Anonymous3: I doubt you're into this Unknown Pencil, but do you think Judy (a hermaphrodite from the American Dad's ep "The One That Got Away") could bang Francine or something. If not, I don't care keep doing what you're doing! This is awesome, too.
Anonymous5: (Roberta): 'oh momma!' I'm so glad that you still make love to me even though you married Cleveland, 'MMMM! (Donna): 'oh baby girl'! I'll always want to make love to you, after all, you kept me "company"! In bed when your useless daddy left us all alone.
Your talent on these sketches has more than PROVEN you deserve money to upgrade.
You are the only artist that draws Family Guy porn well, let alone the lesbian incest fetish that no one ever draws.
Keep it up bro!