black Man, having Sex!" An accurate description of those idiots who use this site.
Anonymous4(1): @AnonymousYou're assuming, Dumbass, that Me and Mine DON'T get the treatment, AND, You're WRONG, Mr. Dum(b)as(s)! Just goes to show, give an Asshole a chance, and, sooner or later, shit will come out!
Anonymous5: @Anonymous: well aint you a sweet little SJW
trying to shoot down people having opinions different than yours before they even post them
if you dont like people saying bad things about attractive and successful Africans then curl up in your hugbox and stay there in your safe space and stop coming out into the real world where racism exists
69PussySlayer69: @Anonymous: Don't worry guys it's just another backwards idiot living in the wrong century thinking his racism is valid and should be accepted. It's like raping someone and telling the judge: 'It's just my lifestyle, I should be able to do what I want' as a defense.
Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: You need a nice long drag behind a pickup truck over a rocky road, you nether limb of Satan. Oh, and your friends and your bitch mother amd third turd father need some too. The best part of you ran down that father's leg. You are diseased. You must be cured, to think like a man.
Anonymous6(1): @Anonymous: Let's try this again; I'm not BITCHING about the CONTENT of the ABOVE IMAGE I was commenting on the veritable deluge of racist bullshit I foresaw coming. over it. I don't give a fuck who's screwing who, long as both are okay with it! I think the image is GREAT, and, belongs on this site, the Artist did a Great job, deserving of recognition! However, if you're bound and determined to be an asshole, differing opinions aren't going to sway ANY FOOL IN THIS WORLD, AND WILL, INSTEAD, CALL THEM OUT IN FORCE! I am not a RACIST! A Dumbass, however, NEVER fails to provoke MOST people, myself included. Shouldn't let them get to me, as much as they do, but, they DO!
Anonymous7(1): @Anonymous: Let's try this again; I'm not BITCHING about the CONTENT of the ABOVE IMAGE I was commenting on the veritable deluge of racist bullshit I foresaw coming. over it. I don't give a fuck who's screwing who, long as both are okay with it! I think the image is GREAT, and, belongs on this site, the Artist did a Great job, deserving of recognition! However, if you're bound and determined to be an asshole, differing opinions aren't going to sway ANY FOOL IN THIS WORLD, AND WILL, INSTEAD, CALL THEM OUT IN FORCE! I am not a RACIST! A Dumbass, however, NEVER fails to provoke MOST people, myself included. Shouldn't let them get to me, as much as they do, but, they DO! Also, I DO live in real world, and, deal with racism and, stupidity, EVERY DAY! I take exception to those who challenge someone to come forward, when they're hiding their identity behind a screen, or, pseudonym. Sound familiar, or, is YOUR real name, Anonymous 5, 69PussySlayer69, or, Urbane_Guerrilla?!?
Anonymous8(5): gotta love how angry the SJWs are getting,... theyre even attacking each other eh anon 1/anon4.anon6/anon7 (same guy raging) and Urbane_Guerrilla
you two trying to out-bitch each other crying over people disliking attractive and successful African porn on rule34
tell us all how much racism hurts you so bad
about as rediculous as that dick who acted like "its 2015" as if naming a year means noones supposed to be racist anymore
people have been racist for thousands of years... its not gonna stop in the next couple months or years just because youre easily offended little bitches
69PussySlayer69: @Anonymous: This guy thinks he's so so edgy lmao. So not racist = SJW? It's called being a decent human being. SJWs are actually bigots too themselves with their 'cis white male = the devil' bullshit.You're the type of person that would be all over Hitler's dick if he was still alive. Stay racist and ignorant like the moron you are.
Anonymous9(5): @69PussySlayer69: theres a difference between simply being not racist.... and being an adgy SJW who just HAS to bitch every time someone says something racist
or like in the case of anon1... being so seriously on edge they have to fire a pre-emptive shot criticizing racists before they even say anything
and you dont seem to understand the meaning of the word ignorant... it means lacking knowledge or information
like lets take a cop who works in a largely black area and deals with nignogs committing crime every day, and some sjw from a safe white neighborhood, the cop has experience and knowledge while sjw doesnt.... so if the cop said something do to with black crime rates... the sjw doesnt know shit about that because they havent dealt with it, and yet the sjw would be the one to cry "the cop is ignorant"
thats what your kind do,,, you dont know shit but that doesnt stop you from trying to act like you know more than the people who HAVE seen shit first hand
Anonymous10(2): @69PussySlayer69: "pussy slayer" just sums up what a monumental TURD you are. "Hypocritical arsehole" goes with the territory too, you 2 inch dick-ed waste of posturing space
Anonymous13(2): @Anonymous: No, you're a worthless hypocritical big mouth who has such an inflated ego you could do balloon trips across the Atlantic for entire families. Like every other "racist" shouter you're not remotely as intelligent as you THINK you are - on the contrary your arrogant stupidity farts out in every sentence
69PussySlayer69: @Anonymous: The more you try and rationalize your racism you more stupid you look. I assume in the situation you bring up the 'cop' works in the ghetto which are poor areas. People in poor areas always have higher rates of crime ( It's pretty much common sense. So instead of generalizing all black people as evil you could use your brain like a rational human being but you don't and that's exactly what ignorance is.
Like I said before you think exactly like Hitler did. You see some people doing things you disapprove of and generalize them to everyone who shares similarities to them. Using this stupid broken logic white people are the most evil people in world, Hitler was white and was responsible for the death of 11 million people and they commit the most crimes worldwide. But normal people don't assume all white people are evil (no race is inherently evil) because they're not idiots unlike you. Ghettos being majority black is aftereffect of slavery and discrimination during the last century. Hate people that deserve the hate don't be ignorant (I gave evidence to prove my point you gave nothing) Also I love how you have no sense of irony and you think my name is legitimate lmao.
69PussySlayer69: @Anonymous: ''act like racism is worse than all other problems in the world combined'' - No one said anything like that. Such a non-argument. I could just say: 'these racists act as if their views are the most important in the world.' as a response. You are just butthurt that people hate racists. Maybe you should do something about that.
Anonymous15(5): @69PussySlayer69: im not butthurt at all.... nice elementary school attempt to counter me though,... maybe one day after puberty you'll learn adult comebacks
i know people dont like racists but i dont pounce on anti-racists and act like my opinion overrides others, its you lefties who do that
someone posts "blah blah something racist" and your people swarm all over their comment with "ERMAGERD RACISM"
i have yet to ever see a racist make the first move on a leftie,
Anonymous16: @Anonymous: If being racist or whatever you want to call how you view blacks is what keeps you happy, then please, keep on being that way and leave everybody else be. Trust us, nothing of value will be lost if you suddenly dropped dead the net day.
Anonymous17(5): @Dumbleton: well normally we'd be perfectly happy to voice our disapproval of bestiality on the site and move on..... its usually only when you cucks get 'triggered' by our opinions 'offending' you that arguments begin
we puritans may not be of value to you libtards but do tell how fast 1st world countries would fail without us
look at africa.... when leadership was taken away from whites and handed over to blacks, formerly stable nations became shitholes overnight
people are starving, disease is rampant, poverty is the way of existence for them... but you libtards still pat yourselves on the backs and say "but at least theyre free now"
Anonymous18(16): @Anonymous: The same kind of comments it isn't even funny anymore. And you know what saddening about your second statements? Why not actually give black a chance, and let them try and flourish and make a stable nation? But no, whites should be in charge of every single nation in the world, especially the ones that are non-white, since to you non-whites will never be able to live up to the borderline impossible expectations you have, right?
Give me a break. "Puritan", my ass. It's shit like this is why I wonder why this site even bothers to put stuff involving black people up. Mere pictures on a screen, yet this is what always happens? "Bestiality"? They're fucking PEOPLE. You hate blacks that much the moment you see a picture like this you go off the handle. It's honestly insane, but you're probably aren't self-aware so you don't even see it.
But like I said in the previous comment, if it makes your cookie-cutter life just a little bit happier, keep on doing it. Trying to talk to people like you is a waste of time.
Anonymous19: @Anonymous: I understand your frustration with shitty sites like this, but I embraced it years ago. Watching whites chimp-out at a mere sight of a black person (even a drawing) is fucking hilarious. They're so pathetic. lol
Anonymous22: Okay, guys, let's enjoy what is shown here: slutty Lois Griffin being banged by another of her lovers, this time Jerome. I think I would love to see Peter walk in with maybe Brian and Jerome yelling at them both to go away and give him another 7 hours that he already spent banging Lois. lol Knowing how Seth thinks & if he did do something like this I can see the next day Jerome & Lois still at it with Peter humbly asking if there are any clean socks to wear, apologizing for interrupting them. ;)
What a fucking tedious shitbag turd. Of course it would suddenly become different if you or yours "get the treatment" eh ?
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trying to shoot down people having opinions different than yours before they even post them
if you dont like people saying bad things about attractive and successful Africans then curl up in your hugbox and stay there in your safe space and stop coming out into the real world where racism exists
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you two trying to out-bitch each other crying over people disliking attractive and successful African porn on rule34
tell us all how much racism hurts you so bad
about as rediculous as that dick who acted like "its 2015" as if naming a year means noones supposed to be racist anymore
people have been racist for thousands of years... its not gonna stop in the next couple months or years just because youre easily offended little bitches
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or like in the case of anon1... being so seriously on edge they have to fire a pre-emptive shot criticizing racists before they even say anything
and you dont seem to understand the meaning of the word ignorant... it means lacking knowledge or information
like lets take a cop who works in a largely black area and deals with nignogs committing crime every day, and some sjw from a safe white neighborhood, the cop has experience and knowledge while sjw doesnt.... so if the cop said something do to with black crime rates... the sjw doesnt know shit about that because they havent dealt with it, and yet the sjw would be the one to cry "the cop is ignorant"
thats what your kind do,,, you dont know shit but that doesnt stop you from trying to act like you know more than the people who HAVE seen shit first hand
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Like I said before you think exactly like Hitler did. You see some people doing things you disapprove of and generalize them to everyone who shares similarities to them. Using this stupid broken logic white people are the most evil people in world, Hitler was white and was responsible for the death of 11 million people and they commit the most crimes worldwide. But normal people don't assume all white people are evil (no race is inherently evil) because they're not idiots unlike you. Ghettos being majority black is aftereffect of slavery and discrimination during the last century. Hate people that deserve the hate don't be ignorant (I gave evidence to prove my point you gave nothing) Also I love how you have no sense of irony and you think my name is legitimate lmao.
seriously they get all preachy like pussyslayer and act like racism is worse than all other problems in the world combined
"nevermind poverty, famine, disease, wars, homelessness etc... somebody said something racist on the internet... now THAT is a problem"
seriously lefties shed enough tears to cause sea levels to rise
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i know people dont like racists but i dont pounce on anti-racists and act like my opinion overrides others, its you lefties who do that
someone posts "blah blah something racist" and your people swarm all over their comment with "ERMAGERD RACISM"
i have yet to ever see a racist make the first move on a leftie,
we puritans may not be of value to you libtards but do tell how fast 1st world countries would fail without us
look at africa.... when leadership was taken away from whites and handed over to blacks, formerly stable nations became shitholes overnight
people are starving, disease is rampant, poverty is the way of existence for them... but you libtards still pat yourselves on the backs and say "but at least theyre free now"
Give me a break. "Puritan", my ass. It's shit like this is why I wonder why this site even bothers to put stuff involving black people up. Mere pictures on a screen, yet this is what always happens? "Bestiality"? They're fucking PEOPLE. You hate blacks that much the moment you see a picture like this you go off the handle. It's honestly insane, but you're probably aren't self-aware so you don't even see it.
But like I said in the previous comment, if it makes your cookie-cutter life just a little bit happier, keep on doing it. Trying to talk to people like you is a waste of time.