Alduin: Never been big on the whole Bruce/Diana coupling myself.
Batman is too much of a sad sack for her. I swear, if they push that shit in the movies I'm going to flip my shit.
GarbageManCan: @Anonymous2 The #1 issue, not his first appearance, is the writers who pull his strings. Man of Steel 2 replaced with BvS, no legitimate Robin for Christian Bale's Dark Knight trilogy, Bruce Timm's idea of him having romantic experience with all ladies: evil Harley Quinn, good Lois Lane and even barely legal Barbara Gordon. I can't support Batman because his writers get paid to continue disrespecting "lesser" DC-owned properties for their benefit, not the characters involved.
GarbageManCan: @Alduin You are not alone, I agree wholeheartedly. It doesn't feel right outside a fanfiction, when you're a fan of both. But if you're a true fan of both you know the Black Bat doesn't mix too well with the Golden Goddess, if ever.
Anonymous4: @GarbageManCan: You sound like a fanfic shipper who hates some other pairing yourself! This is porn! You are sounding like a kid. And to tell you the fact,if you know Susan Eisenberg, I.e.The great voice actor of wonder woman she herself loves Batman and Wonder Woman! It's upto people whom they want to support, you want to write comments about how you don't like that pairing,etc. Makes you the loser here! Seriously.Don't like them,then don't come and see them,especially like this is a porn site not fanfic art site.And what you are saying Black Bat? Golden Goddess? Do you even know DCU? And eveer ready any good justice league comic, etc.(Not shitty N52) They work well because their thinking and personality is alike,not that they have same powers,it's not about power.That is why great writers have written them like Francis Manapaul, Wonder Woman's great writer Greg Rucka,list goes on.
No offence.
Anonymous5: @Alduin: Ha,like DC snd WB will listen to you? They will do what they want! And Batman always makes the justice league more interesting! And have you read justice league rebirth 23? You should.
GarbageManCan: @Anonymous4 lol you mad bro? Fanfic shipping is literally what Batman/WW is. Accept you're fantasy as just that. Pretty sure you're 'WonderBatLove' posting as an anon.
Anonymous7: @GarbageManCan: Not really fanfic shippping if it happened in an actual DC product... kys, kek. You didnt]'t even read Anon 4's comment, did you?
DragonShade44: I'm not really familiar with the comics, and while I didn't mind the pairing with Batman in the Justice League cartoons, I do think the original pairing with Steve Trevor is better.
GarbageManCan: @DragonShade44: I agree. Steve Trevor is the long runner while Clark Kent is her alternate love interest in multiple continuities (formerly canon in New 52 for three years). They are pretty much tied for first as her 'true love'. Aquaman and Batman are tied for third place, being stuck in the 'Super-Friend Zone' for most of DC's history.
GarbageManCan: @Anonymous: You are Anons 4, 5, 6 & 7, "WonderBatLove" and "RealJL". Your pairing makes no logical sense, like your eagerness to reply to my comment. Let it go bro.
Anonymous8: @GarbageManCan: What,you seriously don't read and DC feed or news on Twitter etc, N52 was a mistake Geoff Johns himself said it, and so is you're dumb retarded Superman.
Anonymous9(8): @GarbageManCan: You're the one who isn't letting go,otherwise you won't waste your time by replying or commenting to the image,pairing or whatsoever you hate.
Anonymous10: @GarbageManCan: True love? You seriously are one of those idiotic Superman fans,get out of this image or I can give you several link for those idiotic Superman images you want!
Anonymous11(10): @GarbageManCan: This is porno! Take the shit out of that information and which is wrong too it is just your thinking and opinion! N52 had also ended because of that crap. Because their rating went so down that it went in negative in the ratings graph. Take that!
TheRealJL: @ShadowNanako: What are you saying? Have you just read your comment? You're just a loser! And I havent been banned, okay! And my friend risenhentaidemon just colour some pics into which I comment.
ShadowNanako: want me to explain myself, I suppose. Ok, then since you asked so are originally a guy who went by the name "WonderBatLove", who has been banned before for your rather rude and obsessive behavior. To evade bans, you have come up with multiple accounts (Like TheRealJL) in order to continue indulging into your obsessive behavior (or post annonymously), but you make it very obvious that its you (your wrting pattern for example, as well as your preference to use any tags connected with Wonder Woman and Batman) and when anyone questions the pairing, calls you out for your behavior or points out that you can't use a tag for a character that isn't implicitly depicted in a picture, you lash out. Its not too hard to notice really.
TheRealJL: @ShadowNanako: What? You serious you are just a kid, prove me wrong and if you think my writing style is same as that Wonderbatlove then yours is definitely the same as this Garbagecanman how in hell can someone know it's the same person by writing style? And you all start up with the pairing issue just look above that Garbagecanman had started it even despite the fact that this is porno and also I had only edited the tags which were coloured by my pal risenhentaidemon and also we add the tag 'edit' so that means we can tag accordingly not like you can you do anything like draw or colour? Huh? You can just try and act like an admin or moderator which you not and will never be. And also just see in this picture I just gave a normal comment, not just because of Batman wonder woman but also because of the artist Renx who is a pro and draws exceptionally great.
Anonymous16: I don't get why people don't like this ship. I like Batman and Wonder Woman as a couple. Wonder Woman will bring some hope and love into Batman's life.
Anonymous18: @GarbageManCan: This is a Rule 34 site about porn. Besides no one's showing her as a "conquest". The only reason Bruce has never gone far in a relationship is because it will be difficult for him to focus on love and be Batman at once. If you knew comics you would know that. Besides if you don't like porn about a heroine, then MOVE ON because we aren't here to please you.
Anonymous19(18): @GarbageManCan: Actually Wonder Woman loved Batman way before Superman, this happened in 1968 but she quickly got over it. Superman she only had brief attraction to pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths era. It's only post-Crisis she ever tried to be in a real relationship with Clark. If you read the comics beyond Elseworlds you would have known, besides Superman is not even near to being tied with Steve Trevor as first love.
MtBrain: @GarbageManCan: Why are you complaining on a porn site about "disrespect"? Seems clear you're commenting because you favor one ship, especially as I read comics and Supes in main timeline was only her first love in late 80s asides from a few Elseworlds novels. Wonder Woman isn't the Holy Bible, this is not a place for outrage especially over your favored ship.
MtBrain: @GarbageManCan: Read your other comments too. But Bruce Timm never meant Diana and Bruce in a rela relationship, only having a mutual brief flirtation. So how did she become a conquest? This isn't a place for your shipping preference.
MtBrain: @ShadowNanako: Nanako, I'm not anyone here but your insistence on suggesting someone is the same account as other, then mocking them when they reply, plus most of all making no comment asides from questioning GarbageMan's critics makes it clear you yourself are using multiple accounts including Garbage Man. Take your SuperWonder shipping war out of here.
MtBrain: @GarbageManCan: Bruce never had any romantic relationship with Diana or Harley, Harley only kissed him after he helped her despite her past. Diana and he only had feelings. No woman was disrespected by Timm except in your imagination.
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Batman is too much of a sad sack for her. I swear, if they push that shit in the movies I'm going to flip my shit.
No offence.
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WonderBat for life!
Not the people, but most of all sad superwonder and retarded batcat fans.
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