Anonymous6: Yesss finally!!! that's really amazing! My boyfriend will be very happy and it will make a lot of fap imagine me like Juvia in this pic ;P We hope that this netorare saga will continues!!!
Anonymous7(1): This is completely wrong, unethical and immoral. Gray x Juvia is fucking canon! Get this piece of shit crack pairing out of here, because Gray-sama should be the one nailing her!!! Replace Natsu with Gray in this picture. This picture would be much better if Gray-sama was the one to do her.
Anonymous8(1): @Anonymous4 Piece of shit. Natsu x Juvia is straight up trash, crack and makes no sense. Gray and Lucy atleast had interractions, and are close to each other. Gtfo
Anonymous16: Could you plese stop calling Navia trash? They had interactions too, Juvia almost threw herself to Natsu during Avatar arc! They're as canon as GrayLu is!!
And they're also a good match because both Natsu and Juvia are the "love interest" to someone who won't return their feelings and won't be faithful to them. Navia >>> GrayLu
Anonymous17(1): They didn't have any interractions dumbass. Juvia threw herself thinking it was Gray, so it was an illusion. Gray and Lucy you know actually talk to each other, the fact that you are equating characters that talk with each other, share a close bond and equate with crack that is Navia is hilarious and makes you ignorant and retarded. Gray is faithful to Juvia, fuckwit. Read the manga, next time you embarrass yourself. Navis is trash. Gray and Lucy have actual bonds, Lucy put Gray in her second boyfriend. Don't insult Mashima by equating the two as having the same to canon. Not to mention Graylu has way many more fans than Navia which is a joke pairing to begin with.
Anonymous18(1): Anon16, please. Lucy and Gray have a lot of moments together, they are even seen flirting with one another. As it's been said Lucy put Gray in her number 2 bf material list. Remind me a single Natsu x Juvia moment. Oh wait, there isn't any. It shows your arrogance level that you don't feel Gray isn't faithful to her, when he committed suicide for her to live. You can't get any more legit than that. Navia is shit. Anyways Gray x Lucy x Juvia is best.
Anonymous19: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: Just to clear things up she put Gray 2nd while Natsu was 1st. And she had shared more moments with Natsu that she had ever did with Gray. As for "flirting" scenes, Gemini!Gray and an apologize don't really count as "flirting"
Navia is indeed crack but GrayLu is crack as well, given their interactions are just extrememly overplayed by fans while Gray moments with Juvia are often disregarded. Before accusing someone of ignorance, make sure your comment doesn't display something similar
Anonymous21(19): @Anonymous: yeah, because when someone thinks of fanservice they inmediately think of stuff like this, or this, or this, or this, or this
As someone kindly told that Navia dude, "Read the manga, next time you embarrass yourself"
Anonymous22(11): Anime isn't canon.
Mashima is multiple times decided to go a specific route because fans, the people he works with, or the people who work on Fairy Tail anime, want. Thus FAN SERVICE. The mainstream couples are all (other than Erza x Jellal) created by mashima because FANS WANTED it. He does things according to their wishes. So it's FANSERVICE.
Anonymous23(1): Anonymous 19. I'm assuming you are also the salty Nalu fan who doesn't recognize that hentai doesn't need to make sense. You got your facts wrong. Gray and Lucy were flirting in Avatar arc and also in Galuna island. Gray x Lucy is helluva a lot more definite and legit compared to Natsu x Juvia. One is crack where two characters don't even talk to each other, while the other is half canon.
Anonymous30(25): read the manga bitch and gray love jubia and lucy love natsu you are insult for the umanity you can die.
MrJudge: The whole problem with Fairy Tail is that it's made for kids and it's fandom consists of 95% kids to the point that even sites like these are not free from the cancer these children are spreading.
Anonymous31: Friendly reminder that Mashima said that he never thought about Natsu and Lucy as a couple.
So yeah, if that shitty pairing is going to become canon, it will be to pleasing the fandumb.
Anonymous32(1): Again, you are a stupid piece of shit bitch, Anon 29, get a life or end it, faggot. Mashima doesn't give a shit about Nalu as a couple. Lucy is free to have sex with anyone she wants, and this is hentai. Fucking salty fuck lmao
Anonymous34: I don't give a flying fuck about all the shipping who fucks who nonsense but one thing for sure is that Grays mouth is a little too close to Natsu's ding dong.
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Come on son. Whoever requested is obviously a cuck.
And they're also a good match because both Natsu and Juvia are the "love interest" to someone who won't return their feelings and won't be faithful to them. Navia >>> GrayLu
Navia is indeed crack but GrayLu is crack as well, given their interactions are just extrememly overplayed by fans while Gray moments with Juvia are often disregarded. Before accusing someone of ignorance, make sure your comment doesn't display something similar
Pairings with Lucy and anyone else with a cock are legit.
As someone kindly told that Navia dude, "Read the manga, next time you embarrass yourself"
Mashima is multiple times decided to go a specific route because fans, the people he works with, or the people who work on Fairy Tail anime, want. Thus FAN SERVICE. The mainstream couples are all (other than Erza x Jellal) created by mashima because FANS WANTED it. He does things according to their wishes. So it's FANSERVICE.
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So yeah, if that shitty pairing is going to become canon, it will be to pleasing the fandumb.
Still I need more salt for my popcorn, so I'll leave some "canon" grayluness here XD
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