Noka: Why was this tagged with 'Jaco_the_galactic_patrolman'...? Both of these characters show up in Dragon Ball Super. Mai is a kid in it, and young Bulma appears in it as a flashback.
Farfegnugen: @ozir: Majin3D is correct on this. Frankly, the only tag that's not needed is Dragon_Ball_Z at the point. Super for Mai, but what's the point of Z since the image isn't based on that show. If it's an umbrella thing, why not just tag as simply as Dragon_Ball then.
PizzaPan: So what, they screwed up a wish and got turned into kids and because of that Vegeta and Trunks won't go near them romantically due to not wanting to end up on a register so they resort to each other until the Dragon Balls become usable again?
You can see that Mai and Bulma have fun and politely.
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And as you can for a change of course Android C18 and ChiChi together like this Masterpiece.
Very Please Please.
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Totally legit explanation, especially since for ONE of them this is actually CANON.