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TagsCoinpo, Donald_Trump, Fluttershy, Friendship_is_Magic, My_Little_Pony, featured_image, politics
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ILikeToDraw: Art at it's finest.
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Servalion: Possible Feature if he wins?
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appealus: @ILikeToDraw: LIES. This art isn't sexually attractive at all!
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Anonymous1: Trump's hair looks way, way too normal in this.
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Anonymous2: Make one of Hilary bean penetrated by Big Mac!!!!????.... What did I say? :/
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Nuxersopus: US elections in a nutshell.
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ConsciousDonkey: @Servalion: That won't happen. The american "elections" were rigged for Hitlery from the beginning. She had been an useful servant to the rich before and she will be again. The rich manufacture and program the american electronic voting machines, so they also control the outcome:

As Joseph Stalin said once, "Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything." Go figure.
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KeybladeMaster22: Yup, time for the massive downvotes.
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AnonV3: Donkey's just pissed his whiteman anger isn't worth shit anymore. Suck it cracka.
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Anonymous3: Make Equestria Great Again
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Anonymous4: No just no
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Anonymous5: Make my little pony great again.
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Franky_Whiskey: WELL, SHIT...
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Servalion: CALLED IT.
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Anonymous6: @ConsciousDonkey you were saying?
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Farfegnugen: Well... Fuck. Soon, we all will be that cartoon horse.

@ConsciousDonkey: Alex Jones, is that you?
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Anonymous7: Ha
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Anonymous8: love u! -f666
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Anonymous9: U.S.A.
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Anonymous10: :(
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Anonymous11: Only in AMERICA
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Anonymous12: Ladies and Gentleman, I give you President Pussy Grabber
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Congrats, Donald.
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DoucheClop: Trump being featured I can understand, but what does MLP have to do with it?
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HAMBURGERS: Voted down.
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madcox: loltrump
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Anonymous14: @DoucheClop: He screws up everything including the one thing most people in western society loves. That being MLP.
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: It would be redundant for an ass to do an ass in the ass.
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Anonymous15: @ConsciousDonkey: ELECTORAL COLLEGE PREVAILS AGAIN!
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O_Rly: We're all gonna die.
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Anonymous16: The absolute madman.
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Noka: @HAMBURGERS: No one cares
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Anonymous17: Make pony pregnant again
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Anonymous18: Hello Darkness my old friend...
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ConsciousDonkey: I'll be damned, Trump has won, despite the year-long "true and independent" media shitstorm against him. This situation reminds me of the Brexit vote - british people were getting so pissed at traitorous pro-EU politicians that not even killing Jo Cox by "insane shooter" helped the rich to turn the tide. It seems that ordinary americans still have some sense of self-preservation, too.

On the other hand, Trump is not sitting in the White House just yet. And even he does, he might turn out to be full of shit, just like Obama is.
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betterthannothing: why does he look so young
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Madoc: Well... at least we have the consolation that the next president of the US will be Lisa Simpson.
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Mongrelwanderer: @ConsciousDonkey: if all we get is "full of shit" with Trump we'll be lucky. I worry is tactless way of handling things will fuck up international relations and lead us into more war or even a bigger conflict.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Voted up. I'm not a Trumpkin, but the Unindicted Felon... she should end up guest appearing on Orange Is The New Black in a just world. I voted Johnson/Weld, and I get to bask.
What's needed is a more libertarian culture and policy slant. Yes, I question whether we'll get it. For instance, a Republic has to be full of guns, guns that shoot fast, in private hands, or it can't last as a republic. But with guns, kept as sacred, it lasts. The real power stays in the mitts of the electorate, which is the definition of a democratic republic, the social order I prefer over even constitional monarchy.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Mongrelwanderer: I still doubt we'd be able to tell if that happened. Those who were rabid against us -- they're rabid today as well. We still fight and defeat these with... an All Volunteer Force military. Hee hee hee! That's right -- I don't even see the draft coming back. 'Course, the only ones mentioning that were Democratic partisans and solons; I'm neither.
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Anonymous19: Milo should have worked his ass harder to get featured: - shouldn't he have?
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Tenure: Welcome to the darkest timeline, motherfuckers.
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ConsciousDonkey: @Mongrelwanderer: Actually, I think Hitlery would be far worse when it comes to wars. Firstly, she helped start several of them, sometimes under totally fabricated pretenses (did they find Saddam's WMDs?). Secondly, she openly called Russia as America's enemy. And you can't have worse war than with Russia, especially when the Reds are allied with China and India now.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Actually, they did find *some* of Saddam's WMD arsenal. Something they didn't nail down was that heavy-truck convoy out of B'dad about the last minute -- just what was in those trucks, hm? Some Syrian shitheads subsequently tried to use twinned-agent Sarin on (I suppose) the Jordanian government, in Amman. Iraq was the one place in the Middle East that had twinned-agent Sarin. Caused quite a stir, briefly. About 2003, that was.
They found overage chem munitions, they found toxins testing positives at certain sites -- and for mysterious reasons they *really* aren't talking about it. Apparently it's Top Secret.
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IM_IIHTARW: TBH It's not trump that worries me, if he does something utterly stupid he'll be out of there. remember even his own party was starting to have second thoughts on him. Talking a big game is one thing, but his frenemies in the legislature won't just play ball if he proves to be a real loose cannon.

I'm more concerend about all the judicial rulings that have the potenital to go out the window when the majority of the judges on the supreme court are concevitives.
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IM_IIHTARW: damn, I posted it accidentally, before I could spellcheck.
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Anonymous20: So what would've been feature if Shillary Cliton won?
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Anonymous21: I blame the jew for the election going to shit
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Anonymous22: make clop great again.
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gibbs615: THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!!
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Anonymous24: He won lol
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Anonymous25: My theory is that this picture is symbolic and means...

bronies are fucked.
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Anonymous26: @ConsciousDonkey: You're right, the election was rigged
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HAMBURGERS: Is he really gonna build a wall?
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betterthannothing: Man you guys get up early
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Anonymous27: There is a god after all
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Anonymous28: Sorry Trump, we have to impeach you - rape doesn't suit well for a president.
Now go away from Fluttershy!
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Anonymous29: Why do people talk about politics on a site dedicated to fapping?
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HAMBURGERS: Cocksdicksfags: Work maybe?
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Darves: lol, idk. Trump is probably more of a Rarity guy.
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RawkHawksRawKhawk: I'd rather have wasted bricks than wasted nukes
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tom641: Brexit 2: Racist Boogaloo
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Anonymous30: Make Fluttershy's vagina great again
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Anonymous31: MAKE
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Arceus: Shouldn't Trump be way more orange?
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Anonymous32: I want hitler to rule the us so he can kill attractive and successful Africans and Wetbacks
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Anonymous33: If you saw fucks you Beyonce suck it attractive and successful Africans of there.
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Anonymous34: @ConsciousDonkey And look at what fucking happened
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Anonymous35: Rednecks win!
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ifuckwowsluts: i always wanted to fuck the shit out of Fluttershy so bad :)
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ifuckwowsluts: fuck ponys and mares have the best pussies
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Dagg: NO! How is this possible?! Welp, time to move outta the country.
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Gackt: user image Who'd thought over 10 years ago Billy foresaw this before any of us, America's Series Finale begins now...well actually January 20.
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RioluDen: And Angel is getting Hillary?
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Anonymous36: Ching Kitty Cat brought me here.
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Anonymous37: There was a bumper sticker that read impeach Obama within six months of him becoming president. Why not start now Impeach Trump!
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Anonymous38: based Trump strikes again, he just can't keep winning....can he??
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Anonymous39: DELETE THIS!
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Anonymous40: LOL @ all the triggered tumblrinas.
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EmperorCatz: Man, fuck Trump.
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Anonymous41: Look on the bright side: at least things are going to get very interesting for the feminists and SJW. :D
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Anonymous42: Lmaoo
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Anonymous43: Why Fluttershy though
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Gackt: @Anonymous: When you said feminist that made me think of Married with Children's feminist group now that would be interesting to see Trump start a No/Ma'am organization.
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Anonymous44: Hillary Clinton choked this election harder than Monica chok-... you know, nevermind.
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Goon: Truth has balls and does not give a shit about being "PC" or "nice", Hillary was another liar and a tool like Obama, totally cancer, you Hillary supporters are fucking idiots lol. Hillary was going to destroy USA, Trump actually loves USA and hates useless war with imaginary enemies, Hillary was going to continue all this Iraq and Anti-Russia shit.
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Pyromaildragon: Hey, at least Russian-American Relations are being made again.
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Goon: @Pyromaildragon: And Trump bitch slapped all those ppl who essentially are sucking Muslim cock, Islam is ruining so many fucking countries and they want to ruin USA too! Why do people protect this EVIL religion cult? Islam is not peaceful religion! Wake up you Fucking assholes! Fucking SJWs.
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Anonymous45: Well, looks like internet porn will be shut down in a few months. And anyone who isn't white is going to be going to concentration camps. Trump will need a work force to build that stupid wall.
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Anonymous46: Can't even enjoy porn without seeing his face. smh.
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Goon: @Anonymous: Trump is against illegal assholes not other races you moron. Even losing, Hillary's and SJWs lies are so ingrained in so many ppls minds, like-minded, lie loving, easily programmable shits it seems.
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Goon: @Anonymous: Barack HUSSEIN Obama's face was way more in everyone's face back then, but everyone kept quiet and sucked that Muslim's cock. You people are fucking stupid or pure evil, or both.
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Anonymous47: @Goon: Trump has vowed to leave the UN, NATO, and start wars with Mexico over the wall, North Korea, and continue against ISIS in the middle east in "Hillary's fake war." Republicans thrive on one thing, the war economy. Nanomachines, son.
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Goon: @Anonymous: All I know is that I see the corruption that Trump speaks of, Hillary and Obama did NOTHING and said NOTHING. Time to drain the swamp!
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Twin_Uzis: Fucking lawl I'm friends with the guy who made this
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Gloop: lol Goon, i cant wait to trump fucks you over, you actually think hes gonna do what he says, that white skin dont mean as much as it used to, you racist keep falling for the same trick the elites have been doing since the inception of the USA
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Anonymous48: @ConsciousDonkey: Haha he won anyway. I love how those Hillary supporters which are just a bunch of shitty faggots are crying right now haha
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Gloop: also I am not a Hilary supporter, I hate her and obama, and all those elites
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Anonymous50: Wyeil-Nega: This is featured and Donald Trump Fuck has won, can't wait for Donaldvto take sweet fuk from the horns ofvraging bull Keith Rowley
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Goon: @Gloop: I hated him too, but if the media, feminists, Muslims, SJWs and all the dumbasses hate him then I am all for him. The enemy of my enemy is my friend kinda deal. Im just glad someone who just says shit won and not a tool who gives out emotional candy.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @IM_IIHTARW: You're assuming conservatives on the Court *must* make oppression. BZZZZZT! Try again. Right now, the econservatives are the only people interested in individual, political, and economic liberty. All three of these are as necessary as oxygen. The Left, maddened with a manifest desire for the One Ring Of Power, wants none of these. They, being the animals more equal than others (or perhaps not, such is Orwell's turn of phrase), think your oxygen would better go to them. For no reason but that they are grasping. Don't take my word for it; start reading exposés and see how true they are.

Gloop up there doesn't know his history. He's in with that half of the American adult population whose intellectual powers, whose perspicacity... fail to impress. Don't take my word for that either; ask Neal Boortz.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: What's a Keith Rowley, while we're all yelling?
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: And you're credulous enough to believe all that? C'mon. Is there a single matter on which Trump has a confidently predictable position, if you read all his words on any given issue? His contradictory statements make it certain that you will be uncertain.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Oh, you could say "her husband" just fine.

This pornsite will remain open. Every attempt to shut the Internet *or* the pornsites has failed. Classical information dictatorhips (nearly every dictatorship of the last three centuries) that try and impede the flow of information (good/bad/indifferent, but info), are things of the past bcs internet.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: I bet you voted Democrat. The Liberal Left's young brownshirts are marching and chanting in several cities. They're going to get stared down.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Starting with yourself and your living ancestors, trailer trash. What's your collar size? We certainly don't have to concern ourselves with your IQ, no-bravery-having Anon person.
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Anonymous52: HAHAHA This has to be the funniest r34 pic of him I have seen. This is seriously a big fuck you to bronies and the social justice warriors and radical feminists out there that have debased us for a decade. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
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TheBigMansini: Make Rule34 LOL again.
This could've been avoided with Bernie Sanders but hey, the establishment corporate warmongers had to choose Clinton... Anyway, life goes on.
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Anonymous53: There more black people voted for trump and even Hispanics voted for trump I voted trump if i could but did not vote but you know what hillary did she deleted over 3000 classified emails I don't want president she might start war world 3 or sheven will if she was president
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Anonymous54: Only 8% of black people voted for trump!
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KiwiKoiz: Why I should this the first thing I have to see on this site i-
I can't believe it I'm crying
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zamasu: preparate donald trump te hare pagar por esto tu eres uno de los peores seres humanos que puede existir
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spades69: I wonder how many bronies legit got rage tears when they saw Trump fucking their gf in this pic
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Franky_Whiskey: user image
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Anonymous55: I'm so glad I'm British and nothing about this affects me directly whatsoever.
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Anonymous56: @TheNigManMansini Agreed
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Anonymous57: You motherfucker. Oh my goodness. I didn't know it would go this far. Trump is going to be president, and we have to deal with that. Hopefully he can do great. But seriously. Come on. I wonder if 90% of Bronies are Democrats, how are they going to react to this?!? I really want to see a real life video of non Bronies, Bronies, perverted Bronies, and Democrats reactions to this crazy image. Oh my god it will be funny as "FUCK!"
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Farfegnugen: @SlinkyGuy: Remember what you say now. Bush was our president, but sure fuck your country.
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Anonymous58: why isn't he orange?
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Urbane_Guerrilla: That *is* odd. Why isn't he?
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Anonymous59: WA TE FA...
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @TheBigMansini: Bernie is for economic illiterates who haven't even read Henry Hazlitt, hence can't have an informed understanding. And people who wanted the unicorn to rainbow-fart out a payoff of their college loan.

Aaand that's not me.
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Anonymous60: Welcome to hell!
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Keith Rowley... Trinidad? and Tobago?? There's some serious WTF here. Or somebody who better stop intercepting cocaine planes over the Caribbean.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Not remotely. I voted my conscience -- Johnson/Weld -- not my tactics. We have narrowly avoided, by the Electoral College for the second time in less than twenty years, a socialist-driven disaster for a free Republic. You need to garner some clues about how murderously atrocious Socialism in its Communist and Nazi and Fascist variants truly is. Libertarians can tell you all about it in detail, point you to useful books, good stuff like that. Socialism's evil: it keeps you from getting rich.

I'm hoping for an anti-Socialist regime that will be like a little slice of heaven. And gun rights. Gotta hold those sacred if you like living in a Republic: you need to retain the power to kill, to maintain a free republic. That is not in itself that little slice of heaven, but the crude power to kill translates efficiently into the refined power of the ballot box.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: 93% of the Washington DC residents' votes went to Hillary. That swamp doesn't want to be drained. D'anam don diabhal! -- this is the Capital you're screwing up!
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Farfegnugen: Two terms, even. The reelection by a much bigger margin than the first.
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Farfegnugen: People outside of the States need to remember one thing, and I sure Russia was VERY aware of this fact, the election here effects the world. If you live in the basement in the UK, Trump could fuck with net neutrally which could fuck with a bunch of the channels you watch on YouTube. Or he can make a real royal mess, fuck up the dollar, that would have an effect other countries currency. So don't think Trump won't have an impact on you because you somewhere else.

@Urbane_Guerrilla: Soon after, that 9/11 shine came off and stuff really started smell bad, real fast.
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Anonymous61: Sore losers on a porn site as well.
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notmacacos2: @Anon58 Of course this site will be full of losers lol
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Anonymous62: Trump ruined the damn picture.
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Anonymous63: *after november 8...
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Anonymous64: @Urbane_Guerrilla: Extreme Anti-Socialist regimes (or Capitalist Heaven as you want it) are actually equally as fucked up as Communism or Nazi/Fascist systems. Without at least some basic social standards purely capitalist regimes act like black holes where richer people continue to grow richer and richer, while poor people will get poorer and poorer. In Capatalist Heaven there is nothing, literally nothing that prevents that spiral. Not everyone can become rich due to how resources on this planet are limited. And as rich people become richer they also gain more power to buy themselves into all political offices (much like Trump did) and they corrupt the democratic system from the inside out with their lobbyism (which is already happening on grand scale, especially the war industry). At some point there is pretty much NOTHING left of your republic or democracy and it starts to resembles an authoritarian corporate system. Just that at some point poor people won't take another hit for the Rich-Team and that's when the shit hits the fan and people remember what a bunch of torches and pitchforks can do. They will call out for another French Revolution and chop rich people's heads off in public executions to restore equal distribution of resources and wealth and I wouldn't even blame them.

That the US American system is already suffering a lot of side effects caused by the decades of extreme capitalist-driven system, if you want it or not. It's almost fucked up beyond repair because no one really knows how to restore the balance anymore and both sides, Democrats and Republicans fail to address the important problems... everyone just blames the other side and symptoms rather than the cause. Truth is that in the western world there is no other country with such a discrepancy between poor and rich and the thereby caused social inequity with high crime rates because of how people have absolutely no perspective on getting out of the misery they are born into. (No I'm not blaming it on the guns, though uncontrolled access to guns makes offending crimes easier, but it's not the root of the problem, the root of the problem is the social injustice which is a side effect of the capitalist system)

And no matter what promises Trump made to win the election... the social injustice and crime rates will only increase with corporate assholes like Trump who actually don't give a shit about the population other than to win popularity votes. Don't forget he is a business man... he is on the employer side and not on the side of employees/laborers. That means in the end he will have no choice but to reveal his true face and screw everybody over eventually all while doing only things that profit HIM and no one else.

If you (and other Trump lovers or other conservative extremists) don't want to see that, that's your choice... but let's just say that if you are really for a capitalist heaven where you don't give a shit about addressing arising social problems then your are just a selfish bastard and you can only hope that you are already rich as fuck because the gap between the rich and poor will only become greater and will effect eventually everybody.
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Anonymous65: R.I.P USA. Trump will tear you a new one
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Anonymous66: All these Shillary supporters fuck off.
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Anonymous67: Where is my bunker
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Anonymous68: lol
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Indeed? And, while we might have done better than Trump, we might have done a damned sight worse, as we did with Mr. Obama. I paid as little attention to *him* as I could. This round, I figured Johnson for better, though he was no complete solution either; decidedly he is not Obama, nor anti-American as Obama at bottom was.

Now then: (I'll suppress an urge to call you names) Is it *nothing* to you that this quite flawed candidate is pro-American?
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Bunkers totes make excellent winecellars, great place to park the prepper-provisions of preserved long shelf life food, and sleepover adventures for the kiddies!
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Anonymous69: Politics are so funny in america. Shills everywhere
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Anonymous70(69): Stay free arguing about things that don't matter on porn sites EleGiggle
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Boy oh boy, do you ever need a schooling.

The "extreme anti-socialism" you want to raise your banner against is nothing other than freemarket capitalism, which will make you wealthy, and which fully accords with human nature. Free markets and capitalism is what human beings, absent the armed interference of a coercive State, do. Attempting to interfere with it leads to poverty, disease, lack of innovation, lack of an economy, period.

There is, as the Austrian School of economics (Ludwig van Mises) teaches, no "balance." It's freemarket or death and poverty. Sensible, humane beings do not choose death and poverty; I hope you are at least somewhat sensible, somewhat fully human. I recognize Socialism as an inhumane oppressive system; it, being systematized, may be gamed by insiders for material privileges -- and not distribute increases in prosperity generally through the society. To accomplish that, freedom of individual decision and action is needed. Capitalism's saving grace is its unsystematic features. "But what," you may say, "about those eeeevil robber barons of the nineteenth century?" What of them? Did not stocks trading have... a system? These people got in a position to where they could game the stocks system, yes? What were their effects outside of the stock-trade? Pretty scant, really, except to employ a helluva lot of people; captains of industry rather do that, you know.

Now tell me: without employers, just where are the employees?

Interdependence is really the most striking thing about an economy, one with division oflabor.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Anon61, when a man is not down with freemarket capitalism, he is not down with human life. At all. He *can't* be. (That is the bedeviling problem with a planned economy. The more extensive the planning, the worse the problem gets, within a couple of years -- see Cuba and Venezuela.) Don't be that guy. If you try, you will make a horror of your own life.
Salvation is at hand: study annd become a libertarian philosopher. It's just as good when you're young and your hair is thick and dark as it is when your hair is thinning.
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Anonymous71: CRINGE
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Is there a gap between the rich and the poor, and does it grow? It sure does.

It grows because the rich understand money better than the poor do and manage to put it to work for them. Thus, they are enriched more swiftly. Are you aware that in the Sixties, po' folks didn't have dishwashers in their kitchens, how few of them had even televisions? Contrast that with this decade: dishwashers freakin' everywhere, flat screen televisions on the living room walls -- more than one car. Computers in the house, even a crummy house in a shitty neighborhood. And cell phones; everyone walks around with their phones in their pockets. Fuckin' everyone over about age eleven.

Poverty: it's been defined upward. Even the rich people of the 1950's had, like, nearly none of this. Poverty sure as hell ain't what it used to be.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Anon61, familiarize yourself with this:
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Unknown anywhere else??
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Zvantastika: user image
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Shedy: LMAO
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Anonymous72: Damn You Trump, Damn you to hell!
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Anonymous73: MAGA
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Anonymous74(32): #bringbackHitler
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Anonymous75: Next 4 years will be great for memes!
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Anonymous76(75): I've cum 27 times fapping to this.
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Anonymous77(64): @Urbane_Guerrilla: Sorry but a completely unregulated free market leads to poverty too because a few people will start to suck out the entire substance of the system out of greed leaving less and less for everyone else, especially if there is no hardcap on how rich one can become. They won't give their wealth back to the society so everyone can profit. Not everyone is a philantropist, which would be absolutely required for a Capitalist System to work out in the end. Some people (and the companies they own) are just what they are: Selfish... and they don't care if people next to them hunger to death.

Like has been said we live on a planet with limited resource output and you can't deny that. Eventually we will have to re-think our socio-political strategy as a whole because eventually we will have plundered almost all resources the planet has to offer... and if we don't reconsider in time then what?

As a side note: With certain resources this is already the case like new plots of land and other resources that have been almost fully exhausted or become increasingly difficult to sustain further output in the amounts that are desired. Only a fool believes that there's going to be an endless supply of new raw materials for all our Cars or Smart Phones, etc or Fossil Fuels to burn, much like Trump does when he wants to drop the environmental precautions. Things like resource exhaustion, pollution and global warming are a fact and that humans are the source of it is one too and if you think it's a hoax then you live in denial pretty much as people who still believe in Adam and Eve being the first humans.

So if you keep pure capitalism up beyond the point where there are no more additional assets to be created then you have to start taking things away from someone else who already owns them... for your own profit because you can't generate more of the same resource anymore. So if someone gets unimaginably rich that means that he made a lot of people poorer in the process. I'm sorry to say but without some regulation through governments, without social security a completely free market might eventually be our doom because of how a few people will have almost everything and a lot of people have almost nothing, starting to hunger and die since you can't force the rich people to trade off some of their wealth in a purely capitalistic system where there are no laws regulating such things.

As a side note: This is already the case all over the world thanks to Capitalism and how rich countries try to outsource problems in to the third world who can't afford to fight back because they are held at gun point with weapons of mass destruction or by other means

Also worth nothing: The richest 1% of the world is already richer than the other 99% of the world combined. You can't tell anybody that a system where roughly 70 million people are richer than the other 7 billion people is in full accords with human nature... if you think like that then you are either uninformed or you really like Authoritarian systems were a few people have the power and the rest has to comply or fear the consequences (which are poverty and/or death).

So basically pure Capitalism IS a problem, people are just so accustomed to fact that there is no social security net so that they don't dare to question the longevity of our system anymore, which is already showing signs of withering to dust, slowly crumbling to ruins because greedy people prevent progression out of fear that they might have to trade off some of their already unimaginably huge wealth.

Also we didn't even scrap the top of the iceberg with the longterm economical problems our current system has. Just to tip into one of them: Loans and Interests.

So basically banks give out loans to companies/people if they want to do something but don't have the money yet. This happens with giving guarantees in return... most of which are real estates and other things. But most banks don't care to research the actual value of the assets properly so they are often overestimated. So when the bank eventually wants their money back and the debtor can't pay and they confiscate the assets and realize that they aren't worth what has been stated beforehand then economy takes a big nosedive, like has been the case with Lehman brothers affair and several others.

Another problem are the stupid interests... if let's say we make our own currency and there is 100 units of currency in the system... So if I loan the 100 units to you and I ask you to pay back 101 units... how the fuck are you going to do that if there are ONLY 100 units in the system in the first place? Exactly... I have to print more money so that you can pay back your debt to me... the irony is just baffling, but that is basically how our stupid system currently works. Note banks print more money to cover loan interests, eventually leading to inflation because of how the amount of money circulating in the system doesn't even represent the value of the real assets anymore. Doing that several decades straight and no wonder our economy is crippled because we only work to pay back the debt for our debt for our debt for our debt and so on. Eventually the devaluing of the money will be so rapid that they can't keep up with printing new money and you will need a truckload of money to just burn a piece of bread.

Things need to change eventually. They really need to. Otherwise we are going back to the medieval times where you bash someone's head in to get what you want. Law of the jungle is not civilized and I would be embarrassed if we returned to such a primitive system. It's like I wouldn't want to live on this planet anymore to quote Farnsworth.
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Anonymous78(75): By the way is their any r34 of Trumps wife and daughter?
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Anonymous79(32): Join KKK and Kill attractive and successful African black lives don't matter/
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Anonymous80: lol comments
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Anonymous81(64): @Urbane_Guerrilla: May be too late at this point, but I might also point out that I don't live in the US, so I couldn't care less what happens to the US... but I am not ignorant. I actually do care because the world depends on the US and its decisions as much as on anyone else on this planet. The times where we only care about what happens in our own backyard are long over.

Personally, I'm neither pro-Democrat nor pro-Republican... as long as they do what is necessary either one can be ontop.

What I don't like though is Trump and certain things of his agenda, which is too much populist crap for my taste. We have such assholes like him over here too... talking a lot of trash, contradicting itself, insulting people to the left, insulting people to the right, but people still vote for them because they are the loudest even if they have only shit to say. And when they get elected they turn everything into a big pile of fossilized T-Rex shit in a short time and it takes like 20-30 years for the other parties to resolve the mess they leave behind or restore it to a previous state.
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TheBigMansini: @Urbane_Guerrilla: Personally I feel that socialism and capitalism can coexist...

Best example was perhaps America from the late 1930s up until the mid-1950s. Elements of socialism helped America to get out of the Great Depression. (Of course WWII also ended up fueling that economic boom) But yeah, RESPONSIBLE government helped get a lot of poor and downtrodden families back on the path to success and helped a lot of people get good jobs. Many conservatives think the government should be smaller, liberals think that government should be larger. Me personally, I just think that government should be responsible, meet the needs of the people within the nation so the nation is successful.

I have great concern for when capitalism and the freemarket goes unchecked... the laissez-faire attitudes toward corporations, especially in a time where corporations have so much influence on our government and politicians.
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Anonymous82: among other things, I'm happy to see that this is here instead of Hillary's ugly cunt
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Anonymous83(82): Also, I love that I get to come here and enjoy liberal tears even as I masturbate.
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AnonV3: ITT: Whiny manbabies fighting irrationally smug manbabies.
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Ket-Ralus: Grab 'em by the pussy!
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Flunnathyst: My fucking eyes. Fuck... It shouldn't surprise me. Fuck...
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Anonymous85: You know the diference between bullets and humans?

Humans miss harambe
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Anonymous86: LOL ConsciousDonkey the best. The elections are rigged! Hillary is evil!
Then Trump win with less votes and everything is fine. Trump's supperts logic at its finest
And he was right to compare Trump victory to brexit. Both extremely dumb choices that will extremely screw up the country.
Have fun muricans going back to 1960!
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Anonymous87: Trump supporters should be gassed.
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Anonymous88: Help!
I'm drowning in a wave of comments of people who are talking about politics on a porn website!
Seriously though why?
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Anonymous89: Please feed me more tasty libtard tears!
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Anonymous90: Never forget that Lord Siim hates horses
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Anonymous91: @Anonymous: I know, right? Fucking nerds.
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Anonymous92(55): @Farfegnugen: Untrue, my life is so fucking great. This is not going to affect me. And I'm not talking about my country, I mean ME and only ME. Nobody else.

This is not going to affect me. Ever. I'm so brilliant, life is awesome. I'm British. I'm going to revel as much as I want.
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Anonymous93(75): Member when r34 was for fapping to cartoon porn and not a political debate forum like Reddit?I 'member.
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Anonymous94: Notice how quick these worthless self-obsessed turds have been to actually show how FASCIST they are ? They scream "fascist" and yet it's THEY who have rioted and attacked people when democracy happens and they don't win (despite rigging many voting machines apparently)
What a pack of walking dog turds
Didn't like Trump prior to this. Detested Hilarsery - anything the rating corrupt dykes say, encourages the majority to do the OPPOSITE
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Anonymous95(94): @Anonymous: Never forget that the Democrats now only represent lesbians, queers, muslim terrorist "refugees", black racists, and their fellow democrats with their snouts in the public funds trough
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Senator_Palpatine: @Farfegnugen: In what way, Fartbreath ? Bush was a dickhead. Caused the current problems in Middle East for his Oil Baron friends (for lots of $$$ in return obviously, pretty decent Yanks paid with their lives. And Brits for NO reason. And Aussies, and Poles.
That said, Give me Trump any day over that repulsive bitch and her big mouthed corrupt arrogant lesbian minions
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Senator_Palpatine: No surprise that Hamas and Hesbollah have openly said they wanted Clinton.
Odd the rise of ISIS coincided wioth Obummer's administration. Democrats aiding muslim fanatics against Assad
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Farfegnugen: Fuck, there's a bunch of walls of text.
@SlinkyGuy: Enjoy your dream world. Must be nice in that basement, where mom drops things to you through a tube.
@Senator_Palpatine: You know who David Cameron is, right?

I don't really care for Hillary either. The shit she's been into is slimy as shit. DNC kicking Sanders to curb for a lady isn't much better. They want a lady for president, there is better ways, better people. This really was a race between a Turd Sandwich and a Douchbag.
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Senator_Palpatine: @Farfegnugen: Nope, I know a yank moron when I see one though
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Anonymous97: lol look at all you adorable cucks arguing politics under a drawing of Trump fucking Fluttershy.
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Farfegnugen: @Senator_Palpatine: Yeah, clever.
@GeneralJohnson: Well, there is brand recognition too. People know her better than Burnie. Doubt Burnie would have won anyway. RNC would beat the "He's a Socialist" drum until it pops.
@Anonymous: Pretty sure this happen before 4 years ago, just not on an image orange man fucking a cartoon horse.
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Anonymous98(87): @Anonymous: Blame the porn website for trying to be cute and topical by featuring political imagery on the front page.
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SPLA_T00N: user image
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Anonymous99: @ConsciousDonkey: Nice prediction, dipshit
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Anonymous100(99): If Trump had declared himself to be a brony before the election, would he have received more votes, or fewer votes?
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Anonymous101: @Anonymous: definitely more
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I don't even know what's going on anymore, tbh. Too much crap being thrown around left, right and center.

But NEVER did I think that discussion of politics to such a scale would flood into a fucking r34 site. Jesus Christ, just wank or get your asses out of here.
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Anonymous103: Well, I've consulted the stars, tea leaves, ouija board, my palm, the tarot and my crystal ball and I have divined that the next four years is gonna be bugfuck batshit loco bananas that's for sure. Maybe even eight.

And I VOTED for the guy.
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JustAnotherPornLover: Politics on a porn website? I'm not all to surprised actually. This election spread far. The good guys won, but the ignorance is deep within the people and they want the country to stay the same shithole it has become over the past 8 years thanks to soon-to-be-ex-predident Prickbama. Point being the election has made waves from all the way to porn and back.
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Anonymous104: ^ Neither of the candidates were "good guys" you fucking Republitard moron, now STFU and get fapping.
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Anonymous105(104): As a Non-American I'm just laughing at how the US decided to become the laughing stock of the world, this will be x4 worse than Bush for you guys.
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JustAnotherPornLover: @Anonymous: Yeah, ok sure, I'll just do what you say, you immature dumbass kid
@Anonymous: We were a laughing stock when Obama was elected, so too late for that, since for the past 8 years we have zero respect left
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Anonymous106(104): ^ Really? You think the US wasn't a laughing stock with Bush? Literally every country made fun of you. I'm guessing your too young to remember, you the dumbass kid.
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Anonymous107(62): How the fuck am I able to stroke my cock to a bloody, purple pulp to the horse with an anthropomorphic carrot on my screen?
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Anonymous108: I know one thing is for sure, and it's that for the next 4 to 8 years, no matter what decisions Donald Trump makes, the internet's going to have a field day, and I'm gonna be there to watch!!! :D
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JustAnotherPornLover: @Anonymous: That's the pot calling the kettle black.
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Anonymous109: @ConsciousDonkey: on a scale of 10 to 10, how retarded do you feel right now?
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: I wouldn't talk too much shit about the U.S. if I hailed from Britastan.

Congratz on the Brexit, tho.
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Anonymous110: This is fucking sick I hope this gets romoved.
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buttbadger: this guy almost killed this website for 2 days, and now he fucks my best pony?? HE's DEAD!
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Moron-MacStar: Maybe this comment wont be important for the majority of people here. Some of you will ignore it, most of y'all wont bother to read and it'll go unnoticed along with other comments maybe I'll be criticized for this but i just want to let y'all know I'm selling potatoes.
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Vicarious_Reality: words
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Anonymous111(55): @Farfegnugen: Okay number one, I don't live with my mum, it's my dad. 2. It's an apartment.
3. What's so wrong with the idea of living in a basement anyway? If you ask me, that sounds really cosy.
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Anonymous112(55): @Franky_Whiskey: Brexit hasn't even happened yet though!

Not like it's gonna affect me personally anyway, much like this election.
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Anonymous113: Only 5 days and all these trashy comments. Never associate mlp with Donald trump. Get this trashy shit out of here. This is disgraceful.
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Nightbird: Aw naw, Trump's fucking your waifu lol
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Anonymous114(82): Back for more liberal tears to lube my dick for tonight's fap session
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Anonymous115: 10/10
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Anonymous116: @Anonymous: @Anonymous:
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Gackt: user image
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Anonymous117: My golden russia :) doesn't concern me.
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Anonymous118: you have no idea how i love this image,
i fap to it every night

kill me
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Anonymous119: No one did anything to deserve this
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Anonymous120: @Goon: Just like Christianity is ruining the USA too?
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some-guy222: [url][/img]
All these delicious tears.
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Anonymous121: Those hands, and that penis, are way too big. His hair isn't stupid enough, his skin doesn't look like an orange peel, and he raped a 13 year old girl, not a horse. Get your shit together.
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some-guy222: @Anonymous: Got any evidence other than an anonymous woman's accusation?
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NeuForm: @buttbadger: Wait what? What is this about the site almost being shut down by trump? If anything I would expect Hillary to want the 'loliticians' to be gone.
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betterthannothing: he doesnt even know what mlp is
trump probably thinks porn is cancer
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Anonymous122(87): @Anonymous: "H-Heh. Liberal tears, r-right guys? P-Please get mad and respond at my edgy comments!"
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @TheBigMansini: That's been tried, BigMansini -- to the detriment of the economy overall.

I commend to you the Austrian School also. Von Mises did know his onions. Anon up there does not exhibit familiarity with it.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @SlinkyGuy: Beware of any damp and mystery mold, though. You could find out you're allergic. Happened to my mom, peace be on her soul.
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Anonymous123: "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it." -George Santayana
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Goon: @Anonymous: Islam is ruining the world.

Trump got here just in time, Hillary was just going to bring more of this bullshit into the USA.
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Anonymous124: @Anonymous: "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana

If you're going to quote someone, quote them correctly.
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Anonymous125(123): @Anonymous: never
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CottonTail: would be better without trump in the picture.
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Anonymous126: Shit, there's 121 (?) anonymouses here! XD
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Anonymous127: Трамп сделает Россию великой!
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Anonymous128: Oh my god what just I saw.
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ConsciousDonkey: Wow, a juicy flamewar here, I see. Though, I'm rather disappointed there is no "ponyfags" rage here.

I really love how some anons call me out that I said the elections were rigged. Particularly when Hitlery's own leaked e-mails prove that she had presstitutes from all major american media in her pocket:

Well, like I said above, Trump victory is the testament to how much disgusted the ordinary americans became with current status quo. It's pretty much apparent from the results map, too - rich folks in the coast states went for Hitlery, the downtrotten masses in central USA whose jobs went to China and Mexico voted for Trump. I've even seen comments that "white trash" ruined the elections for the "elightened elites". I guess it's a "let them eat the cake" moment, american-style.
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Anonymous129(55): @GeneralJohnson: I'm going to disagree, chum. An American presidency has never affected me in the past and it's not going to affect me now.

Although it is funny you say America is still the "big dog". We created you, son.
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Anonymous130: What happened, did Trump die?
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Franky_Whiskey: @SlinkyGuy: >we created you

>His country gets their ass kicked in the war of 1776 and again in 1812 by their stepson, despite having a superior military advantage.
>Asks for monies in WWI
>Gets cucked by France out of their middle eastern territories
>Asks for monies and technology, and later manpower, in WWII
>Gives land to a bunch of jews and arabs, again.
>Loses India to a bald hippy
>Sets the trend for faggotry with the Beatles
>Gets fucked in the ass for the past 15 years by filthy eurotrash, and the same country they defeated 60 years ago is now taking a dump on their mouth.
>gets a nasty case of the muslim crabs, itches like hell but they keep biting and reproducing.
>Decides to pull an America and flips off the rest of the eurotrash, only good thing it ever did in the past 70 years.
>Can't even convince their weird skirt wearing kid to join them. He likes getting shagged by the gay sweaty euro club.
>At least the cool drunk son follows it. It'll probably die of cirrhosis soon, tho.
>Goes back to now famous and powerful American stepson for monies.

>>"we created you, son"

>>"no, old man. I created myself."
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Anonymous131: @Franky_Whiskey: Always easier to point fingers than taking a look in the mirror, huh?
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: If you point a finger at me, I'm simply going to point back. And that's what I did.
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Rat: It's rude to point.
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ConsciousDonkey: The discussion is dying out, but I guess it's not too late to link this joke here. It's called "Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton walk into a bar":
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Anonymous132: Who the fuck think MLP it's related with Trump, that autistic fandom think trump likes ponies. hahahahahaha, Trump even made fun of these shitholes bronies, the bronies are the shoe shit of the internet.
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Anonymous133: @zamasu: we don't speak taco here, brown skinned asshat
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Anonymous134(133): @GeneralJohnson:
'Murrica? Big dog? You mean that big dog that China had to save with their moneys a few years back so their economy won't go to the dogs? or maybe it was those dogs you were talking about. You're the laughing stock of the world, you little fatty whinny 'murricunt. Maybe Trump can fix that, but I doubt it.
>attractive and successful Africans lives matter
>Pro-muslim/islam protestors
>Those whacky baptist church idk what

Yeah, big dog my hairy balls.
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Anonymous135: @GeneralJohnson you were technically an anon too so you're wrong. But then again i'm an anon and prob wrong about that. So i'll just say you are smart.
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Anonymous136: I'm sorry I even get to see this. Sigh...
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Sodomius: I hate myself for masturbating to this. *spits on Donald's ass*
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Anonymous137(115): beautiful
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Anonymous138: Chanculture in a nutshell.
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Anonymous139: He looks like Ron White from his You Can't Fix Stupid book.
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Anonymous140: Poor Fluttershy :(
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Anonymous141: funhaus
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RelentlessBater: Interesting that for the pro-Trump side here there's now a "You failed, America" link about ISP privacy being destroyed, because of the Republicans. typical
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Anonymous142: Donald Trump need to go to f*** himself🖕👉👌😤
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Anonymous143: You are on a porn site why did you censor yourself? Just say fuck bro, don't worry you're safe here ;)
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Anonymous144: Shut up anonymous 137 no one cares about you and Trump. trump need to go fuck himself🖕
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emikochan: HaHaa
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Anonymous145: Make equestria gape again
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elarmasucksass: agreed
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Anonymous146: user image
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Anonymous147: @Anonymous: When it comes to stupid, you went above and beyond.
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Anonymous148: I should've been Twilight because she's voiced by someone with TDS.
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Anonymous149: @ConsciousDonkey: shut up idiot this is the rule 34 comments section
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Anonymous150: I wonder how many insurrectionists are in the comments section. Traitors should all get a visit from the PaedoBear. I hope this comment triggers you reactionary pieces of shit :)
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Anonymous151: @ILikeToDraw: fr
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Anonymous152: @ConsciousDonkey: ...
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Anonymous153: Meet the new figurehead, controlled by the same (((people))) as the last figurehead. Now with extra soy sauce.
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Anonymous154: I love this image! One of my favorites! Really turns me on! xD
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Anonymous155: Well, well, well, looks like it's that time again, orange man for another 4 years!
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Anonymous156: If Lauren Faust saw this, she'd be pissed. It was her that brought MLP/FIM to life, and she's a feminist.
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