thunderfx: Ok guys here are the rest of the images... My laptop died so I had to tget a new one...good thing i uploaded them on a stick so yeah. As for the ep itself Grigori said that it is online on some porn sites so yeah search for it i guess? fuck that guy...
thunderfx: It's on 4 porn sites right now you gotta seach Dexter's Laboratory A little motherly incest (it's the name of the ep)hope they don't take it down
Anonymous3(2): Yo dude that was the shit! Amazing animation, good story, good backgrounds, nice voice interpretation just awesome. I thought that it was bs but now that I have seen it, all 15 min of it with my own eyes...all i have to say is Bravo just Bravo!
Anonymous4(2): Thunderfx you tell that guy Grigori congratulations. It was so funny and sexy at the same time :> me LIKE FAP FAP.Best part is in the beginning of the ep when he swims in the pool and she jumps in without knowing he is in the water and hits him in the face with her ass...and then she gets him out and she's like :dexter! what are you trying to do ? DROWN ME ? while he's on the ground with X_X face funny stuff man.
Anonymous7(2): guys search on google: ,,Dexter's Laboratory A little motherly incest porn" and then go to videos not all and scoll down it will appear it's a used condom with cumm in it with the tittle Dexter's Laboratory A little motherly incest i can't say the name of the sites but they start with X. thunder that was amazing episode i like it so much
Gloop: haha this shit is hilarious, i wish it was real, but I'm guessing it not since it theirs no proof. I mean their are no excuses with the technology today. If it was real just a small webm clip could be posted or something.
kluesner: OK if this is real Where is a link to the video? If this is fake then where are the real pictures? If they are just pictures then why are we only getting only these bad screen shots?
thunderfx: Guys calm down...I talked to him and he said he'll post it again tomorrow. All of them were baned because of child porn. He'll try to post them on other sites i'll leave a link tomorow as soon as he will post it.
Anonymous17: hi thunder, tell him to put it on mega and just share the link out with people - distributing a video with such content would be hard. thanks for responding to us and thanks for trying to deliver it to us.
Anonymous20: oh my god, how many fucking gullible idiots are actually on here?
it's not a video, guys, it's a series of images, that's it.
if it was a real video, it would be all over by now, and there'd be animated images of scenes on here, not still images.
with all the shit that gets legitimately leaked nowadays, no matter how careful people are, you REALLY think if this "video" was real, it'd be so hard to find?
ofag: @Anonymous: I think it might be a real video, but all the people claiming to have seen it are a part of some sort of a promotional campaign to hype people up.
Anonymous29(2): @hereiam: Yeah nice!Now let's see what they'll say next i bet it will be OH FAKE ITS FAKE OH BULLSHIT FAKE FAKE...i've seen it was real! 2 bad it got taken down.
Kooper: @thunderfx: Hey thunderfx can you tell Grigori to upload the Dexter's Laboratory A little motherly incest grigori video too? I want to see as well as the other guys would!
Farfegnugen: @speedy05: Only part of this that Kooper is involved in is being a fucking patsy. There are too many oddities in the images where it has to be a troll, even some you'll have to be blind not to see. If it crashes his dreams and gets him to temper his expectations on stuff, all the better.
He's been told not to spam the comment sections, he's just doing it just that in another image. He needs to chill the fuck out before he goes on ice for another week or two.
Anonymous38(8): Here's something I don't understand: if someone were to upload the whole thing to Youtube or somewhere else, why not download it and reupload it to everywhere? (4chan for example)
Anonymous44: Long ago, I've stopped giving a fuck about Grigori's work. If it pops up... neat. If not... don't care. Just gotten tired of this AWOL-themed cock-blocking troll-fest.
Anonymous45(20): @Anonymous: he certainly seems very much like a troll artist, this shit is just another sign of that.
but what concerns me is the fact that quite a large chunk of art from him has vanished off this site, as far as i can tell, and i can't find his stuff on some other sites, which i swear had his art on them before.
thunderfx: Hey Guys I see some of you have seen and some have not seen the ep yet it seems that my so called friedn grigori is a total dick he posted the video online on diffrent porn sites it got downloaded by some guy and he says that he made the video.And now Grigori fuck is accusing me because I put preasure on him to post it online. He started to say that I'm a dick and so on so forth fuck him.The video is online i think he's a total dick i told him to upload it on cloud or something he started to yell that it was a mistake to upload it for FREE and he wants money because he worked for it and bla bla bla DICKS IN HIS MOUTH! Guys if you find it online share it do whatever you guys want with it !!! He deserves all the hate from you guys i'm out i'm never gonna post his drawings ever again FUCK HIM !!! IF I FIND HIS ANIMATION I WILL SHATE IT WITH YOU GUYS!
Gloop: this is still funny as hell two days later, oh boy these comments. And ok, I'll bite, I saw the youtube link. Yes there is some animation, doesn't look like the best animation but whatevs, there is something. But at the same time still dont believe it, I've been around the block to many times to be fooled.
And wait second, so even you dont know where the animation is? Man this just keeps getting better and better. If nothing else, all the laughs I got of this fiasco was totally worth it >:)
thunderfx: @Gloop: The animation of the ep is good trust me what you saw on youube is just the beginning of the ep a few seconds he made it look good it's just like the real thing. And no i don't know here's how it happend he gave me a dvd with it i putit in took a few pictures gave it back to him, he said he'll post it and to tell you guys to build up the hype he did it was taken down then all this started he posted it again then a guy on a site gave him a message that the animation is made by him, they argued he god mad he started to yell and say that he now wants money and that it's my fault because of me that guy got the video and claims it's his video...and now he's probably crying in some corner fuck knows...
Farfegnugen: I like how all these camcorder videos of this "video" is recorded shaky cam style, instead of recording the screen or just upload the SFW version to YouTube. It just makes things even less believable.
Anonymous50(44): Dude, if it's an actual swf, share it on swfchan! Stop being a cuck and do it... because maybe, JUST MAYBE, I'll believe this entire debacle! rofl!
Anonymous51(17): thunder i'm not convinced you aren't actually the artist himself to be honest - somehow you're the only one who's ever had contact with him. the real question is why you? you who got a dvd, you who didn't copy the dvd contents to your HDD... after years of teasing with random comic stills like the clone one etc with no proof, either you or @hereiam are either him or can contact him.
if he wants paid for it be like every other artist and make a patreon - most people here would happily pay for something of that quality and care. the way he's advertised this always entices hate because there is no communication with us - he avoids it. (probably cause of people like @Kooper who is basically insane...) but the people willing to pay him to do his work are the people he should be trying to please.
Either this guy on YouTube has the video, is Grigori and is teasing us further for something we'll probably never see the full thing of, or he doesn't know how to upload it or render it properly...
Sigh, I wish you porn artists were smarter marketers and distributors, then maybe you'd get our money for your creative talent.
Anonymous54(17): @Kooper: sometimes it's best just to learn when to shut up dude - you've pissed off hereiam and this guy before lol just stop, calm down.
Anonymous56(20): @Kooper: never, you fucking cunt.
it's more than obvious this is grigori just fucking with people, he's a fucking troll.
there's no way in this fucking day and age, if the video really was leaked, it wouldn't be all over the goddamn internet by now, cause shit spreads across the internet in mere hours if not minutes.
we don't even have any animated images of the shit, just stills that are most likely edited onto some guy's ancient TV in a filthy, cluttered bathroom or whatever the hell room that is supposed to be.
if thunder was given a DVD, why is he watching it on some tiny piece of shit TV rather than an HDTV which pretty much everyone has nowadays?
not to mention the poor lighting, it looks like the light bulb was coated in urine to get that lighting.
so everyone move the fuck on, especially you kooper, you dumb bitch, because if this shit was real, we'd all have seen it by now.
grigori can fuck off and die in a fire, but it was atleast funny watching idiots like kooper lose his shit over nothing.
finally, if grigori really wanted to be paid for his art, make a goddamn patreon, almost everyone who makes any kind of content has one nowadays.
i know of tons of artists who use patreon, and do livestreams of their art, so if grigori is legit and is just this fucking bad at handling shit, he should just give up being an artist, and probably put a bullet in his head.
Kooper: @Anonymous: Who ever you are YOU CAN GO TO HELL AND YOU EAT A DICK attractive and successful African YOU EAT A DICK YOU CUNT FACE FAGGET ASS NIGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAA!
Anonymous58(20): @Kooper: wow, great comeback... did you hire a professional to type that?
another thing that makes this whole thing HIGHLY unlikely, if this video, if there even is one, was uploaded to xvideos, there is no fucking way it would've been deleted before we all saw it.
i've seen fucking BOKU NO PICO on that site and it lasted several days if not a week or so before it got deleted, not to mention the other shotacon videos constantly uploaded onto it.
anyone who seriously believes this shit has a major problem, there's plenty more porn out there on the internet that is made by more stable minded people than grigori, so go enjoy their art, instead.
Just stop commenting. I think you're the reason why Grigori wouldn't want to upload the video in the first place. Sure I want to see it as much as you do, but demanding it while screaming "fuck you" to everyone else isn't going to work in the long run.
Farfegnugen: So many damn comments about a video that might not even exist, or is any good if it does. I thought the square based porn people were fucking annoying.
@Anonymous: You can't. You got to have an account. Don't worry about reporting Kooper anyway, for now.
Anonymous62(44): Ya see, THIS is why I moved on from Grigori's bullshit... people are WAY too dumb to realize that he's fucking with us. Much like how TheMystery/Verisim did similar, while being a half-wit pothead.
Anonymous63: I just don't get what grigori has to gain from all of this, he could very easily start a patreon to make money. I mean his work is pretty darn good. It's damn clear it's girgori himself that's messing with us, thunder doesn't know girgori he is grigori. Honestly the story of what happened seems pretty odd, it sounds as if grigori is a an 8 year with no idea on how the internet works. When clearly judging from his work he's a well experniced artist. The internet is filled with smucks that will say shit just to annoy you. Some random fuck says it's his work, just ignore him. I doubt if it ever came to the point where it reached a court that the dude would win the case. If your the artist I'm sure you have plenty of own work to show as proof, while that dudes defense will only be his word. All of this put aside now grigori or thunder which ever you prefer. Your a very talented artist, and I strongly suggest you make a patreon to make a profit. Money makes the world go round my friend.
Anonymous65(20): you know, after examining the image for a bit, along with some of the others... i've noticed inconsistencies.
first, this image, i'm sure you can all see the edges of the screen, the black lining around it?
well, look at the bottom of the screen, there is a very distinct empty space between the image and the black edge of the screen, which looks very much like a TV screen that is turned off.
it just makes it completely obvious that it's very cleverly edited, and if you examine the other images closely enough, the consistency changes between them, the edges vary between them and everything, in some, they even creep over the black edge, while in this one, the person failed to even make it reach the black edge.
so move along, people, there is literally nothing to see here, this has all been one pathetic attempt to troll everyone.
Anonymous67(44): Grigori also assassinated John F Kennedy, hid Area 51, hoarded away all of Al Capone's Nazi Gold from his thought-to-be-empty vault, and took Atlantis off ALL maps and maps of Google Earth...
Anonymous69(20): here we see people who decide to make illuminati jokes instead of actually fucking looking at the exact fucking details i pointed out.
this is what atleast 90% of the human race is like, braindead retards, who should all be shot and killed on sight.
just look at the goddamn things i pointed out and you see it's quite fucking clear, the image doesn't perfectly fit the TV screen, not a single image does, and in some, the fucking corners aren't even perfectly smooth like they should be, they're rough and uneven, like someone spent too much time in paint and got tired of being meticulous.
you can all continue believing in the fabled dexter porn video if you want, but anyone with a fucking brain should move the hell on.
plenty of other worthwhile artists to spend money on and fap to.
Anonymous70: I also gotta mention how both of those supposed "real" videos on youtube are now removed, so not only are the pictures clearly faked, but the "reveal" videos are now gone, even though both of them clearly didn't show any real convincing evidence which proves that this "animation" was clearly a sham so we all got our dicks hard for like six pictures. I do agree to move on from this shit show, but if there actually is a video somewhere, it seems very unlikely. But please, prove me wrong.
Farfegnugen: *Looks at the clock.* Okay, Kooper, this a day before you come back, so I want to be clear so there isn't any kind of misunderstanding.
Calm the fuck down. It's not coming. Don't let them goat you into thinking it is. Don't fill the comment section asking when it's coming, because it is not. You are a fucking smuck.
Anonymous72: heck even if it all is a fake in terms of video no one can deny this dude drew Dexter's mom amazingly. i would love proper images of this so much >.<.
Anonymous73(20): @Anonymous: yeah, getting off the topic of the the non-existent video, is there any place at all we can actually find grigori's art?
this site has practically removed all of his art, with only a few images remaining.
all of his comics are gone, and even some images in this series have vanished off of here, and i can't find his art anywhere else, for whatever reason... why the fuck is it all disappearing, and how?
this is the internet, NOTHING disappears forever, yet i can't find any of his shit.
Anonymous74(33): I found the full version of comic 1-2 comic 3 seems to be unfinished the coloring is not as good as 1 and 2 and 4-5 seems to only have covers
Anonymous76(33): here's one and 2 on imagefap
Kooper: Here is a message from Kooper from rule 34 to Grigori. GRIGORI I HATE YOU AND I HOPE YOU DIE ALONE WITH NO FRIENDS FOR NOT UPLOADING THE 15 MIN VIDEO I WAND TO DROP DEAD YOU FUCKING BITCH ASS attractive and successful African!
Anonymous77: @Farfegnugen: Phil used to funny at first, but him being a total wuss and cuck is starting to get annoying. His wife and daughters need a nice gangbang. At least the faggots are funny.
Decanter: @Kooper: Once again you freak out in a comment section. Calm the fuck down before you do something that gets you banned again. And do note that since you don't read warning PMs and don't seem to learn from short bans, we will start escalating the length rapidly.
To everyone: If you haven't figured it out already, this shit is fake as hell, and the accounts claiming to have seen it were all sockpuppets by thunderfx, who is temporarily banned for that reason. You should have been suspicious of the whole idea in the first place - animation on this scale is a collaborative effort, intensive in manpower and money and time. No studio would countenance it, if a studio were crazy enough to try it someone would rat, they couldn't possibly air it, and if any part of this somehow happened we'd know because everyone involved would be blacklisted rather than continuing to work in the industry, at the very least.
Kooper: @Decanter: What if i'm right? I saw the part in 50 sec on youtube. Just once I just want the 15 min Dexter's Laboratory A little motherly incest video. To keep it all to my self and many share it with you. DAMN IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?
Kooper: @Decanter: Until thunderfx returns and I not coming back until he finds the 15 min Dexter's Laboratory A little motherly incest video. So SHUT UP!
Farfegnugen: @Kooper: IT WAS A FAKE DAMN IT! Of all the thick head motherfuckers on this whole fucking world, your skull is thicker than concert made from diamonds. Give the fuck up because that shit is not, nor ever will, happen. I told you were a patsy and you are still going along with.
If someone told you that Dexter's Mom was going to give you a blowjob and all you had to do is wait at a bus stop, would you stay there and wait until you died? I would bet all the money I have ever made and will make that you would.
Kooper: @Farfegnugen: Dear Farfegnugen's parents your son is a bitch ass attractive and successful African I want no part of him at all. He's insane and needs help!
Kooper: @speedy05: If thunderfx returns send me a message on Because deling with a bunch of jerks is killing me. And if he dose tell to bring the 15 min Dexter's Laboratory A little motherly incest video. I'm not coming back until he returns!
Anonymous81(8): @Kooper:
"I'm not coming back until he returns!"
Oh sure, that would explain why you constantly comment on this image. Let's face it, this entire video was all a ruse by some troll. Give up while you still can, Kooper. It's clear as day that we're never going to see this so-called "video" in our lifetimes.
Anonymous82(20): @Kooper: right, you "give up" now, huh?
yeah, totally sure you won't respond yet again saying the same shit you've been saying for the past week or so.
and screaming at an admin to shut up, really? why the fuck is this guy still here?
i can't tell if he is legitimately just THAT fucked in the head, or is trying to be as big a troll as thunderfx and grigori.
oh, and we ALL saw the "50 second clip", kooper, it was just the fucking intro to the actual show, with a STILL IMAGE edited in at the end, if that is enough to fool you, then i dunno HOW you haven't become a victim to several other more malicious traps.
or maybe you have, and that's why you are so fucked in the head.
@Anonymous: i view the e-hentai galleries quite frequently and while his stuff WAS on there, it's gone, now.
i don't know what sad panda is, nor do i really want to mess around with apps and create accounts that i'll probably only use once.
so i guess it's just time to forget about grigori and his art.
Anonymous83(33): @Anonymous: @Anonymous: Sad panda is a secret e-hentai site that shows removed galleries from e-hentai it is confusing tho to set up..
these links are just as good galleries 3 is badly outlined and short anyways.
Farfegnugen: @dan458: Yeah, thunderfx put too much work into it. The images, videos, samefagging. All he had to do is say, "Hey, grigori making a Dexter video." And when Kooper gets really excited, "Nah, just fucking with you. Stupid kid." It really does not take much.
Kooper: @thunderfx: Thunderfx where ever you are I want to apologize for are bad times. I hope you find so good pictures of his mom. But if you find the 15 min video? Most guys say if's fake then give it to us and the quest will end and I hope you fill better!
Farfegnugen: @Kooper: THIS, this right here is why we give you so much shit. He fucking trolled your ass and you still suck his dick and ask for the video.
traffik: @Kooper: Did you miss the comment where Decanter said that all the accounts claiming to have seen the video were thunderfx pretending to be different people? That's not just him saying he thinks that was what was going on-- as an admin, he has proof of it. The irony of all of this is that the only person in this thread that you're being civil to is the very person who was lying to you. Everybody else? Yeah, they may be making jokes at your expense, but at least they're being honest with you.
There is no video. Read this, think about it, and let it sink in.
And for your sake, I hope no one shows up to meet you at that Subway tomorrow. (But if anyone does, I'm dying to hear from them about it.)
There's your problem. When you learn to be nice and wait a little, the video might be up after a while. (when Thunderfx thinks that you're stable enough)
Farfegnugen: @Kooper: You are delusional. Get help. I really don't know what more can be said. We told you it's a fake, you live in denial. We told you Thunderex made a fool of you, you kept sucking his dick. We flat out told you this video will NEVER be uploaded, you cuss us out. We confronted you with the truth, EVERY-FUCKING-STEP-OF-THE-WAY, yet, you kept firm in the belief that this video is coming.
It's not coming.
It never will.
You need to stop asking, hoping, because it won't come. You might think I'm a dream smash, well I am. You need to wake the fuck up. You need to stop. I don't know what you will gain from this video, outside jerking material, but it's not worth this much effort.
Anonymous97(8): @speedy05:
Oh, nvm. Kooper's going to be pissed: Clearly it's either one of those two options:
1. Grigori/Thunderfox is trolling the hell out of Kooper
2. Thunderfox is too stubborn to share the link/download the so-called "video"
Farfegnugen: @AccelD: Oh god, thanks for reminding me of that guy. That kid wasn't as bad this one. Then again, Kooper kept his hateful self limited to the comments.
Kooper: @speedy05: Oh I'm very pissed and speedy05 go and find that Dexter's Laboratory A little Motherly Incest Grigori 15 min Video. I want that video and if find it for me I'll never bug you or anyone for anything again. If you do then download it so I can watch it and possably download it as well. Go find it and contact me on my youtube channel at Koops Trooperlef 3000 Paper Mario. My channel it's located at Send me a message on a video closer to you and I will know. Find the video so I'll know what. I want to see dexter and his mom take a shower together. I want to see her moral decision to fuck her son. I want to fap to a good dexter's lab porn parody video and learn about a sequel featuring mandark. I understand I'm asking too much but try to find it. I won't ask you for anything else after this. PLEASE FIND IT I'm so nervous I won't beable to tipe my Squid Surfers Game and make Levels on my Super Mario Bros X and don't about the game!
Farfegnugen: It's been a week, kid. You had to read all those comments telling you it's not real. Not just this site because I know you hound another. There really isn't much to tell you anymore.
I wonder if I should report your channel for those OSTs you uploaded. Pretty sure you don't own the copyrights to those.
Kooper: @speedy05: Then I guest this is poinless sorry I even asked but tell Farfegnugen not to mess with my youtube videos and I'm sorry. Scenes the video is a fake then I have no use coming here so fair well my friend!
Anonymous99: Kooper's gone so I fill bad for him he really wanted that dexter 15 min video. But thunderfx & grigori are assholes for trolling him and it's not funny. Not I'll admit he is crazy but at lest show some sympathy. He's sorry for spamming hate mail and all that. but speedy05 if you here from thunderfx tell him to get back on the saddle.
Anonymous100: This is gold, I meant the comment section. Whoever did the artwork, he/she would rack some bucks if he/she took the time to do the animation for real and ask people to pledge on Patreon to post a vid for real by parts even, until then, you are not wasting anyone else's time, only yourself.
Anonymous102(72): there is a new gif out on xbooru with similar art style though in a totally different setting at a pool. it is pretty nice though not all that smooth and of course still a video of a screen. i still don't understand the reasoning for that... i guess they must get hard mildly annoying people
drakohubris: Poor little grigorifox under his bridge. Serves him right all his stuff is gone off here. Guess he'll have to find somewhere ELSE to troll about. Oh well~
Anonymous104: Yo, Grigori. If you have to resort to this kind of samefagging and trolling to get people to look at your stuff, it probably sucks. Well trolled, though. You got a lot of stupid fuckers to respond.
Dumb-ass-critic: Just a penny for your thoughts old posted message i know but dont give specific addressed locations. Of were your going to meet some one on message board
Anonymous106(72): these two are the person who posted it and the mystery artist in question and this is the patreon the artist and the middle man supposedly belong to, good luck if you want to support them
Evil_Lord_Proteus: @Farfegnugen: You call me a moron, yet there are still people who think it's real and ask about it. Why, only two posts before yours was someone asking about the video. Go suck a dead dog's cock.
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Can you at least share the image of that said condom? It feels like we're on a wild goose chase.
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Here's a question: why couldn't you download it and share it to the world?
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Make sure he upload it to somewhere more reliable. (google drive, mega, ect)
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it's not a video, guys, it's a series of images, that's it.
if it was a real video, it would be all over by now, and there'd be animated images of scenes on here, not still images.
with all the shit that gets legitimately leaked nowadays, no matter how careful people are, you REALLY think if this "video" was real, it'd be so hard to find?
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If it is, 9/11 times 100 won't ruin my day.
I think this is a troll technique even without Kooper's involvement. So, I would say it's more to do with thunderfx or Grigori.
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We still can't find it, Kooper.
>rude removal
We already know about that, anon.
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He's been told not to spam the comment sections, he's just doing it just that in another image. He needs to chill the fuck out before he goes on ice for another week or two.
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Be Patient. I've already PM'ed him. Just try and wait for a few hours, and stop hyping it up.
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I mean, there ar sites/plugins where you can download videos from Youtube. (Clipconverter for example)
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We already know about that, Kooper. It's the video of a comic.
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it's just a goddamn COMIC, people!
that "intro" is literally just the show's intro, with a still image edited in at the end, very likely the cover page for said comic.
incase you haven't noticed, he HAS made other dexter comics.
i mean, even one of the images in THIS series has been deleted recently, it looks like, where is all of grigori's art going?
it's pretty much nowhere to be found, atleast not on the sites i regularly visit.
but what concerns me is the fact that quite a large chunk of art from him has vanished off this site, as far as i can tell, and i can't find his stuff on some other sites, which i swear had his art on them before.
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And wait second, so even you dont know where the animation is? Man this just keeps getting better and better. If nothing else, all the laughs I got of this fiasco was totally worth it >:)
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If the video's online, download it ASAP and share it with us.
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if he wants paid for it be like every other artist and make a patreon - most people here would happily pay for something of that quality and care. the way he's advertised this always entices hate because there is no communication with us - he avoids it. (probably cause of people like @Kooper who is basically insane...) but the people willing to pay him to do his work are the people he should be trying to please.
Either this guy on YouTube has the video, is Grigori and is teasing us further for something we'll probably never see the full thing of, or he doesn't know how to upload it or render it properly...
Sigh, I wish you porn artists were smarter marketers and distributors, then maybe you'd get our money for your creative talent.
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it's more than obvious this is grigori just fucking with people, he's a fucking troll.
there's no way in this fucking day and age, if the video really was leaked, it wouldn't be all over the goddamn internet by now, cause shit spreads across the internet in mere hours if not minutes.
we don't even have any animated images of the shit, just stills that are most likely edited onto some guy's ancient TV in a filthy, cluttered bathroom or whatever the hell room that is supposed to be.
if thunder was given a DVD, why is he watching it on some tiny piece of shit TV rather than an HDTV which pretty much everyone has nowadays?
not to mention the poor lighting, it looks like the light bulb was coated in urine to get that lighting.
so everyone move the fuck on, especially you kooper, you dumb bitch, because if this shit was real, we'd all have seen it by now.
grigori can fuck off and die in a fire, but it was atleast funny watching idiots like kooper lose his shit over nothing.
finally, if grigori really wanted to be paid for his art, make a goddamn patreon, almost everyone who makes any kind of content has one nowadays.
i know of tons of artists who use patreon, and do livestreams of their art, so if grigori is legit and is just this fucking bad at handling shit, he should just give up being an artist, and probably put a bullet in his head.
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another thing that makes this whole thing HIGHLY unlikely, if this video, if there even is one, was uploaded to xvideos, there is no fucking way it would've been deleted before we all saw it.
i've seen fucking BOKU NO PICO on that site and it lasted several days if not a week or so before it got deleted, not to mention the other shotacon videos constantly uploaded onto it.
anyone who seriously believes this shit has a major problem, there's plenty more porn out there on the internet that is made by more stable minded people than grigori, so go enjoy their art, instead.
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Just stop commenting. I think you're the reason why Grigori wouldn't want to upload the video in the first place. Sure I want to see it as much as you do, but demanding it while screaming "fuck you" to everyone else isn't going to work in the long run.
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@Anonymous: You can't. You got to have an account. Don't worry about reporting Kooper anyway, for now.
first, this image, i'm sure you can all see the edges of the screen, the black lining around it?
well, look at the bottom of the screen, there is a very distinct empty space between the image and the black edge of the screen, which looks very much like a TV screen that is turned off.
it just makes it completely obvious that it's very cleverly edited, and if you examine the other images closely enough, the consistency changes between them, the edges vary between them and everything, in some, they even creep over the black edge, while in this one, the person failed to even make it reach the black edge.
so move along, people, there is literally nothing to see here, this has all been one pathetic attempt to troll everyone.
You shmucks will believe ANYTHING!!
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this is what atleast 90% of the human race is like, braindead retards, who should all be shot and killed on sight.
just look at the goddamn things i pointed out and you see it's quite fucking clear, the image doesn't perfectly fit the TV screen, not a single image does, and in some, the fucking corners aren't even perfectly smooth like they should be, they're rough and uneven, like someone spent too much time in paint and got tired of being meticulous.
you can all continue believing in the fabled dexter porn video if you want, but anyone with a fucking brain should move the hell on.
plenty of other worthwhile artists to spend money on and fap to.
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Calm the fuck down. It's not coming. Don't let them goat you into thinking it is. Don't fill the comment section asking when it's coming, because it is not. You are a fucking smuck.
this site has practically removed all of his art, with only a few images remaining.
all of his comics are gone, and even some images in this series have vanished off of here, and i can't find his art anywhere else, for whatever reason... why the fuck is it all disappearing, and how?
this is the internet, NOTHING disappears forever, yet i can't find any of his shit.
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Make a account on
Then re sign in using this app
that sad panda
that sad panda
that sad panda
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To everyone: If you haven't figured it out already, this shit is fake as hell, and the accounts claiming to have seen it were all sockpuppets by thunderfx, who is temporarily banned for that reason. You should have been suspicious of the whole idea in the first place - animation on this scale is a collaborative effort, intensive in manpower and money and time. No studio would countenance it, if a studio were crazy enough to try it someone would rat, they couldn't possibly air it, and if any part of this somehow happened we'd know because everyone involved would be blacklisted rather than continuing to work in the industry, at the very least.
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Actually, didn't you say you were going to leave and never return, a few comments up?
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If someone told you that Dexter's Mom was going to give you a blowjob and all you had to do is wait at a bus stop, would you stay there and wait until you died? I would bet all the money I have ever made and will make that you would.
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@Kooper: You'll have to keep waiting for some more days then. In the meanwhile, I guess you can try doing something productive?.
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"I'm not coming back until he returns!"
Oh sure, that would explain why you constantly comment on this image. Let's face it, this entire video was all a ruse by some troll. Give up while you still can, Kooper. It's clear as day that we're never going to see this so-called "video" in our lifetimes.
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yeah, totally sure you won't respond yet again saying the same shit you've been saying for the past week or so.
and screaming at an admin to shut up, really? why the fuck is this guy still here?
i can't tell if he is legitimately just THAT fucked in the head, or is trying to be as big a troll as thunderfx and grigori.
oh, and we ALL saw the "50 second clip", kooper, it was just the fucking intro to the actual show, with a STILL IMAGE edited in at the end, if that is enough to fool you, then i dunno HOW you haven't become a victim to several other more malicious traps.
or maybe you have, and that's why you are so fucked in the head.
@Anonymous: i view the e-hentai galleries quite frequently and while his stuff WAS on there, it's gone, now.
i don't know what sad panda is, nor do i really want to mess around with apps and create accounts that i'll probably only use once.
so i guess it's just time to forget about grigori and his art.
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these links are just as good galleries 3 is badly outlined and short anyways.
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I really can't believe this shit.
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There is no video. Read this, think about it, and let it sink in.
And for your sake, I hope no one shows up to meet you at that Subway tomorrow. (But if anyone does, I'm dying to hear from them about it.)
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You suck! I suck! Everyone sucks at something! Get over it, Krapper. It's fake.
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There's your problem. When you learn to be nice and wait a little, the video might be up after a while. (when Thunderfx thinks that you're stable enough)
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It's not coming.
It never will.
You need to stop asking, hoping, because it won't come. You might think I'm a dream smash, well I am. You need to wake the fuck up. You need to stop. I don't know what you will gain from this video, outside jerking material, but it's not worth this much effort.
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@Farfegnugen: Nah, I'm pretty sure he's not even started.
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I already know the video's not coming, but you keep on arguing with everyone.
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Seriously, at this point you're either repeating yourself or spouting irrelevant memes. I'm this close to calling spam violation.
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Here's the thing: how come you didn't download the video from xvideos?
Oh, nvm. Kooper's going to be pissed:
Clearly it's either one of those two options:
1. Grigori/Thunderfox is trolling the hell out of Kooper
2. Thunderfox is too stubborn to share the link/download the so-called "video"
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I wonder if I should report your channel for those OSTs you uploaded. Pretty sure you don't own the copyrights to those.
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Even I said that the video wasn't real.
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