extraction: @Anonymous: It's not so much paywalling, Zonkpunch always releases the full thing for free. He only shows off his WIP's to Patreons as a sort-of thank you.
Herzeleid: @Anonymous: How dare those faggots use patreon, earning money doing what they like for people like you enjoy their content for free! Fucking assholes.
Herzeleid: @Anonymous:
Sarcasm [sahr-kaz-uh m]
1. harsh or bitter derision or irony. a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain.
2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.
You could have seen that was sarcasm from FUCKING OUTER SPACE.
Anonymous3(1): @extraction:
I guess,but the whole "patreons get to see my finished shit a whole month or two ahead of time still feels like bullshit.
And fuck you.
Anonymous4: People who complain about art not being free are pieces of shit. People who are mad about free art coming early for those who pay are even dumber.
Zvantastika: @KitTheFusky: Nice tags and source you have set in this image, your report was also exquisite. Now, how about you get out for a day or two, take a deep breathe and stop being a prick. We already told you, the only one who can ask for this image to be removed is the artist himself. Vandalizing tags, sources and making frivolous reports is only a waste of time.
I guess it's a good time to set things straight about people uploading Patreon stuff: If you feel the image shouldn't be here, don't rant on the comments and don't change tags or sources to stupid crap, just tell the artist to contact us directly. If he contacts us, we'll delete the image asap and make sure his future stuff won't be uploaded without his permission. If he never sends a mail it means he doesn't mind the free publicity and maybe he'll get more Patreons since more people are watching his works.
ABDC: Lol, KitTheFusky got banned for 'tag and source vandalism'.
How can it be source vandalism if there IS no source in the first place?
Also, IP blocks? Really? Anyone could get around those. Like me for instance.
ABDC: lol, then admins lock the 'source'. I get the feeling that they don't know what sourcing is or how it works. Also @Zvantastika:
"maybe he'll get more Patreons since more people are watching his works." That's not how publicity works. This is how it works:
Oh also, I've been talking to the artist BEFORE I got to this image. They told me to go around and try and get the leaks taken down since they hardly have time because of work.
Zvantastika: @ABDC:
You see, I was just waiting for your return, didn't thought it would happen this fast though. Since you evaded the ban, it's time to delete your original account and lock the tags and source on this image.
And you're his personal manager?, PR director?, or just a pleb buttmad because "muh senpai art"?. I realize you're just buttmad beyond belief, maybe if you contacted the artist in the first place instead of being here (and still achieving nothing) this would had been solved days ago.
Farfegnugen: Fanboy pride full on display "B-b-b-but the artist won't like this. This is a precious gift to the world and this site will RUIN IT! Even though the artist won't care, I must defend their honor from you dogs!"
Yep, keep using proxies. They'll dry up soon enough.
ABDC: Oh also, 'achieving nothing'?
Satisfaction: Annoying you guys into being butthurt and whining about stuff you have no evidence for, until the artist has time.
Farfegnugen: I've also been in contact with the artist and they tells me he doesn't give a shit and what's their "fans" to leave the websites alone. Oh no, who's more believable, the dipshit that fucks with tags and evades, with pride, bans, or the lovable goof that been here for couple years. Neither. Only the artist matters and until staff hears from them, fuck off, White Knight.
Zvantastika: @ABDC: "Annoying you guys into being butthurt" Says as he replies for the 5th time in a row. You're only missing typing in all CAPS. Don't worry, I'm sure artist senpai will notice you now.
ABDC: @Farfegnugen: Nice heresay there. The artist does matter, which is why I'm doing this in the first place.
Nice ad hominem too, it really helps your lack of an argument.
ABDC: @Zvantastika: "Annoying you guys into being butthurt" Says as he replies for the 5th time in a row." He says as he replies again.
You're only missing valid points.
Don't worry, he already does.
Farfegnugen: @extraction: For ABDC's ban evasion. I made it because I didn't know if Zvantastika would be back. Of course, once the page refreshed, Zvan posted that comment with the "You activated my trap card." image. They might be keeping it reported to remind them to check in.
Anonymous5: @extraction: Why are all of you complaining, commenting like you're so mature over this.. literally arguing under a fox fucking a bunny. Who cares if extraction releases it, zonkpunch doesn't even finish 80% of the work he does, so like always he's probably not going to do anything with this anyways. Releasing moving pixels shouldn't trigger anyone, it actually makes me laugh how people are arguing under an image like this as if being professional does anything. Extraction, thanks for the release buddy ^-^
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Sarcasm [sahr-kaz-uh m]
1. harsh or bitter derision or irony. a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain.
2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.
You could have seen that was sarcasm from FUCKING OUTER SPACE.
I guess,but the whole "patreons get to see my finished shit a whole month or two ahead of time still feels like bullshit.
And fuck you.
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Guys, he releases it eventually, just calm your tits. It's not even got sound, for christ's sake.
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I guess it's a good time to set things straight about people uploading Patreon stuff: If you feel the image shouldn't be here, don't rant on the comments and don't change tags or sources to stupid crap, just tell the artist to contact us directly. If he contacts us, we'll delete the image asap and make sure his future stuff won't be uploaded without his permission. If he never sends a mail it means he doesn't mind the free publicity and maybe he'll get more Patreons since more people are watching his works.
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How can it be source vandalism if there IS no source in the first place?
Also, IP blocks? Really? Anyone could get around those. Like me for instance.
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"maybe he'll get more Patreons since more people are watching his works." That's not how publicity works. This is how it works:
Oh also, I've been talking to the artist BEFORE I got to this image. They told me to go around and try and get the leaks taken down since they hardly have time because of work.
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You see, I was just waiting for your return, didn't thought it would happen this fast though. Since you evaded the ban, it's time to delete your original account and lock the tags and source on this image.
And you're his personal manager?, PR director?, or just a pleb buttmad because "muh senpai art"?. I realize you're just buttmad beyond belief, maybe if you contacted the artist in the first place instead of being here (and still achieving nothing) this would had been solved days ago.
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Yep, keep using proxies. They'll dry up soon enough.
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Try again.
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Try again.
Also, really? The *tell them to do what they're already doing* response? What are you, 6 years old?
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Satisfaction: Annoying you guys into being butthurt and whining about stuff you have no evidence for, until the artist has time.
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Nice ad hominem too, it really helps your lack of an argument.
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You're only missing valid points.
Don't worry, he already does.
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The way I like it~.
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