-My bf informed me a little while back that I'd actually completely skimmed over an old request, which was a hot 'n steamy pic between two endermen. I'm rEALLY SORRY I DIDN'T SEE IT I HOPE YOU DIDN'T THINK IT WAS BECAUSE I DIDN'T LIKE IT BECAUSE I LOVE IT AND THANK YOU
So here's a gift, hopefully it makes up for the months of neglect ;v;
again, more requests coming through soon =) might make an orgasm variant of this tho, depending on how lazy i feel ahaaa a
QWERTYas1: -also, sorry to those non-gay/bi/pan/etc ppl out there that were hanging out for new minecraft and got this instead; I'll have more straight content coming soon =) I'll probably also have more non-straight content coming too ;D
QWERTYas1: @ShinjinDelta: and of all the platforms to choose, they opt to flame on paheal, which is just the biggest cesspit of creative sexual freedom XD
@SubjectMaster: I was half tempted to make it a webm, just to ride the trend wave, but... well, audio >.>
Shigetora: > "haters"
You are fapping to a fucking block game full of autistic 13 year olds dude.
This is cancer but after i have seen "MINI I MATOR" porn i fucking lost hope in this human species..
Anonymous3: Allow me to tame the above two haters (Or, at worst, rekindle them):
- @Ihatethisfs: ...Just because it's not a genre you like? I'm not for gay porn either, but the quality is undoubtedly impressive. And that lighting! 8-D
- @Shigetora: Oh boy - Multiple offenses.
Line 1. Nice ego you're showing off there.
Line 2. But what about everything IN the game? Style and demographic never limited anybody - See "Conker's Bad Fur Day" for style (Mature game with kiddy characters) and everyone who has made R34 art of kids' material for demographic (You're on your own here).
Line 3: *ahem* All two million other pieces on Paheal - especially when utilizing the order=score tag. As well, you are repeating the same F-Strike twice, not that it should be used as anything but a verb at all in forums and comments sections. Are you sure you aren't as near-sighted as the people you are critisizing?
And that concludes my dousing of flames. Carry on, fellow R34 viewers.
Hell_B0T: @QWERTYas1: Here's how you fix the audio issue. Record you and your BF having sex, copy the audio clips over, woalla. Or rip it from a porn video.
Gentlemen18: @Hell_B0T: LOL
Yeah like you said for the non-queer people, this kind of dissapointed me tbh ;( not saying you draw bad its just I'm straight. Keep up making more hot pics!
QWERTYas1: @Anonymous: I don't really have any interest in editing existing pictures I've drawn, sorry, but if you want I can shift a straight minecraft animation further up the priorities list :›
Shigetora: @Anonymous: Are you retarded? There is some godtier animated stuff for MLP while all of this shit is made in mine-i-mator whats apparently the synonym for unshaded autistic cancer. Everyone in the mlp fandom who watches porn is most likely an adult while the majority of minecraft faggots here are probably 10 year olds.
MLP is made for little girls? Thats why 95% of people who watch it are male adults. Minecraft was good the last time when it was in early beta. Now its complete garbage.
MLP has over 100k images here and not half of them are single frame rendered pieces of pure concentrated autism.
QWERTYas1: @Shigetora: Woah, you came back! Hey XD You're not really saying anything interesting so like i wont address it, but you make one good point about the overall quality of the content- I'm not one to judge art, but there's definitely a higher average calibre of content within the MLP smut fandom! Demographic definitely plays into that ^^" There's a lot of great MC R34 on pixiv, but not much of that stuff makes its way onto Paheal. It's a pity, but I do what I can to encourage drawn, consensual content within the tag =)
JoeyJoeJoeJrShabadoo: @QWERTYas1: You are incredibly well-spoken and very respectful. I admire the fact that you put as much effort into writing responses as you do for your art. Not many other people appreciate this form of, what they say, 'rigmarole', but it is appreciated nonetheless. Keep making quality content and expanding your art, because you are definitely worth it. Also, love the art. Always have.
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-My bf informed me a little while back that I'd actually completely skimmed over an old request, which was a hot 'n steamy pic between two endermen. I'm rEALLY SORRY I DIDN'T SEE IT I HOPE YOU DIDN'T THINK IT WAS BECAUSE I DIDN'T LIKE IT BECAUSE I LOVE IT AND THANK YOU
So here's a gift, hopefully it makes up for the months of neglect ;v;
again, more requests coming through soon =) might make an orgasm variant of this tho, depending on how lazy i feel ahaaa a
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@SubjectMaster: I was half tempted to make it a webm, just to ride the trend wave, but... well, audio >.>
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You are fapping to a fucking block game full of autistic 13 year olds dude.
This is cancer but after i have seen "MINI I MATOR" porn i fucking lost hope in this human species..
- @Ihatethisfs: ...Just because it's not a genre you like? I'm not for gay porn either, but the quality is undoubtedly impressive. And that lighting! 8-D
- @Shigetora: Oh boy - Multiple offenses.
Line 1. Nice ego you're showing off there.
Line 2. But what about everything IN the game? Style and demographic never limited anybody - See "Conker's Bad Fur Day" for style (Mature game with kiddy characters) and everyone who has made R34 art of kids' material for demographic (You're on your own here).
Line 3: *ahem* All two million other pieces on Paheal - especially when utilizing the order=score tag. As well, you are repeating the same F-Strike twice, not that it should be used as anything but a verb at all in forums and comments sections. Are you sure you aren't as near-sighted as the people you are critisizing?
And that concludes my dousing of flames. Carry on, fellow R34 viewers.
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Yeah like you said for the non-queer people, this kind of dissapointed me tbh ;( not saying you draw bad its just I'm straight. Keep up making more hot pics!
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@Justadoo444: nicely done, I'll call you next time my house is on fire♥ thanks :3
@Birty607: ehehe, thank you ! :DD
@Hell_B0T: hahahaha! Possible XD We're a bit far away though, so perhaps porn would be the easier option XD
@Gentlemen18: Thanks Gentlemen, I'll be working on getting some straight minecraft content out for y'all soon =) Thanks for the encouraging words!
@CrazyAndrin: I'll do what I can to ensure you guys get the love you deserve |D Thanks~
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@DigitalEvorian: haha, thanks =)
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@Anonymous: thanks anon♥
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absolutely adore it :'D
"Captcha; I am no fckn Robot!"
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I have n O I DEA what this cOMMent means but i appreci a te the sentiment and the time you took to enter the 'captcha' so you could post this
thank you♥
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MLP is made for little girls? Thats why 95% of people who watch it are male adults. Minecraft was good the last time when it was in early beta. Now its complete garbage.
MLP has over 100k images here and not half of them are single frame rendered pieces of pure concentrated autism.
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