shinazuka: See, I'm always conflicted when I see pictures of the campers fucking, but I always love fun picture ideas like this one. Plus it feels totally in character for both.
Also, given that the mage is prone, the rogue should get advantage on this particular role. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
BleedinSkull: @Anonymous: You're dumb as fuck if you didn't know she was a girl from the very beginning,
and is the Max x David garbage not queer enough for you?
Anonymous3: @bleedinskull I didn’t know until the episode where she says she is female, because it’s hard to tell. She looks and sounds strange so it’s hard to tell what she is. You don’t have to be so rude, either. Just because they did not realize right away does not mean you should call them dumb. I know I’m not your parent, but clearly yours did not teach you manners.
shinazuka: @Anonymous: Hmm, fair point. With the way Nerris phrases it, it'd probably be something like a Persuasion check, or just straight charisma, not an attack as I was thinking. Still, I feel like Max could make a case for his rogue to have advantage on this particular check, if the mage is more easily swayed on this matter.
Anonymous6: Well technically with player to player interaction, if the target player allows it, the roll can automatically succeed if it would make sense for it to.
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Also, given that the mage is prone, the rogue should get advantage on this particular role. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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and is the Max x David garbage not queer enough for you?
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