Anonymous2: @Anonymous: @jamiescfc2013: @jamiescfc2013: Tell me - do either of you two whining tits work for a council ?
Do you scream "islamophobia" or "Racist !!!" at the 10-12 year old victims of muslim grooming gangs with the rest of your kind ?
I hope you get a taste of what you defend you disgusting pair of hypocritical tossers
Anonymous4(2): @jamiescfc2013: No, you're being a laughable whining boring hypocrite. Not just a hypocrite./ The arsewipe luvvie leftie who isn't a hypocrite hasn't been born yet or will ever be
Anonymous5(2): @Shota3D: Yeah - sorry about the banner waving hypocritical whining shitbag ruining this. He does frequently. Look elsewhere for the name. Same politically correct double standard shit every single time
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Do you scream "islamophobia" or "Racist !!!" at the 10-12 year old victims of muslim grooming gangs with the rest of your kind ?
I hope you get a taste of what you defend you disgusting pair of hypocritical tossers
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