RocketDog: @Anonymous: I CAN'T WAIT!!!! "Hey Arnold" was part of my childhood, and this'll be fun as long as Helga has her original voice. (Every other character is fairly expendable honestly as far as voicework goes.)
Anonymous3: Too bad Nickelodeon were a bunch of braindead fucks and completely fucked over the series, the fans AND Craig Bartlett by releasing it on Thanksgiving! And then to add even further insult to injury held the Rocko movie hostage for years only for it to be released on Netflix and nowhere else, because all they give a fuck about is that now retarded gay Sponge who wasn't always a retarded gay Sponge until his creator died and kept wringing old Bob dry against his wishes
Fast forward to today of what we now know what happened to some of their young sitcom actors Amanda Bynes a former shadow of herself
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Fast forward to today of what we now know what happened to some of their young sitcom actors Amanda Bynes a former shadow of herself
Modern Nickelodeon are fucking EVIL