Anonymous5: His dick looks like two slices of hairy pepperoni with all the food coloring sucked out with a water jug that has veins painted on it and its cap is yellow
Anonymous12: If you wanna talk about subject matter tho, some of the shit this guy wrote was still vastly worse:
Asriel fucking his own one of THE most disgustingly fetishistic fashions you could possibly imagine...from the inside and out. Wow. Just. Wow.
All I can say is this: WHY HAS GOD ABANDONED US?
(Real talk though; it's one of the funniest goddamned things you'll ever read)
Please leave this site alone, you cancer
Asriel fucking his own one of THE most disgustingly fetishistic fashions you could possibly imagine...from the inside and out. Wow. Just. Wow.
All I can say is this: WHY HAS GOD ABANDONED US?
(Real talk though; it's one of the funniest goddamned things you'll ever read)
- Reply
Also, Anon 10 wins.