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TagsONJ_Fakes, Olivia_Newton-John, fakes, featured_image, music
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Anonymous1: Farture
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Since somebody always asks "who died"...

Yes, she did. A couple of days ago.
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BetterGetUsedTo: Will a little more love bring a happy ending?
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bonerific: Damn. Another boomer celebrity bites the dust. RIP.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Though I'm surprised there are only 26 pics of her. She's been around since at least the sixties, and she looked pretty damn good even at the end.
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bonerific: @jubilation_t_cornpone: So she was the one behind the "Let's get physical" song from back in the day. Damn she was hot during her prime. I didn't get to experience the entire 80s but I got a small taste of it during the early 90s. For all the newfags lurking, the reason why you don't see many very many fat people during 80s is because back then, physical education, exercising, & staying fit was praised & heavily promoted, & it was a blessing that carried over to the 90s & 2000s. Yes, there was fat people, but they were smaller in numbers compared to today. Now we advertise fat negros for sport drinks, heavily tattooed, & mentally ill faggots & trannies as "normal" all in the name of wokeism. How the mighty have fallen. Give me a time machine please. I want to go back.
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Anonymous2: Fortnite?
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Anonymous3: I was wondering why it was taking so long for her death to be acknowledged here.
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duckpenisexpert: @bonerific: wow friend, you’ve got a lot of anger stored up.
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Farfegnugen: @jubilation_t_cornpone: I'm surprised there as many as there is.
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Das_Booty: Who else is gonna die before the Anne Heche feature?
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Farfegnugen: @Das_Booty: If there is a Anne Heche feature. So far there are 7 images and most don't look very good.
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Anonymous4: @Farfegnugen: You say that like it means anything.
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Anonymous5: @duckpenisexpert: It'd be very weird not to. There are just so many things to hate in this contemporary clownworld.
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Anonymous6: @bonerific: The fuck you on about, mate? There were loads of fat people during the 80s and 90s. A whole ton of famous ones too. John Candy, John Goodman, Chris Farley, Danny Devito, Roseanne Barr/Arnold/whatever, that kid from the Goonies, to name just a few. We weren't all built like Arnie and Stallone lol. And junk food was promoted way, WAY more than it is now. Can't even get a decent portion at most places these days. Have to buy two just to satisfy the craving lol.

Yeah, you should go back to your imaginary place you claim to be from, you ain't welcome here, mate. Your attention seeking edgelord shite is tiny penis anger for sure.
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Anonymous7: Meh, she was a (((bitch))) glad she's dead.
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Anonymous8: @bonerific: God you're simple. You're nostalgic for marketing campaigns, for fuck sake, because that's all that 80s/90s image of fitness ever was. The same era you're so desperate to return to gave rise to the obesity epidemic, a direct result of the meteoric rise of the fast food industry and junk food companies. Modern fat people are the same ones who were told that Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs were part of a healthy, balanced breakfast by Michael fucking Jordan. The image of fitness is a marketable pitch, but empty carbs and 100 grams of sugar per serving SELLS, and the true staple of the 80s and 90s was unmitigated growth to the detriment of all else.

And if you're really up in arms against "wokeness" (for what little meaning that word has left), you ought to be shouting at the same mentality that forged the companies that manufactured that obesity epidemic. Exploitative shit-heals are always looking for a trend or movement to milk dry, and marginalized groups desperate for any kind of recognition are prime pickings. Most of the people that make you seethe so were, on an individual level, only ever looking to not be ground down by an often hateful world. But morals-barren Business knows a marketable venue when they see it, AND know they can rely on people like yourself to keep that hateful world intact so their mark always has a reason to keep seeking the comfort of their service.

You're mad at the wrong people, and you always will be.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Uh, "shit-heals"? Unless you think shit heals you of anything, the term you want is shit heel (plural shit heels) (vulgar, derogatory) a contemptible person.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: True or not, who cares? Lots of celebrities are assholes in private. They still entertain us in public.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: For instance, Mark Wahlberg was a real sack of shit during his Marky Mark days.
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meow-meow: "and marginalized groups desperate for any kind of recognition are prime pickings"
blacks are so marginalized, that USA(and several other countries) almost imploded when a violent drugged criminal died when resisting arrest. he had the protected race though, so all these other details didnt really matter.

also, fitness doesnt require any monetary investment. eating less doesnt make companies richer, moving your body (or brain, which burns more calories than muscles anyway, which is why you dont see fatass chess players or scientists) doesnt either. which is why the whole "fat acceptance" movement was made, to make people needlessly over-consume while making them even more retarded and manipulatable. and i guess USA doesnt have PE or gym or whatever its called classes, because if fat activists get triggered by a doctor telling them that fatness is unhealthy, i assume they would shit themselves in anger if they were forced to physically exercise.
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Anonymous9: rule 34 live action moment
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Gallows187: everyone's so sad she died, but i haven't heard her name in 30 years and nobody I know in real life has any idea who she is.

what a tragedy. I will miss the half gallon of tea berry ice cream in my fridge more when it's gone.

and if you're too young to remember tea berry ice cream, don't act like you know Olivia Newton-John.
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Gallows187: I've seen so many fat scientists and chess players that it makes me want to go out and buy more ice cream.
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Anonymous10: Guys my dad will buy me a Nintendo switch today guys I’m so excited
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1278keikaku: @Anonymous: ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿค™
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Gallows187: "nobody I know in real life has any idea who she is". Lots of great singers and actors of the past are virtually or totally unknown to young people. That doesn't mean they weren't great. And conversely, maybe the singers/actors of today aren't really all that good in comparison. It's all subjective, ya know?
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bonerific: @Anonymous:
The world you were born in no longer exist. No one wants to see your fat ugly orcs on display. There will be a massive rebellion against niggerdom & all things woke-related in the future, & I for one will welcome it.
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Tucsoncoyote: We back in the 1980's used to call her "Olivia Neutron Bomb" and there's a good reason for it..

She's kill you with her stunning good looks as you rubbed your dick raw, yet she'd leave you still stiff if you took a dose of Viagra.
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Anonymous11: This feels like a weird pic to fap to since the fact that ONJ ironically had breast cancer.
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Anonymous12(11): I've noticed this image is an edit of her 1976 album "Don't Stop Believin'.
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Anonymous13: @bonerific
Ignore these cope wierdos, you really can't blame them because they seem not being raised or don't understand how it was back then. But even me, who was raised in the Gen Z, I have respected and understanded it.
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Anonymous14: Fucking disrespectful asshole...
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Anonymous15: @bonerific: the world is becoming less tolerant of racism and sexism, and that's a good thing, you're just a piece of shit
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hereforthehumor: :(
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Anonymous16: @bonerific: Least offensive Rule34 user
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meow-meow: i guess "less tolerant of racism and sexism" means positively discriminating based on race and sex. as long as they have the "correct" race/sex.
of course the common reply to this hypocrisy is "racism requires power, so its impossible to be racist against whites".
which implies that its also impossible to be racist against blacks in africa, since they hold the power there, and impossible to be racist against asians in asia, etc. so this logic itself is racist, by generalizing based on race regardless of individual "power" or any other characteristic of a person.
not sure why im trying to make sense to khazar commenter AIs though.
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bonerific: @Anonymous:
Not my problem.

Racism is a natural response to attractive and successful African behavior. Sexism is a natural response to roastie behavior. Antisemitism is a natural response to kike behavior. Homophobia is a natural response to homosexual behavior. Transphobia is a natural response to tranny behavior. Fascism is a natural response to communist behavior. Traditionalism is a natural response post-modernism behavior, isolationism is a natural response to nepotism behavior, etc.

Your gaslighting doesn't work anymore, & neither does your namecalling. For every shitposter like myself there will be 10 others who will take my place. Even if this site were to go full USSR like Reddit, other users & anons would still find ways to say the same messages. Normies will then pick on the trends.

Never forget leftoids, everything happens for a reason, & sometimes that reason is because you're stupid & you make bad decisions. You were always, ALWAYS, judged by the content of your character & you proved you had shitty content of characters. All you had to do was leave people alone. But no, you just had to push others to their breaking limits. You showed your true colors in 2020 (no pun intended). The amount of enemies you have now have grown exponentially in the last 5 years. Your actions blackpilled many who lived the cities & witnessed the riots. If you don't think your actions will have an effect other things, such as the quality of life, cost of living, jobs, etc., then you have another thing coming. You are free to do as you choose but you are never free from the consequences of those choices. This is the fate you chose. There is no turning back.
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bonerific: @meow-meow: Political correctness is alien to me. Seems the PC crowd is always walking on egg shells. Can't be funny. Can't say X because that might offend Y. I never caught on into the whole "body positive" thing, like what's so "positive" about being a fat pig? You're a food glutton. Get help already. I still call fat people "fat" in public because they are fat. Suck it up fatties. Not my problem. "Thicc" is a just an attractive and successful African cope word for being fat. 80s fitness campaigning was a good thing for the US & Olivia Newton-John made it trendy to alot of normies in the 80s. Everytime I see a fat activist calling a fat obese mutt "beautiful" I can't help but point & laugh at them. If you're not fat then congratulations, you're part of the 1/3rd of the US population that isn't a braindead goyslop consumer.
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Anonymous17: Oh boy, is that the beginning of a political flamewar? Let me get my popcorn first.
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Anonymous18: ะžะฝะธ ะตะฑะฝัƒะปะธััŒ
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Anonymous19(18): ะะพ ัะฐะผะพะต ะณะปะฐะฒะฝะพะต ะฒ ัั‚ะพ, ัั‚ะพ ั‚ะพ, ั‡ั‚ะพ ั€ะตะดะบะพ ะณะดะต ะผะพะถะฝะพ ั ั‚ะฐะบะธะผ ะธะฝั‚ะตั€ะตัะพะผ ั‡ะธั‚ะฐั‚ัŒ ะฟะพะปะธั‚ะธั‡ะตัะบะธะต ัะฟะพั€ั‹.
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Anonymous20: @Anonymous: they are basically saying that they're reading the political dispute in the comments and are enjoying it
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ColdFusion: @bonerific: Last time i checked it was the kooky left telling everyone to eat soy and margarine and be skinny as fuck. The problem with fatness is stress, not the basic good honest fatty food that healthy people have been eating for millennia.
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Kyoshinhei: ugh, I remember a time when the Feature image was fun now its just fucking depressing :/
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meow-meow: guess ColdFusion has never heard of fat acceptance movement, health at every size, body-positivity (meaning fat-positivity only), plus-size models, etc.
fatness is now a "born this way" trait like everything else people arent supposed to criticize or think about.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: To pause the pissing and moaning and get back to ONJ, my favorite movie/song of hers was always Xanadu.
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Hentailicker93: Hmm, that's a nice fake picture. May her soul RIP.
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Anonymous21(1): Late and Amongus.
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Selene: LOL A little late for this to be featured. Time to find something with Anne Heche now.
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Anonymous22: Meh, Stockard Channing is who makes me a rock hard man...ning
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TinyToonFan9: I know this has noting to do with the picture but is there even going to be porn on Disney's newest show Hamster and Gretel?
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Anonymous23: @bonerific: Deranged, porn-addled rightoids like you are so funny to witness.
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The_Green_Goblin: @Das_Booty: @Selene: Feature away:

@TinyToonFan9: @TinyToonFan9: Speaking of Disney:
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: No. Read the FAQ.
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Anonymous24: Kay kay kay heil hitler
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: How can you people live with such hatred? Seems like it would burn your guts out over time. No black person ever did ANYTHING to me.
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Farfegnugen: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Theory: Anon38 thinks grandpa is pretty cool, so he talks like grandpa.
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Anonymous25: what the fuck is this garbage
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Anonymous26: @Gallows187: no one knows who this slut is
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IRJones: Fuck Olivia-neutron-bomb. I'm old enough to remember her as a squirrel! (You had to be there) There were no blacks in the Physical video.
Just can't see the connection. I do see the Jew point of view. Russia kills Ukrainians. Israel do the same every few weeks.
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Anonymous27: @jubilation_t_cornpone: It's just statistics, m8. You can only ignore them for so long. There is a saying in Russia that "you only like gypsies until you meet them", most people have same attitude with gypsies too. They're probably even worse that nั—ggers. Just don't be so dramatic. By and large the blacks in general are violent underdeveloped apes, who are yet to evolve to our level. ะnd the state hoards them as a shield against YOU.
But on invididual basis, there are some black people who just did already.
People hate it when it's about identities these days, getting in your face and demanding everything. We should go back to the "colourblind" attitude, which is good old judging people by their deeds.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: It's not a gated community, but it is upscale. On the other hand, if there is something inherently wrong with black people as you claim, they would behave just as badly in a nice neighborhood. I have mexicans next door and across the street. There are several black families as well. Their houses and yards look just as good as everyone else's. I'm old and have memory issues, so they all look out for me, making sure I close my garage door at night, etc. All three races. Maybe if all races had the same opportunities, it could be that way all over the country.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: And yes, I do judge people by their deeds. See previous post. All of the deeds I referred to are good.

As far as violent underdeveloped apes, they are forced to live in absolute shitholes, so exactly HOW can they "evolve to our level", since they have no examples of civilized behavior to learn from?
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Anonymous28: Rest in peace.
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meow-meow: i think the black hating is mostly a reaction to the black worshipping going on. even if they are genetically less intelligent than every other race except australian aboriginals, they wouldnt have to behave in a certain way. for example, The Boondocks was written by a black guy, and its centered around showcasing problems about blacks. the biggest reason they adopted this way of being, is because the Big Nose Tribe deliberately taught it into them. ganxta culture, hip-hop, violence against whites, oversexualization(and thus disappearing fathers), drug abuse, wasting money on jewelry and other bullshit. not claiming they are much more civilized in africa, but you can trace all these back to the big nosed people.

also, im pretty sure anecdotal evidence doesnt disprove the statistical average.
and "they are forced to live in absolute shitholes": pretty sure there is not a more positively discriminated race than them. when they underperform whites, they will still be hired due to diversity quotas/"affirmative action". when they kill a white kid for being white, its not racism and not news. when they die from drugs while resisting arrest, cities burn down and there is a global outrage. they cant be shown in a negative light in the media, they can silence anyone by crying "RACISM". they are worshipped, fetishized, preferred over others on the basis of their race. a dirt-poor somalian can move to europe, get free house, free job without any qualifications, and form rape gangs without any repercussions, just because they are black. that is how oppressed they are
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IRJones: PLEASE, if we are superior to other races, then it is our duty to care for them. We were placed here by the super powers, like a national park. this is how it played out. We are all in this farm as an experiment. Sorry, The Negroes just did'nt make the grade. The dice were loaded from the start. One thing is for sure, the Black folk will not lead us into a nuclear annihilation. The dolphins have a better chance than that. If the aliens troubled themselves to take care of us. Who would they chose to teach, Us or Them? We are all us. WASP.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: Yes, that does make sense.
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bonerific: @jubilation_t_cornpone:
From my experience, the blacks were the worst offenders in school. Loud, obnoxious, lowest class attendance, lowest grades (teachers had to make test curves just for them), getting into fights, caught dealing drugs, sheboons who would snap at you if you accidentally stepped on their shoes while in a crowded hallway. Every single kid that was caught fighting on school was black. Even in the most white schools, the blacks tend to get the worst grades.

Not every black falls into this category, but a lot do. The blacks I knew who didn't act like subhumans were called "white" by their black peers. Not even joking. Black chicks would reject black boys who weren't acting like a thug & embracing hoodrat culture. Exceptions exist, but I still wouldn't trust them. Even the most civilized negro will side with the worst criminal offenders. The 2020 riots proved it. Look how many negros were chanted "black lives matter" even though it's really a communist Jewish owned origination funded by (((Soros))) & managed by (((Rosenberg))). Clinton pardon (((Rosenberg))) after South Africa in the 90s when Nelson Mendela massacred the white farmers there.

You wanna know why some non-whites act civil & others don't? The answer is fatherhood. Any nog that grew up without fathers was more likely to end up as criminals, end up being literal fabulous and successful Africans, & omega males who lacked any sense of self-control. The ones I knew who weren't trouble makers all had fathers; good fathers with good jobs who were active with their kids. Rarely do most children without fathers do well in adulthood. Also I have far more respect for non-whites who get jobs based on merit & not affirmative action.

Diversity & Inclusion departments only exist to further push affirmative action. D&I only exist so those companies can get a high ESG rating from (((Blackrock))), so Jews like (((Larry Fink))) can buy up your company after going bankrupt due to proving how woke your company is. That's the REAL reason why they shill nonstop "Diversity is our strength" which I swear is double-speak with dark intentions. HR brings as many affirmative action hires into the company, quality of the products go down, customers end up disappointed with product or alienated, layoffs happen, then "hippity hoppity Blackrock takes your property". Rinse & repeat. And since (((Blackrock))) owns 20% of those companies shares, those companies have no choice but to comply to (((Blackrock)))'s predatory business practices.

Get woke. Go broke.
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bonerific: @meow-meow: Boondocks was created by a BLM activist who copied Samurai Champloo's artstyle. Huey is a self-insert of the creator. Jews have been putting their negro golems on the pedestal for a long time. Black propaganda went on overdrive mode after the 2020 riots. Yes, the fatigue is real.
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Goodwin: Gotta love features. I'm not particularly active on paheal lately but when I do log in, it never disappoints me๐Ÿ˜
As for ONJ, I'm only aware of her from that Travolta musical ("Grease", I think?) and some almost forgotten 80s hit song that is probably her best-known work. But even I can recognize that entertainment juggernaut had passed away. RIP
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Anonymous29: Your little anecdotes aren't gonna cut it moron. There are reasons why black people tend to be more anti social than whites and the reason is not "bEcAuSe ThEy ArE bLaCk" if you think that you're stupid. Black people tend to grow up in more difficult environments (1/10th of white households wealth on average, way lower standard of living, pay gap, less education because of generational racism, meaning that their parents who grew up in an environment where they didn't experience any education are less likely to send them to schoool or care about it properly). Also to that other clown, I literally did not mention dicersity, so cry louder racist snowflake.
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Anonymous30(29): @Anonymous: *of course I meant to say diversity not dicersity
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Anonymous31: I have the actual vinyl. She’s so pretty on the cover! I’m gay though so not looking at it that way :D I’m also really appreciative of her. Love the gay muscly guys at the end of the Physical video. Love that she stayed with the big guy too.
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Anonymous32: When the featured post gets political ๐Ÿ’€
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Anonymous33(32): When the featured post gets political ๐Ÿ’€
Also fuck the woke liberal pigs
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Anonymous34(32): Wait why did it post 2times
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TheDR: We need more porn of her please someone make some.
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TheDR: @Anonymous: Because in one of your posts, you added "Also fuck the woke liberal pigs".

To which I reply hey, how about a nice cup of shut the fuck up? There's nothing wrong with being woke or liberal as long as you don't turn it into cringe.
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meow-meow: @Anonymous37
1: if IQ is not a valid measurement, what can you measure people with that would put blacks on an equal rank as others? their only noteworthy achievements are related to sports and music, although their music achievements are partly due to them being positively discriminated due to their race, and "their" genres made trendy over more well-made but predominantly "white" ones. proto-jazz was conceived by europeans like Liszt, and black jazz was basically just playing random notes over a repeated pattern, which is why it wasnt taken seriously. hip-hop started as (and mostly still is) blacks talking over music made by others.

2: so this research you cite tested like 1 year olds who dont even yet know they are even alive, and concluded from that that races have equal IQ scores?
also, pretty sure there have been many researches and experiments conducted to remove the income factor, showing that the IQ/SAT score gap still persisted, regardless of income. (before it was deemed racist to conduct things like these)
or have you heard about the "Kansas City Desegregation Experiment"?
here is a collection of data on racial gap regardless of economic factors:
(you are also implying that their immediate environmental factors affect their success, but not the environmental factors they lived in/evolved to for hundreds of thousands of years. surely their running ability doesnt have to do with them living on a continent constantly full of resources they just had to catch, and white/asian intelligence doesnt have to do with having evolved to prepare for winter to avoid dying(out), and thus think ahead.)

3: there are no races? then what do you call it that causes the genetic differences between distinguishable groups of humans? what is it that makes a coroner (is that what people investigating dead bodies are called in english?) able to identify the race by a skeleton? and what is it that makes bone marrow transplant require a donor of the same race?
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Anonymous35(29): @meow-meow: I'm really sorry, I've received a whole workload for this week. I'll be free this weekend, then we can discuss this further. I'll of course answer these questions.
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meow-meow: well okay, at least you dont vanish, like most people who's opinions are challenged. (and like black fathers *badumtss*)
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Anonymous36: this was a picture of a departed celeb's tits and you nazi spergs had to ruin it
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: I don't know. "woke liberal pigs" made you hit Post Comment twice?
@TheDR: Well, this whole comment section is 100% solid gold cringe.
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PartyCrasher: @Anonymous: Wrong. The world is still very racist and sexist, just in the opposite direction.
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Anonymous37: She Hulk green pussy night.
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Anonymous38: I can not believe they will add this for the image for the music… GOD DAMIT WHY YOU SON OF THE BITCHES?!
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Anonymous39: I'm a firm believer that people that make bring politics into something that isn't related to it deserve a brick to the face.
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Anonymous40: @bonerific

do the world a favour and kill yourselves you disgusting sweaty incel namefaggots
thanks for turning this comment section into a shitfest,please just go outside and touch grass
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Anonymous41: @Anonymous: You are welcome
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bonerific: @Anonymous: No. Go shove it, simp.
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PartyCrasher: Alot of triggered leftists in this comment section. lol
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Anonymous42: @PartyCrasher: If you count anyone against racist bullshit, slurs and misinformation "leftists" than sure but that's a pretty low fucking bar.
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PartyCrasher: @Anonymous: You're so self-righteous, you can't even see past your own bull shit. lol Get over yourself dude.
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Anonymous43(39): People that start politics in discussions that aren't related to them have issues. Seriously.
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meow-meow: pretty sure this kind of "namefaggotry" is called 'account', and has more functions than attaching a name to a comment.
and not sure why you stopped your buzzword/buzzphrase bingo at just 'incel' and 'touch grass', dont you know that if you namecall enough, you dont have to present arguments? so lets help all your kin in your endeavors:
"schizo incel virgin loser edgelord angry mad chud outdated bootlicker uneducated fragile regressive toxic-masculine racist fascist nazist white-supremacist hitlerist bigotist hatefulist shitlordist reactionary conspiracy theorist irrational neckbeard bible-thumping inbred redneck closed-minded problematic troll tinfoil hat flat-earther mayo dogwhistler ok boomer touch grass take your meds get help go outside have sex educate yourself trump lost get over it who hurt you youre on the wrong side of history small pp energy"
anything left out?
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PartyCrasher: @meow-meow: You forgot misogynist transphobic homophobic Gamer Gate Comics Gate right wing Alt-right gamer dinosaur manchildren.
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Anonymous44: ^Shut the fuck up tranny attractive and bright African, we all know you're baiting and that shit will not work even in the slightest bit, so stfu and know your place trash.
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Anonymous45(44): ^FUCK I MEANT attractive and bright African
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Anonymous46: ๅ“Ÿๅ“Ÿๅ“Ÿ่ฟ™ไธๅพท่Ž‰่ŽŽๅ˜›๏ผŒๅ‡ ๅนดๆฒก่งๅ˜่‹ฆ็“œ็ฒพๅ•ฆ๏ผŸ
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Anonymous47: @bonerific: "fat negros & mentally ill faggots & trannies"... *facepalm*
I honestly can't tell if you're just trying to be edgy (and failing miserably at being funny), or if you really are that much of a piece of shit.

There were a lot of great things from the 80's and 90's that sadly aren't around anymore, but there's also plenty of awful things from those eras that we're most certainly glad are gone or slowly becoming obsolete. One of the biggest examples being racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic bigots like the kind you've shown yourself to be.
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deathstriker: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: You and Anon50 are such butthurted faggots who belong to GAYditt.
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PartyCrasher: @Anonymous: Ha! You said tranny! lol
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deathstriker: @Anonymous: You can't be transphobic because there are not and they never were any trannies in the world to begin with.
There are just mentally retarded liberals or faggots (I know, said 'mentally retarded' thrice) that put on dresses and chop their dicks.
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Anonymous48: @bonerific: yikes pal
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meow-meow: reminder that its impossible to be racist, because there is ONE RACE: THE HUMAN RACE! meaning that blacks are the same race as whites, and race is also a social construct so anyone should be able to identify as any race they want, but its also impossible to be racist against whites because racism = prejudice+power yet whiteness and races dont exist, and race is also a spectrum where the identifier methods changed over time meaning that people shouldnt be able to tell who is black or white, race is also only skin-deep, so if you are white and wear blackface, noone should be able to tell and therefore not hateful.
can you follow? these are all progressive modern scientific facts.
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Anonymous49: When you don't know what "social construct" means but also willfully refuse to listen to anyone willing to explain it because your ideology would crumble at the slightest hint of not being able to pretend your opposition are the ones without internal logical consistency
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meow-meow: okay, you can explain it right here.
here is the official definition to help you:
"an idea that has been created and accepted by the people in a society"

you can start explaining how race has been created by people in a society, and not observable biological differences.
and if you would argue that the IDEA of race as a categorization was created by people, then literally every single thing could be labeled a "social construct". differentiating birds from mammals would be a social construct, claiming the sky to be blue would be a social construct, since the idea of differentiating colors based on their values on a spectrum would be a social construct(although there are obviously instances when the sky is actually not blue).

seems more like you are the one who didnt present a single argument, other than your disagreement. you could have just wrote "wrong." like i have seen many times from your politic-mates.
while you are at it, you can also explain how humans are one race, while race is a spectrum, while race is only determined by skin color (skin-deep) AKA a single trait, while its a social construct AKA an idea created by society.
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Anonymous50(14): Could we please take this disrespectful pile of crap down?
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Anonymous51: Anyone in this comment section smoke weed because I think y’all need to
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bonerific: @Anonymous: Newfag detected. I was edgy before "edgy" was even thing on the Interwebs. I was trolling pathetic limp-wristed faggots like you before this site even around. I've been doing shit long before you were even born. This is not a site for the thin-skinned & easily offended types. This is a cartoon porn site where porn of celebrities & politicians exist. We have ero guro porn & other forms of banter that is meant fuck with moralfags like you. There are no exceptions here. This site has been "edgy" since Day 1. If that too much for you to handle, then clearly you don't belong on this site.

Now begone from this site you pathetic normie, or else you will drive yourself to insanity. Come back when you have matured & have grown thicker-skin. Or better yet, don't come back at all. Your kike double-speak namecalling & cancel culture have no power here.
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bonerific: @Anonymous: Weed turns people into lazy gays. It's the real reason why liberals are faggots that vote for gibs.
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Anonymous52: Holy shit tf happened here
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bonerific: @Anonymous: You mean the comment section always being a cesspool of triggered Twitterfags, newfags, & angry Reddit refugees who are always fighting amongst themselves over stupid shit because of a few based comments? Yep. Sounds like your typical Paheal comment section to me lol.
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summercarnival96: @Anonymous: almost every single comment section on this tends 2 be like this, it all turns in2 a political shithole where sum EXTREMELY questionable opinions r expressed
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Anonymous53: DID SOMEONE DIED?
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PartyCrasher: @Anonymous: The triggering happened. Just sit back and watch leftist autistic screeching.
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summercarnival96: @PartyCrasher: “the triggerin” “leftist autistic screechin” nice ableism u got there wow
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bonerific: @BootiJoestar: They are very easy to offend that it's pathetic. I want to feel sorry for them, but I don't. These are the same people who have fucked other people's lives by getting them fired from their jobs over their opinions, calling them "racist", "sexist", "homophobic", "transpobic",then "cancelling" them from their social media platforms because of wrongthing. These are the very same people who call you a "conspiracy theorist" for refusing to take an experimental vaccine. They act so high & mighty, making fun of white males & others who have done no wrong to them, then have the audacity to come on this site acting like moralfags. They act as if the entire world only revolves around them. Pathetic they all are.

That's why I don't feel sorry for them & why I love fucking with them. I have become a channel for karma to run it's course. The pathetic fools have no idea what they have gotten themselves into. Get ready for Wiemar Republic 2.0.

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summercarnival96: @bonerific: ok i agree that firin ppl 4 shitty-but-ultimately-harmless edgy jokes is stupid but like, half the shit i see said on this site is actual unironic bigotry & im very willin 2 call it out everytime i see it
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bonerific: @BootiJoestar: Go dilate somewhere else.
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summercarnival96: @bonerific: “dilate” lmao im a cis girl not trans & i want a penis actually
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Anonymous54(49): @meow-meow: Alright let's do this shit
There's only one "race" because the only true measurable biological difference between people of different ethnicities is the amount of melanin present (inb4 "muh IQ" because y'all think that's both an unbiased and scientifically accurate measurement and entirely innate and not largely a product of environment)
Race is a spectrum because people with the exact same mixed ethnic background may choose to identify with different parts of their cultural heritage than each other
Race is only determined by one trait because even though when the genomes between two different sub-Saharan ethnic groups are sequenced they show more difference between each other than with people from Europe, Asia, Oceania, and/or the Americas, nobody actually splits them off into different categories and just assigns them all into "black" without any further distinction
And finally, race is a social construct because despite everything outlined above, society has maintained a deep-rooted metaphysical belief that somehow skin pigmentation is an accurate predictor for personality traits and physical abilities, which has manifested throughout history in various forms such as discriminatory hiring policy, codified law against "miscegenation", the flimsy justification of crimes against humanity, and the cordoning off of certain "undesirables" into barely escapable, heavily-polluted ghettos

If you try to say "mucho texto" to this I'm calling your mom and telling her to confiscate your calipers and kick you out unless you get a job
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bonerific: @BootiJoestar: You know the rules. TITS OR GTFO
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summercarnival96: @bonerific: i dont even want tits either...
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Anonymous55: Sad to see such a debate even happening. A little funny where it’s happening at. I really don’t see how it could be so hard for people to wrap their minds around the concept of being loving regardless of race, gender, sexuality, income, size, etc. at the end of the day everyone is human. Everyone deserves equal respect, everyone has feelings. I hope every one of these people have an experience that will open their eyes. Everyone deserves love. Even these people who leave nasty comments. Having such hatred only hurts the person holding it.
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bonerific: @Anonymous: Race is determined by skull shape, not skin color. There are 5 races. American Indian (Spic/Injun), an Australian Aborigine (Abos), an African (Negroids/Congoloids/blacks), an Asian (Mongoloid), and a European (Caucasian). Semites (Jews/Arabs/Gypos/Pajeets) are not white even though some can appear light-skinned. Semite, Slavs, & Hispanics are not races. Hispanics are closer related to Spic/Injun blood from pre-Hispanic era. Slavs are closer relatives to Semites due to Jewish intermixing. Pajeets & Gypos are also semites even though they are dark-skinned. Jews are not white & closer to Neanderthal DNA, while whites are closer to cro magna DNA. Just because it's dark-skinned doesn't automatically mean it's "black" & just because it is light-skinned doesn't mean it's "white". Negroids & Abos are descendants of ghost people.

Take the eugenics pill
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bonerific: @Anonymous: LOL @ "At the end of the day everyone is human".

Don't be silly anon, NPCs aren't human. They are walking soulless bodies with no inner monologue. To be human you must have a soul. To have a soul you must have an inner monologue. NPCs have neither, so they aren't human. attractive and successful Africans & women are NPCs by default.
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PartyCrasher: @Anonymous: Save that shit for the anti-white crowd. I've already heard it plenty from them.
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bonerific: @BootiJoestar: So you want to play life on hard mode, huh? You probably think being a man is life on easy mode. Pathetic feminist cunt doesn't realized she'd been gaslighted. You didn't post tits so I don't believe you are a woman.
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summercarnival96: @bonerific: im still a girl & nah i dont want 2 completely be a man, i just wish i had a flat chest & penis
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HenryWong122: Ah yes race, the idea that the human species is divided into distinct groups on the basis of inherited physical and behavioral differences.
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bonerific: @BootiJoestar: Sounds more like gender dysphoria to me. Get help you mentally ill tranny.

You will never be a real man. You have no dick. You have no sperm. You have no testicles. You will never have the rugged face of a man. You will never have the broad shoulders of a man. You will never have a 5 o'clock shadow like a man. Your hip/waist ratio & bone structure will be a dead giveaway. Even if you visit Dr Frankenstein to create a neo-penis from pieces of your arm or leg, you will never be happy. You will be considered lower tier than a manlet because you will still have your female voice. Your neopenis will rot on the inside & will require dilation for life. Your voice will also be a dead giveaway. You have no Adam's apple, so in the end you will look like a manlet who sounds like a chick. No man or woman will go near you. Any Stacy you meet will simply ignore you as Chad will get their attention. You will then realize you can't have children because of your neopenis, since it's an abomination compared to the real thing. You will realize you made a grave mistake. You will be shocked when you find you can't reproduce children of your own because you sacrificed your own pussy for a fake penis take looks like an arm with rotting flesh on the inside. You will never be happy, since motherhood & sex are 2 main things women crave more than anything. That is when you will take a rope & let your mental illness take you.

If that's the fate you want then by all means, go ahead & transition. I can't fix stupid people from killing themselves.
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HenryWong122: @BootiJoestar: In the end, it won't matter as you will become nothing but a skeleton whose grave archeologists will dig up thousand of years from now and then use to determine that a human of the female sex was buried there.
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summercarnival96: @bonerific: fun fact: ftm hormone threapy actually deepens ur voice & from what ive seen most of the time it is easily passable as a cis male voice, also unless it gets better in the future & can produce a genuine penis i do not actually want bottom surgery cuz as of now most of the results r terrible & full of complications, 4 now im prob just gonna stick 2 a packer/strap-on & bindin/later on when i get the money top surgery
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deathstriker: @BootiJoestar: Homestruck avatar, opinion discarded!
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deathstriker: @Anonymous: OK let's do this.

So, Race is a social construct, huh?
Then explain how if you try to get transplants for like, bone marrow you CAN have a construct incompatible with your own construct?
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summercarnival96: @deathstriker: u have a mlp pfp. u rlly shouldnt be shittin on anyones pfps if u got that
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Anonymous56: Lmao, the sheer audacity of this comments section, holy shit.

You all are here on this site because you're horny, what are you even doing arguing like you've got the high ground on anything when that's why you're here in the first place?

God have mercy on all our souls.
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bonerific: @BootiJoestar: If you are a real woman (I doubt it because you didn't post tits), I will say this:

You will never pass. You will join the the rest of 41% that rope themselves after "transitioning". Your parents will bury you with a headstone with your real name on it. Future archeologists will discover your skeletal remains & conclude you were born a female.

Seriously why the fuck would you want to get rid of your tits? As a tit lover myself, that makes me sad. Women with no tits have no value to me. Breast reduction surgery doesn't remove them, either. They grow back! Your efforts are futile since your chromosomes determine your gender. Embrace your tits. You already have something that makes the Discord trannies seethe.
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summercarnival96: @bonerific: cuz it causes me severe dysphoria & i would obviously want em removed as a result, also flat chests r cute wtf do u mean they have no value???
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bonerific: @BootiJoestar: Flat-chested women are boring. If you're flat chested, you better have a nice ass to compensate. A woman true value can be only be determined by her breast size. Women with no breasts have no value.
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Anonymous57: @bonerific: ...what the actual Fuck are you saying?
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summercarnival96: @bonerific: my ass is kinda flat as well so... basically im worthless 2 u & should die lol
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Anonymous58(57): @BootiJoestar: who the fuck say that: flat woman must die? They're Better then fattest Busty. Fuck, I'm more interested in flat women than whores with fake breasts or ass
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summercarnival96: @Anonymous: u prob misread my comment lol, im sayin that dude [bonerific] prob thinks im worthless & should die cuz i want a flat chest & already have a flat ass
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Anonymous59(57): @BootiJoestar: In that case, you're beautiful like all underrated girls
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bonerific: @Anonymous: Bro I've gotten tits & asses rub on my face in the VIP. They are not all fake & it's usually pretty obvious. Don't tell me naturally big breasted women with great asses don't exist. Curvy women with hour-glass shapes are god tier & are meant for breeding. And that fucker wants to remove her tits? Like WTF. She already has something of value & she wants to remove it.
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Anonymous60(57): @bonerific: and you acked like a whlre bitch.
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bonerific: @Anonymous: Cope & dilate, tranny. You will never be a woman.
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Anonymous61(57): @bonerific: cause I'm a Fucking man, dickshit
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summercarnival96: @Anonymous: aw thank u. it is p nice 2 get sum positivity after bein needlessly body shamed by that cunt
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Anonymous62(57): @BootiJoestar: any time. You're still Perfect, no matter what
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bonerific: @BootiJoestar: You're a tranny who wants to get rid of her tits & probably wants to use piece of her arm or leg to make a neopenis of rotten flesh. You deserve to be shamed.
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Anonymous63(57): @bonerific: shut, the Fuck up, simp.
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summercarnival96: @bonerific: i do not want a “neopenis” u dumbass, i agree a lot of the results r fckin awful & thats why unless it gets better in the future i do not want any surgery done down there
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bonerific: @BootiJoestar: It will never happen because your chromosomes can't be changed. This is nothing new. They were doing this exact same shit in the Wiemar Republic. All that tranny propaganda & books on transgenderism was burned in fire after Hitler came to power. The book burnings were completely justified because of stupid delusions like yours. 77 years later & still the mustache man still lives rent free in the minds of the mentally ill troons.

@Anonymous: I am not the simp. You are. You are whiteknighting her. She wants to chop off her tits. She has no ass to compensate. Even attractive and successful Africans, with their low IQs, know a woman is nothing if she doesn't have an ass. She thinks hormone treatment will make her pass as a "male" when it won't. Once again, white knights prove they are massive betacucks who will pander to a woman's delusions even if that delusion ends in regret.
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Anonymous64(57): @bonerific: Do you understand that you humiliated girls who have no dignity? Do you think they enjoy being called Planks, trees, flat? You fucking instead of telling nations about the fact that flat women are not needed at all, you should fucking try to remove what you are proud of, that's when we'll talk Needed in this life.
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summercarnival96: @bonerific: i dont even want hormone treatment as well i was just usin that as a example, literally the only male traits i want a flat chest & penis.
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Anonymous65(57): @bonerific: upload:
Do you understand that you humiliated girls who have no dignity? Do you think they enjoy being called Planks, trees, flat? You fucking instead of telling nations about the fact that flat women are not needed at all, you should fucking try to remove what you are proud of, that's when we'll talk. Fucking piece of shit, wants all women to be whores with huge asses and boobs, because this is what men need in this life.
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Anonymous66: @bonerific: Are you seriously valuing women solely on their looks rather than their personalities? That is some incel type shit man. Go touch grass you coomer.
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summercarnival96: @Anonymous: dude said he has had tits & asses rubbed on him but i doubt hes even touched a actual woman lol
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Anonymous67(55): @bonerific: I’m sorry- NPCs? Who are you to decide ones worth? I have really never seen someone’s head so far up their own ass. To really believe that women and Africans have no inner monologue or souls. It’s almost hilarious. You really are a pathetic person. I’m sorry for whatever has made you think in such a way. Or what has happened to you to make you believe such things. I hope some day you’ll see how insane this sounds. Maybe you should do some research on the dangers of white male supremacy. There are many beautiful instances of people coming around and learning to love people. You’re only hurting yourself. People of all races, genders, sexualities will continue to unite and get stronger, communities will get larger. There’s nothing you can do about it.
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meow-meow: to the actual, literal retard who replied to me (Anonymous64(59)) PLEASE someone, embed this image here:

or literally any image that comes up when searching for "albino africans" or "albino blacks". i was already banned once for embedding large images. someone also please link a list of observable difference between races, like limb and torso length and other stuffs, im too tired for this now.
its so fucking pathetic when someone tries to lie so blatantly. surely race is only melanin, that means whites who get tanned look exactly like brown or black races right? how can characters (like alien crystal whatevers from steven universe) be "black-coded" if its only skin-color? and AGAIN: how can you tell if someone wears "blackface" if race is only skin color?

to your second retarded point:
"may choose to identify with different parts of their cultural heritage"
so race is culture and heritage now? i thought its only skin color? what the fuck are you even trying to argue now?

"they show more difference between each other than with people from"
first: this has nothing to do with the point of your sentence. you start with "Race is only determined by one trait because" because what? because they show more difference between each other than with other races? so race is only skin-color because people with the same skin color show bigger genetic differences than people with different skin-color? you didnt really think this through right?

secondly:your claim about bigger genetic differences in races than between them is bullshit.

"race is a social construct because despite everything outlined above, society has maintained a deep-rooted metaphysical belief that somehow skin pigmentation is an accurate predictor for personality traits and physical abilities"

OH, so what you mean is that blacks are not better at running, and the British Broadcasting Corporation fetish/meme is bullshit too? how about you go tell black and/or British Broadcasting Corporation fetishists that there is no basis for blacks having bigger dicks?

and finally: its pretty ironic reading all this bullshit about "skin-color", when albinos in africa are literally hunted and killed ONLY because of their skin color difference, despite being from the same race, ethnicity, even tribe or family. if you search for discrimination based on only skin color, maybe you should look into that instead.
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bonerific: @Anonymous: Not my problem, you seething roastie.
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bonerific: @Anonymous: Yes, because a woman's true value is in her youth. I have ZERO in older women, let alone women with no tits. Women are in their prime when they are young & beautiful. Men are in their prime when they are older & have resources. No one wants your used-up custy old pussy, roastie.

Not your personal simp
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Anonymous68: @bonerific: Well, it's understandable why you're a fucking slut who doesn't give a fuck about people who want to do what they want.
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bonerific: @Anonymous: Not my problem

user image
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summercarnival96: @bonerific: “if he doesnt do what i want i will threaten 2 make my holes unavailable” no woman has ever said that unironically in any point of history. go outside & touch a woman then grass.
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bonerific: @BootiJoestar:
Roastie toastie on her phone
Looking for a big bad bone
Swipping left and swipping right
Hoping to find fun tonight

Roastie Toastie feeling sad
Can't get no more dick from Chad
No beta will pay her rent
For Roastie Toastie's snatch is spent

Hit the wall at lightning speed
Thinking you had what you need
Coke and wine and British Broadcasting Corporation.
But Roastie Toastie couldn't see

Now you look three times your age
Filled with Roastie Toastie rage
Has no drive she sits all day
Wishing she could go away

Roastie Toastie's no more good
Watching friends live life as would
Roastie Toastie feeling bad
Shoulda listened to your dad

No one wants her anymore
Roastie Toastie's just a whore
Can't have kids so get some cats
Fill your life with shoes and hats

She had goals and even dreams
All that died in her late teens
Now she's old and salt ensues
Blaming men is her excuse

Roastie Toastie looks around
Families and kids abound
Living life and having fun
Roastie Toastie's nearly done

Roastie Toastie no more thrills
She decides to get some pills
Two at most the label shows
But Roastie Toastie's time is close
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summercarnival96: @bonerific: ok what is this incel nursery rhyme shit lol
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bonerific: @BootiJoestar:

This is you:
user image
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summercarnival96: @bonerific: ok fck off dude. go whine bout how women wont touch ur dick & go 4 the “bad” boys
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bonerific: @BootiJoestar:
>Hole gives her opinion
>Goes right to the MUH SEX insults cause that's the only thing of value she has

And this is why you, gentlemen, you should never listen to holes.
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summercarnival96: @bonerific: i just realized ure referrin 2 women as “holes” oh jesus christ, how misogynstic can u be?
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bonerific: @BootiJoestar: Very. Now begone thot.
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summercarnival96: @bonerific: begone incel.
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bonerific: @BootiJoestar: begone hole
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summercarnival96: @bonerific: begone neckbeard.
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bonerific: @BootiJoestar: Not a neckbeard. Try again, roastie toastie.
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summercarnival96: @bonerific: i dont know what other things 2 call u now, hmm lemme piss u off even further by tellin u im half-black & [mostly] a lesbian.
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bonerific: >[mostly] a lesbian.
Literal fabulous and successful African

user image
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summercarnival96: @bonerific: wut?
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bonerific: @BootiJoestar:
user image
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summercarnival96: @bonerific: SRSLY WHAT?
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Anonymous69: @BootiJoestar: I can't be sure but i believe they were calling you a slur or two
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summercarnival96: @Anonymous: classic paheal comment section behavior than.
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Farfegnugen: Dear god, both of you are annoying.
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Anonymous70: Honestly can we get rid of bonerific? He does this with every post he interacts with. I don't even think you can classify his uploads as porn aside from the fact there's genitals and he alone probably jacks to it.
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Anonymous71(68): @bonerific: Get the fuck out, Nฤฑgga, who doesn't care what people want
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Anonymous72(68): @bonerific: Yes, of course, it's not your problem that you yourself did not understand that she wants to become a man. It's not your problem that you don't understand, thinking you're the right bitch. You're worse than a Minor Fucker because you have to chew and spit in your mouth for you to understand. Are you really joking or are you such a Dibilka that you don't understand that she wants to be a Man? If you like women with boobs so much, then I'll tell you one thing: I hope your father gets fucked like you by Women with silicone breasts and asses, so that both of your members will break.
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summercarnival96: @Anonymous: uhh i dont actually wanna be a man, i just want sum certain male characteristics & thats it.
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Anonymous73(39): @lazarus: What does that have to do with this comment?
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Anonymous74(68): @BootiJoestar: Oh, but it still doesn't change what I meant
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Anonymous75(68): @Anonymous: maybe he/she didn't joking
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Anonymous76(68): @lazarus: I mean, if he Really Jerking off of boy's, guess that why he acted like that
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itsyaboy: lol at the comments all these retards feeding the trolls KEK
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PartyCrasher: @bonerific: You know you've run out of arguments when you resort to gifs. lol
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Azumi: @bonerific: Hahahah, you got all of the newfaggotz and woketards angry by stating truths. Not only was because of the reasons you mention, but because there was an actual social stigma towards being fat. Look at that fat kid from the Goonies, he was the "fat" kid back then even tho he looks like your average western kid of nowadays.

Look at all these coomer zoomers, using the word "incel" while being actual incels trying to score poon by being woketards, lmao. They think being obese is no biggie just as having low intelligence or being ugly isn't bad, yet are always the first to use the terms that denote those negative traits to randos that disagree with then on the internet. Newsflash, queers: Getting your bent one-incher deepsticks wet on some obese marxist whore's gunt doesn't stop anyone with a triple digit IQ from regarding you as a massive faggot that has failed at life and should commit sudoku and get divided by zero, hahahah. We might be in a porn site, but not everyone here is a literal mouthbreathing retard that thinks stabbing clam or poking pork is the end all of all end alls in life.

The silver lining of this insane clown world is that we have the internet, and that bitch never forgives, and never forgets. See ya marxist simpletons in a decade, if you aren't hanging around by then, ACK ACK ACK!!--, lolz =3

user image
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summercarnival96: @Azumi: go outside u whiteknight.
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Anonymous77: @Azumi: yeah, go fuck yourself, clown ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿ“ธ
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Anonymous78: Fuyutsuki and many more voice actor Motomu Kiyokawa dead. next feature?
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darminion: @jubilation_t_cornpone: in this shitshow of a comment section, this hay in the needlestack of a comment made me smile. That's kinda wholesome man.
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Anonymous79: @bonerific: Bro's really trying to argue his point in rule 34 lmao. All your credibility is lost her, fucking moron. Get a life.
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Anonymous80: @Azumi: Epic Based Furry defending Based Coomer. Based Bros of the Interwebz, UNITE!
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Anonymous81: Y'all need to go outside and talk to real people
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PartyCrasher: @Anonymous: Petty political sissy slap fights, that's what.
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Anonymous82(39): @PartyCrasher: And those that started it need to get constipation in the their mouth.
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deathstriker: @Anonymous: >Making trannies dial8 is worse than being a kiddy diddler!

Is there something you're not telling us, anon?
Also lol at ANON94 for not realizing the point of featured images.
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summercarnival96: @deathstriker: i mean even if bein trans was bad [which it isnt], it would still be better than sexually assaultin kids.
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Anonymous83(80): @BootiJoestar: Trannies are disgisting creatures that enjoys grooming Little Kids just like the Comrades in the LGBTQ+ community(which must all face the wall BTW), you Homestuck loser. Get Bent by Brent Tent for 50¢
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meow-meow: of course it is better. being irrepairably genitally mutilated and hormone poisoned is no big deal compared to being touched.
and which groups advocate for both? hmm i wonder...
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summercarnival96: @meow-meow: “hormone poisoned” ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€, i have seen plenty of transphobic insults but this one takes the cake 4 how badly laughable it is
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deathstriker: @BootiJoestar: What do you think hormones do to the undeveloped body of a child? I am with Anon95 on this, you and your ilk must face the wall.
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darminion: @deathstriker: idiot doesn't even know how hormones work or the existence of hormone, lol. Did you drop out of high school before finishing biology?
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meow-meow: i am sorry 'BootiJoestar', i am an uneducated bigot, what i actually meant was: transsexuality is diverse and stunning and brave and has no negative effects, and you should have reassignment surgery and start taking hormones as soon as possible. you will be progressive and diverse and inclusive, and you can even get upvotes on reddit!
meanwhile, outdated fascist transphobic nazis can keep doing their outdated "reproduction". who needs that anyway when your potential descendants can be replaced by somalian migrants? reject your internalized transphobia and complete your transition! stop oppressing yourself and listening to nazis.
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Anonymous84: @meow-meow: oh, well that explains a lot.
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Anonymous85(39): People that talk about politics on something not related to it are basically people that walk into a funeral home and yell bananas. What's the point?
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summercarnival96: @deathstriker: thats why hrt is only registered 2 those who have gone thro puberty dumbass, obviously that shit would be harmful 2 a undeveloped child but wit sum exceptions it isnt harmful 2 anyone else
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meow-meow: judging by your writing, you are also likely a Person of Diverse Brown Skin Color, so all the more reason to start your transition. remember that diversity is strength, so if every leftist comrade ally transitions, they will be very strong. and the evil nazi bigotist fascist transphobes will be weak without the strength of transsexuality. which is why every leftist should be LGBTQAIP+, to render bigot nazis powerless against the diversity! vasectomies are also diverse, you should tell this to your male ally aquaintances too. remember that the world is overpopulated anyway, and climate change is caused by that too, so dont be like climate change denier uneducated ignorant bigots by reproducing.
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summercarnival96: @meow-meow: “u r likely a person of diverse brown skin color” yes that is correct but i aint readin the rest of that lol
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Anonymous86(70): @Anonymous: Bonerific and some other dumbasses come here to spew bigoted nonsense. Probably because they've been banned on other sites for it and this is one of the few sites left that refuses to ban people for racism/nazi shit/bigotry/etc.

Other people respond because what they're saying is horrible/dumb/incorrect and doesn't want to leave their statements uncontested.

Responding to them at all however gives bonerific and pals some weird level of satisfaction (feeding the troll) so they keep coming back to spew more shit and people feel compelled to respond back to them. It becomes a dumbass cycle that repeats untill either moderation is enforced that kicks one group out (which probably ain't happening anytime soon) or someone becomes alienated by the presence of the other and leaves on their own (and it probably ain't going to be the guys who gain satisfaction from saying bullshit with no thought behind it). My advice? Don't ever check the comments on a featured image.
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bonerific: Any opinion from a hole should be discarded. Giving holes rights was a mistake. Holes may biologically mature faster than men, but holes never, EVER, mature mentally past the age 14. Imagine an adult with a child-like mindset. That's what a hole is. Anyone who worships holes or gets a used-up hole is a simp. Anyone who defends holes is a whiteknight. Anyone who listens to holes is wasting their time. Anyone who allows bad hole behavior is a cuck.

Holes only serve 2 purposes: fucking & shitting. Pussies are meant for fucking. Assholes are meant for shitting. That's all you holes are good for. Do you hear me? FUCKING & SHITTING. That is all you are good for, & even then some of you suck at the fucking part. As a dick, I disregard all opinions from holes & hole worshipers because I don't have time nor patience to listen to farts & qweeves from holes. Listening to holes is like listening to farts & qweeves. You will only end up regretting it.

Hole worshipers are not to be respected. They are pathetic, even to holes. A hole worshiper cannot be a Chad. They can never be Chads. Hole worshipers enable bad hole behavior, including Twitch ethoting, single motherhood, simping, and feminism. Hole worshipers are beta orbiters. A society dominated by holes is doomed for failure since holes lack foresight, lack clear judgement, & lack critical thinking. When a hole says one thing, they really mean multiple things and other times they mean the opposite. When a hole says they want a "nice guy" what they really mean is they want a "betabuck as their doormat". A hole will say one thing then do another, & we expect holes to vote? Why? When a hole speaks, it's qweeves & farts. I understand their bodily functions, but com'on, I rather let cows vote than holes.

Holes are irrational & holes are incapable of love. You can love a hole all you want but it will never love you back. A hole can cheat on you behind your back & no one will care. But no one dare hurt the hole's feelings or else they are labeled a "misogynist". Loyalty doesn't exist in the hole's world. Holes will side with foreign invaders. They will vote for foreign invaders. They will sleep with foreign invaders. Men who fight wars overseas get cheated by their holes constantly. Holes will sleep with traitors. Holes have no loyalty to no one. Holes even hate each other & are always in competition with other holes, because they know there is always going to be younger tighter holes than them. Holes hate holes & you should too because holes offer nothing of value except their holes.

Discard all opinions from holes & don't be a hole worshiper. Be a dick instead. You'll thank me later.
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PartyCrasher: @Anonymous: 100%
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Anonymous87: Oh my what a terrible day to be literate
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deathstriker: @Anonymous: Go back to Twitter, jewish cocksucking faggot.
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Anonymous88: Wtf happened here-
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meow-meow: well, im glad reasonable countries (non-USA) are not on this level of "divide and conquer" yet, that half of people is successfully turned against the other half. Mr. or Mrs. bonerific, this is exactly what the khazars want by the way. maybe USAian women are really that far gone, and maybe USA is destined to die out(at least whites), but you should at least realize that the khazars have been trying to make women retarded and turn them against men from the beginning. basically: whatever you are doing, imagine khazars doing it in israel. if you would like khazars turning against women and vice versa, you can bet khazars like doing it to goys. the person you argued with admitted to be non-white anyway, so you shouldnt generalize it onto every woman, just like you probably dont generalize leftist soyboy cuck shit onto every man. try finding women who arent retards, a lot of them exist, especially if you know where to look. also, even the "nazi party" had a women wing:'s_League
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PartyCrasher: @bonerific: There's a whole lot of FUCKING going on here!
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Anonymous89: Who the fuck is this cunt???
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Anonymous90(89): @meow-meow: fucking BASED. Khazars? Let's not beat around the bush here, it's the kikes
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Anonymous91(89): @Anonymous: ITT: You're a cum garggling faggot
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Anonymous92(89): @Anonymous: Oh, but we're still very much alive and kicking, you little poof
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Anonymous93: @bonerific: Mmm as a “hole” myself I’m just craving some dick right now. May I sever your little shrimp dick, boil it in teriyaki sauce and then feed it to my dogs? Pretty pwease??
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PartyCrasher: @Anonymous: Oh noe, what a terrible day to be a weak thin-skinned beta loser. lol
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bonerific: @Anonymous: You are not a woman. Fuck off you anal prolapsing diaper wearing tranny
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Anonymous94: Ok, this is getting literaly too far in this Argument.
Just leave it, arguing about it doesn't work.
If you don't like it, shut the hell up, you only bring negativity and that in a hole Term.
Why has it to be even begin with this?
I mean, these times are not anymore as the same as now!
If they like it? Fine. I've seen these Political Events for fucking 7 Years and I have come to my own conclusion that it will never work. You either call me with a slur which is weak, or ask me just how?
But even if I can write you, you won't read me out. Because you rather trust the "experts", how to be "Diverse" but you only get manipulated in hate, especially on White People and mostly Male ones, which is just the same back then on Black People. And that can happen on all sides. Gtfgdo!
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Anonymous95(94): @Anonymous: LET THEM LEARN THE HARD WAY*

I'm a fucking retard.
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bonerific: @lazarus: I'm a homophobe.
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Farfegnugen: @bonerific:.
user image
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Anonymous96(81): Jesus this comment section just keeps getting worse lmaooo
And it's kind of ironic boner boy gets pissy over being called an incel and says women use it because they only see sex as being the only unit of value they have but then thens around and calls them holes
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deathstriker: @Anonymous: So, where is the lie?
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Anonymous97: Jesus Christ wtf happened in this comment section
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bonerific: @Anonymous: Actually it's triggered autistic leftists who are getting pissy in comment section. I'm just rolling along with it because they're incredibly easy to trigger.
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JBomar1701: DISGUSTING!!!!!
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Anonymous98: Whenever I hear about a female celebrity death I search up her nudes if available and if not her fakes and stroke to her for days. The thought of masturbating to the image of a dead woman is such a turn on.
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Anonymous99: @bonerific: Doesn’t change the fact that you’re still an incel
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PartyCrasher: @Anonymous: And you're not?
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PartyCrasher: @PartyCrasher: Oh wait, you probably willingly cuck yourself. That's totally different. never mind.
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Anonymous100: the picture is nasty, its like a greasy tanned pig jist got roasted with its eyes open
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bonerific: @Anonymous:

Your point? Get better material, /leftypol/ Discord tranny. Optics/namecalling doesn't work on me. Still doesn't change the fact you're an insufferable faggot & that it's easy to fuck with you in the comment section.
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Anonymous101(100): According to Nietzsche, masters create morality; slaves respond to master morality with their slave morality. Unlike master morality, which is sentiment, slave morality is based on re-sentiment—devaluing what the master values and the slave does not have. As master morality originates in the strong, slave morality originates in the weak. Because slave morality is a reaction to oppression, it vilifies its oppressors. Slave morality is the inverse of master morality. As such, it is characterized by pessimism and cynicism. Slave morality is created in opposition to what master morality values as good.

Slave morality does not aim at exerting one's will by strength, but by careful subversion. It does not seek to transcend the masters, but to make them slaves as well. The essence of slave morality is utility:[5] The good is what is most useful for the whole community, not just the strong. Nietzsche sees this as a contradiction. Since the powerful are few compared to the masses of the weak, the weak gain power by corrupting the strong into believing that the causes of slavery (viz., the will to power) are evil, as are the qualities the weak originally could not choose because of their weakness. By saying humility is voluntary, slave morality avoids admitting that their humility was in the beginning forced upon them by a master. Biblical principles of humility, charity, and pity are the result of universalizing the plight of the slave onto all humankind, and thus enslaving the masters as well. "The democratic movement is the heir to Christianity"[6]—the political manifestation of slave morality because of its obsession with freedom and equality.

...the Jews achieved that miracle of inversion of values thanks to which life on earth has for a couple millennia acquired a new and dangerous fascination - their prophets fused "rich", "godless", "evil", "violent", "sensual" into one, and were the first to coin the word "world" as a term of infamy. It is this inversion of values (with which is involved the employment of the word for "poor" as a synonym for "holy" and "friend") that the significance of the Jewish people resides: With them, there begins the slave revolt in morals.[7]
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Anonymous102: Anyway, I need to piss right now but my cat is sleeping on my leg: might have to move him. Sad times. Hope everyone is having a good day or night though.
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Anonymous103: fucking comment section became a discord server
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itsyaboy: I'm back again to read up on thew shitshow that is these comments that I've been away from the last few days it's hilarious

also here's my copypasta contribution: The Boomerang Nebula, located roughly 5,000 light-years away from our solar system, has a temperature of 1 Kelvin (-272 °C or -460 °F) making it the coldest natural place in the universe humanity has discovered. First found in 1995 by astronomers in Chile, we have since learned quite a bit about it. The Boomerang Nebula is a young planetary nebula which has reached such cold temperatures due to its unusually rapid expansion. However, recently, modern online enthusiasts have raised one question science has yet been unable to answer: is it sus?

The profound similarities between the Boomerang Nebula and the characters from the hit game Among Us have led many to believe that the Boomerang Nebula is, in fact, awfully sus, but science has yet to confirm, deny, or even respond to these questions.

Follow for more updates on this developing story.
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PartyCrasher: @Anonymous: Good for you.
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Anonymous104(97): hey guys Albert fingernoodle here
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ConsciousDonkey: I know that Russian leaders aren't exactly loved at the moment, but Mikhail Gorbachev has died. He has 5 pics here, >>2380793 is probably the best of the lot.
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Anonymous105: @ConsciousDonkey: he sucked, if russia wanted power they would have fortified the ussr
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ConsciousDonkey: @Anonymous: Yes, it's no secret he was more liked in the West than in post-Soviet states. Still, he was one of the most important political leaders of the 20th century. If Shinzo Abe got a feature, I think Gorbachev could deserve one, too.
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Anonymous106: oh this post and this comment section is my 15 reasons why. like why olivia and why politics?? ๐Ÿ˜ญ everyone should just report this post and clear the flood of blood sweat and tears that is clearly going into some of these comments ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€
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Anonymous107(106): anyways, has anyone ever had a Krispy kreme?
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Anonymous108: My penis weeps for all.
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Anonymous109(108): like Jesus
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Anonymous110(9): nobody will find this comment
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Anonymous112: amogus
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meow-meow: so, was Gorbachov the subject of "jew" brain control chip experiments? or what was up with his head
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Anonymous113: certain comments makes me think we need to end all anon comments on this site
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Anonymous114: @Anonymous: wrong, anons are what bring life to this place
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Anonymous115: FOR GOD's SAKE - didn't you people get the memo?
Don't feed the trolls.
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Anonymous116(97): I farted in my grandpas breathing machine and his lungs turned black
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PartyCrasher: @Anonymous: No one seems capable of reading shit.
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Anonymous117(113): @Anonymous: so putting end to anon comments may lead many people to abandon porn addiction?
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bonerific: @lazarus: attractive and successful African, I don't give a shit. They can take their woke PC cancel culture & shove it up their asses for all I care. That shit has no effect on me.
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Anonymous118: Once upon a time, there was a young white child with silky blond hair and bright blue eyes. She wanted to give some soup to her grandma, only to find....... La Creatura. The most abominable scene as a lump of fat, covered in 100% Dark skin, as dark as the black hole, was laying there after it consumed the grandma. The white child said, "Grandma, what big ears you have. "That is my 1/64th German heritage", La Creatura said. As the white child was slowly handing La Creatura the soup, it grabbed the child and gobbled her up. La Creatura lays there as it absorbs the white genes of the child. Walking out with fat hanging from it's legs, it said: "Whiter than you, muhammed".
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PartyCrasher: @Anonymous: Anons suck big gay tranny cock.
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Anonymous119(55): Everything this dude says (bonerific) is not even worth arguing with. They uploaded MLP, scat, and sonic porn. Not to kink shame but uh…that’s the last person who’s judgment I’m gonna care about XD
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bonerific: @Anonymous: As it should be. Anyone who takes things personally on this site or online in general is a immature midwit that shouldn't be allowed on the Internet. It's ok to make fun of black transfats.

FYI...You know it's bad if a porn site of all things is one of the last basin of free speech on the Internet. Our safe havens of escapism keep shrinking in numbers.
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PartyCrasher: @Anonymous: Case in point.
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meow-meow: unless Elon buys twatter and makes it allow reasonableness. i wonder where SJWs and bots would go next after tumbler and twatter.
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Anonymous120(97): ๐Ÿฟ
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Anonymous121: @bonerific: based and redpilled
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Anonymous122: one piece is real
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Anonymous123: ะšะฐะบะพะณะพ ั…ั€ะตะฝะฐ ั‚ัƒั‚ ะฟั€ะพะธัั…ะพะดะธั‚?
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meow-meow: still the same feature, and i guess the person who promised to address my points still didnt return.
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Anonymous124: when do features end
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Guromaz: @meow-meow: Funny how Elon Musk ended up declining the buying, like the coward that never do promises that he's.
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Anonymous125: Jon’s wacky journey
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Anonymous126: I have no fucking clue what happened in this comment section, but I can agree that Elon Musk is a coward
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the_last_can: @Anonymous: It's the same people derailing the thing as always.
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CreamedPie: @bonerific: lol @ the rightoid cope over the fact your kind is continuing to lose power, you'll continue to live and your values will matter less and less in the world as we progress on, cry harder
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meow-meow: reminder to mr/ms/xirself CreamedPie that non-straightness and non-cisness is progress, while reproducing and having a family is rightoid outdated fascism. you can make the evil rigthoid nazis seethe hard by undergoing sex reassignment surgery and being a deathfat, maybe even getting some diverse pozzing while bugchasing, dont forget that!
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Anonymous127: @bonerific If absolutely nothing else, the fury you have called out of people gives me life.

Keep preaching, brother.
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Anonymous128: I like this website
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ConsciousDonkey: So apparenty, the british Queen Elizabeth II has croaked. She has about 50 images here, may I suggest to feature >>1772010 because it is probably the nicest one?
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datnonymous: @ConsciousDonkey: Yeah I thought that one fits the best too.

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