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Yet_One_More_Idiot: "Oh my giddy aunt, just look at the time!" :D
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Anonymous1: Uncolored version at >>1657783 .

The image of Sarah Jane is from High-Heeled Jill's image at >>1713105 .
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Decanter: Clocktor Who
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D-screw: everyone wants this clock
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Rat: Wow, all these attractive women died? That's almost a shame.
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Anonymous2: Tits tock, tits tock, tits tock...
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Rat: What? "attractive"? I wrote unattractive! Fuck you spell check, ruined the whole joke!
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Decanter: @Rat: Everybody lives, Rat. Just this once, everybody lives.
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DigiGirl: I really love the art!

Im leaving this randomly:
I'm really horny, if anyone wants a good time erotic roleplaying online, private message me
No pictures and no meeting irl
Only casual, erotic, storytelling
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ChaosInuYasha: Who's the ebony one at 10 o'clock?
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Anonymous3: This would be so much hotter if I actually watched the show
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HaretaSora: Martha Jones
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Anonymous4: Oh Amy and Clara. The things I have imagined. :)
Still wondering which artist out there is going to be first with Doctor 13 rule 34.
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Anonymous5: It could be over the news that there's gonna be a female Doctor in the works, but that's up to debate.

PS I don't watch the show or not up to date with it. I just saw this image and thought "Oh boy did someone die?"
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Anonymous6: I like how from 2 to 7 the tits were gradually getting bigger every season, until 8 when they finally decided to scale it back a little bit.
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Anonymous7: Lot of silver foxes on that clock.
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Rat: @Decanter: Except my boner.
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NicePeter: @Decanter: Hey, Decanter. Is there a particular reason behind this feature, or is just random?
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Anonymous8: i'll have some of that mama's milk please
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Anonymous9: If you knew stupid new female doctor is of there.
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Anonymous10: Considering how shitty Doctor Who has been since Tennant, I'm not surprised they are pushing for some "Ghostbusters" style publicity.
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Jesus_Christ: @Anonymous: Shit since Tennant? Tennant was the worst Dr. Who ever. Not even Sylvester McCoy was as bad.
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Anonymous11: Who's the lowest one? In the pink dress?
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Anonymous12(4): yeah, tennant's era is the one I least liked, despite a few good stories.
And it's nthing like ghostbusters. They were different characters in a different continuity. female Doctor is the same Doctor as before.
anon11: pink dress is peri
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HAMBURGERS: I don't know why, but the big comfy couch clock theme is playing in my head.
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PerfectStranger: @HAMBURGERS: lol
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Farfegnugen: @NicePeter: Google: "Doctor Who Man Babies" or just "Doctor Who"
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IM_IIHTARW: What, no Romana? Boo...
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Sassafras: @Anonymous: I am.
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Anonymous13: @Rat: maybe your spellcheck is a feminist and wont let you say negative things about women.
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Anonymous14: Ugh so this Doctor Who nonsense is on here too
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: I know right. This popular thing being here is just awful. Heavens know there might Star Trek and Star Wars porn here too.
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fishmonger: @Anonymous: That is Peri Brown (or Perpugilliam Brown if you're not into the whole brevity thing); she was a companion of the Sixth Doctor. She was portrayed by actress Nicola Bryant.
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fishmonger: As a matter of fact, for anyone else that might be curious, here are the women in order starting at 1 and ending with the center (character name first, actress name in parentheses):

1: Barbara Wright (Jacqueline Hill)
2: Zoe Heriot (Wendy Padbury)
3: Jo Grant (Katy Manning)
4: Leela (Louise Jameson)
5: Tegan Jovanka (Janet Fielding)
6: Peri Brown (Nicola Bryant)
7: Ace (Sophie Aldred)
8: Grace Holloway (Daphne Ashbrook)
9: Rose Tyler (Billie Piper)
10: Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman)
11: Amy Pond (Karen Gillan)
12: Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman)
Center: Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen)
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Anonymous15: trumpster
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Anonymous16(10): No 7 has huge breasts. was that canon?
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Electricity: I tried to watch Doctor Who multiple times. It's trash and I can't stomach it's shitty "story" or acting.
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TrashPirate: The only thing of any quality to come from this shit series.
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NicePeter: So people are losing their minds over a female Doctor Who. And here I am wondering why is such a big deal
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Anonymous17: It's not that she's a woman, it's that they're scared they're going to be inserting more feminism and what not in the show because the new doctor is a feminist.
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Freezer: @NicePeter: Want to have some fun? If you find one of those knuckle-draggers, ask them why they didn't freak out when The Master turned into Missi?
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NicePeter: @Freezer: Will do, my friend. That'll sure be interesting
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Decanter: @Anonymous: Basically true, but it's not like the show has anywhere to go except pandering after all this time. I think someone at the British Broadcasting Corporation is just hoping making The Doctor a woman will be more attractive to women than making him eye candy.
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Anonymous18: @Decanter: You mean like the hyper active Ferret, overrated fan girl bait David Tennent?
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Anonymous19: Wow,can't believe so many people here hate the Doc...
I love Doctor Who myself.
And Doctor Mario #1 best smasher.
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Anonymous20: Autism who?
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Anonymous21: @Anonymous: Tits cock... tits cock... tits cock... tits cock...
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Anonymous22(21): Who died?
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Anonymous23(21): .......Or is this an anniversary?
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Compro61: @Jesus_Christ: Blasphemy!
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betterthannothing: those faces though
they mostly all look the same and look like 40 year old women
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Rat: @Anonymous: I wouldn't be shocked to find out if someone like Anita Sarkeesian would love to force spell checking programs (especially online) to look for factually negative things being said about her and women in general and forcefully alter it to say made up positive things instead.
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Anonymous24: @fishmonger: Nerd!
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Anonymous25(24): @Compro61: No, he's right Tennant was the worst! Tom Baker was and will always be THE DOCTOR imho.
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Anonymous26(9): If Nurse Who.
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Anonymous27(10): @Freezer: You contradict yourself, if they are misogynist knuckle-draggers, then they would have had a problem with the Master/Miss. The only people saying there's a 'problem' with a female being Who is the British Broadcasting Corporation's marketing department. But sure, believe what you want.
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succmegood: show sucks
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Anonymous28: Tits out for Harambe
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deej300: this art style is cancer
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Anonymous29: I thought Matt smith was a good doctor especially with the silence and astronaut thing.
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Anonymous30: And that is exactly where the women should be kept. As companions.
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Decanter: @deej300: I guess you'd know.
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ColdFusion: @Decanter: Doctor When
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Anonymous31(18): @succmegood: Funny way to describe Game of Thrones there palbert.
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Anonymous32: Women don't have fucking creases between their tits.
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Anonymous33: The only thing that always happens in every featured is.. a god damn fight
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Anonymous34: @Digigirl looking to rp?
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Anonymous35: @Anonymous: Actually no. A lot of (very stupid) people have a "problem" with a woman playing the Doctor. And yes, many of the ones who say that it will ruin the show are also saying that Missy worked. They're just scared, juvenile asshats who can handle anything different or new. The really sad part is that they are fans of a show that said change is a central premises of.
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Anonymous36: Oy! Wheres Donna Noble?
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Anonymous37: those faces are nightmare juice
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Anonymous38: Clock-works, and then it doesn't
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Anonymous39(9): If you know the female doctor will have baby once she gets fucked of there.
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Anonymous40: where's the tranny version
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Anonymous41: Dr Who is trying to be PC. Fuck that.
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TheCrazyPartyCo: Gross. I can't get off to Jodie knowing she's the doctor. Gib more Karen Gillan instead. :D
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Freezer: @Anonymous: BZZT! The correct answer was "The Master is a villain. (S)he doesn't count."
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Anonymous42: Look at all these virginal nerdlingers getting their cum-crusted, month-old panties in a bunch because their masculinity is threatened by a casting decision in a low-budget sci series for kids. Land of hope and glory indeed.
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Anonymous43: @Anonymous: The show has a pretty good budget, considering.
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Anonymous44(20): NO LINKIN PARK FEATURE?????
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Anonymous45: @Anonymous: It does kind of make it look like, they have been dissected.
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Anonymous46: Everyone wanted a female doctor, Same as a black James Bond or a world war 2 Cod
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Anonymous47: @ChaosInuYasha: 21 savages sister
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flamer180: @Anonymous: No
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Anonymous48: No Donna? That makes me sad.
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flamer180: @Anonymous: No one wants this SJW bullcrap
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Fru_T_Bun: @Anonymous: No one gives a shit.
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Anonymous50: @Farfegnugen: I think he means the fact that people are debating about the fact the new Doctor is a women, not the porn itself.
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Anonymous51: She wants the ClOCK
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Anonymous52(7): Who cares if there's a woman playing the Doctor?
Doctor Who is just a children's programme from the 60s-70s that was intended to teach kids about different time periods. Then nostalgia tards revived in the late 90s as drama-comedy-action nonsense that American Anglophiles only watch because they think it makes them quirky and smart.
At this point, it's not even Doctor Who anymore, so who cares? The memory is tarnished already; has been for years.
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Compro61: @Anonymous: I watched it because I enjoyed it. That is, until Capaldi. I was already quirky and smart.
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Anonymous53: some one is way into milfs and gilfs
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Compro61: @Decanter: Nicely referenced.
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noturdrugdealer: "OoH lOok aT me: I dOnT lIKe tHis shOw. ItS jUsT FOr kIDS anD DAvId TEnnAnT: thE (well probably) mOSt POPuLaR dOCtOr eVeR, sUCkEd aSS"
Bruh those are opinions. People either like or dont like the show.
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noturdrugdealer: @Farfegnugen: in fact there is!
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Anonymous54: Do one with their bald vulvas showing
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Error503: Just came back from watching clips from Classic Who with Peri, played by Nicola Bryant. Damn, she was hot!
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Anonymous55: @Error503 completely agree
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Anonymous56: considering the ratings fall the real joke is the biggest loser has been the actual female audience of the show, the fandom has been shrinking because of the shitty woke writing and pandering. It was female fangirls that kept this show going, and they loved them some sexy David Tennant. Not even woke retards watch this crap now, just kids with parental controls, and maybe as background noise is some pensioners flat.
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Anonymous57: @Anonymous: yes I agree

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