Anonymous5: Now that we've had a Judy Hopps and Coco Bandicoot recolor of this, I want one with Peridot.
It's because of the lips, see? they looks like Peridot's...
Anonymous6(5): Now that we've had a Judy Hopps and Coco Bandicoot recolor of this, I want one with Peridot.
It's because of the lips, see? they looks like Peridot's...
Anonymous7: @gdfsgdfg / @chickenboo: It does loop back to the beginning after a long while. Like with Peach's "1-Up" flash, it does so after the second time (not counting the very beginning) where the colors change to just white and purple, with a question-mark box inside Rosalina bouncing with the motion. The animation fades to purple after the man cums, it going through said box, coming out as a 1-Up mushroom. (Again, much like Peach's flash, which you can see on the site if you don't want to wait. Speaking of...)
Length (a.k.a. Technical Jargon Alert):
An edit that allows you to browse the animation with mouse coordinates ( tracks every frame in black text, there apparently being a whopping 12,052 frames. Divided by the framerate, 30 (seen on both flashes' SWFChan pages), this makes 401.73 seconds. Rounding up, 402 seconds to minutes means that the flash runs for just under 6:42.
And to think that she varies her moves all the while. Minus8, you are a true work of art.
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I really needed this :P
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It's because of the lips, see? they looks like Peridot's...
Whoa, imagine -8 and Gnome-no doing a collab!
It's because of the lips, see? they looks like Peridot's...
Whoa, imagine -8 and Gnome-no doing a collab!
Length (a.k.a. Technical Jargon Alert):
An edit that allows you to browse the animation with mouse coordinates ( tracks every frame in black text, there apparently being a whopping 12,052 frames. Divided by the framerate, 30 (seen on both flashes' SWFChan pages), this makes 401.73 seconds. Rounding up, 402 seconds to minutes means that the flash runs for just under 6:42.
And to think that she varies her moves all the while. Minus8, you are a true work of art.