Farfegnugen: Man, if only can leave a comment, letting us know there was SOUND at the Source instead of putting SOUND in large font, in the middle of the image.
Anonymous4(3): @Anonymous: At least he tried, you should give him credit for that. If you think you can do better than do it. Should give him gratitude for doing it.
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: Gratitude for what, this cock tease of a GIF? Is it possible to take gratitude away? I'll give him this, the part of the animation I can see is smooth and it doesn't look like garbage, BUT when you got a watermark that blocks 75% of the image, what the point of looking at the actual video. Don't pat lazy on the back.
I've said before, put that watermark in the corner, out of the way. Seeing how this was posted on tumblr, good chance he left a comment saying, "Hey, the video got sound @ http://somesite.com".
Anonymous5(1): @Anonymous: He'll improve better if he gets feedback. Could take some audio from other porn, shove that in the video. Would sound better.
Anonymous7(3): @Anonymous: The thing is, it is really hard to find sound files for the troll. The blood elf and tauren are fine since it's a bull and a elf. However for a troll, it's not that easy to find.
Garub: Sorry for that watermark, i did not now that i can upload video there, and i did not even think that this can bother someone so much. I'm already send request to moders to replace GIF. I put WoW male sounds in video because commissoner asked me to, i put there only female moans at first. Hope everyone understands.
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I've said before, put that watermark in the corner, out of the way. Seeing how this was posted on tumblr, good chance he left a comment saying, "Hey, the video got sound @ http://somesite.com".
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