Alsoo, whaddya reckon of the type 'message' thing? I might not keep going, but, it does make it feel more minecrafty, so I dunno ^^" please tell me what you think of it as opposed to, like, little speech bubbles yknow?
Anonymous2: Jesus. That looks awesome. And still I guess you didn't read my last comment on your last animated pic.
Can you, please, make a fine pic with Jenny Wakeman. And, as I said, you can talk with me in steam or somewhere else, if you have this else.
And keep it up, good guy. Your pics are extremely awesome, they made my stick be curved, lol.
QWERTYas1: @Silhouetters: On a more serious note though, if you feel you could bring yourself to give me some constructive criticism... any useful or applicable suggestions? Aside from 'draw young children', of course ^^;
QWERTYas1: @Anonymous: There's one or two drawings that have pretty ambiguous 'points of penetration' XD I'll see what I can do someday, but if it's something you're especially interested in, take a look back at some of those and see if they fit that category =) I honestly never really 'got' anal, cuz... like... it feels like such a one-sided affair, to me at least, but yeah- I'll see what I can do ^^ Thanks for the interest =)
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Alsoo, whaddya reckon of the type 'message' thing? I might not keep going, but, it does make it feel more minecrafty, so I dunno ^^" please tell me what you think of it as opposed to, like, little speech bubbles yknow?
poor Endi's back QmQ
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The uncomfort.
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Nice glowing effect 7w7
Can you, please, make a fine pic with Jenny Wakeman. And, as I said, you can talk with me in steam or somewhere else, if you have this else.
And keep it up, good guy. Your pics are extremely awesome, they made my stick be curved, lol.
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@dogberman: aiyo, thanks dude ^^
@Anonymous: oh, thank you anon ^^;;
@Anonymous: opps sorry, I hadn't responded yet <.< I'll add you now, and I'll see what I can do :) I've wanted to draw some XJ9 for I while :)
@Silhouetters: Thanks for the unflinching encouragement Silhouetters :)
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@Mijoraptor: probably cuz she's one of the only ones that seems to have any character ^^;; thank you.!!
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