Anonymous5: Anonymous3 : So 5.5 inches, then? Or by "normal" did you mean a comically enormous one? It always amuses me to see normality become a priority amongst commenters whenever the cock is abnormally small, but in the absurd number of cases where the it's nigh on impossibly large, the issue of relatability goes out the window and those same people are conspicuously silent.
Also, don't be surprised if @Nuresh is a grotesquely overweight size queen. Remember kids: The size of your genitalia is beyond your control; whether or not you're a despicably hypocritical human being utterly devoid of empathy for others is not.
Anonymous7: I love cute small dicks! Ugh I want to play with them and suck them off so bad. I love it when dicks cum and they start moving on their own because of contractions and stuff. I mean I like big and average sized ones too. They all have a different aesthetic to them that I like.
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Also, don't be surprised if @Nuresh is a grotesquely overweight size queen. Remember kids: The size of your genitalia is beyond your control; whether or not you're a despicably hypocritical human being utterly devoid of empathy for others is not.