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Anonymous1: He's literally gonna get all of the Natsu's cums on his face and eyes eww fucking hell!
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Anonymous2: Fucking disgusting. This is crap. Fucking EdJIm.
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Anonymous3(2): Spare us all this torture, give the fans some Graylu or Gray x Juvia x Lucy or Gruvia love here

Shitsu fagneel will remain shit. Cry baby emo fag.
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Anonymous4: Spare us all? talk for yourself because this is AWESOME!!! hope theres more on the way and Lucy joining with natsu and juvia for some fire up
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Anonymous5(2): Anonymous 4, You're an idiot. He speaks for the majority. This is garbage. and disgusting. Hope there's Gray fucking Lucy and Juvia threesome, while Natsu is tied to the bed
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Anonymous6(2): So where is the Nalu fan now talking about relationships, dynamics and other feelings n shit? Bitching when someone was fucking Lucy, but doesn't say a word when Natsu does it to another girl. Fucking sad hypocrite.
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: You're the idiot here for 1) thinking you are majority, 2) disrespecting a fine image given to you to view for free, and 3) calling someone an idiot when he spoke the truth (you should keep your stupid, disrespectful comments to yourself)
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Anonymous8: Anon 5 agrees with himself (anon 2) "He speaks for the majority". Referring to yourself in the third person on this site is not a useful tactic in pretending you are another anon.
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Anonymous9: Take Gray away and this is perfect, for someone as loyal Natsu deserves someone as faithful as Juvia. Lucy is a Slut and Gray obviously doesn't cherish Juvia the way she deserves
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: I think I saw him comment on the 1st part of this "Revenge" series. Not that I mind because I find this comment section far more entertaining than the pictures themselves XD
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Anonymous11: In all this Pictures here there wasn't any Nalu fan talking about relationships and development but only a butthurt gruviafag saying the Picture is lame and fail because the characters had no interaction at all. Just check out the other pic before this one and you Will see Who is the real sad hipocrite. Let's Hope there's more Natsu x Juvia material on the way for this gruviafag here dies in butthurt. It's always a funny thing to watch
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Anonymous12(2): Anonymous 7, you are pretty much the same person as Anon 8, 9 and 11. Get a grip, you lonely little faggot. Pretending you are someone else is pretty hilarious given your lack of comprehension. Lucy and Gray have a lot of moments together, they are even seen flirting with one another. As it's been said Lucy put Gray in her number 2 bf material list. Remind me a single Natsu x Juvia moment. Oh wait, there isn't any. It shows your arrogance level that you don't feel Gray isn't faithful to her, when he committed suicide for her to live. You can't get any more legit than that. Navia is shit. Anyways Gray x Lucy x Juvia is best.
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Anonymous13(2): @Anonymous 7, he actually does speak for the majority. This picture has shown to a lot of negativity and backlash. Get Natsu away, and put Gray in his position, and this becomes absolutely perfect as fuck. Natsu isn't loyal, abandoning someone for a year and not having the nerve to apologize makes him a pitiful unloyal treacherous piece of shit. Gray cherishes Juvia, so get off your drugs.
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Anonymous14: These people are idiots. More natsu and juvia please!!!
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Anonymous15(8): Anon 2 claims in the Anon 12 comment that anon 7 is the same as anon 8, 9 and 11 - which is untrue - I am anon 8 - and no other, yet is a hypocrite because apparently doesn't realize that this comment section lists continuous comments made by the same anon - anon 2 is the same as anon 3, 5, 6, 12 and 13 - hey idiot there is a number in parenthesis after each of your anon comments that indicates that you were originally anon 2. If anon 7 was the same as 8, 9 and 11, it would indicate Anonymous 8 (7), Anonymous 11 (7). Now you are no longer the "majority" on this comment section - you are the one pretending you are someone else, and it is as you say, pretty hilarious. I do find this pic disgusting, but to get butthurt over who or who is not paired with another character based on the events of the anime series is even more hilarious.
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Anonymous16: He is a dumbass Who can't even notice how this comment section Works. Only makes him sound stupid pretending he is another person when it is clear he is the same anon lol many People likes Natsu x Juvia but he can't accept this fact and claims he is the majority. Sad gruviafag
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Anonymous17(2): Anonymous 11, I know it's a given that you are pretty much retarded considering you are a Natsu fan, I'm talking about this bitch: "First I only got here because a friend of mine decided to play a prank on me knowing very well how overwhelming is my hatred toward FT fans and their doings... I have a life because I dropped this toxic fandom long ago, thank you very much!

NaLu is still the strongest and most solid premise regardless of what you said or the "connection" between Gray and Lucy. I decided to stay away from these fandoms for what stuff like this stands for, and the people I hated the most in this clearly hopeless fandom were both NaLu and GrayLu fans because they both disregarded eveything that made the bond between the characters something worth writing about

This picture respresents everything I despise abour FT fans and readers in general. The amount of NTR this fandom produces makes me wish this manga never existed in spite the fact I admire how Mashima wrote his main pairings" <<---Tell me how this bitch is a Gruvia fan. This just shows how stupid Natsu fans are. Butthurt Natsu fags 101. Checking the other pics shows how hypocritical Natsu fans are. Nalu fans as well.
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Anonymous19: Maybe multiple people are using the computer
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Anonymous20(2): This is shit. Natsu x Juvia sucks. Gray x Juvia is much better. Gray x Lucy is also much better.
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Anonymous21(16): Because you're the gruviafag bitching about the pairing here and the other pic before, retard. Keep crying
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Anonymous22(2): A Navia fag like you wouldn't understand anything, because you're too retard and to much of a bitch to not realize that you bitch over every Graylu pic. Stupid Navia fag. Keep being hypocritical and crying like a salty cunt you are
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Anonymous23(16): You bitch like a fag with your caps lock on because of this picture and I'm the salty one? Wrong, I am in joy for such awesome picture and having a gruvifag like you getting butthurt over it only makes everything better. Go on dude, entertain us
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QWERTYas1: what bizarre ritual have I stumbled upon today
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Anonymous24(2): Anonymous23, Whjen I did ever use cap lock? You're so delusional and fucked up, that you are not even worth talking to. You're just a stupid fuck, and this aint an awesome picture, it's trash just like Navia, so keep getting butthurt fag. You do that well.
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Anonymous25: The real problem here is that you guys actually like Fairy Tail.
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Anonymous26: I have a feeling y'all are way too young to be on this site. Fighting over fan-made porn...smh
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Anonymous27: Y'all nothing. Only the gruviafag here Who is bitching about the picture. I'm enjoying the fan made which is awesome indeed. Fuck off the couple nonsense.
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Anonymous28: You and your pathetic anon accounts, are just sad. Bitching like a litle faggot everytime a Graylu pic is on about. Hyporitical Nalu and Navia fag. Graylu and Gruvia win, you little bitch. This picture is trash indeed bitch.
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Anonymous29: Don't mind me, just reading all those pathetic comments XD
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Anonymous30(8): I think a good pic would be Grey being fucked in the ass by Happy and taking a strap on in his mouth being worn by Carla, meanwhile Natsu could be in the background peeing on Juvia who would be in S&M gear including ball gag.
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Anonymous31: @Anonymous: lol you seem to be the crybaby here
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Anonymous32(28): I think a much better picture would be Natsu being fucked in the ass by Laxus and taking a strap on in his mouth being worn by Gajeel meanwhile Gray could be in the background peeing on Lucy who would be in S&M gear including ball gag
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Anonymous33(28): Anon 15 you are pathetic idiot.

Anon 16, Talking to yourself aka 16, even makes you make more pathetic. We know how stupid and deluded you truly are. As I said, I speak for the majority of the people when I say people hate Navia and find it as shitty as Naruhina. You're crying, acussing, and overall butthurt moaning won't change that truth.
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Anonymous34: @Anonymous: Watching how salty can GrayLu/Gruvia fans get is hilarious!!! I wonder if this week's chapter can help to keep this guys butthurt enough for our amusement XD

In fact, I'd be willing to pay for more pics like this one if it helps to keep this going!

Sincerely yours, Anon10
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Anonymous35(28): What's salty is how you butthurt Navia shippers can get, like seriously it's amusing how salty you can get over a pairing. Keep embarrasing yourself lmao

Infact, I hope you get bankrupt while us Graylu fans pay for more awesome content.

Sincerely yours, the master of Anon10
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Anonymous36(28): Anon10 is a bitch just like Navia shippers. BUnch of faggots these retards here.
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Anonymous37(9): It seems I triggered the GrayLu fan that fails to grasp how the comments work around here

I'm not a Navia shipper but it that makes you more salty I might end up becoming one XD

Sincerely yours, Anon10
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Anonymous38(8): Oh, Nice - Anon 2 switched to anon 28. I think a good pic would be Taurus taking big steamy cow turds on Grey and Natsu's face, while Lucy and Juvia got it on in the background - because after all, I could give a shit about the pairings. LOL, this is great, lets keep stirring the pot....
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Anonymous39: It seems I don't fully grasp how this comments work either, could someone please explain to me why my last comment appeared as Anon9 instead of Anon10... I'm a little bit confused
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Anonymous40(28): Continue being a salty little bitch, Navia shipper. The worst of the worst. lmao
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Anonymous41(28): Navia shippers are downright retarded I must say. How can you ship something as lame, disgusting and dull as this? Pathetic ship all around.
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Anonymous42(8): If your first comment was anon 10 and another post had you listed as 37 (9), then I'm not really sure what happened. All my comments have listed me correctly as originally (8). How about a pic of Natsu with Juvia riding his cock and Lucy sitting on his face while Grey is shown in the background masturbating with one hand and sucking the thumb of his other hand while tears are streaming down his face....that would be cool.
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Anonymous43: @Anonymous: Some of my comments aren't even listed... that's why I asked. Although it doesn't prevent me from reading and enjoying all this rage

Your idea is AWESOME! It would surely trigger more salty fans XD

Sincerely yours, Anon10
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Splorneshk: If you want to see more NaLu,GrayLu,or Gruvia then just go back to Ed-Jim's earlier pages or commission him to make more instead of whining about it.
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Anonymous44: Graylu don't exist. Poor haters of natsu. NaLu always wins. Is almost cannon.
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Anonymous45: Natsu is best. Natsu rape erza and make love to Lucy and gray is tied
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Anonymous46(28): Anon42/44/45 crying like a little bitch. Graylu doesn't exist but apparently Navia does? Hahahh so stupid. Graylu atleast have several connections of atleast being semi canon, Navia has nothing. Hope to see Natsu sucking on his own dick with tears on his face, while Lucy rides on Gray's dick, while Juvia's vagina is licked by Gray.
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Anonymous47(28): Give us Graylu already, preferably with Natsu tied like a little bitch he is, watching the action
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Anonymous48: ill be honest here. i never really liked gray in the anime or the show always been more of a natsu fan and i like Natsu x Juvia better than Natsu x Lucy. if you think talking about natsu being trash or some bullshit just because of some picture or the series itself makes you look like a fucking child. there are fans of every ship or crack ship it shouldnt even faze you but if youre some immature childish little bitch and cant be rational and enjoy the picture an amazing artist drew then why bother looking at it or worse commenting on it? it just makes you look like you have no education and you are just a little bitch. and im sure what i just said will give some of you butthurt but i could care less honestly.
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Anonymous49: oop
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Anonymous50(49): gruvia is cannon and nalu is cannon in the manga lol oops i spilled the tea
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Anonymous51: @Anonymous: Why the fuck are you here ???
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Anonymous52: You guys are fighting over porn...Most people get their gay/straight porn and go by their buisness.

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