Anonymous7: So, how was she connected to Penelope Pitstop?
Did a quick google, but nothing came up (although now I want to go back and watch the original "Space Battleship Yamato II", as she did a voice of one of the characters there
Anonymous13: This thing that the government is doing is clearly a violation of the First Amendment. We need to sink it into Congress's head that that's the case.
Also, "yell at your government again," something tells me this has happened before.
No president,Dem or Rep would even DARE to try and violate our rights outlaid in the Constitution.
and even if it remotely passes,it would die in the House or Senate.
Anonymous25(24): @Anonymous: It's the preamble to "you will own nothing and be happy." Also, asking about project 2025 or noticing it exists is completely antisemitic, so shame on you.
Anonymous27(4): @Anonymous: You have owned nothing since the advent of property tax.
I would still like someone to show me where project 2025 says porn should be banned. I looked and found nothing, so this ranting about banning porn seems to be bullshit. If it isn't, I would like to know. Of course project 2025 is a zionist powergrab, but what isn't?
Anonymous29: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: nah, fuck that shit, and fuck you. People like you are why our country is currently getting ran into the ground. I HOPE you try to do what you posted. Because then, you'll be the one who'll be getting their face on something made for people to destroy, like you shoul ddo with all of your flawed views on the world. Once you do that, maybe you won't be treated like an absolute dick irl, and you will finally go one fucking day without trying to racially profile someone.
The great plague of the maritime city
Will not cease until there be avenged the death
Of the just blood, condemned for a price without crime,
Of the great lady outraged by pretense.
"Bird Flu-Chan" is coming for all of us... And you thought Corona -Chan was bad......She'll be 42.5 times worse... Better start Drawing "Bird Flu Chan Rule 34 Pictures.
pornlover64: That's a nice featured image of Penelope Pitstop with her guardian/nemesis Sylvester Sneekly a.k.a Hooded Claw from Wacky Races (1968-1969) and Wacky Races (2017-2019).
Anonymous41(26): @LesPoll59: They have different voice actors for different regions. US has a group that voices them, UK has a different group, Japan has a different group. You think the voice actors travel to other regions to voice act in their cartoons?
Makroth: @Anonymous: "Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender
ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot
inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual
liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its
purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product
is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime.
Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should
be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed
as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that
facilitate its spread should be shuttered."
Anonymous44(13): @Makroth: These claims for outlawing porn is outlandish. Porn is a way of life, and we've had many popular mainstream porn magazines in the past (also they're completely oblivious to the fact that porn involving adult males exist but that's besides the point.) Plus anyone who is in support of free speech needs to speak up about this and spread it around.
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: If you think this is a left or right issue, you are mistaken. It's a "shit-eaters want to fuck with the internet" issue. If you don't want to partake, nobody is twisting your nipple.
OkeyDokeySkully: Speaking of trains in this image, some kid got imprisoned for switching a switch and derailing a train, BAZINGA!
Anonymous47(4): @Makroth: I'm not lying you fucking mouth-breathing tranny. I asked a fucking question that you didn't even attempt to answer, which is a citation for the claim "project 2025 wants to ban porn". You just quoted something without source.
Luckily, I'm not as fucking retarded as you or most of the media who will regurgitate a quote with no source and expect everyone to believe it's real. Apparently, that quote comes from the "Foreword: A Promise to America" by Kevin D. Roberts. So it is real. However, that document is also batshit insane compared to the rest of them and literally the only one I saw that mentions porn other than telling the party wagon to crack down on cheese pizza. I missed it the first time I went to validate unsourced claims like yours because it's not even in one of the main documents.
So is it actually part of project 2025? Maybe, could just be this Roberts (((guy))) was on the wrong drugs and no one checked it before posting it. Is project 2025 any candidate's platform? No. Will the federal government or any state ban porn? Very unlikely. Would any ban work? No, definitely not.
Porn is probably one of the only things keep most younger men content enough to not get Tedpilled on our Jewish masters.
Anonymous48(4): @Farfegnugen: It's not a left or right issue, except that it is a Judeo-Christian issue, and they run both the left and the right. Middle, top, and bottom, too.
Anonymous50(4): @Anonymous: I'm not taking the blame this time. The admin literally posted about porn being banned and I just responded to one of the mods. I'm on fucking topic for once.
Anonymous56(16): @Anonymous: Act 2 is to kill all shitty edgelords who post that stuff and Act 3 is the unban everyone so they can sing and dance around their burning corpses.
Anonymous61: you fabulous and successful Africans kvetching got so bad it woke up admins from their crust slumber
nice going shitfaggots just go die of aids
Anonymous70: @Anonymous: Lol you mad nobody wants your little ass shrimp dick cracker? "Waaah black guys fuck more than me. Kill them all" lol keep crying faggot
Anonymous77(13): @Anonymous: Whatever the case. It's obviously not gonna work. Remember when they banned booze in the 1910s and 1920s? Didn't go over very well now did it?
Plus, the claim of porn being addictive like drugs? Porn is a form of expression, drugs are not. First amendment, people!
Anonymous83(76): @Azumi: Oh, tell us all how worshiping a Jewish god as told to you in a Jewish text whose Jewish "son" saved you is very, very white indeed.
I guess I shouldn't expect anything other than MAGAt brainrot from a "based" furfag.
Azumi: @Anonymous: Yeah, larp as a le hammer worshipper all you want, thorpor, we both know you're going back to practice kapparot with your Eastcoast tribe when you log off from here.
"Le based third-optionerino" strawman-propping kike ass, lmao. Go unfold some more brand-new edgy flags for your fed buddies, lmao.
Anonymous84(76): @Azumi: Is this crap a joke or is this really the level of retardation required to believe that reciting the Torah will save you from the Jews? It sounds like you've gone completely off the deep end trying to justify your own race treason.
Anonymous85(76): @Azumi: I'm on my side, yes. Whose side are you on? It's certainly not the one my people belong to. Hell, it sounds like you're about to start spouting about "the plan" like a good little MAGAt. Is that what you're holding back? Please, tell us. Whose side are you on? Because all you've said so far is you're on the side of the Jewish god. That's not the side of any self-respecting white person and never will be.
Your religion is nothing but a sham to keep whites in line. It has never been anything else. That's why to this day Christian degenerates preach acceptance and globalism at every opportunity. Christianity doesn't just worship a Jew, it doesn't just recite Jewish scripture, it is entirely Jewish in practice and ideology, something plain to see to anyone who hasn't willfully deluded themselves. Your false choice is not a choice at all. You're both the same fucking thing and always have been. Cultural cancer.
That's assuming you would even count as "white" if you didn't have that Jewish stick shoved up your ass. Something tells me that isn't the case with how quick you are to try to talk like "le kids today".
Come to think of it, you should ask your bureau chief for a better script because this one is stale. Maybe toss in some rizz and skibidi. You might get a couple preteens on your bullshit train before they realize you're just another shill.
Azumi: @Anonymous: A jew is angry at Jesus because he got told to feed the hungry and work for his meals, lmao.
Seriously tho, the whole "nativist posting", with the Thor hammer shit rethoric and everything? Not very effective. I'd focus more on placing a lens on the International Elements attempts to always subvert a Nation's economy thru the tendrils of globalism in tandem with their implementation of Social Marxist instruments like "intersectionality" and "class warfare", rather than fighting christianity and further help the marxist agenda by ideologically dividing my race even further.
You're at the end of the day just another (Fellow White)³ doing "Fellow White" things, lolz.
Anonymous86(76): @Azumi: Oh! There we go. It's that darn woke agenda that's the problem, as if whites haven't been taking Jewish shit since Rome was intentionally collapsed. It all started with Disney buying Star Wars, I bet. Everything was great in the 50s, right?
Sorry, I'm done talking to the CIA's diversity hire.
Next time, don't send a shitskin who's so retarded they use their furry waifu as a profile picture while LARPing as the savior of the white race.
@Anonymous:Oh! There we go. It's that darn woke agenda that's the problem, as if whites haven't been taking Jewish shit since Rome was intentionally collapsed. It all started with Disney buying Star Wars, I bet. Everything was great in the 50s, right?
Sorry, I'm done talking to the CIA's diversity hire.
Next time, don't send a shitskin who's so retarded they use their furry waifu as a profile picture while LARPing as the savior of the white race, OOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYY VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
Well, I've seen it all, a 'racist' kike larping as a hardcore Murrikan peh'treeot while also idolozing neocon Israshit faggotry. Actually, I'll give it to you, that is indeed a description of the average American nowadays, lmao.
ohmanwhatsthis: It's a cold comfort but I am very glad that rather than even bother attempting any actual organization, all the fascists who never outgrew their /b/ phase are glued to their computer screens in an endless cycle of pointing at each other and screaming "no, YOU'RE the REAL Jew!" in the comments of a porn picture for a cartoon that nobody's watched for over 3 decades
I would advise them to go touch a type of grass that doesn't come from a dispensary, but I'm not sure whether them being burned to a crisp like an any beneath a magnifying glass by the sun they've lacked exposure to because any amount of tanning makes them less of a Based Hyperborean Aryan™ would be worth the risk of unleashing whatever horrendous pathogens were born from their unique conditions of shut-in squalor upon the world
Though I do suppose I can't really fault them for not having spoken to a real human being face-to-face for as long as they can remember, the inherent repulsion almost certainly scared everyone off, including fellow Nazis who took one look at them and concluded the category of "untermensch" included them as well
Would one month without an internet connection fix them? Probably not, but everyone else would certainly be less annoyed without all the flies and mosquitoes buzzing around and being nuisances without purpose
Anonymous89: @ohmanwhatsthis: The main problem is that it's not exclusive to one group. The left is just as bad or worse than the right to the point they interject communism. Look at Bonerific and Sharkjumper and you see this isn't a black and white issue. Both are shit, yet some people can't take the idea because it's "boring" when it's politics we are talking about, america is a complete joke now, they threat their politics as sports and see how we are here now.
/pol/ helped nobody.
Anonymous98: @Anonymous: If you're going to keep reposting this, can you fix it? The command to "smelt weapons" makes no sense. You mean "build weapons" because smelting weapons implies melting down existing weapons into raw metal.
Anonymous106(24): @Anonymous: First time here?
Eh, you just wait until november when the cackling street-shitter "defeats" the orange man and his vicepresident (who's married to another street-shitter, by the way) sidekick in very strange ways. We'll be entering a super talmud-pajeet era no matter who wins.
Anonymous107(24): @Anonymous: should we talk about the satanic olympics in France and how this time the olympics were only made to show the world the west has entered full buttsex, reggin-mania?
Anonymous108(98): @Anonymous: Trump is the designated winner. A huge part of American whites will gleefully die for him in foreign wars. But I agree it doesn't matter who "wins" because they're both the same thing.
@Anonymous: Christcukery screeching about "satan" in 2024, lol.
Anonymous112(98): @Anonymous: People might stop hating Jews if Jews stop doing so many evil things. When the world is this fucked up, it is natural people blame those at the top.
Anonymous116: @Anonymous: They'll keep bombing Iran until the ragheads get fed up and the west is incapable of sending yts to die for them. The way things are going that shouldn't be that far now.
Anonymous123(121): @TinyToonFan9: Because the admin is fucking retarded. The mental midget literally deleted the featured image because he didn't like the comments on it.
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: Usually, the host of the site sends an e-mail saying, "Remove these images or the site will go offline." The treatment normally goes the way of the baby and the bathwater because they usually complain about the baby still having bathwater on them. Or when some knucklehead refills the tub, that is, reuploads the removed images. Not fair to you all, even more so when it's overkill (or in some cases, super doper overkill) but it's better than losing the house when we can just drain the bathwater, and at times the baby.
Deskjet23: @Farfegnugen: That's all understandable (although I wish the site host or whichever government is threatening us would realize none of that shit is real and would focus on protecting actual children from abuse instead), what sucks is how wiiaboo just wipes out entire tags, resulting in tons of wrongfully deleted posts. In the most recent purges he nuked tags of two animators, both of which had hundreds of posts that featured no "underage content". I reuploaded what I could, but getting this stuff back on the site is a fool's errand, there's just so much of it. After a purge that happened a few years back he said that any future mass deletions won't happen without more scrutiny. Yet there's still barely any scrutiny. I get that making sure the site stays online is more important than preserving posts, but I don't see why you can't do both.
And the lack of transparency sucks just as much. I believe the users deserve to know what's going on.
Farfegnugen: @Deskjet23: As the meme goes, "Must be your first time." I yelled at the others about this. I've even pointed to a post/comment where he said he was going to be more transparent about this sort of thing, but it still happens. There's more warning about a DNP on an artist than a character tag. I get frustration with the last one since it was mostly adult characters, but it's the kind of thing where I tell the person to upload only adult people doing adult things, no characters that look like they should be in grade school, and good luck.
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: If you are asking us to ban free speech, it's not going to happen. People are welcome to post political comments as much as people are welcome to post political images. Hell, I encourage that kind of thing in times like these. Just don't get spammy or retarded about it.
Anonymous126(20): @Farfegnugen: "Retarded" about what!? I'm sick of this. I'm not asking to ban free speech. All I'm saying is why post a political comment on an XXX site?
You won't see any of that on the other Rule 34 site. They actually BAN you for posting political comments.
Free speech is also giving an opportunity for trolls to spam irrelevant things NOT RELATED to the featured image.
Deskjet23: @Anonymous: You can get banned for the most mundane shit on the other Rule 34 site. I once got a warning from a mod there for saying that a crappy AI-generated pic looks crappy lol. Not an argument.
Anonymous129: @Farfegnugen: Then get a better host. They exist. No excuses. Besides, that doesn't even touch the rest of the retarded shit that happens here.
@Anonymous: This is really easy: Fuck off. You've had things explained to you before but you keep coming back here to cry. So just fuck off.
Anonymous130(20): @Anonymous: How about you just fuck off and shut up. No one asked for your opinion. It seems to me that you love and enjoy crap like this.
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: "Retarded" about what!?" It's not hard to get stupid about something on this board, like picking fights with users just because their point of view doesn't match with theirs. Not like we've banned people in the past for being a straight-up rude dick to others. And it had to been pretty bad for this site.
"All I'm saying is why post a political comment on an XXX site?" What are you going to talk about in the image of Trump getting fucked by Putin? The fucking weather or how shitty the Cards are playing this year? I can tell you this guy, it's only to get worse as November approaches. Get used to it now or go away.
"You won't see any of that on the other Rule 34 site." Then fuck off to other sites. If you can not ignore it, you are welcome to leave. You will not be missed Anonymous129(21).
@Anonymous: Bonerific got banned because he didn't stop posting non-porn and non-Rule 34, not for the stuff he was crapping out. He knew you fucks were eating that shit up like pigs at troff and he was more than happy to serve it.
@Anonymous: What a great suggestion. And I'm sure they do exist.
TinyToonFan9: Admin please stop purgeing I work really hard to keep this site alive but then you purge some Kemono Friends posts despise them being fucking adults with animal ears and tail
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: You are right. Other sites are out there. What a great suggestion.
Two suggestions for you but I go with the polite one; You are barking up the wrong tree. If you have a legitimate suggestion, something other than "get a better host", click on Contact at the bottom of the page.
@Anonymous: Yeah, Chaturbate and some porn mill care about what gets posted here. That was a pretty poorly thought-out guess though.
Anonymous135(129): @Farfegnugen: It's not my job to do your/your admin's job. What do you even want, the name of a host? It's really simple: shoot an email to ATFBooru or Baraag. You need me to do that for you? Who wants to bet if I did you'd find some excuse?
If it really is the host and not about the shekels, then prove it and fix that situation. If it's about the shekels, which has been the case at countless other websites, stop lying about it. Even the namefags are starting to get pissed with the retardation.
Anonymous136(119): @Anonymous: Oh yeah, that talmudic pro-censorship megacunt. I think I lost several accounts during her tenure for posting the jab was a dangerous dna bomb on covid videos. She is now back with her father.
Anonymous142: @Anonymous: You really underestimate MAGA republicans. Their goal is to make the US into a theocratic monarchy. If Agent Orange wins again, there will no longer be any semblance of democracy in the US.
Anonymous150(129): @Farfegnugen: That's coming from someone who just asked me to email them a solution to their problem they're making into everyone else's problem.
Look, I don't blame you. I know you're not allowed to do shit and the admin is absolutely retarded. But this shit makes people not want to come to sites like this. Paheal already has less than xxx other than the verboten content and it has much worse tagging, so if I have to go to ATF anyway, why come here? The only selling point is the retardation in the comments, which gets old.
Anonymous151: @Anonymous: @Azumi: I Agree. Penelope Pitstop after being pulled away from the rail tracks and not hit should be Stripped Completely Naked With Boots/Shoes and Socks Removed then, Red Ball-Gagged and Raped in a Dimly Lit Basement Barefoot/Bare Feet Forever Never Seen From Again or Never Heard From Again. The Perils Of Penelope Pitstop.
Anonymous152(117): @Anonymous: It seems this site's filters think "a_h_h" is supposed to be a bowdlerisation of a term for "donkey" and thinks that's rude, so it changes it to a term for "bum".
Azumi: @Makroth: Lolz, that's the best argument you can provide, "Nyee, support global jew degeneracy because you have a cartoon pfp, fellow degenerate! Yeah, that appeal to weakness doesn't work with the strong-willed. Despite my flaws, I still prefer to appeal for righteousness rather than staying silent against evil because I'm not "good enough to speak against degeneracy", pussy. And the Holofaux was a lie, kek.
@Anonymous: They can try, but that's definitely a very retarded part of their many other good points. They should take a page from the American Prohibition and learn what disasters can occur when you outlaw human habits; I can already see a surge in the black markets of bonafide illegal porn along with regular one, just like the Prohibition created more alcoholics than it ever cured, along with the fucking Mafia. They should instead focus on charging heavy taxes on the large and established pornographic houses and leave amateur and art site alone. Their objective is cracking on one of the largest purveyors of artificial social trends, which along with the rest of the economy and social landscape in the west, will eventually lead back to a gradual self-abstinence from smut on society at large, basically getting the results no ammount of legislation could ever produce. Sadly, the difficult part lies in making the west more livable and fertile again.
Anonymous153: @Azumi: I still don't like the aftermath Project 2025 is going to do many things that will ruin America, such as outlawing porn. I also heard it's trying to classify LGBTQ+ material as porn, even the SFW pieces. We need to let our voices heard.
Makroth: @Azumi: There isn't a single thing that's strong-willed about you, piss-baby. Here you are shitting yourself about everything that is different than yourself, you pathetic throw-back.
Anonymous155: @Makroth: On this one, I have to take the Christcuck furry's side. You're a retarded leftist Jew. If you get your way, you'll be the first one to go in your new utopia.
At least, in that brief moment, it will be the same as my utopia.
@Makroth: No, you aren't rational. You're deluded.
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Did a quick google, but nothing came up (although now I want to go back and watch the original "Space Battleship Yamato II", as she did a voice of one of the characters there
Also, "yell at your government again," something tells me this has happened before.
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No president,Dem or Rep would even DARE to try and violate our rights outlaid in the Constitution.
and even if it remotely passes,it would die in the House or Senate.
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Also, the petition won't do squat. The people in the goverment never give a fuck about what people want.
I would still like someone to show me where project 2025 says porn should be banned. I looked and found nothing, so this ranting about banning porn seems to be bullshit. If it isn't, I would like to know. Of course project 2025 is a zionist powergrab, but what isn't?
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The great plague of the maritime city
Will not cease until there be avenged the death
Of the just blood, condemned for a price without crime,
Of the great lady outraged by pretense.
"Bird Flu-Chan" is coming for all of us... And you thought Corona -Chan was bad......She'll be 42.5 times worse... Better start Drawing "Bird Flu Chan Rule 34 Pictures.
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ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot
inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual
liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its
purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product
is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime.
Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should
be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed
as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that
facilitate its spread should be shuttered."
You fucking liar.
"Also, "yell at your government again," something tells me this has happened before."
i guess with the SOPA thing, that this site also asked users to petition against.
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Luckily, I'm not as fucking retarded as you or most of the media who will regurgitate a quote with no source and expect everyone to believe it's real. Apparently, that quote comes from the "Foreword: A Promise to America" by Kevin D. Roberts. So it is real. However, that document is also batshit insane compared to the rest of them and literally the only one I saw that mentions porn other than telling the party wagon to crack down on cheese pizza. I missed it the first time I went to validate unsourced claims like yours because it's not even in one of the main documents.
So is it actually part of project 2025? Maybe, could just be this Roberts (((guy))) was on the wrong drugs and no one checked it before posting it. Is project 2025 any candidate's platform? No. Will the federal government or any state ban porn? Very unlikely. Would any ban work? No, definitely not.
Porn is probably one of the only things keep most younger men content enough to not get Tedpilled on our Jewish masters.
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Yes that was intentional.
nice going shitfaggots just go die of aids
We must work together to take down our common enemy. Israel.
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Go back the sharty
Miserable incel
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Plus, the claim of porn being addictive like drugs? Porn is a form of expression, drugs are not. First amendment, people!
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Here, make (yourself)³ feel right at home:
I guess I shouldn't expect anything other than MAGAt brainrot from a "based" furfag.
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"Le based third-optionerino" strawman-propping kike ass, lmao. Go unfold some more brand-new edgy flags for your fed buddies, lmao.
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You're way above your head and far beyond your own depth. Let it go, lmao. You really have no idea what side you're even on but your own.
Your religion is nothing but a sham to keep whites in line. It has never been anything else. That's why to this day Christian degenerates preach acceptance and globalism at every opportunity. Christianity doesn't just worship a Jew, it doesn't just recite Jewish scripture, it is entirely Jewish in practice and ideology, something plain to see to anyone who hasn't willfully deluded themselves. Your false choice is not a choice at all. You're both the same fucking thing and always have been. Cultural cancer.
That's assuming you would even count as "white" if you didn't have that Jewish stick shoved up your ass. Something tells me that isn't the case with how quick you are to try to talk like "le kids today".
Come to think of it, you should ask your bureau chief for a better script because this one is stale. Maybe toss in some rizz and skibidi. You might get a couple preteens on your bullshit train before they realize you're just another shill.
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Seriously tho, the whole "nativist posting", with the Thor hammer shit rethoric and everything? Not very effective. I'd focus more on placing a lens on the International Elements attempts to always subvert a Nation's economy thru the tendrils of globalism in tandem with their implementation of Social Marxist instruments like "intersectionality" and "class warfare", rather than fighting christianity and further help the marxist agenda by ideologically dividing my race even further.
You're at the end of the day just another (Fellow White)³ doing "Fellow White" things, lolz.
Sorry, I'm done talking to the CIA's diversity hire.
Next time, don't send a shitskin who's so retarded they use their furry waifu as a profile picture while LARPing as the savior of the white race.
- Reply
Well, I've seen it all, a 'racist' kike larping as a hardcore Murrikan peh'treeot while also idolozing neocon Israshit faggotry. Actually, I'll give it to you, that is indeed a description of the average American nowadays, lmao.
I would advise them to go touch a type of grass that doesn't come from a dispensary, but I'm not sure whether them being burned to a crisp like an any beneath a magnifying glass by the sun they've lacked exposure to because any amount of tanning makes them less of a Based Hyperborean Aryan™ would be worth the risk of unleashing whatever horrendous pathogens were born from their unique conditions of shut-in squalor upon the world
Though I do suppose I can't really fault them for not having spoken to a real human being face-to-face for as long as they can remember, the inherent repulsion almost certainly scared everyone off, including fellow Nazis who took one look at them and concluded the category of "untermensch" included them as well
Would one month without an internet connection fix them? Probably not, but everyone else would certainly be less annoyed without all the flies and mosquitoes buzzing around and being nuisances without purpose
/pol/ helped nobody.
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Eh, you just wait until november when the cackling street-shitter "defeats" the orange man and his vicepresident (who's married to another street-shitter, by the way) sidekick in very strange ways. We'll be entering a super talmud-pajeet era no matter who wins.
@Anonymous: Christcukery screeching about "satan" in 2024, lol.
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This is a pic of Penelope Pitstop and you guys are bitching over something that has NOTHING to do with it.
Morons! I swear...every time there's a featured pic, it starts off tame...then dives into politics.
I'm telling you, the clown show on this site is alive and well...
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And the lack of transparency sucks just as much. I believe the users deserve to know what's going on.
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You won't see any of that on the other Rule 34 site. They actually BAN you for posting political comments.
Free speech is also giving an opportunity for trolls to spam irrelevant things NOT RELATED to the featured image.
This is starting to become common now...
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He basically got away with doing this anytime he wanted before he finally got banned.
@Anonymous: This is really easy: Fuck off. You've had things explained to you before but you keep coming back here to cry. So just fuck off.
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"All I'm saying is why post a political comment on an XXX site?" What are you going to talk about in the image of Trump getting fucked by Putin? The fucking weather or how shitty the Cards are playing this year? I can tell you this guy, it's only to get worse as November approaches. Get used to it now or go away.
"You won't see any of that on the other Rule 34 site." Then fuck off to other sites. If you can not ignore it, you are welcome to leave. You will not be missed Anonymous129(21).
@Anonymous: Bonerific got banned because he didn't stop posting non-porn and non-Rule 34, not for the stuff he was crapping out. He knew you fucks were eating that shit up like pigs at troff and he was more than happy to serve it.
@Anonymous: What a great suggestion. And I'm sure they do exist.
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Oh, wait. Did I just out the real reason?
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Two suggestions for you but I go with the polite one; You are barking up the wrong tree. If you have a legitimate suggestion, something other than "get a better host", click on Contact at the bottom of the page.
@Anonymous: Yeah, Chaturbate and some porn mill care about what gets posted here. That was a pretty poorly thought-out guess though.
She was a rather hot MILF
If it really is the host and not about the shekels, then prove it and fix that situation. If it's about the shekels, which has been the case at countless other websites, stop lying about it. Even the namefags are starting to get pissed with the retardation.
Susan you ugly af
Auschwitz or Dachau
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Pour one out for Ms Lillis
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Look, I don't blame you. I know you're not allowed to do shit and the admin is absolutely retarded. But this shit makes people not want to come to sites like this. Paheal already has less than xxx other than the verboten content and it has much worse tagging, so if I have to go to ATF anyway, why come here? The only selling point is the retardation in the comments, which gets old.
But no one gives a fuck, I know.
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Rip: Rachel Lillis.
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@Anonymous: This nyukka, lmao
@Anonymous: It's me, brah, I'm a 7-foot-tall bisexual tigress biker from space, can't you see? Nah, I can't remember where I got it from, man.
@Anonymous: I'm sorry, rats :(
@Anonymous: They can try, but that's definitely a very retarded part of their many other good points. They should take a page from the American Prohibition and learn what disasters can occur when you outlaw human habits; I can already see a surge in the black markets of bonafide illegal porn along with regular one, just like the Prohibition created more alcoholics than it ever cured, along with the fucking Mafia. They should instead focus on charging heavy taxes on the large and established pornographic houses and leave amateur and art site alone. Their objective is cracking on one of the largest purveyors of artificial social trends, which along with the rest of the economy and social landscape in the west, will eventually lead back to a gradual self-abstinence from smut on society at large, basically getting the results no ammount of legislation could ever produce. Sadly, the difficult part lies in making the west more livable and fertile again.
@Anonymous: Bio-gas, lolz
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At least, in that brief moment, it will be the same as my utopia.
@Makroth: No, you aren't rational. You're deluded.
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@Anonymous133(129) No you did not but it seems like that guy over there did.