Anonymous4: Metamorpho - a mass of chemical glop. DC discontinued the comic with issue #17 and kept him in back-up status ever since. In fact issues #16-17 were a storyline that DC never completed or resolved. Sapphire marries Wally Bannister who hasn't been seen before -or since. Metamorpho goes off with Mr. Shadow to find the Rose-Red City Half as old as Time -and finds its undying queen Jezeba who claimed she loved him 2000 years ago. Metamorpho marries her -and then she goes off on world conquest. BUT when she steps outside the city, she ages 2000 years and dies. Mr. Shadow then shows Metamorpho that he is NOT his friend. Metamorpho is arrested for the murder of Wally Bannister (what's the term for a character that's brought in just to get offed ?), is found guilty in a mockery of a trial (shades of Jesus b eing judged by Pontus Pilate !)framed by the Prosecutor and frozen inert. He is revived by Element Girl who damaged the freezing machine, defeats the Prosecutor, and then finds the ORIGINAL Element Man -who being no longer flesh & blood never grew old. He was bathing in boiling lava to restore his chemical powers and then battles Metamorpho. HE was the one who killed Wally Bannister. Despite his restored powers, he is defeated, weakens and then dissolves in the boiling lava. The Prosecutor is then killed for failing, by an insect monster in the pupa stage, commanding a horde of insects.That ended issue #17.It also ended the series. The return of Metamorpho 4 years later in Action made no allusions to these events.
Anonymous6: Anon2-3, just because that was Mr. Winick's intention all along doesn't mean she didn't get a fair shake now. Does it? Anon5, I was thinking that Anon4 knows copy & paste, since that reads like something that was taken from some fan encyclopedia whatever. But, a search using a couple of the sentences got me nothing. Also, let me be that one guy to write "This is canon." It actually is. I don't believe Nightwing said, "Will you two get a room?" I can't even remember if it was Nightwing and Thunder who walked in on them. But, walked in on they were, as they rutted over the Outsiders' computer consoles.
Karate_Ale: It was Jade and Starfire walking in on them giving the Pequod "the Durango treatment," to quote the comic. (Yep, I'm a nerd with a good memory.)
Anon4, the term for characters brought in just to get offed is "Girlfriends in Refrigerators."
Anon4, the term for characters brought in just to get offed is "Girlfriends in Refrigerators."
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@Anonymous: :Thank you, I never knew what had happened to him.
@Karate_Ale: Or just, "fridged".