Anonymous2: I appreciate the joke, I really do, but this just reminds me...
Man, I like the pit's art a lot but... why does he have to keep drawing attractive and successful Africans? I can't jerk off to attractive and successful Africans. Unless it's black women getting colonized by superior white men, that's hot.
Hell, athletic attractive and successful Africans don't even look like that, they're leaner and weaker. attractive and successful African bodies evolved for running, white bodies evolved for fighting. That's why all olympic marathon winners are black, and all of strongman contest winners are white.
Anonymous6(2): @Anonymous: I'll admit that all I know on this particular subject came from me googling "boxing world champion" 5 minutes ago, and giving the list on the wikipedia article a quick look, but it seems like whites dominate in boxing too. About 90% of recent boxing champions are white.
Anonymous11: @Anonymous: Unless it was a 50/50 split between blacks and whites, or there have always been more blacks (which wasn't the case in either) you'd have a point about boxing. But then again, why even respond to your nonsense even remotely seriously? You're just (whether you want to admit it or not) a triggered idiot trying to troll and feel good about his bruised ego, over imaginary white women getting fucked by nigs.
You make the rest of us white guys, who aren't social retards, look bad.
Anonymous12(2): @Anonymous: The world population is actually more-so equal parts blacks and whites (majority is asian though). The list isn't limited to white people countries, it's international, there's two guys from south africa in there ffs.
Also, I KNOW that white women don't fuck attractive and successful Africans much, I've seen the stats. Women on tinder and okcupid are ALL OVER white men. attractive and successful Africans actually score the lowest, even black women prefer the white dick.
So I wouldn't say I'm "triggered", but I'll admit, I'm bothered when lies are considered common knowledge by all the cucks around me. Cucks like you. Call me pretentious, but I like truth.
But hey, go ahead, keep deflecting everything I say with "you're just a triggered idiot trying to troll", even if I provide sources and empirical data left and right, while you yourself aren't providing anything of substance. I'm used to dealing with cognitive dissonance while un-cucking white men. I kind of enjoy these talks, actually.
Anonymous13(11): @Anonymous: LOL! I didn't ask about global population "period", you idiot. I was talking about equal global participation with boxing. Which isn't the case with boxing. But because that was inconvenient, you answered a question that I didn't ask, like {i]that[/i] was what I asked. So the only one deflecting is you.
As for your OKCupid and dating site nonsense, the premise that desperate and laughably stupid white embarrassments like you jumped to, was debunked. Those findings are simply because there's more white guys on the site PERIOD, dummy. By an extreme margin. Most dating sites are populated by white guys, because too many of us, like yourself are beta pansies who are afraid of saying things to people's faces.
I can tell you've used that site as ego-booster in the past, because it's old, and because your self-esteem is as fragile as a sugar cube in coffee. Like too make white betas that need to be purged from our gene pool. Because once again, you're too stupid to understand the concept of "participation" when it comes to ratios, so you jump to false conclusions. The rest of your post was just your pitifully sticking out your chest and trying your hardest to sound marginally intelligent. I'm sure you're proud that you got a chance to use the phrase "cognitive dissonance" in a post.
And just because someone disagrees with you, that doesn't mean they're a "cuck". That's just you setting up a common "feel-good" dismissal, to shield your hilariously poor/fragile self-worth.
Anonymous14(2): @Anonymous: I'd tell you to calm down, but I know that never works.
Don't you think that people gravitate towards activities they are naturally better at? There is an inequality of participation with olympic running too, you know, but I'm not claiming it's the cause for blacks running away faster. If anything, it's the other way around.
Ah well. Anyway, your argument... Whites make up a vast majority of boxing champions because participation isn't equal in boxing. All you have there is an assumption that might disprove my argument if it is correct.
Too bad it isn't. Well, kind of.
I couldn't find any hard data on demographics of practicing boxers (or couldn't be assed to search long enough), but I found this pretty recent research into demographics of boxing (and UFC) fans.
Let's assume that boxing-fan-to-boxing-practicioner ratio is equal across all races, that latinos are caucasian, and ignore the "other" group, since it's probably mulatos and hapas and such.
That means 33.9% of boxers are caucasian, 21.9% are black. A majority sure, and it would explain why 60% of champions are white. But it's way more than 60%. The difference isn't as vast as in pure strength or pure speed contests, but it's still there. Hell, if we consider that most fighters are poor, and whites are generally richer than blacks, the statistic support white superiority even further.
You really shit the bed on your dating argument though. If the data set shows what percentage of messages are replied to, grouped by sender's race, the size of any particular group doesn't matter (unless one of them is too small to provide a reliable statistic, and that's not the case).
And just for you, I found the most recent statistic from okcupid. Shows the same damn trend: white men on top, black men on bottom. Women have strong same-race preferences, but if they go for interracial, they prefer white men above others.
And just because I don't know how reliable this "match score" thing is, here's reply rate data from Are You Interested:
The real point of contention though is in... whatever the fuck you sourced there. The empirical, objective facts it presents start and end with the "74% white members" and "89% white recipients". Everything else is speculation based on an assumption. If you try running a simulation based on a premise, i.e. "women only prefer white men because they're more common, which plays some sort of unidentified mental trick on them, and not because they're just better than the alternatives", go ahead. But it is highly unlikely to provide accurate results if the premise itself isn't proven. So it doesn't debunk my argument, it assumes that it's wrong, and proceeds to generate dubious data based on a dubious assumption.
"Cuck" doesn't mean "a person that disagrees with me". It's means either "someone who's wife cheats on him", or the more recent interpretation "whites who buys into progressive, anti-white propaganda". I'm not dismissing what you say, I'm disproving it, and then pointing out that you're a cuck. Of the second kind.
PS: It's funny how you keep trying to make me mad. It's not gonna work though. Because I'm winning.
PSS: >desperate and laughably stupid white embarrassments like you
Careful mate, you're letting it show.
PSSS: Let's stop using bbcode, it's annoying.
Anonymous15(11): @Anonymous: You have officially solidified yourself as a moron. People gravitate to different activities for various reasons. Lots of people like to do things that they aren't good at, and work to BE better at them.
As for Olympic running, you do know that a lot the top runners are Kenyans from a specific location, the Western Rift Valley right? Which is at a high elevation. Which would positively effect lung capacity.
Why would you lump Hispanics in with Caucasian to mean "white", when there's not only a separation of them already in your own source, but that you strictly meant white from the beginning? That's moronic, and a piss-poor attempt at moving the goal posts. I also like how the number of white champions went down from 90% to 60%, when your blatant nonsense was scrutinized.
As for the dating, no I didn't "shit the bed. You're just dismissing context and variables that you don't like. Nothing you posted contradicts lower response rate from a low participation pool. Especially when you factor in whether or not X person is an attractive member of their race vs. an average looking one. On a site like OKCupid, which is a safe space in general where white guys outnumber other groups as much as 19:1 (because we tend to engage in online dating more in general), it only makes sense that you'd have more messages for us white guys. Because it's unrealistic for a single non-white to get hundreds of messages to offset the white guys messages. And if my premise is faulty, then simple logic would dictate that yours would be as well. Using your own logic.
And LOL @ "Anti-White Propaganda" stop with the pitiful and yappy white guy beta male slogan. "It's nuthin but White Genocide 24/7 in America, guyz!" You idiots are pathetic. Go work on your low self-esteem in a better means. Not arguing to bolster it on a somewhat obscure porn site. Because that shows both, how pathetic you are and how weak your degree of self esteem is. You're a true beta and it's hilarious. Now go back to your -chan safe space with the rest of them.
PS: It seems to be working
PSS: I just call them like I see them
PSSS: It's used for inflection and to break up the visual monotony. Deal with it, I guess.
Anonymous16(2): @Anonymous: Okay, you're getting angrier than I anticipated. You're not even thinking straight. Calm down, nobody's gonna read these anyway. This is our little secret.
You start off with a strawman. I said "tend to", not "always will". Yes, people will sometimes get into things they have no talent for, sometimes even things they are naturally bad at. Exceptions do not disprove the rule.
>As for Olympic running, you do know that a lot the top runners are Kenyans from a specific location, the Western Rift Valley right? Which is at a high elevation. Which would positively effect lung capacity.
I didn't know that, thank you for telling me this nice little factoid. I knew that blacks run faster than whites as an outcome of natural selection, but I didn't know it's because they're from a low-oxygen environment. It's nice that you stopped trying to contest any of the points I made, just to share a neat fun-fact with me. I appreciate it.
Let me preface by pointing out that white and hispanic are culture groups. Caucasian, mongoloid and negroid are races. Many people, myself included, are used to using white and caucasian interchangeably, because all whites are caucasian. I didn't mean strictly white, I meant caucasian, and I'm willing to chalk this up to miscommunication. And you WANT to chalk this up to miscommunication, I'll explain why in a while.
I lumped hispanics and caucasians for two reasons. First, because out of the three main race groups they're the closest to caucasians. Hispanic generally includes people from, well, spain. You might notice that spain is in europe. The other major group of hispanics is mexicans, which are descendants of spanish colonizers. They have a little aztec/mayan/etc blood in them, but by now it has been thoroughly diluted. Hispanics are caucasians. Many don't want to be because everyone in america hates whites, but the difference between whites and hispanics is a cultural one. They are, genetically, almost entirely caucasian. Their skin is just a tad darker.
The other reason why I did this is because I am generous and confident and it would aid your argument. This is really funny because you shot yourself in the foot here and then claimed I was trying to shoot your foot but missed. If we don't include hispanics in the caucasian category, then 10.2% of boxing fans are white, and 21.9% are black. More than two blacks for each white. And they still produce less champions. Why are you trying to further dismantle your own position?
You need to practice your reading comprehension. The number didn't go down to 60%, I pointed out that, if 33.9% of boxers were black, and 21.9% were black, and both races were equally predisposed for boxing, then about 60% of boxing champions would be white. That is not the case though, which indicates that one races has a better predisposition for boxing. The one that overperforms.
But hey, only 10.2% of boxing fans are white, so let's update the data: if both races are equally predisposed, 32% of champions should be white, and 68% should be black, indicating that white people's predisposition for boxing is even greater than we thought. There's smoke coming out of your gun, mate.
I am dismissing and ignoring contexts and variables that are irrelevant and/or unproven.
I might have failed to understand you, it keeps getting harder as you keep getting angried, but judging by your response, you either didn't understand the research, didn't read it, or don't understand the basic principles of statistics.
You seem to think that the data shows, for example, what percentage of white women's replies are towards asian men. If it was true, than the disparity in pool size of different ethnic groups would indeed affect the study. That's not what it is though. Just add up the numbers, if 21% of ww replies are towards asians, 21% are to blacks, 22% are to hispanics, 20% to indians, 25% m-easterns, 27% to natives, 26% to half-breeds (I'm assuming), 23% of pacifics, and 29% whites, than that adds up to 214%. Unless more than half of their replies are to messages from the future that don't exist yet, this is mathematically impossible.
Instead, the data shows that, for example, the average white woman will reply to a message from asian men 21% of the time. So if there's 100,000 messeges from black guys, and she responds to 50,000 of them, that's a 50% reply rate. If there's 100,000,000 messeges from white guys, and she replies to 50,000,000 of them, that's still 50% reply rate. Pool size doesn't matter.
>Especially when you factor in whether or not X person is an attractive member of their race vs. an average looking one.
Did you- oh come on, dude, that sheet was just cleaned! This is what made me think you don't understand basic principles of statistics. Yes, if all black guys whose messeges and replies were considered happened to be ugly the data would be skewed. That's why you need a large test sample, to maximize the chance that those above average and those below average average out. Over 1,000,000 accounts in the 2009 study constitutes a large sample. Over 25,000,000 accounts in the later one, even more-so.
>On a site like OKCupid, which is a safe space in general where white guys outnumber other groups as much as 19:1
I'd ask you for a citation, but I don't care, because as I pointed out that would be irrelevant. Even if you were arguing that sample size of ethnic minority men was too small to be reliable, you'd be wrong. Over 1,250,000 is way more than enough.
>it only makes sense that you'd have more messages for us white guys
As I pointed out, that's irrelevant.
>Because it's unrealistic for a single non-white to get hundreds of messages to offset the white guys messages
Irrelevant. I'm sorry, but I really need to drive this point home. If blacks were outnumbered 100:1, the average black wouldn't need to get a 100 times as many replies as an average white for whites and blacks to have an equal response rate. The average black would merely need the same amount of replies as an average white. And they evidently don't have it.
>And if my premise is faulty, then simple logic would dictate that yours would be as well. Using your own logic.
I wasn't talking about your premise (whatever it is), I was talking about the premise the researchers made: that response rates to various groups, which are unaffected by size of particular groups, would be different if they changed the sizes of groups.
And I haven't made any premises at all. I'm drawing conclusions from statistical data. If you want to establish that women only prefer whites because of white supremacist homophobic rapist patriarchy, then the burden of proof is on you.
>And LOL @ "Anti-White Propaganda" stop with the pitiful and yappy white guy beta male slogan.
You're letting it show again.
Anyway, if anything, it's cucks that act like white people being constantly disparaged and insulted and blamed for everething is okay that are the beta males. Since, you know, they don't stand up for themselves. And if you don't believe that american main stream media and academia are constantly feeding people anti-white propaganda, then you're either blind or haven't actually listened to the bullshit they spew. The social justice spiel then circulates among the common populace, where they imagine some stupid shit, like blacks being athletically superior to offset the fact that they're mentally inferior and have on average 20 iq points less than whites. Black men are just dumber, faster, weaker and less attractive than white men. That's it. The universe doesn't care about justice.
>Go work on your low self-esteem in a better means. Not arguing to bolster it on a somewhat obscure porn site. Because that shows both, how pathetic you are and how weak your degree of self esteem is.
I already told you, I am doing this because it's fun for me. Winning is fun. And hey, so is learning. I didn't know about these boxing demographics coming in here. Maybe you'll even give me an argument I didn't consider. And maybe it won't crumble under the tiniest amount of scrutiny and a little bit of google. Maybe.
PS: Fine. I'll humour you about the bbcode.
Also, it's post post scriptum, not post scriptum scriptum, I messed up. Thanks for playing along, friend.
Anonymous18(2): @Anonymous: Yeah, that's what I said. I T ' S O U R L I T T L E S E C R E T .
In my defence, I needed to explain some points slowly and carefully, as they didn't seem to get through. The guy has a bad habit of trying to figure any possible way his opposition could be wrong, and then assuming that that's exactly how they erred, invalidating everything they said. And then he doesn't check if that's what actually happened. So I check that for him. I'm a kind man.
There's also some attempts at sophistry, but they either fall flat or outright backfire.
Anonymous20(11): @Anonymous: You do know that merely accusing people pf being angry doesn't make it so, right? As that's just a poor attempt at posturing on your part.
My point about the Kenyan runners was that it's not "blacks" it's a sub-sect of a sub-sect of them. Otherwise they'd be top sprinters regardless of origin. Which isn't the case. The fact that you didn't know this (which is pretty common knowledge) sort of demonstrates how dumb you are on this whole "race" thing. It's like saying all Asians are good climbers because Sherpas have a similar benefit that the sub-group of Kenyans do. Which is nonsense. As it's just the same exact evolution from living in a certain high elevation environment.
To further demonstrate that you're kinda dumb when it comes to this whole "race" thing, your boxing champion "proof" via fanbase is nonsense. Otherwise a large number of the NBA champions are "the white teams". But that isn't the case. You trying to extrapolate champions via fanbase is just reaching. My reading comprehension is fine. Your critical thinking capabilities on the other hand could use some actual bolstering.
And to finish off the fact that you're dumb when it comes to the whole race thing. It DOES matter when it comes to race and participation. Separating the two just shows how weak your argument is. If you have 99 white guys out of 100 who get a response, vs. 1 out of 10 black guys who get a response, then that's a 99% positive reply rate to a 10% reply rate. That's what the situation with online is. Just because there are more variables in play that make this whole thing too complicated for you to understand, that doesn't make them irrelevant. It just means you're being disingenuous.
Despite your conspiratorial and empty "I'm-on-to-something" posturing, the only thing I'm letting it show" is that I don't conflate us being made fun of (since we've practically had a monopoly on making fun of everyone for decades) with "anti-white propaganda". Especially since we still DO make fun of everyone via stand-up comedians and popular shows like South Park. And the whole Race and IQ nonsense has had so many holes poked in it over the past few decades, and hasn't been backed up by anything empirical, that it's hilarious. But that still doesn't stop idiotic "true believers" from spouting it. Usually after they come to conclusions that the reports they cite, don't come to.
I see you have a penchant for typing a lot, to come across as being knowledgeable. But all one has to do it actually read your posts, to see that you know very little. So much for you "winning".
Anonymous21(2): @Anonymous: I'm giving you the benefit of doubt, and assuming your poor performance here is caused by emotions taking over. You wouldn't like the other option.
Composition fallacy. Just because I didn't know one cause for a particular evolutionary development in one particular ethnic group doesn't prove I'm wrong about anything related to evolution or ethnic groups. But hey, we can concede that blacks, with some kenyan exceptions, can't even run fast. If that's what you want.
>your boxing champion "proof" via fanbase is nonsense. Otherwise a large number of the NBA champions are "the white teams". But that isn't the case.
Lie by omission. The other option is that blacks are more predisposed to playing basketball than whites, a point I'm willing to concede.
If it makes you feel better, I'll admit that if I ever have to defend my life and family via some sort of ritual life-or-death basketball match with a black person, I will be worried. I'll feel fairly confident if I'll have to fight him though.
>You trying to extrapolate champions via fanbase is just reaching
Aah, finally. You made a point that isn't completely ridiculous.
As I said, I couldn't find any hard data regarding demographics of practicing boxers. As such, I went for the best thing I could find: demographics of boxing fans. Assuming that the amount of fans of a sport and the amount of its practitioners are closely related is not reaching though. It's a very reasonable assumption. It CAN be wrong, but it's probably not.
In conclusion, I've provided relevant, though not ideal, data. You've provided nothing.
This is getting ridiculous. You're either lying to me, or to yourself. I'm sorry for these walls of text, but teaching illiterate children how to read takes time. This isn't much different. It might be futile, but I'll keep explaining this to you until you understand or concede.
If you give 1,000,000 children apples, and 290,000 appreciate it, apples have a 29% positive reponse rate. If you give 1,000 children pears, and 210 appreciate it, pears have a 21% positive reponse rate. We can deduce that children prefer apples to pears.
If you give 1,000 children apples, and 290 appreciate it, apples have a 29% positive reponse rate. If you give 1,000,000 children pears, and 210,000 appreciate it, pears have a 21% positive reponse rate. We can deduce that children prefer apples to pears.
As you can see, changing the size of individual pools did not affect the result, as it is extrapolated from the percentages of the test pool.
Now replace children with white women, apples with white men, and pears with black men. That is what the survey found.
What the hell are you misunderstanding here. Your example doesn't even prove me wrong. If you have 99 white guys out of 100 who get a response and 100,000,000,000,000 out of 1,000,000,000,000,000 black guys that get a resopnse, then that's still 99% to 10%. Changing the pool size, to the point where whites are a vast minority, did not change the percentage based result. Whites would still be 9.9 times as popular as blacks.
The right to make fun of everyone and every group is one of the greatest gifts of western, white civilizations. Nobody should be immune to critique. And it's your side that tries to undermine that. The problem isn't that it's okay to make fun of whites, that's a good thing. The problem is that it's not okay to make fun of anyone else. If I talked shit about whites you wouldn't even bat an eye. But this conversation? This perturbs you a lot.
When was the last time you saw main stream media making fun of black people? You can't even say the word attractive and successful African, like it's anything more than a word. White race is disparaged constantly, which indicates racial bias. The bigger issue though, is that the white race is disparaged for things for things that aren't even true.
>since we've practically had a monopoly on making fun of everyone for decades
No we didn't. Mongoloidds in asia could always make fun of any other race. Negroids in africa could always make fun of any other race. America isn't the whole world. And besides, whites were always more open to self-deprecieating humour than blacks and asians. Whites are far less racist than any other race. But that's not what your propaganda told you, is it? Well, go to south africa or korea and see how you'll be treated.
>And the whole Race and IQ nonsense has had so many holes poked in it over the past few decades, and hasn't been backed up by anything empirical, that it's hilarious.
You're either uneducated on the subject, brainwashed by progressive propaganda, or lying.
Here's the empirical data that supposedly doesn't exist.
Now, there was a lot of willing ignorance from the academic community on the paper's results. There were attempts critiquing the paper.
But it met with Rushton's own critique, pointing out that counter-arguments presented by the progressive academia were nothing more than appeals to emotion and arguments from morality. With no empirical basis.
If you're wondering why blacks are dumber, their brains are smaller. Brain size and IQ are closely related. I know, i know, "how dare you even say such a thing you mengele!", well, it's true.
I elaborate on my points to make sure you'll understand them. If you were doing a better job, I wouldn't feel the need to write so much. I also do it because I have far more arguments than you do.. Not that that's much of an achievement, mind you. After all, all you have are assumptions and sophistry.
And that last quip was a cultural appropriation of my opressed ethnicity. Cease and desist or I will report you to the PC principal.
Anonymous23(11): More empty posturing and padding your argument with long winded nonsense, eh? It wasn't just because you didn't know one thing about a certain group that you're to be disregarded. As I went along and demonstrated further in my post. With the sports analogy, you provided a complete nothing-burger. One that you thought counted for something, because of your own nonsensical theory that you tacked and cobbled together from it. It was DESPERATE reaching.
Your fruit analogy falls flat, because you left out the variable of being given the different types of fruit (races) within the confines of a single container (a dating website) and getting feedback on each, like they were all gorged upon equally enough to form a educated opinion on. Which is both nonsense and an inconvenient variable that you keep ignoring. Because despite you claiming that it's irrelevant, it's not in the least bit. It's just, once again, inconvenient to your argument, because it deflates it. Stop trying to make analogies. You're bad at them.
About "Waaaah! Whites 'n Murrika 'r viktumz!" We were contextually talking about America throughout like 99% of the discussion, so logic dictates that I would be talking about America as well. No need to expand beyond that in order to appear to be right about something. Also, good and proper satire punches upwards. Which is why we white guys are acceptable targets. Don't like it? Too bad. That's just how things work, because we run things in a lot of places. Which is why the rich are also acceptable targets for ridicule, whilst slamming the poor is seen as a dick move. Same concept. South Africa is racist, because that's in retaliation to white people being HUGE jerks in the not-so-distant-past. Is it fair to the current ones? No. But it's not as "innocent" as you tried to make it. It's also an outlier. As I can point to a ton of racism from us that gets brushed aside; with mentioning it being labeled as "race-baiting" or being "anti-white", by idiots.
LOL! [B]Rushton?[/B] Omg! [B]Hahahaha![/B] His research is as dead as he is. Why don't you pick someone who hasn't been refuted up and down with fact barrages? He's the (now dead) King of pseudo-scientific "Race Realism" and yet his work has been even used as a "How-to-Spot-Incorrect-Methodology" tool by 101-course level college students. Evolutionary Biologist Joseph Graves and a MULTITUDE of others like David Suzuki (most of whom are actual biologists who work in the field, unlike Rushton) have utterly stomped his "studies" into the dust. Via written papers AND old live debates against him that you can find on Youtube. Especially with the r/K theory. I mean...hell...Rushton was too dumb to realize that all genomic clusters of ancestry reveal is where your ancestors came from within a certain region. This is entry level biology! ROFL! Even David Barash has debunked Rushton, and he's not even a biologist. I'm sorry, but Rushton has been so thoroughly debunked that it's not even funny. A nice and long blog post with collection and explanation of them, with peer-reviewed studies. Just for you.
Debunked by entry level students in a discussion:
No appeals to emotion. Just snark backed up by facts.
You don't have more arguments than I do, you just think that dragging out sentences constitutes as having more arguments. Bombastic speech is a poor substitute for substance.
Also, brain size DOESN'T correlate that strongly with intelligence. For the most part it's still up in the air, but as we study it more and more, it doesn't seem to be the case.
Anonymous24(2): Again, I don't have absolute proof, but I have overwhelmingly more proof than you do. The fact that you're unwilling to doubt your own assumptions for not being backed by any evidence, while stubbornly refusing to consider opposing views and saying they're "desperate reaching" if there's but an inkling of uncertanity says a lot about your scientific integrity.
Aah, your sophistry backfires again. You shifted the goal posts, but that just made me realize they were placed to your advantage to begin with. People are drawn to the exotic, especially when seeking sex in our decadent society. So if anything, women not having an educated opinion (a pretty sexist claim by the way) gives blacks an advantage over whites. And yet, they are losing.
I'm glad you finally understood that percentage based results won't change no matter how much change the scale of the pool size. The progress is heart-warming.
Let's make a deal, I'll let minorities in america have a monopoly on making fun of whites, if you'll get the minorities in africa and asia the monopoly to make fun of blacks and asians respectively. Until then, I'm going to oppose the progressive establishement . There's a lot of people opposing it. It lost the election. It's crumbling. Don't like it? Too bad.
Good and proper satire isn't limited to punching upwards, it punches everywhere there's due criticism. It's a freedom of speech thing, you wouldn't get it. Pointing out that most poor people are poor because they're dumb, wasteful and incompetent, and if given the same start as rich people they would squander it all and end up poor in no time, is not a dick move. It's satire. It's a valid observation of shortcoming of a group. And you'll realize it's valid when you look at what happens to poor people that win the lottery.
White people coming to africa in the "not so distant past" (fucking centuries ago) was a godsend to them. They would be far off worse if we didn't colonize these savages. Just compare the parts we've been to, which are a few decades behind the civilized world, and the parts we ignored, which are a comparable to civilizations from millenia ago - collection of mudhats where men just walk around raping and killing each other until they die of sickness and starvation. Compare the living standards of a black person in america to one in africa. The colonizers weren't even "HUGE jerks" about anything. They arguably treated blacks better than they treated themselves. Whites didn't invent slavery after coming to africa, they adopted it from the africans. And later, they abolished it, because they're good enough to realize it's inhumane, and smart enough to realize it's actually unprofitable. Guess which race still hasn't abolished slavery in it's lands and still practices it the most? Yeah, that's right. Slavery is still happening. And it's not white people's fault.
If you don't want me to write a short book in every reply, stop posting so much erroneus pseudo-science for me to debunk. Fortunately, Rushton already did most of the work for me. What I posted was not the original The Bell Curve, but relatively recent paper from 2013 which not only reinstates The Bell Curve's findings, but adresses it's critique, and provides extensive information on further research into the subject. The critique of the first paper you sourced, is included.
But you know that, right? You actually checked what I posted before dismissing it with your Bandwagon argument, because there are no issues with your scientific integrity, right? Most of the arguments presented in your sources have already been debunked by Rushton himself. What's left are mostly strawmen. Nobody claimed that IQ is 100% hereditary, just 80% (Flynn claims it's closer to 50%, but even that is proven dubious). Also, Rushton was proving correlation between race and IQ, not causation. Nobody claims that if your your IQ gets artificially lowered by 20 points you'll turn into a negroid. And claiming that the research is invalid because concept of race is meaningless and races don't exist because it's too difficult to cleanly separate all three of them is retarded. You can't cleanly separate colors either, but the concept of colors is not meaningless. You can't cleanly separate dog breeds either, but the concept of dog breeds is not meaningless. They provides an imperfect yet sufficient and extremely useful division with which to differentiate and enumerate groups. There enough differences to make a distinction. In example: races have different average IQs.
The closest thing they have to an argument is that the we can't be a hundred percent sure that the statistical data gathered provides unquestionable proof. It's close to an argument, because it's true. It's not an argument, because the same is true for every sociological study that has ever been made. Sociology is not an exact science. However, if data strongly implies a trend, it's unreasonable to deny the trend. Yes, not even twin studies aren't perfect, but they're better than any other tool they could use bar outright MRI brain scanning, which was included in Rushton's research.
None of the sources you provided refute Rushton. As for the debaters you mentioned, I'm guessing you either didn't actually watch the debates, or hoped that I wouldn't.
Graves was the lesser evil, all he really did was present the "race isn't real" idiocy I just talked about, and criticized the r/K theory. Not even that, he just pointed out that it's not an exact science, which as I already pointed out, is not an excuse to utterly dismiss the data. r/K theory isn't essential or even important in Rushton's explanation of differences in IQ between races. That's just a strawman Graves used to misrepresent Rushton's position as "Blacks are basically dumb rodents! Race war now!". Rushton merely presented the data that shows correlation between being black and tendency to having more offspring, with less care put into the offspring.
But dear white jesus, did you actually listen to David Suzuki? His performance was absolutely disgusting. It was nothing but moral grand standing, strawmanning, special pleading, baseless assumptions, arguments from authority, appeals to consequences, and worst of all, demagoguery. He refuted nothing. He didn't even provide any data to support any of his own arguments, that biological differences between races can't include difference in brain size (for some magical reason), or that black people score lower on iq tests because of racim of the white devils (which Rushton disproved in his debate with Graves). The stark difference between Rushton's arguments, featuring nothing but empirical data and trends that it implies, and Suzuki's moralistic drivel represents the difference between a scientist and a dishonest, manipulative, virtue signaling liar.
And just because some student doesn't understand how differences between stable, warm climate and an unstable and cold one contributes to the intelligence of a species that thrives in warmer areas, and needs to figure out how to prepare it's housing and course of actions for sudden events, that's his problem. And no matter how many maggots screeching "Race is a social construct!" you'll put before me, they'll still be maggots. Why are you supporting this claim anyway (well, supporting people that support that claim)? It debunks your concept of white priviledge.
In short, Rushton's research wasn't debunked. The idiots in your echo chamber just deemed the results too uncomfortable, scrapped together some half-arguments, covered their ears and claimed that it was.
Oh, and stop with these "My guys were geneticists and yours was not!" arguments from authority. In the end, all that matters is the data, not it's source.
If Rushton bothers you so much, feel free to ignore him and his research. All you have to do is prove that race isn't hereditary, or prove that intelligence isn't hereditary. If both of them are hereditary, then there is, by definition, a correlation (again: not causation. artificially lowering your IQ won't make you black) between race and IQ.
>an internet webzone article about how the encephalization quotient is wrong because undeveloped infants have large heads and they're dumb so we can't use it for comparing developed individuals. Also because dogs evolved in a way that makes them better at interacting with humans (but significantly worse at problem solving if they don't have a human to rely upon but let's ignore that part).
Are we exchanging silly articles now? I guess I can find something funny on The Onion for you if you give me some time.
OMG we're like totally pen-pals or something!
Also, I'm not going to apologize for long posts anymore. You bring that on yourself. And besides, if large quantities of words intimidate you, that's your problem.
Anonymous25(2): I miss the guy. We were really getting to know each other.
How could he just leave me like that, without so much as a goodbye? It's just inconsiderate. I have feelings too, you know.
Anonymous30: @Anonymous 28 Racist people like yourself are the scum of the Earth! You give your people, the good kind, that aren't Racist, but are honorable and have humanity, a bad reputation. There's no redemption for you. Those people will burn and disown you for the true evil you are. Where you going, death and excutution awaits you in the the endless suffering of the fiery pits of hell. You and all other like-minded Racist people on this comment thread and in the world, Suffer and Die a brutal Bloodied death. The world would be better off with monsters like you, destroyed and extinguished for the plague you are.
Anonymous31: @Anonymous: Theists are so funny sometimes; trying to be morally superior while being hateful and wishing unending suffering onto others. Clearly you believe in an old testament type of god, and not the merciful type.
Anonymous34: these fucking geek-ass losers need to chill like holy shit just shut the fuck up. no one cares about your dumbass opinions on whatever shit 4chan skullfucked into your head this week
Man, I like the pit's art a lot but... why does he have to keep drawing attractive and successful Africans? I can't jerk off to attractive and successful Africans. Unless it's black women getting colonized by superior white men, that's hot.
Hell, athletic attractive and successful Africans don't even look like that, they're leaner and weaker. attractive and successful African bodies evolved for running, white bodies evolved for fighting. That's why all olympic marathon winners are black, and all of strongman contest winners are white.
>Unless it's black women getting colonized by superior white men, that's hot.
zoophilia is illegal
Go fuck monkeys elsewhere fag.
keep replying :)
Both of you faggots need to drop dead, it will cleanse the species.
You make the rest of us white guys, who aren't social retards, look bad.
Also, I KNOW that white women don't fuck attractive and successful Africans much, I've seen the stats. Women on tinder and okcupid are ALL OVER white men. attractive and successful Africans actually score the lowest, even black women prefer the white dick.
So I wouldn't say I'm "triggered", but I'll admit, I'm bothered when lies are considered common knowledge by all the cucks around me. Cucks like you. Call me pretentious, but I like truth.
But hey, go ahead, keep deflecting everything I say with "you're just a triggered idiot trying to troll", even if I provide sources and empirical data left and right, while you yourself aren't providing anything of substance. I'm used to dealing with cognitive dissonance while un-cucking white men. I kind of enjoy these talks, actually.
As for your OKCupid and dating site nonsense, the premise that desperate and laughably stupid white embarrassments like you jumped to, was debunked. Those findings are simply because there's more white guys on the site PERIOD, dummy. By an extreme margin. Most dating sites are populated by white guys, because too many of us, like yourself are beta pansies who are afraid of saying things to people's faces.
I can tell you've used that site as ego-booster in the past, because it's old, and because your self-esteem is as fragile as a sugar cube in coffee. Like too make white betas that need to be purged from our gene pool. Because once again, you're too stupid to understand the concept of "participation" when it comes to ratios, so you jump to false conclusions. The rest of your post was just your pitifully sticking out your chest and trying your hardest to sound marginally intelligent. I'm sure you're proud that you got a chance to use the phrase "cognitive dissonance" in a post.
And just because someone disagrees with you, that doesn't mean they're a "cuck". That's just you setting up a common "feel-good" dismissal, to shield your hilariously poor/fragile self-worth.
Don't you think that people gravitate towards activities they are naturally better at? There is an inequality of participation with olympic running too, you know, but I'm not claiming it's the cause for blacks running away faster. If anything, it's the other way around.
Ah well. Anyway, your argument... Whites make up a vast majority of boxing champions because participation isn't equal in boxing. All you have there is an assumption that might disprove my argument if it is correct.
Too bad it isn't. Well, kind of.
I couldn't find any hard data on demographics of practicing boxers (or couldn't be assed to search long enough), but I found this pretty recent research into demographics of boxing (and UFC) fans.
Let's assume that boxing-fan-to-boxing-practicioner ratio is equal across all races, that latinos are caucasian, and ignore the "other" group, since it's probably mulatos and hapas and such.
That means 33.9% of boxers are caucasian, 21.9% are black. A majority sure, and it would explain why 60% of champions are white. But it's way more than 60%. The difference isn't as vast as in pure strength or pure speed contests, but it's still there. Hell, if we consider that most fighters are poor, and whites are generally richer than blacks, the statistic support white superiority even further.
You really shit the bed on your dating argument though. If the data set shows what percentage of messages are replied to, grouped by sender's race, the size of any particular group doesn't matter (unless one of them is too small to provide a reliable statistic, and that's not the case).
And just for you, I found the most recent statistic from okcupid. Shows the same damn trend: white men on top, black men on bottom. Women have strong same-race preferences, but if they go for interracial, they prefer white men above others.
And just because I don't know how reliable this "match score" thing is, here's reply rate data from Are You Interested:
The real point of contention though is in... whatever the fuck you sourced there. The empirical, objective facts it presents start and end with the "74% white members" and "89% white recipients". Everything else is speculation based on an assumption. If you try running a simulation based on a premise, i.e. "women only prefer white men because they're more common, which plays some sort of unidentified mental trick on them, and not because they're just better than the alternatives", go ahead. But it is highly unlikely to provide accurate results if the premise itself isn't proven. So it doesn't debunk my argument, it assumes that it's wrong, and proceeds to generate dubious data based on a dubious assumption.
"Cuck" doesn't mean "a person that disagrees with me". It's means either "someone who's wife cheats on him", or the more recent interpretation "whites who buys into progressive, anti-white propaganda". I'm not dismissing what you say, I'm disproving it, and then pointing out that you're a cuck. Of the second kind.
PS: It's funny how you keep trying to make me mad. It's not gonna work though. Because I'm winning.
PSS: >desperate and laughably stupid white embarrassments like you
Careful mate, you're letting it show.
PSSS: Let's stop using bbcode, it's annoying.
As for Olympic running, you do know that a lot the top runners are Kenyans from a specific location, the Western Rift Valley right? Which is at a high elevation. Which would positively effect lung capacity.
Why would you lump Hispanics in with Caucasian to mean "white", when there's not only a separation of them already in your own source, but that you strictly meant white from the beginning? That's moronic, and a piss-poor attempt at moving the goal posts. I also like how the number of white champions went down from 90% to 60%, when your blatant nonsense was scrutinized.
As for the dating, no I didn't "shit the bed. You're just dismissing context and variables that you don't like. Nothing you posted contradicts lower response rate from a low participation pool. Especially when you factor in whether or not X person is an attractive member of their race vs. an average looking one. On a site like OKCupid, which is a safe space in general where white guys outnumber other groups as much as 19:1 (because we tend to engage in online dating more in general), it only makes sense that you'd have more messages for us white guys. Because it's unrealistic for a single non-white to get hundreds of messages to offset the white guys messages. And if my premise is faulty, then simple logic would dictate that yours would be as well. Using your own logic.
And LOL @ "Anti-White Propaganda" stop with the pitiful and yappy white guy beta male slogan. "It's nuthin but White Genocide 24/7 in America, guyz!" You idiots are pathetic. Go work on your low self-esteem in a better means. Not arguing to bolster it on a somewhat obscure porn site. Because that shows both, how pathetic you are and how weak your degree of self esteem is. You're a true beta and it's hilarious. Now go back to your -chan safe space with the rest of them.
PS: It seems to be working
PSS: I just call them like I see them
PSSS: It's used for inflection and to break up the visual monotony. Deal with it, I guess.
You start off with a strawman. I said "tend to", not "always will". Yes, people will sometimes get into things they have no talent for, sometimes even things they are naturally bad at. Exceptions do not disprove the rule.
>As for Olympic running, you do know that a lot the top runners are Kenyans from a specific location, the Western Rift Valley right? Which is at a high elevation. Which would positively effect lung capacity.
I didn't know that, thank you for telling me this nice little factoid. I knew that blacks run faster than whites as an outcome of natural selection, but I didn't know it's because they're from a low-oxygen environment. It's nice that you stopped trying to contest any of the points I made, just to share a neat fun-fact with me. I appreciate it.
Let me preface by pointing out that white and hispanic are culture groups. Caucasian, mongoloid and negroid are races. Many people, myself included, are used to using white and caucasian interchangeably, because all whites are caucasian. I didn't mean strictly white, I meant caucasian, and I'm willing to chalk this up to miscommunication. And you WANT to chalk this up to miscommunication, I'll explain why in a while.
I lumped hispanics and caucasians for two reasons. First, because out of the three main race groups they're the closest to caucasians. Hispanic generally includes people from, well, spain. You might notice that spain is in europe. The other major group of hispanics is mexicans, which are descendants of spanish colonizers. They have a little aztec/mayan/etc blood in them, but by now it has been thoroughly diluted. Hispanics are caucasians. Many don't want to be because everyone in america hates whites, but the difference between whites and hispanics is a cultural one. They are, genetically, almost entirely caucasian. Their skin is just a tad darker.
The other reason why I did this is because I am generous and confident and it would aid your argument. This is really funny because you shot yourself in the foot here and then claimed I was trying to shoot your foot but missed. If we don't include hispanics in the caucasian category, then 10.2% of boxing fans are white, and 21.9% are black. More than two blacks for each white. And they still produce less champions. Why are you trying to further dismantle your own position?
You need to practice your reading comprehension. The number didn't go down to 60%, I pointed out that, if 33.9% of boxers were black, and 21.9% were black, and both races were equally predisposed for boxing, then about 60% of boxing champions would be white. That is not the case though, which indicates that one races has a better predisposition for boxing. The one that overperforms.
But hey, only 10.2% of boxing fans are white, so let's update the data: if both races are equally predisposed, 32% of champions should be white, and 68% should be black, indicating that white people's predisposition for boxing is even greater than we thought. There's smoke coming out of your gun, mate.
I am dismissing and ignoring contexts and variables that are irrelevant and/or unproven.
I might have failed to understand you, it keeps getting harder as you keep getting angried, but judging by your response, you either didn't understand the research, didn't read it, or don't understand the basic principles of statistics.
You seem to think that the data shows, for example, what percentage of white women's replies are towards asian men. If it was true, than the disparity in pool size of different ethnic groups would indeed affect the study. That's not what it is though. Just add up the numbers, if 21% of ww replies are towards asians, 21% are to blacks, 22% are to hispanics, 20% to indians, 25% m-easterns, 27% to natives, 26% to half-breeds (I'm assuming), 23% of pacifics, and 29% whites, than that adds up to 214%. Unless more than half of their replies are to messages from the future that don't exist yet, this is mathematically impossible.
Instead, the data shows that, for example, the average white woman will reply to a message from asian men 21% of the time. So if there's 100,000 messeges from black guys, and she responds to 50,000 of them, that's a 50% reply rate. If there's 100,000,000 messeges from white guys, and she replies to 50,000,000 of them, that's still 50% reply rate. Pool size doesn't matter.
>Especially when you factor in whether or not X person is an attractive member of their race vs. an average looking one.
Did you- oh come on, dude, that sheet was just cleaned!
This is what made me think you don't understand basic principles of statistics. Yes, if all black guys whose messeges and replies were considered happened to be ugly the data would be skewed. That's why you need a large test sample, to maximize the chance that those above average and those below average average out. Over 1,000,000 accounts in the 2009 study constitutes a large sample. Over 25,000,000 accounts in the later one, even more-so.
>On a site like OKCupid, which is a safe space in general where white guys outnumber other groups as much as 19:1
I'd ask you for a citation, but I don't care, because as I pointed out that would be irrelevant. Even if you were arguing that sample size of ethnic minority men was too small to be reliable, you'd be wrong. Over 1,250,000 is way more than enough.
>it only makes sense that you'd have more messages for us white guys
As I pointed out, that's irrelevant.
>Because it's unrealistic for a single non-white to get hundreds of messages to offset the white guys messages
Irrelevant. I'm sorry, but I really need to drive this point home. If blacks were outnumbered 100:1, the average black wouldn't need to get a 100 times as many replies as an average white for whites and blacks to have an equal response rate. The average black would merely need the same amount of replies as an average white. And they evidently don't have it.
>And if my premise is faulty, then simple logic would dictate that yours would be as well. Using your own logic.
I wasn't talking about your premise (whatever it is), I was talking about the premise the researchers made: that response rates to various groups, which are unaffected by size of particular groups, would be different if they changed the sizes of groups.
And I haven't made any premises at all. I'm drawing conclusions from statistical data. If you want to establish that women only prefer whites because of white supremacist homophobic rapist patriarchy, then the burden of proof is on you.
>And LOL @ "Anti-White Propaganda" stop with the pitiful and yappy white guy beta male slogan.
You're letting it show again.
Anyway, if anything, it's cucks that act like white people being constantly disparaged and insulted and blamed for everething is okay that are the beta males. Since, you know, they don't stand up for themselves. And if you don't believe that american main stream media and academia are constantly feeding people anti-white propaganda, then you're either blind or haven't actually listened to the bullshit they spew. The social justice spiel then circulates among the common populace, where they imagine some stupid shit, like blacks being athletically superior to offset the fact that they're mentally inferior and have on average 20 iq points less than whites. Black men are just dumber, faster, weaker and less attractive than white men. That's it. The universe doesn't care about justice.
>Go work on your low self-esteem in a better means. Not arguing to bolster it on a somewhat obscure porn site. Because that shows both, how pathetic you are and how weak your degree of self esteem is.
I already told you, I am doing this because it's fun for me. Winning is fun. And hey, so is learning. I didn't know about these boxing demographics coming in here. Maybe you'll even give me an argument I didn't consider. And maybe it won't crumble under the tiniest amount of scrutiny and a little bit of google. Maybe.
PS: Fine. I'll humour you about the bbcode.
Also, it's post post scriptum, not post scriptum scriptum, I messed up. Thanks for playing along, friend.
In my defence, I needed to explain some points slowly and carefully, as they didn't seem to get through. The guy has a bad habit of trying to figure any possible way his opposition could be wrong, and then assuming that that's exactly how they erred, invalidating everything they said. And then he doesn't check if that's what actually happened. So I check that for him. I'm a kind man.
There's also some attempts at sophistry, but they either fall flat or outright backfire.
keep fucking monkeys
My point about the Kenyan runners was that it's not "blacks" it's a sub-sect of a sub-sect of them. Otherwise they'd be top sprinters regardless of origin. Which isn't the case. The fact that you didn't know this (which is pretty common knowledge) sort of demonstrates how dumb you are on this whole "race" thing. It's like saying all Asians are good climbers because Sherpas have a similar benefit that the sub-group of Kenyans do. Which is nonsense. As it's just the same exact evolution from living in a certain high elevation environment.
To further demonstrate that you're kinda dumb when it comes to this whole "race" thing, your boxing champion "proof" via fanbase is nonsense. Otherwise a large number of the NBA champions are "the white teams". But that isn't the case. You trying to extrapolate champions via fanbase is just reaching. My reading comprehension is fine. Your critical thinking capabilities on the other hand could use some actual bolstering.
And to finish off the fact that you're dumb when it comes to the whole race thing. It DOES matter when it comes to race and participation. Separating the two just shows how weak your argument is. If you have 99 white guys out of 100 who get a response, vs. 1 out of 10 black guys who get a response, then that's a 99% positive reply rate to a 10% reply rate. That's what the situation with online is. Just because there are more variables in play that make this whole thing too complicated for you to understand, that doesn't make them irrelevant. It just means you're being disingenuous.
Despite your conspiratorial and empty "I'm-on-to-something" posturing, the only thing I'm letting it show" is that I don't conflate us being made fun of (since we've practically had a monopoly on making fun of everyone for decades) with "anti-white propaganda". Especially since we still DO make fun of everyone via stand-up comedians and popular shows like South Park. And the whole Race and IQ nonsense has had so many holes poked in it over the past few decades, and hasn't been backed up by anything empirical, that it's hilarious. But that still doesn't stop idiotic "true believers" from spouting it. Usually after they come to conclusions that the reports they cite, don't come to.
I see you have a penchant for typing a lot, to come across as being knowledgeable. But all one has to do it actually read your posts, to see that you know very little. So much for you "winning".
Composition fallacy. Just because I didn't know one cause for a particular evolutionary development in one particular ethnic group doesn't prove I'm wrong about anything related to evolution or ethnic groups. But hey, we can concede that blacks, with some kenyan exceptions, can't even run fast. If that's what you want.
>your boxing champion "proof" via fanbase is nonsense. Otherwise a large number of the NBA champions are "the white teams". But that isn't the case.
Lie by omission. The other option is that blacks are more predisposed to playing basketball than whites, a point I'm willing to concede.
If it makes you feel better, I'll admit that if I ever have to defend my life and family via some sort of ritual life-or-death basketball match with a black person, I will be worried. I'll feel fairly confident if I'll have to fight him though.
>You trying to extrapolate champions via fanbase is just reaching
Aah, finally. You made a point that isn't completely ridiculous.
As I said, I couldn't find any hard data regarding demographics of practicing boxers. As such, I went for the best thing I could find: demographics of boxing fans. Assuming that the amount of fans of a sport and the amount of its practitioners are closely related is not reaching though. It's a very reasonable assumption. It CAN be wrong, but it's probably not.
In conclusion, I've provided relevant, though not ideal, data. You've provided nothing.
This is getting ridiculous. You're either lying to me, or to yourself. I'm sorry for these walls of text, but teaching illiterate children how to read takes time. This isn't much different. It might be futile, but I'll keep explaining this to you until you understand or concede.
If you give 1,000,000 children apples, and 290,000 appreciate it, apples have a 29% positive reponse rate. If you give 1,000 children pears, and 210 appreciate it, pears have a 21% positive reponse rate. We can deduce that children prefer apples to pears.
If you give 1,000 children apples, and 290 appreciate it, apples have a 29% positive reponse rate. If you give 1,000,000 children pears, and 210,000 appreciate it, pears have a 21% positive reponse rate. We can deduce that children prefer apples to pears.
As you can see, changing the size of individual pools did not affect the result, as it is extrapolated from the percentages of the test pool.
Now replace children with white women, apples with white men, and pears with black men. That is what the survey found.
What the hell are you misunderstanding here. Your example doesn't even prove me wrong. If you have 99 white guys out of 100 who get a response and 100,000,000,000,000 out of 1,000,000,000,000,000 black guys that get a resopnse, then that's still 99% to 10%. Changing the pool size, to the point where whites are a vast minority, did not change the percentage based result. Whites would still be 9.9 times as popular as blacks.
The right to make fun of everyone and every group is one of the greatest gifts of western, white civilizations. Nobody should be immune to critique. And it's your side that tries to undermine that. The problem isn't that it's okay to make fun of whites, that's a good thing. The problem is that it's not okay to make fun of anyone else. If I talked shit about whites you wouldn't even bat an eye. But this conversation? This perturbs you a lot.
When was the last time you saw main stream media making fun of black people? You can't even say the word attractive and successful African, like it's anything more than a word. White race is disparaged constantly, which indicates racial bias. The bigger issue though, is that the white race is disparaged for things for things that aren't even true.
>since we've practically had a monopoly on making fun of everyone for decades
No we didn't. Mongoloidds in asia could always make fun of any other race. Negroids in africa could always make fun of any other race. America isn't the whole world. And besides, whites were always more open to self-deprecieating humour than blacks and asians. Whites are far less racist than any other race. But that's not what your propaganda told you, is it? Well, go to south africa or korea and see how you'll be treated.
>And the whole Race and IQ nonsense has had so many holes poked in it over the past few decades, and hasn't been backed up by anything empirical, that it's hilarious.
You're either uneducated on the subject, brainwashed by progressive propaganda, or lying.
Here's the empirical data that supposedly doesn't exist.
Now, there was a lot of willing ignorance from the academic community on the paper's results. There were attempts critiquing the paper.
But it met with Rushton's own critique, pointing out that counter-arguments presented by the progressive academia were nothing more than appeals to emotion and arguments from morality. With no empirical basis.
If you're wondering why blacks are dumber, their brains are smaller. Brain size and IQ are closely related. I know, i know, "how dare you even say such a thing you mengele!", well, it's true.
I elaborate on my points to make sure you'll understand them. If you were doing a better job, I wouldn't feel the need to write so much. I also do it because I have far more arguments than you do.. Not that that's much of an achievement, mind you. After all, all you have are assumptions and sophistry.
And that last quip was a cultural appropriation of my opressed ethnicity. Cease and desist or I will report you to the PC principal.
Your fruit analogy falls flat, because you left out the variable of being given the different types of fruit (races) within the confines of a single container (a dating website) and getting feedback on each, like they were all gorged upon equally enough to form a educated opinion on. Which is both nonsense and an inconvenient variable that you keep ignoring. Because despite you claiming that it's irrelevant, it's not in the least bit. It's just, once again, inconvenient to your argument, because it deflates it. Stop trying to make analogies. You're bad at them.
About "Waaaah! Whites 'n Murrika 'r viktumz!" We were contextually talking about America throughout like 99% of the discussion, so logic dictates that I would be talking about America as well. No need to expand beyond that in order to appear to be right about something. Also, good and proper satire punches upwards. Which is why we white guys are acceptable targets. Don't like it? Too bad. That's just how things work, because we run things in a lot of places. Which is why the rich are also acceptable targets for ridicule, whilst slamming the poor is seen as a dick move. Same concept. South Africa is racist, because that's in retaliation to white people being HUGE jerks in the not-so-distant-past. Is it fair to the current ones? No. But it's not as "innocent" as you tried to make it. It's also an outlier. As I can point to a ton of racism from us that gets brushed aside; with mentioning it being labeled as "race-baiting" or being "anti-white", by idiots.
LOL! [B]Rushton?[/B] Omg! [B]Hahahaha![/B] His research is as dead as he is. Why don't you pick someone who hasn't been refuted up and down with fact barrages? He's the (now dead) King of pseudo-scientific "Race Realism" and yet his work has been even used as a "How-to-Spot-Incorrect-Methodology" tool by 101-course level college students. Evolutionary Biologist Joseph Graves and a MULTITUDE of others like David Suzuki (most of whom are actual biologists who work in the field, unlike Rushton) have utterly stomped his "studies" into the dust. Via written papers AND old live debates against him that you can find on Youtube. Especially with the r/K theory. I mean...hell...Rushton was too dumb to realize that all genomic clusters of ancestry reveal is where your ancestors came from within a certain region. This is entry level biology! ROFL! Even David Barash has debunked Rushton, and he's not even a biologist. I'm sorry, but Rushton has been so thoroughly debunked that it's not even funny. A nice and long blog post with collection and explanation of them, with peer-reviewed studies. Just for you.
Debunked by entry level students in a discussion:
No appeals to emotion. Just snark backed up by facts.
You don't have more arguments than I do, you just think that dragging out sentences constitutes as having more arguments. Bombastic speech is a poor substitute for substance.
Also, brain size DOESN'T correlate that strongly with intelligence. For the most part it's still up in the air, but as we study it more and more, it doesn't seem to be the case.
Aah, your sophistry backfires again. You shifted the goal posts, but that just made me realize they were placed to your advantage to begin with. People are drawn to the exotic, especially when seeking sex in our decadent society. So if anything, women not having an educated opinion (a pretty sexist claim by the way) gives blacks an advantage over whites. And yet, they are losing.
I'm glad you finally understood that percentage based results won't change no matter how much change the scale of the pool size. The progress is heart-warming.
Let's make a deal, I'll let minorities in america have a monopoly on making fun of whites, if you'll get the minorities in africa and asia the monopoly to make fun of blacks and asians respectively. Until then, I'm going to oppose the progressive establishement . There's a lot of people opposing it. It lost the election. It's crumbling. Don't like it? Too bad.
Good and proper satire isn't limited to punching upwards, it punches everywhere there's due criticism. It's a freedom of speech thing, you wouldn't get it. Pointing out that most poor people are poor because they're dumb, wasteful and incompetent, and if given the same start as rich people they would squander it all and end up poor in no time, is not a dick move. It's satire. It's a valid observation of shortcoming of a group. And you'll realize it's valid when you look at what happens to poor people that win the lottery.
White people coming to africa in the "not so distant past" (fucking centuries ago) was a godsend to them. They would be far off worse if we didn't colonize these savages. Just compare the parts we've been to, which are a few decades behind the civilized world, and the parts we ignored, which are a comparable to civilizations from millenia ago - collection of mudhats where men just walk around raping and killing each other until they die of sickness and starvation. Compare the living standards of a black person in america to one in africa. The colonizers weren't even "HUGE jerks" about anything. They arguably treated blacks better than they treated themselves. Whites didn't invent slavery after coming to africa, they adopted it from the africans. And later, they abolished it, because they're good enough to realize it's inhumane, and smart enough to realize it's actually unprofitable. Guess which race still hasn't abolished slavery in it's lands and still practices it the most? Yeah, that's right. Slavery is still happening. And it's not white people's fault.
If you don't want me to write a short book in every reply, stop posting so much erroneus pseudo-science for me to debunk. Fortunately, Rushton already did most of the work for me. What I posted was not the original The Bell Curve, but relatively recent paper from 2013 which not only reinstates The Bell Curve's findings, but adresses it's critique, and provides extensive information on further research into the subject. The critique of the first paper you sourced, is included.
But you know that, right? You actually checked what I posted before dismissing it with your Bandwagon argument, because there are no issues with your scientific integrity, right?
Most of the arguments presented in your sources have already been debunked by Rushton himself. What's left are mostly strawmen. Nobody claimed that IQ is 100% hereditary, just 80% (Flynn claims it's closer to 50%, but even that is proven dubious). Also, Rushton was proving correlation between race and IQ, not causation. Nobody claims that if your your IQ gets artificially lowered by 20 points you'll turn into a negroid. And claiming that the research is invalid because concept of race is meaningless and races don't exist because it's too difficult to cleanly separate all three of them is retarded. You can't cleanly separate colors either, but the concept of colors is not meaningless. You can't cleanly separate dog breeds either, but the concept of dog breeds is not meaningless. They provides an imperfect yet sufficient and extremely useful division with which to differentiate and enumerate groups. There enough differences to make a distinction. In example: races have different average IQs.
The closest thing they have to an argument is that the we can't be a hundred percent sure that the statistical data gathered provides unquestionable proof. It's close to an argument, because it's true. It's not an argument, because the same is true for every sociological study that has ever been made. Sociology is not an exact science. However, if data strongly implies a trend, it's unreasonable to deny the trend. Yes, not even twin studies aren't perfect, but they're better than any other tool they could use bar outright MRI brain scanning, which was included in Rushton's research.
None of the sources you provided refute Rushton. As for the debaters you mentioned, I'm guessing you either didn't actually watch the debates, or hoped that I wouldn't.
Graves was the lesser evil, all he really did was present the "race isn't real" idiocy I just talked about, and criticized the r/K theory. Not even that, he just pointed out that it's not an exact science, which as I already pointed out, is not an excuse to utterly dismiss the data. r/K theory isn't essential or even important in Rushton's explanation of differences in IQ between races. That's just a strawman Graves used to misrepresent Rushton's position as "Blacks are basically dumb rodents! Race war now!". Rushton merely presented the data that shows correlation between being black and tendency to having more offspring, with less care put into the offspring.
But dear white jesus, did you actually listen to David Suzuki? His performance was absolutely disgusting. It was nothing but moral grand standing, strawmanning, special pleading, baseless assumptions, arguments from authority, appeals to consequences, and worst of all, demagoguery. He refuted nothing. He didn't even provide any data to support any of his own arguments, that biological differences between races can't include difference in brain size (for some magical reason), or that black people score lower on iq tests because of racim of the white devils (which Rushton disproved in his debate with Graves). The stark difference between Rushton's arguments, featuring nothing but empirical data and trends that it implies, and Suzuki's moralistic drivel represents the difference between a scientist and a dishonest, manipulative, virtue signaling liar.
And just because some student doesn't understand how differences between stable, warm climate and an unstable and cold one contributes to the intelligence of a species that thrives in warmer areas, and needs to figure out how to prepare it's housing and course of actions for sudden events, that's his problem. And no matter how many maggots screeching "Race is a social construct!" you'll put before me, they'll still be maggots. Why are you supporting this claim anyway (well, supporting people that support that claim)? It debunks your concept of white priviledge.
In short, Rushton's research wasn't debunked. The idiots in your echo chamber just deemed the results too uncomfortable, scrapped together some half-arguments, covered their ears and claimed that it was.
Oh, and stop with these "My guys were geneticists and yours was not!" arguments from authority. In the end, all that matters is the data, not it's source.
If Rushton bothers you so much, feel free to ignore him and his research. All you have to do is prove that race isn't hereditary, or prove that intelligence isn't hereditary. If both of them are hereditary, then there is, by definition, a correlation (again: not causation. artificially lowering your IQ won't make you black) between race and IQ.
>an internet webzone article about how the encephalization quotient is wrong because undeveloped infants have large heads and they're dumb so we can't use it for comparing developed individuals. Also because dogs evolved in a way that makes them better at interacting with humans (but significantly worse at problem solving if they don't have a human to rely upon but let's ignore that part).
Are we exchanging silly articles now? I guess I can find something funny on The Onion for you if you give me some time.
OMG we're like totally pen-pals or something!
Also, I'm not going to apologize for long posts anymore. You bring that on yourself. And besides, if large quantities of words intimidate you, that's your problem.
How could he just leave me like that, without so much as a goodbye? It's just inconsiderate. I have feelings too, you know.
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When did it start, and about what anyway?
Oh lawd...
White = Ok
Asian = Ok
Native/Hispanic = Maybe?
Black = Never
Shota=See Above
That, or it's a troll, and if so, gj.
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