SparktehFox: @Anonymous: The average vaginal canal is approximately 3-4 inches deep, doubling in size with arousal. Though few woman may have up to 7 inches unaroused.
Anonymous2(1): @SparktehFox: I've generally wondered, seeing some porn movies, just how much the human vagina, COULD, accommodate, and, arrived at, generally, something like your dimensions, too! I'm pretty sure, if a man can get killed, by buttsex with a horse, most likely,
most women couldn't accommodate a penis 10-12 inches, or more, vaginally, either. As you said, however, there are exceptions to this rule, though what percentage! CAN take these HUGE cocks, I couldn't say.
Anonymous3(1): You know, Santa MAY be trying to kill The Smiths, again, just changing his methods, killing them with KINDNESS, after a fashion! You know,nFrancine may have one of the BIGGEST Sex Gardens, in the world, but, she did it,ONE DICK AT A TIME!!! ANYTHING RLSE, she'd have died back in the 80s
most women couldn't accommodate a penis 10-12 inches, or more, vaginally, either. As you said, however, there are exceptions to this rule, though what percentage! CAN take these HUGE cocks, I couldn't say.