Anonymous4: @MrAnon: I think her (and her sister's) outfit might may be a cat suit but the part with her being chucked in coal naked might've been a punishment she received and which made her think that all her life her outfit was really dirt which is also why she tried to scrape it off
ColdFusion: Okay but it still scraped off
It's unrealistic to think it's the same coal dust from back then, obviously it's been replaced with a kind of black paint that REPRESENTS being hucked into hot coals, and probably acts as halfway decent flexible armor... and presumably insulation.
but it's also hard to call it clothing
FierceWendigo: I Honestly think IMO it was a charred layer of her skin... she had to scrape it off her body to remove the "Black Suit" that's just me though.
Anonymous6: Most the people think they were butt naked and covered in dirt and ash, the other thinks they were scarred and had to literally tear off skin...
Do none of you remember anything about that shithole Aku's crawled out from? The black substance that apppears every third episode as a representation of Aku's evil, is sometimes like tar, sometimes like magic ink, which covers everything...and even infects people multiple times over the seasons...lols facepalm
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It's unrealistic to think it's the same coal dust from back then, obviously it's been replaced with a kind of black paint that REPRESENTS being hucked into hot coals, and probably acts as halfway decent flexible armor... and presumably insulation.
but it's also hard to call it clothing
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Do none of you remember anything about that shithole Aku's crawled out from? The black substance that apppears every third episode as a representation of Aku's evil, is sometimes like tar, sometimes like magic ink, which covers everything...and even infects people multiple times over the seasons...lols facepalm