Anonymous3: Dude, real talk. You need to stop posting these. Upload something else instead. Something that makes sense and doesn't mildly annoy people for like 2 secs. You won't even have to fake people wanting your art.
Anonymous6: It's unwanted and annoying. Make some work that people CAN get off to if you're doing smut. You'd be better off drawing either FE or Spiderman R34. They don't mix.
Anonymous9(1): @Anonymous: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: You people are a bunch of fucking babies, its a crossover. I bet all you whiners are 12 years just being introduced to this site
Anonymous10: @Anonymous: Dude, stop posting this shit. Just stop embarrassing yourself. Nobody likes this, it's just so bad. Start uploading things that make sense and are actually hot and realistic, and you'll actually start getting positive feedback. SpidermanXLucina is a lost cause. Just because it's a crossover doesn't make it good.
cowman: @Anonymous: why do you people treat this shipping as a problem. Plus I post whatever I want. I'm going to continue posting whether you assholes like it or not. LucinaxSpiderman is not a lost cause, its not even that bad.
abcdman123: Lucina's looking fucking hot here. Not understanding the anger though. The pairing's funny, yeah, but hate? Calm the fuck down. Do what you love, cowman.
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