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Anonymous1: nice to see some non gay porn on this archive thats of good quality
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Anonymous2: ^
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richa19x: Than search for zelda instead of Link.
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Anonymous3(2): Why should we? Link isn't gay in the first place.
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: You don't know that
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Anonymous5(1): @richa19x: attractive and successful African I type the legend of zelda i dont come looking for that stupid zora prince but i get him everywhere and stupid bad gay porn or 20 different versions of the same pic with minor edits
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Anonymous6(2): Except we do know that Link isn't gay, cry harder, faggot.
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Anonymous7: ... you know that HOW exactly?

Well, I enjoy gay, lesbian, or straight porn all the same, and this one is niiice <3
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Anonymous8(2): Because Nintendo has made Zelda and Link as a canon pairing, you inbred fuck.

Link is straight, period.
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Anonymous9(7): LMFAO so you can not make your point without insulting? Says alot about how your parents were siblings. Just as Link and Zelda in OoT. Zelink is not canon, as Nintendo intended to allow any fan with any preferences to identify with the game. Zelink is only implied in a few games. Besides, bisexuality exists, you know.
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Anonymous10(2): No they didn't. Nintendo doesn't create gay main characters, period. You more than likely will try to convice me Mario is able to be homosexual/bisexual as well even though he IS straight, like Link.
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Shota3D: Why the fuck does it matter if Link is gay/straight? I really doesn't matter since the game don't even pay attention to that. Matter of fact, it shouldn't matter at ALL.
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Shota3D: Just enjoy and fap.
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Anonymous11(2): Because Link IS straight, now shut the fuck up and deal with it.
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Anonymous12(7): You know, Anon2, I'm in absolute awe of how you can still type your entitled BS with your mouth full of my clit. You apparently can't get enough of licking it, eh?
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Anonymous13(2): 1. Because your imaginary vagina doesn't exist, faggot.
2. There's no bullshit, just reality homosexuals will never accept because they're autistic.
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Anonymous14(7): @Anonymous: WOW, you have now decided my gender, just as you have decided Link's sexuality! AND YOU'RE DOING IT WHILE GREEDILY SUCKING ON MY CLIT

You're capable of multitasking: Apparently, you can be the epitome of male degenerate AND my bitch at the same time!
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Anonymous15(4): @Anonymous: When? Last I checked, all the Links and Zeldas are descendants of Skyward Sword Link and Zelda. If Link and Zelda are a canon pairing, any other Link x Zelda pairing beyond that would be incest. You're a very jumpy person, from what I can collect.
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Anonymous16(2): You're acting like Nintendo games hasn't had incest in the first place, you fucking retard.
Link is straight and always have been. Homo's just always wish that characters will be something different because "muh gayness". You'd have a problem if people said Mario was straigh too.
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richa19x: Well in botw those gerudo had no fucking clue how to deal with a man and Ganondorf is dead for a looooog time. Which means a lot of female gay shit must have been happening there.
Zelda always had plenty of faggy character.

If Link is supposed to be the player as nintendo always says, then I as a player says he's bisexual. And a cute assed faggot.
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Anonymous17(7): @richa19x: OH NO don't say gay! You're totally going to trigger anon16 *le gasp*

(I'm bisexual too, but I'd completely agree even if I wasn't.)
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Anonymous18(2): Link isn't supposed to be the player, so nice try. Link is straight, deal with it.
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Anonymous20: Are you serious anon 2 ?
They never stated that link was straight, never, and link is supposed (hence his name) to be the link between the player and the game so that the player can identify to him, so an alter-ego of some sort.
Instead, link should be considered pansexual or bisexual at least, since we don't have solid proof of what he is.
Also, who cares about what he "is", since he is an imaginary being, he can be whatever we want, as you, since I can't see you and probably won't, can be a paraplegic sentient goat for all I know, but I doubt a paraplegic goat would ever come to the internet in the first place, and commenting on this pic is another story.
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Anonymous21(2): Yes they did. Link is heterosexual, not anything else, period.

Homosexuals always have shit arguments as usual. Link is straight and his canon pairing is with Zelda, period. Nothing more and nothing less. You faggots saying otherwise changes nothing.
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Anonymous22(7): LMFAO

Wow everyone here bow to anon2's "arguments" for Link's heterosexuality:


... go back to your cocksucking, closet gay.
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Anonymous23: @Anonymous: exactly, that's just saddening to see someone so pathetically arguing.
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Anonymous24(2): Nobody here is gay other than you faggots. Every main character nintendo has from a franchise is straight, period. Get over it, cocklovers.
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Anonymous25(23): @Anonymous: oh but yes, of course, every main character is straight, because nuff said.
Seriously, most of them don't even talk, and you can't know what they think, or spot any signs, how could you ?
Seriously, take an example : Samus, from metroid, You can't know what she is, either in the manga or in the game, she never talks about that, you control her, and you don't see anybody aside from in metroid prime 3 or other M (that's how desperate you must get to get an argument) and you never see anything that could make you think she is straight, she could be chozo-sexual as far as we know.
This doesn't apply only to samus, it applies to Pit, most people in fire emblem, mr game and watch, your trainer and some npc's in Porkyman (also, if you played as a girl in sun and moon, there were heavy suggestions of a two-sided love relation between the protagonist and lillie).
Also, consider that nearly every link is an entirely different one than any other game, there isn't 1 link, There is almost one per game.

I could go on for some time, but I will spare you this, as you will, yet again and despite any argument anyone could present you, don't care and say that everyone is straight in nintendo's products, that everyone is gay, and yadda yadda.
Return to 4chan /b/ bud, you should stay there until your 18th birthday, and join the "heroes" community, your death would be very pleasing, or simply unnoticed because no one knows or cares about your kind for long on the internet, especially since you are posting as an anon.
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Anonymous26(23): inB4 nobody is gay aside from you faggots, Main chars from nintendo are straight, period, fuck dick, mom watch me I'm a big boy now, I insult people that don't think like me
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Anonymous27(2): Why the fuck would I play as the girl in Porkyman when I'm a guy? None of the characters you mentioned are gay or have a single thing making them appear gay. Nintendo is from Japan in case you haven't noticed. A place that truly doesn't give a fuck about gays. The never made any of their characters gay, period. There's nothing to discuss, it's just homosexuals denying facts as usual and hoping people will pander to them.

Link is straight, Mario is straight, Porkyman are straight, Samus is more than likely asexual than anything else, so don't give me your shit.
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Anonymous28(23): "have a single thing making them appear gay"
Yes, because you can totally judge someone's sexuality based on appearance.

"Why the fuck would I play as the girl in Porkyman when I'm a guy?"
I don't care about you, I'm saying that it is a thing.

"Link is straight"
There isn't ONE link, you just can't know, no one said that none of them are.

"Porkyman are straight"
Porkymans are so diverse, there is an entire world about them, and you are the protagonist, so they basically have your sexuality, I don't care about you, the über-straight stereotype, but if anyone that is gay plays Porkyman, their protagonist is, indeed, gay.

"Samus is more than likely asexual"
don't give me YOUR shit, what could you know about that ? If you can suppose something about her even though you don't know anything about that, you can suppose the opposite as well

"Link is straight"
There are multiple links

"homosexuals denying facts as usual"
Yes, because everyone knows that the lgbt community (a minority) denies things a lot more than the others
Like, I don't know, members of the KKK, any conspiration theorists, negationists, flat-earth theorists, any hypocrite moron, Most of the politicians worldwide, trump's partisans and himself... I could go on, but there are an awful lot of straight humans in the lot, and they are a lot more frequent in the straight part than in the lgbt one, proportionally speaking.
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Anonymous29(7): @Anonymous: ^ this
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Anonymous30: I'm fapping it to Links gay ass and there's nothing you can do to stop me!
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Anonymous31(7): @Anonymous: This comment is life
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Anonymous32(2): All Link's are straight, period. Accept it already, faggot.

Porkyman are straight, there's no saying otherwise. No, main characters in Porkyman aren't gay.

Samus is 99.9% asexual compared to the chance of her being heterosexual or gay in any form, nice try.

Link is still straight, everyone single one of him.

Yes, you actually are. How many genders are there, buddy?

Trump>lgbtq community
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Anonymous33(7): @Anonymous: Your "arguments" for your autistic cause are still "period" and "faggot".

Try harder, kiddo.
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Anonymous34: I fap to feet
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Anonymous35: Trade one cringe for another. Just get off the internet for a while.
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richa19x: Oh dear, the drama continued.
Is anon2 checking this pic daily to see if someone else called Link gay?

Letd put this straight (heh), Links mouth says he's straight, but his ass says he's gay, and his chest, and his mouth,, he's gay.
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Anonymous36(2): Nah, Link is straight. Gays just usually want to make everything gay as usual. That's why gay Santa is a thing.
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Anonymous37(23): "Gays just usually want to make everything gay as usual"
Über-straights usually want to make everything straight as usual, that's why straight santa is a thing.
See ? If I replace "gay" with "straight", it sounds much more credible, as it is exactly what you're doing.

More seriously, there is a gay santa ? haven't even heard about that.

Don't reverse the situation here, you're the guy that just doesn't want to consider that link might not be straight / just don't want to accept that it is a possibility.
Fact : you want to make link straight.
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Anonymous38(2): No, because Santa is straight normally, you fucking social justice warrior.

Yes and he's gay with a "black santa"

Because he isn't, it's simple. Link is straight, he likes Zelda and vice versa. Meaning they're straight, what a surprise. Just like how Mario is straight.
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Anonymous39(23): "Yes and he's gay with a "black santa" "
What ? Although I know of black santa, what do you mean by that ?

"No, because Santa is straight normally"
Where was it even stated ?

"Link is straight, he likes Zelda and vice versa"
we only know that link likes zelda in, what, 2 or 3 games ? because else he is only said to be the hero, so it is his duty to protect and save zelda, and we just don't see anything tha could hint to his love toward zelda.
Also, you can Like a girl and being bisexual or pansexual, it has an equal chance of being true than link being straight.

If you want to prove your point, bring up some facts and proofs, sources, etc...
On our side (gay link side), we are only emiting an hypothesis toward his sexual orientation, so we can't provide proof (or maybe) but you present it as a fact, so you must present some proof.
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Anonymous40(2): I meant exactly what I said, look it up.

Have you ever heard of Santa by any chance? Mrs Santa has been a thing for so very long.

No, Link likes Zelda in every game. Too bad Link is hetero though, just like Mario.

I already did, he and Zelda likes each other, there's nothing more that needs to be said, period.
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Anonymous41(7): @Anonymous: Anon23 asked you for sources and proof for your "statements". Your sources and proof: "Because I said so" "period" "faggot"

... wow

Seriously, you're as bad as debating, as you're at licking my clit.
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Anonymous42(2): Except it is so because it is so, not because I said it, you moron.

That's because I'm not licking your clit, nor is anyone else going to. You virgin whale. Fuck off and go back to fatso village where you come from.
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Anonymous43(23): @Anonymous: You know what ? I'm beginning to think that you're either braindead or some kind of bot, judging from your level of responding.

I've asked for sources, you still don't give any, yet still affirm what you say.

I think I will let you be, Alone in your dark room, scratching your neckbeard and contemplating the utter mistake that has been your life.

Also : Link is gay, whatever you say, cuz' he is an imaginary being, and you can do anything you want with them !
(same for santa, black santa for the win !)
I don't care for what you say, because thinking is and will stay a right, forever, and you can't do anything to it.
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Anonymous44(7): Actually it's because you don't know how to, seeing as you live in your pitiable mother's basement. (So, now I'm a girl again? A few posts ago I was gay guy to you. You are quite indecisive...)

"It is so" Nope. PROOF. AND. SOURCES. Everyone's waiting with baited breath. Well?
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Anonymous45(2): Link is straight whatever faggots like you say, because you just want everything to fit your agenda as usual. (Too bad faggots, it isn't happening)
Santa is white and straight, too bad for you, snowflake.
You do care though? If you didn't why you bother make all these responses? Just being a hypocrite like homosexuals always are? Seems to be the case.
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Anonymous46(2): Too bad I don't live with my mother and that I have my own house. It's nice you can mention your experience though, too bad I didn't go through that. (Either you have a clit or you have a cock, you keep changing, not me)

The proof is there. You can ignore it like faggots always do. How many genders are there? 2.
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Anonymous47(7): Not that you made sense before, but now I'd really suggest you take your pills. You're talking complete gibberish. I pity you actually. Poor guy (or whatever you are)
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Anonymous48(2): Sorry, not taking orders from a faggot. Nah, I'm speaking the truth and you don't like it, because you're a faggot.
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Anonymous49(23): "How many genders are there? 2"
Just... when did we talk about genders here ?
You're deeeeeefinitely braindead.
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Anonymous50(2): Aww, did I trigger you, faggot?
Because most faggots seem to think there's more than 2 genders, which there isn't.
There's male and female, end of story.
"deeeeeefinitely" yet I'm the braindead one? Good joke.
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richa19x: Yeah anon2 has his own house in redneck southpark :)
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Anonymous51(2): "Redneck" Sorry, but I'm not interested in incest which you homo's must resort to.

Nor do I like Southpark. Keep reaching, faggots.
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Anonymous52(30): @Anonymous:
yea, you tell 'em Bobby.
user image
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Anonymous53: As long as you can fap to it it doesnt matter if its straight/gay/lesbian porn
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NellFree: I feel like Anon2 doesn't really even have a life outside of these comments considering he spends so much time defending his beliefs on a porn site. I'm cool with it though because his "arguments" are honestly super funny to read, whether intentional or not.
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Shota3D: WOW
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Anonymous54(2): Is that you, faggot?
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Anonymous55(23): @Anonymous: anon 2's entire vocabulary : faggot, period, gay, santa, straight, vrigin whale, and some other injurious stuff.
Man, I'd love to see how well you did on your exams, especially in language ones, cuz' with that kind of diversity, I don't bet too much on your success.

@NellFree Ikr ? it's entertaining in its own way.

@anon 53 yeah, but apparently not for mr i'm-straight-others-are-shit-and-everything-I-don't-like-shouldn't-exist
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Anonymous56(7): Awww, Anon2 missed me! Then again, it could be any FAGGOT in this comment section, amirite? Have you taken your medication yet? :D


faggot turned Americunt turned faggot turned whale turned faggot again (who needs sex change surgery? Simply talk to Anon2 and it's done in no time!)
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Anonymous57(2): Ah because me saying the same word on purpose means it's my entire vocabulary. Nice try, faggot.

I don't take meds because I don't need to. Have you gotten the gayness shocked out of you though?
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Anonymous58(7): @Anonymous: Are you actually aware that you're talking to different "faggots", or did skipping your medication dumb you down (even more) so you don't know how to use a site?
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richa19x: Please keep on replying, this is the only thing that fuels anon2s life.
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Anonymous59(2): I noticed that you're faggots, so you're all trash.

Nah, my life is fine, but I do love seeing faggots like you cry. It's almost as fun as when you get the shit beaten out of you irl.
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Anonymous60: @Anonymous: look at yourself in the mirror and contemplate where you are now, fucker
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richa19x: Actually I'm straight.
Females like watching gays fuck too.
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Anonymous61: I'd assume that both Link and Zelda are straight, but aren't a couple. Link and Zelda each having children (Each being incarnations) in different parts of the world from Skyward Sword onward and Link never being referred to as any type of royalty would imply that Link and Zelda have never been together. Them having children in the first place would at least rule out them being 100% gay.
Also, Anon 2 stop being a retard, you make Humanity as a whole look bad.
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Anonymous62: look guys i know you all are enjoying yourselves responding to anon2's shit but he has severly triggered me when he said that bull shit about Link loving Zelda in every game for example 1 : the Wind Waker the closest thing to a love connection is between Link and Tetra who was the reincarnation of Zelda but didn't know it and even when she transformed into Zelda she decided to go back to being Tetra and they are still two vastly different people when it comes to personality example 2 : twilight princess he only met zelda three times two of which he was a wolf and the last one their fighting ganondorf and watching midna shatter the twilight mirror link has more feelings for midna atmost and illia at the least and my last example would be orcarina of time link once again met her three times afterwards went to another world searching for navi twilight princess actually confirms this as well as never having kids or a ife
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Anonymous63(2): It does not surprise me I triggered a faggot. Link is straight and so is Zelda, get over it or just commit suicide.
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Anonymous64: Zelda is lesbian with ALL the Gerudos and peach often organise threesome parties with Samus and Donkey kong on top of a giant ice cream bowl.

Now for real, if you say Link x Zelda is the only and definitive source of Love in the Zelda games, why you are looking at something totaly not canon being Link and Naboru??? If its alright for you looking at a picture of link with a Gerudo, why would it be right for Link with Peach/Samus/Orihmee/Donald Duck/Gardevoir/Hilary. Its called a freaking pairing and im sure you fantasmed looking at link with Naboru even if it DEFINITLY not canon (Cause all you care is the most probable canon possible (which does not mean link never had any relations before the probable Zelda)

In OoT, link was a close friend of Saria and would have been with her if she wouldnt have became a sage. In Skyward sword, you can almost have a romance with the vault lady even if she's definitly not Zelda. In Wind waker, Link is impossible to end with Zelda, since at the end remain only Tetra as the reincarnation os Zelda, and not Zelda herself, in twilligh princess Link have more of a romance with his horse than woth Zelda, you barely see him with her and he barely care about her, who he want is mostlikely Illia,In oracle of Age and seasons its not with Zelda link would end up, and there many more games were theres no LINKS (Ahah im funny :P) between Zelda and Link. Its does not mean Zelda x Link not the most probable ship, just that i dont think link stayed a Virgin all his life and never find anyone attrative his whole life for the hope an unespected event will come one day so he could get a princess all for himself (which most of the time duidnt even knew existed)

Also im amazed at how many "Faggots" (at least say Homosexual else we all have the right to cal you a Redneck) Watch this straigh picture of link with a girl. Didnt recalled faggots linked straight sex that much.

Finaly, never say to anyone to commit suicide. Whatever the reason. if you are a troll, angry, trying to defend, etc, its realy unrespectfull for the life. Lost a son cause he comitted suicide and will never let anyone say to anyone to commit suicide. You can yell Zelda is straigh and link is straigh, but for the least you can have of a human being is being sorry of saying to people to commit suicide
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Anonymous65(2): I don't care if you lost your son. If you're crying over the fact Link and Zelda are canon you should just commit suicide. Link is straight and so is Zelda, they like each other. Nintendo made it that way, get over it and move on, losers.
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Anonymous66(7): ........... wow.

Can we all agree how awesome this totally non-canon and non-ZeLink comic is, especially the last "squish" pic? And then collectively fap to it?

(I mean, after you step into shit, you usually scratch it from your shoe, move on to nicer things, and ignore the shit stain on the street, don't you? Now apply this wisdom to Anon2 and thank me later. Just sayin')
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Anonymous67(64): Anonymous 2, even for a troll im going to say it, you are a piece of shit who dont Worth anything. Ill never hope for you to suicide or lose someone from suicide, cause thats just inhuman and sick hoping something like this. But i hope youll have a sad life, get everyone you liked away from you and realised imature troll and hearthless shit wont bring you anywhere in life.

Also "Anonymous" be aware that this site store IP adress used to send message (which is why each time you talk you are recognised as Anonymous 2. So its quite easy to look on the code of that page and look at the Ip adress of your messages, associate the IP adress to an home internet, look the adress of this home internet and finaly look up the name of the person in this house. Be aware that even if its writen Anonymous, anyone who realy work just a bit and know how to do stuff on internet can find you. I already got your IP and didnt took me more than 2 minutes.


Also they could even ask for police intervention toward you for encouraging people to commit suicide (yes thats not allowed and can result in bill to pay, complete removal of your internet or in more major case in prison)

Be aware: in life the internet is never perfectly Anonymous and not only horny teens / trolls go on website like these.
Sincerly, A Web Technician.
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Anonymous68(7): This sudden silence is like music to my ears <3
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Anonymous69(7): Shhhh! It's a secret!
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Anonymous70: a retarded anon2 kid complaining with faggots
faggots mad with the retarded anon2 kid
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Anonymous72(7): I always come back here for entertainment, period. Lo and behold, period, ANON2 sacrificed his only brain cell to change his IP address, period, AFTER MANY DAYS PERIOD!1!1!11!!1eleventyone
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richa19x: Anon2 is on his period for a very long time..
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ohmanwhatsthis: Anon2 is a prick who's homophobic and transphobic as hell
Anon7 is a prick who's barely been able to make one comment without some sort of ableist remark
They're both pricks, but Anon7 is a prick who has a point
So I suppose she wins in this Battle of the Pricks™

Also for the record all of your favorite characters are gay or at the very least bi/pan
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Anonymous73: I think I have brain cancer from literally each and every single one of these comments
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Small cancers, but cancers.
Whether that's your sign in the zodiac, or if you just ride around on the water in a Zodiac, I couldn't say.
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Anonymous74: Kill me please
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Anonymous75: Penis
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Anonymous76: Am I the only one fapping and not arguing about the sexuality of a fucking videogame character?
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Anonymous78: what the fuck happened here?
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Anonymous79: triggered over a characters sexuality...God i'm ready for you to kill us.
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Anonymous80: Listen man I'm bi so either way I'm winning
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Anonymous81: @Anonymous: a fictional character mind you.
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Anonymous82: this shit makes me wanna kms

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