Franky_Whiskey: Not that I know what is going here, but every time someone pulls out the manchild insult without warranting it, or uses their (assumed) sex life/looks/weight as an argument against them, their own insecurity shows.
Franky_Whiskey: Welp, we had quite a faggot here. He's known as TheCrimsonFucker/ArceusTheSupremeDivineOne/EmperorGodzilla666/Zeiram1990/EmperorGodzilla/Garo123456, so if you see any posts by this fucker, send us a heads up. He's banned for general newfaggotry.
Anonymous1: I don' know what's going on here, but calling several people faggots and fuckers plus banning them shows your own issues and insecurities. Get a life you two basement dwellers. BTW Naruto is an overrated piece of shit and therefore this picture is a piece of shit as well. PS: Pacific Rim sucks. Godzilla is a much better monster movie franchise.
Anonymous2: Anon1 please ignore BEKFEST, he is obviously a troll. If he is blind and/or can't read the tags on the left, I can understand. However they clearly contradict what he says. BTW I agree with you - Naruto and Pacific Rim are both overrated pieces of shit and their fans are insane jerks who will attack and harass anyone who disagrees with them. You should be careful what you say on the Internet Anon1, otherwise you will get assaulted by the rabid fantards. Anyone who replies to my comment will most likely flame me, thus only proving my point right. These shit-eating douchebags can go kill themselves and
forever burn in Hell. Goodbye.
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forever burn in Hell. Goodbye.