Please remain calm, everyone. You'll all be returned to your respective timelines eventually, as soon as the good Doctor and Turlough stop porking on top of the TARDIS console.
Feathery_Duck: I'll... wisely abstain from pointing out that sexual behavior of any kind, let alone gay, is very much un-canon and out of character for Doctor Who.
I'm not a COMPLETE R34 noob! ;-)
Anonymous7: OK, why is this featured? Is one of them dead? God, PLEASE don't let it be Peter Davidson! Haven't enough sci-fi and fantasy icons died this year already?!
KnightWhoSaysNothing: @Feathery_Duck Some people have actually put some interesting ideas forth on the matter. While most of the Doctor's were entirely asexual, the 9th, 10th, and 11th showed some clear signs of romantic and/or sexual interest in others. In the Third Doctor's run, there's a part were his companion at the time decides to get romantically involved with some guy, and the Doctor, confused, asked why she picked the guy, to which she replies; "he's like a younger you". Some people have theorized that the 9th through 11th Doctor's were a brief sort of "romantic phase", where he was trying out the whole young love thing, and when it didn't really work out, he switched back to a more mature, sexless iteration. They may or may not be reading way to much into it.
We also have features for the sake of absurdity or to showcase the extremes rule34 can go to. Which, as far as I remember, were the original reasons to feature an image.
Yet_One_More_Idiot: I too would love to be put back in my original timeline please - perhaps before I made awful education- and work-related choices in my choice leading to years of unemployment? :P
Hmm, I've often imagined that Five was the most like of the classic Doctors to become romantically entangled with a companion (mainly due to his relative youth), but I never really considered it would be with Turlough. Then again, my eyes are always on Nyssa in the serials from that period... ;D
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Please remain calm, everyone. You'll all be returned to your respective timelines eventually, as soon as the good Doctor and Turlough stop porking on top of the TARDIS console.
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I'm not a COMPLETE R34 noob! ;-)
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We also have features for the sake of absurdity or to showcase the extremes rule34 can go to. Which, as far as I remember, were the original reasons to feature an image.
just what
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what? no sexual behaviour in doctor who? wat about this:
this is actually all i know related to doctor who, except that he travels time in a mobile toilet or some shit... (called tard something maybe)
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Hmm, I've often imagined that Five was the most like of the classic Doctors to become romantically entangled with a companion (mainly due to his relative youth), but I never really considered it would be with Turlough. Then again, my eyes are always on Nyssa in the serials from that period... ;D
Want to be fucked from Turlough