Anonymous6: God dammit, can't we have porn without it being racist trash? Michelle Obama is 100 times hotter than Kremlin Barbie (who even after plastic surgery looks more like Michael Jackson). Michelle Obama didn't need to be plastic surgery, and even if she had a huge cock, would still be hotter than any of Trump's illegal immigrant wives.
Anonymous9: @RocketDog: Wait, so just because I think Ivanka is hotter than Michelle, it makes me a racist somehow? That's like calling someone a racist for not liking Mexican food.
RocketDog: BE BEST!!! (at hating Christmas and getting boned by 130,000 ancient white guys at once. Come on, you KNOW Softcore Melanie was raped by a group of businessmen AT LEAST once.)
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white trannies are superior
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By contrast, Ms. Obama is STILL smoking!!!