Anonymous5: @RisenHentaiDemon: @jamiescfc2013: Seriously STFU you whiny faggy cucks. I agree with Anonymous2 monkeys fucking their own species, the way it needs to be always!
Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Take your own advice then, you carefully subhuman slime mold. I don't want to catch you copulating with any humans, or for that matter any gibbons. You need -- beyond all other needs -- a jackboot to the mouth and another far up your ass. Probably can't knock much sense into you, but surely I can knock some of the ignorance out.
Anonymous6(5): @Urbane_Guerrilla: Well aren't you such a tolerant antifa-esque degenerate lol. You're either a white beta male or a filthy attractive and successful African to disagree with what I and Anonymous2 have stated. The subhuman is you my friend, anyone with a shred of common sense and dare I say...decency knows every color is to copulate only with it's own color. Whites with whites, Blacks with blacks, so on and so forth. You seem to have quite the violent temper for someone who probably believes himself to be a "non-racist, open-minded, tolerant, peaceful and progressive citizen of the world." funny how "racists" nowadays are lot less violent than the so called "tolerant non-racists".
Anonymous7: Anonymous we don't need to tolerate your garbage dead ideology. It got stomped out in yhe 1940's and will get stomped again any day of the week. Go fuck off and jack off to some blue eyed blonde Aryan men like your cucked dead anhero leader Adolf shitler.p
Anonymous8: @Anonymous: So if you’re not racist you're a liberal?, that explains a lot. And you misspelled “species.” Intelligence seems to be your weak area, but ppl like you are known for being smart just tiny dick hillbilly fags.
Anonymous9(8): @Jackofhearts69: Don’t waste you time on creatures like it. It’s probably just an edgy teenager who thinks trolling a hentai site is an accomplishment in its miserable life. Doesn’t get any sadder than that.
Anonymous10(8): @Anonymous: You are correct sir, no tolerance for the intolerant. I mean seriously these “things” have no life so they try to make everyone else feel shitty. But it doesn’t work bc we know better and just want to see a nice pic of a character we enjoy from a show we like to watch. Notice how even when it’s not interracial they still want to leave racist comments. It must suck having a dock smaller than your own pinky. Lmao!!!
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@Anonymous: Fuck off you racist bastard, we don't need your slander here
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