Anonymous2: Ya gotta understand that according to law it's legal to show a man's breast and it's not legal to show a women's breast. For example you don't see weightlifting girls topless showing their chest muscles the way guys did.
Anonymous3(2): Because we men will get aroused when we saw women's breast and according to certain religions it's bad to masturbate therefore it's not legal
Unfortunately there are no women equally in the same condition, this injustice disturbs me.
Staff release all possibilities of clothing for both sexes, grant freedom for everyone.
Just because a society imposes a rule, it does not necessarily mean that rule is fair.
Covered male breasts & covered female breasts: This is a fair situation.
Naked male breasts & naked female breasts: This is a fair situation.
Naked male breasts & covered female breasts: This is a unfair situation.
Covered male breasts & naked female breasts: This is a unfair situation.
This is just:
This is unfair:
- Reply
Yup, that's trolling.