Dickhead947: @SPLA_T00N: Well at least this isn't poorly drawn furry shit and actually had some love and care put into it. Plus, if you don't like Steven Universe R34, then you probably shouldn't be here.
SPLA_T00N: Being honest, I decided to post that one shit image for no reason. If I could, I'd take it down and call in the KGB on the original artist. I consider both images terrible.
@Mr_Nahual2099: Japan didn't surrender solely from the nukes. The reason why Japan surrendered was because Russia was threatening with invading the Japanese homeland.
@Dickhead947: If I could, I would delete it. The image I uploaded was cancerous and the only reason I did was because... I don't have a good reason. I hate furries and Spooky's house of Jumpscares is the death of all good things.
@Anonymous: Most of the anime community is obsessed with SAO and that show is worse than the third Reich.
Farfegnugen: @SPLA_T00N: And the firebombings. Food and supply shortages, which starved people and they couldn't make guns. Blocked off ports meant no supply were getting out troops off the island. Which hurt the Manchurian front. Russian wanted Japan, but America was already there, long before they took Manchurian.
If you want to get technical, Russia played a part, but far from the largest part. America cutting off the ports and the firebombing did most of the damage. The nukes were just the final straw.
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>uploaded badly drawn furry art
BTW, Steven Universe has a lot of Anime influences on it, and the great Anime referenced in the series don't look anything like your "description".
Also, this picture of Aquamarine was drawn in Anime style, so again...WHAT THE FUCK?
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@Mr_Nahual2099: Japan didn't surrender solely from the nukes. The reason why Japan surrendered was because Russia was threatening with invading the Japanese homeland.
@Anonymous: Somebody gets me.
@Dickhead947: If I could, I would delete it. The image I uploaded was cancerous and the only reason I did was because... I don't have a good reason. I hate furries and Spooky's house of Jumpscares is the death of all good things.
@Anonymous: Most of the anime community is obsessed with SAO and that show is worse than the third Reich.
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If you want to get technical, Russia played a part, but far from the largest part. America cutting off the ports and the firebombing did most of the damage. The nukes were just the final straw.
Why is there a ww2 discussion in the comment section of a su porn pic