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UploaderHanJuri, avatar
TagsGoof_Troop, Max_Goof, Peg_Pete, blargsnarf, comic
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Info2000x2500 // 1.4MB // png
- Reply
blargsnarf: I wish 34c worked. If anyone wants to read this in a more organized manner, it's up on my site and also over at sadpanda.
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imreallybored54: noice
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The_Green_Goblin: @blargsnarf: 34c is still there, but there is no direct link to it from the main page. You can go directly to it with
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MooBs: This might be the first good Peg comic EVER. And I've seen many, which were all unbearably stupid and/ or awfully drawn.
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blargsnarf: @The_Green_Goblin: It doesn't work properly, or at least didn't a couple months ago when I asked Decanter. I tried uploading my old Gravity Falls comic there and it just wouldn't take it.
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loliKhorne: "....and it just wouldn't take it."

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Anonymous1: Lol, the portrait of Pete

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