Anonymous2: @Anonymous: It would've been better if it was just a black guy. Why are Spidermen even here? What's wrong with the fucking kid making these?
Anonymous8(3): @Anonymous: Go FUCK yourself little shit you just mad cause your little waifu is being fucked by Spiderman instead of you, fucking weaboo. Go suck a dick
Anonymous9: @Anonymous: You're him. There's absolutely nobody else that likes this other than someone with a brain tumor, aka cowman. You're just mad because people don't like your retarded ship between two characters who have no chemistry at all. Both Spiderman and Lucina have tons of different options to choose from, and you chose this shit. Now stop projecting your insecurities about how bad this ship truly is with your "waifu" comment (which you totally have) and go do something good for the world, like actual good porn. That is, unless you want to go make fun of people for looking up porn while on a porn site again.
Jackofhearts69: Oh, come on, everybody. I though that this place was where artists and others can share their fantasies. So, @Anon2 and Anon4, you don't care for Spiderman, but Cowman does, as do others, from all the postings of him (over 2900, so far). I'm sure there are things you like that leave others cold. That's fine, too. If you don't like something, then why did you click on the thumbnail, especially since hovering the cursor over it will reveal the tags? There are things I've seen on this site that I wasn't too fond of, but I don't go out of my way to bitch and moan about it. Get a grip, and use some sense, people.
Anonymous10: @Jackofhearts69: There is some truth to what you say. However, watch it from our perspective: we just want good porn, and some guy comes along and constantly posts awful porn in every tag he puts and insults anyone who calls it anything less than perfect. And because he doesn't take criticism, he never improves, and we're left with mediocre porn with a ship that doesn't make any sense, so we don't eve have that. Do you think that guy deserves respect? Do you think the equivalent of Chris-Chan in every sense of the word deserves respect? If you do, look up Chris-Chan, and compare him to this guy.
Anonymous12: Cowman wants to get gangbanged. That's his dream. He wants to get fucked in the ass by many dudes at once. He wants them all to rape him like the little cunt he is.
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