Makroth: @Anonymous: That place was a poisonous mass-shooter breeding-ground. Poisoning themselves and poisoning others. Good fucking riddance. Now if only the other incel shitholes on that site would go, that'd be awesome.
Anonymous17(16): "you retarded sexist white supremacist"
If White supremacists are retarded, then what are attractive and successful Africans?
Makroth: @Anonymous: If they had principles or morals, they would have done this a lot sooner. But the purpose of my link was mainly to show that republicancers are losing.
Makroth: @Anonymous: And it's not infringing on people's rights, you fragile little broflake. They're welcome to spew their poison pretty much anywhere else. But the less accepted and welcome they feel, the less the people they hate suffer.
Franco_Ferrer-San_Miguel: @Anonymous1: Maguro Keikoku is none other than Tuna Empire, guy who drew the After School Slave Club series, [i]Spirit of Capitalism[i] series, and another series whose name slips my mind at the moment.
Franky_Whiskey: @Makroth: You're clearly confused, since you are confusing incels with Republicans, Democrats as leftists, and you believe the left is winning influence using the bias of mainstream media.
It's no longer about information, image sharing and meme. It's an endless series of keyboard battles, fought by leftists and SJWS.
Buzzfeed inside their channel boxes enhance and regulate their triggerings.
The age of 4chan has become the age of reddit, all in the name of averting catastrophe from weaponized autism, and he who controls the website, controls history.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Franco Ferrer-San Miguel: Don't do the reply manually, use the reply link. It will keep up with the anon number for you, so you can't get them confused. It's a moving target and any comment deletions shift ALL the anon numbers. Leaving all manual replies pointing to the wrong anon. The reply link points to the index of the comment in the database, which DOESN'T change with deletions of prior comments.
Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Boy, you really need to keep up on those ESL classes, DaSilva. How about you go suck some tranny chink dick, now that's something you do have an overabundance of in your sorry excuse of a country.
Anonymous31: If the death of republicunts and white supremacysts requires the establishment of a totalrian government that deletes sites such as this to maintain moral balance... then so fucking be it.
Anonymous32: @Anonymous: Look up IQ by state. I dare you. So it just happens that the most diverse states are the ones with the highest IQ’s? Or should we hold Second and Third-World countries accountable for a test specifically made so that rich white people in the U.S. would feel superior to minorities for knowing what a “Regatta” is? Man, some people are so stupid, that they have to find alternative ways to feel superior. Case in point, racism.
Anonymous35: @Anonymous: Shut the fuck up with your bullshit. The only people who would want sites like this deleted are worthless feminist cunts who think's eye contact is sexist and far leftist pieces of garbage that can't meme. Trump's president and not the fucking monster of a person Hillary. You don't like it? Fuck off and go suck tranny dick then.
Makroth: @Anonymous: But they don't feel welcome. They don't feel empowered. That's what matters. Plus their ability to organize is diminished. And i think people are capable of using their judgement as to what is objectionable or not. Look at countries with hate speech laws. They're not authoritarian dystopias.
Anonymous37: @Makroth: There are only two options at this point for gun laws, ban all guns except for military, or give everyone a gun. Extreme solutions for extreme problems. And if a child kills themselves because a person can't keep their guns in an appropriate location, that person will be sent to jail.
Anonymous38(37): You know the insult "snowflake"? The funny thing is there are so many of these "snowflakes" in the us, it's almost like you don't know how much shit millions of snowflakes can do. Like it's not like a bunch of snowflakes is a snowstorm or anything... but I'm guessing most people who use that insult are from the south and have never seen snow in their life.
Makroth: @Anonymous: Even IF that's true, the other types of violence don't cause nearly as much death. You will never be able to kill and injure hundreds with a sword. Only with a gun. Just sayin'.
Anonymous45: Always funny to see the mental gymnastics Amerikunts make to try and validate them owning deadly weapons. Makes you wonder how many of their own brothers and sisters have to be slaughtered in cold blood before they decide to act.
Oh right, they don't give a shit. They don't care what happens to others, as long as it doesn't affect them. They don't care about the greater good, they only care about themselves.
If there was only two people left in the country after the rest had been gunned down, they'd STILL say both men should own firearms.
Anonymous48(20): We don’t even need stronger gun control laws. Most people who say that do t know what the laws even are. As for gun control, no it doesn’t “work in other countries”. You take countries that never had a huge violence problem, ban guns totally, violence goes down but at the same or no greater rate than it did in America over the same time period.
2/3rds of gun deaths are suicides and the vast majority of the rest are gangster faggots doing the country a favor and wiping each other out.
So get fucked faggot foreigners. Enjoy your nanny states that aren’t even doing their job at least nannying you.
Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Well said. I am almost a 100% sure that the people who complain about the current american ownership of firearms system are either cunts that have never ever purchased a gun or done so -legally-, or paid shills.
An apple is not a banana, stop trying to equate both with muh gun buns wurks un uther cuntries.
Yourmomblows: You know the funny thing about guns in America? You're legally allowed to have one in order to "defend yourself", despite a gun not being a defensive item. It can only project offense, allowing you to kill the other guy first. However, you're not legally allowed to have a bulletproof vest. It's said that, if you have one, you're probably a "bad person" planning to start something. Yet it's a purely defensive item, that is incapable of offense. I'm not allowed to prevent myself from being shot dead by a mass shooter by wearing protection, but I am allowed to attempt to shoot him, first.
What insane retard logic does this stupid country run on, anyway?
The only people who think you're planning something bad and want to make it illegal for you to own body armor are leftists and Democrats, the same guys who are hellbent on banning firearms.
About your question regarding retarded insane logic ruling the country, that's a twofold. One is demented libertards in positions of power who have no problem disarming the general populace as long as they can hire their own private armed security, and the worst offenders of this whole shot show, people like you. People so intellectually lazy and easily coerced into submission by the media, they have no problem throwing away the only thing that has helped America rise from the ashes in both 1776 and 1812: the ability to keep a well-regulated militia.
Of course, couldn't expect better from a commiefornian.
Anonymous57: @Franky_Whiskey: As far as I'm aware, the Soyboy State of California is already not even a part of America anymore, They live in a bubble altogether, ideologically most of all. Plus, they wanted to secede, so I'd say "Let them."
Anonymous58: On the one hand, secession is racist and evil. I know this because the Civil War said so and because secession means a decrease in the power of centralized government, which goes against everything us Leftists stand for. We'll never build a socialist World State if the proletariat keeps trying to exercise their freedom and break away from the benevolent hierarchy. On the other hand, Abe Lincoln was a Republicunt, same as Drumpf. So maybe California seceding would not be such a bad idea?
Unlike those assholes in Texas, Californians can't defend themselves, so California would be annexed by Mexico within a few months of leaving the Union. But at least then California's guns would be where they belong - safely in the hands of violent criminals and paramilitary government thugs, rather than irresponsibly diffused throughout a society of moral, responsible, law-abiding citizens.
They could also repeal the First Amendment, which would be convenient, because then problematic images like this one (Drumpf engaging in an act of hetero-normative cis-rape, really? You guys have not reported this image as a hate crime yet?) could be taken down by the California Internet Police, and replaced with more progressive images - like, I dunno, an inspiring painting of Hillary and St Anita, dressed in Antifa gear, training to be Red Army soldiers. That would be fine, and the message would be important; because, you know, guns are acceptable, so long as they're AK47s in the hands of a strong female character, inspiring young girls to fight back against toxic masculinity and register for the draft.
Makroth: @Anonymous: 1, Democrats and Republicans switched places. 2. FUCK state's rights.
If someone from outside has to force you to not be a steaming pile of shit to the citizens of your state, i'm A-OK with that. There are certain things you don't get to enact, asswipe.
Anonymous60(45): Always funny to see hardcore conservatives unphased about California wanting to secede. "Hurr durr dem Hollywood libruls iz dum, we don't need um"
Whilst failing to realise California has the fifth largest economy in the world and contributes more to the US GDP than every other state COMBINED. Not to mention most of the US Naval ships are built in San Diego, and Long Beach is the port of entry for most of the imported goods from China and Japan.
Without California, the US economy would collapse in less than a year.
Anonymous63: @Anonymous Except that's not how it works. If they do secede then their main source of income goes down the toilet with it. They are primarily a import/export state, much like Alabama or Florida. Thing is, if they can't export the things they are having shipped in into the rest of the country then their economy will tank very, very hard, very, very fast. Much faster than the US would who can spread out the loss of income over 49 other states while they take that "Year" it would take for the US economy to "collapse" to build/shift their port of entry to Oregon. Then impose strict taxes and tariffs on Californian exports into the continental US.
Unable to recoup the losses from exports that are basically worthless except in their own economy and getting fewer and fewer contracts and shipping from Japan and China? Do you honestly think California can stand on it's own like that? Not to mention all the industries like Hollywood and Silicon Valley that live there. Do you honestly think ALL of them will shoot themselves in the foot when it comes to their income, having to deal with a border and more exorbitant import/export costs just to do business with the rest of the continent? No. more likely they'll leave, taking a very, very large source of income with them to other states.
California has a massive economy, yes. But that economy is DEPENDENT on the rest of the country buying their shit.
Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: I'd say you really hate thinking clearly. Or in a libertarian fashion. Libertarian is a highly intelligent sort of political philosophy, being emphatically individualist. Consider this idea, yes/no/maybe: There is no such thing as the collective, only individuals that might be induced to make a coordinated effort, as towards some goal.
Now while not *fully* libertarian, Trump desires a goal the libertarians do: reduce the size and the scope of the centralized (even central-planning) Washington establishment, to reduce the idiopathic effects of extensive governance that may be far better left to such of the several States as think they need extensive regulation -- or "service" from an institution in no wise designed for service at all. The government is not at all a branch of the services industry; the government is a weapon, with a weapon's functions.
Urbane_Guerrilla: @Yourmomblows: Only someone utterly unversed in arms and the man would *ever* say a gun is "not a defensive item, it can only project offense." In use of arms, defensive, offensive, or clay pigeons, the one may not be distinguished from the other; you've done quite the job of setting up a dichotomy so false as to surpass even your last effort that way, whenever that was.
Such thinking is usually in aid of tyranny, heightened crime, genocides, and a subadult electorate. These are all horrible things, and you must not give them even mistaken support. You must also insist no one else around you give support to these things, and do not be afraid to enforce that. Thus you become a force for liberty, righteousness, and good feeling.
BeepBeepettuce: I can't believe that I have to deal with politics on a porn site. The keyword in that sentence was porn. Y'all are arguing about politics. On a porn site. Would you please take a step back and think to yourself, "Do I really need to argue politics on the same site I fap?" For the love of everyone's sanity, please choose the sane answer.
Urbane_Guerrilla: Short answer: No, we will not please to take a step back -- we can cure the Lame.
@BeepBeepettuce: And once the Lame are cured, there's better fapping all round.
Anonymous68(58): @BeepBeepettuce: The sane answer is "yes". "Yes I do."
Look around you. We've got furry porn, dickgirl porn, guro porn, Miss Piggy porn, Lazytown foot-rape porn, and porn of Hillary Clinton. Here in Sodom, your uptight rules of sanity and decorum don't apply.
BeepBeepettuce: @Anonymous: You're right. Sanity doesn't apply here, unless the logic is an if statement over if something is r34 or not. However, this thread has been around the recent comments for about a week. We need this thread to die so we all can get back to what this site was made for: fapping.
BeepBeepettuce: @BeepBeepettuce: Wait, I'm an idiot. Help, politics on porn sites is making me dumb. I'm not sure if it's affected other people yet, but we need to be careful.
Makroth: @Urbane_Guerrilla: There is NOTHING libertarian about Trump. All their talk of "small government" is complete horseshit. To them, it's not big enough where they want it to be: Religion and regulation of genitals, primarily. It's not also not small enough where they want it to be: the power to hold blood-sucking ticks like them accountable. To say that Mump is working towards libertarian goals means you are clueless about every form of libertarianism. Or The Orange Turd. Or both.
Franky_Whiskey: @Makroth: Thanks to states rights there are states that have decriminalized or outright allow the growth of cannabis, federal agents can't get to you without contacting your local law agency, and you're better represented in congress, anong other things.
Of course, I wouldn't expect anything less from a little lefty brainlet that much rather not have his feelings hurt and be blanketed on a false sense of security than be free. You're an authoritarian LARPing as a liberal, like most progressivists are. Fuck you.
Makroth: @Franky_Whiskey: You've conveneniently left out all the shitty things that exist because of states rights. For the sake of people's freedoms there are certain things that states do not have the right to do.
@Makroth:I never said eliminate freedom, cockroach. Nice try, though.
@Makroth: @Anonymous75: 1, Democrats and Republicans switched places. 2. FUCK state's rights. If someone from outside has to force you to not be a steaming pile of shit to the citizens of your state, i'm A-OK with that. There are certain things you don't get to enact, asswipe.
AnonV3: @Franky_Whiskey: Aw, are you butthurt? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you butthurt. Maybe you should take Trump's little dick out of your ass - two inches seems a bit much for you. Maybe you graduated from your daddy's cock a bit too fast.
Have fun paying for Trump's new tower for the next couple decades you waste of carbon!
Makroth: @Franky_Whiskey: It seems you've never heard of the phrase: "Your fist ends where people's noses begin". You probably think that's oppressive. There are certain things states don't get to do. Deal with it, porcelain doll.
Franky_Whiskey: @Makroth: And what are those things they don't get to do? Because all I'm arguing against is your federalist stance on having a big government control the population, and making fun of your belief that such a stance in the best interest of the freedom of Americans.
So tell me, what things can't states do that they can right now? What are you arguing against?
Makroth: They should not be able to restrict abortion rights. They should not be able to enact legislation that shits all over the separation of church and state. They should not be able to enact bogus voter ID laws (or going by their rightful name: Disenfranchisement laws).
Franky_Whiskey: @Makroth: 1. Abortions ought to be payed out of pocket, not depend on the taxpayer's money. Their body their rules, their money. Let's see how far you fight for a man that doesn't want to be a father but gets forced to pay child support.
2. There is no separation of church and state. What the Constitution estipulates is that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". This is to avoid something like the church of England, not to erect a separation of "church and state", as Jefferson is often misquoted.
3. Why they shouldn't? Back in the 1900's one had to be a landowner and posses a certain ammount of money to be allowed to vote. That is certainly undesirable in this state and day, but one has to be at least a U.S. citizen and be able to PROVE it to cast a vote. Voting with a driver's license is akin as showing my videoclub card to be valid personal identification.
4. The ACLU advocates for BLM, which advocates for black on white violence and denies the existence of black on black violence. Do you think those are the people to talk about not being properly represented? That on one hand they talk about civil liberties while ignoring the struggles of a minority group? Get bent, get a better non-shill source, racebaiter.
Thank you for playing this game. You have confirmed you are a brainlet that along with supporting the abolition of freedom and butchering the Constitution like it was 1920 again, also advocates for the use of common resources on eugenics, the prohibition of religious freedom, and electoral fraud.
Franky_Whiskey: @Makroth: And this goes without saying, but you're a frenchie, so how about you fix your sham of a country before you get into politics you don't even have a clue about.
Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Visibly hates burritos. Therefore, by what passes for this thread's logical extrapolation, malnourished incestuous personnel also.@Makroth: My word, Mak, how very superstitious you are. Your beliefs about libertarianism, American social momentum and society itself, where our civil rights are (the NRA is our most powerful civil- and human-rights lobby), and everything else you said in that post are invalid, and they shall remain invalid so long as Hillary Clinton never sees public office again. These evil eventualities may readily occur if Democrats get in control again, but Republicans exhibit much more sense, and conservatives guard my rights and liberties, and yours too, No call to be an ingrate.
Urbane_Guerrilla: @Makroth: And the Inimical They you believe in (there is an Inimical They, but they are the Statists, sometimes calling themselves Progressives, among us) are not doing any of those. Do some of these view them favorably? -- just maybe. That's not the same as enacting legislation or sending battalions of goons with axe handles around.
Remember the anti-anticommunist Left and the Bernie Socialists appeal strongest to the young, the ill-educated, the economically illiterate, and the inexperienced. Wanna guess if I meet that description?
Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: We can find Sudoku porn here. Which, while it can't help being rather decorous at least in form, it's either nutty or it's drawn on a bet. Which is my theory.
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Rethuglicans going down!
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Are you seriously trying to reason with a namefagging leftard zealot?
If White supremacists are retarded, then what are attractive and successful Africans?
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Kill yourself
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but for memes
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Are you really this new to shilling?
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It's no longer about information, image sharing and meme. It's an endless series of keyboard battles, fought by leftists and SJWS.
Buzzfeed inside their channel boxes enhance and regulate their triggerings.
The age of 4chan has become the age of reddit, all in the name of averting catastrophe from weaponized autism, and he who controls the website, controls history.
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*yes* no
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Oh right, they don't give a shit. They don't care what happens to others, as long as it doesn't affect them. They don't care about the greater good, they only care about themselves.
If there was only two people left in the country after the rest had been gunned down, they'd STILL say both men should own firearms.
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2/3rds of gun deaths are suicides and the vast majority of the rest are gangster faggots doing the country a favor and wiping each other out.
So get fucked faggot foreigners. Enjoy your nanny states that aren’t even doing their job at least nannying you.
http://www.British Broadcasting
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*My wifes son*
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An apple is not a banana, stop trying to equate both with muh gun buns wurks un uther cuntries.
What insane retard logic does this stupid country run on, anyway?
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The only people who think you're planning something bad and want to make it illegal for you to own body armor are leftists and Democrats, the same guys who are hellbent on banning firearms.
About your question regarding retarded insane logic ruling the country, that's a twofold. One is demented libertards in positions of power who have no problem disarming the general populace as long as they can hire their own private armed security, and the worst offenders of this whole shot show, people like you. People so intellectually lazy and easily coerced into submission by the media, they have no problem throwing away the only thing that has helped America rise from the ashes in both 1776 and 1812: the ability to keep a well-regulated militia.
Of course, couldn't expect better from a commiefornian.
Unlike those assholes in Texas, Californians can't defend themselves, so California would be annexed by Mexico within a few months of leaving the Union. But at least then California's guns would be where they belong - safely in the hands of violent criminals and paramilitary government thugs, rather than irresponsibly diffused throughout a society of moral, responsible, law-abiding citizens.
They could also repeal the First Amendment, which would be convenient, because then problematic images like this one (Drumpf engaging in an act of hetero-normative cis-rape, really? You guys have not reported this image as a hate crime yet?) could be taken down by the California Internet Police, and replaced with more progressive images - like, I dunno, an inspiring painting of Hillary and St Anita, dressed in Antifa gear, training to be Red Army soldiers. That would be fine, and the message would be important; because, you know, guns are acceptable, so long as they're AK47s in the hands of a strong female character, inspiring young girls to fight back against toxic masculinity and register for the draft.
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If someone from outside has to force you to not be a steaming pile of shit to the citizens of your state, i'm A-OK with that. There are certain things you don't get to enact, asswipe.
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"Screw the porn, let's get into a political and racial debate!"
Ad hominems galore.
Whilst failing to realise California has the fifth largest economy in the world and contributes more to the US GDP than every other state COMBINED. Not to mention most of the US Naval ships are built in San Diego, and Long Beach is the port of entry for most of the imported goods from China and Japan.
Without California, the US economy would collapse in less than a year.
usa is sooo weak
booo hoooo
Unable to recoup the losses from exports that are basically worthless except in their own economy and getting fewer and fewer contracts and shipping from Japan and China? Do you honestly think California can stand on it's own like that? Not to mention all the industries like Hollywood and Silicon Valley that live there. Do you honestly think ALL of them will shoot themselves in the foot when it comes to their income, having to deal with a border and more exorbitant import/export costs just to do business with the rest of the continent? No. more likely they'll leave, taking a very, very large source of income with them to other states.
California has a massive economy, yes. But that economy is DEPENDENT on the rest of the country buying their shit.
Now while not *fully* libertarian, Trump desires a goal the libertarians do: reduce the size and the scope of the centralized (even central-planning) Washington establishment, to reduce the idiopathic effects of extensive governance that may be far better left to such of the several States as think they need extensive regulation -- or "service" from an institution in no wise designed for service at all. The government is not at all a branch of the services industry; the government is a weapon, with a weapon's functions.
Such thinking is usually in aid of tyranny, heightened crime, genocides, and a subadult electorate. These are all horrible things, and you must not give them even mistaken support. You must also insist no one else around you give support to these things, and do not be afraid to enforce that. Thus you become a force for liberty, righteousness, and good feeling.
@BeepBeepettuce: And once the Lame are cured, there's better fapping all round.
Look around you. We've got furry porn, dickgirl porn, guro porn, Miss Piggy porn, Lazytown foot-rape porn, and porn of Hillary Clinton. Here in Sodom, your uptight rules of sanity and decorum don't apply.
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@Anonymous: Are you a democrat pretending to be libertarian just to avoid catching flak? Honest question.
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@AnonV3: You wanted it, you can scrape it off your mom's teeth.
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Of course, I wouldn't expect anything less from a little lefty brainlet that much rather not have his feelings hurt and be blanketed on a false sense of security than be free. You're an authoritarian LARPing as a liberal, like most progressivists are. Fuck you.
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>eliminate freedom
Nice mental gymnastics, lefty.
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"Please help me, daddy, I'm retarded"
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Have fun paying for Trump's new tower for the next couple decades you waste of carbon!
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...unless that's your right hand using a proxy.
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So tell me, what things can't states do that they can right now? What are you arguing against?
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2. There is no separation of church and state. What the Constitution estipulates is that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". This is to avoid something like the church of England, not to erect a separation of "church and state", as Jefferson is often misquoted.
3. Why they shouldn't? Back in the 1900's one had to be a landowner and posses a certain ammount of money to be allowed to vote. That is certainly undesirable in this state and day, but one has to be at least a U.S. citizen and be able to PROVE it to cast a vote. Voting with a driver's license is akin as showing my videoclub card to be valid personal identification.
4. The ACLU advocates for BLM, which advocates for black on white violence and denies the existence of black on black violence. Do you think those are the people to talk about not being properly represented? That on one hand they talk about civil liberties while ignoring the struggles of a minority group? Get bent, get a better non-shill source, racebaiter.
Thank you for playing this game. You have confirmed you are a brainlet that along with supporting the abolition of freedom and butchering the Constitution like it was 1920 again, also advocates for the use of common resources on eugenics, the prohibition of religious freedom, and electoral fraud.
You're way over your head, GTFO.
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Remember the anti-anticommunist Left and the Bernie Socialists appeal strongest to the young, the ill-educated, the economically illiterate, and the inexperienced. Wanna guess if I meet that description?
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