Anonymous3: Continuity error. If this is a universe in which Jerry is a movie star, then he and Beth never had summer, otherwise C-500A Jerry would be playing Yahtzee with the family.
Anonymous4: @Anonymous: This is actually the universe in which Jerry is a movie star, despite the fact he is married to Beth and has Summer and Tammy is just a normal teenager not a lying bitch, C-247B.
> Now the short haired trans-girl that loves being a Lesbian.
- "What happened Morty? I mean, "More_ta!"
- Morty/More_ta): "Well, you know... you can never have enough pussy!" ......
- Reply
> Now the short haired trans-girl that loves being a Lesbian.
- "What happened Morty? I mean, "More_ta!"
- Morty/More_ta): "Well, you know... you can never have enough pussy!" ......