Anonymous2: This is actually Avery creative take on these two characters, and, a reversal on the sexual dynamics between female and male, rationality and emotion. I like this very much, and would like to see it inked and colored. I said "Inked", since I'm very "Old School", artwise!
Anonymous4: - 3 months after Homer caused another power plant disaster that spewed a cloud of radioactive ash on Springfield Elementry. Mutating all the kids.
- Jake/Lisa): I'm sprouting a working wang and chasing girls.
- Bartina/Bart): My junk is limp but my new tunnel of love is now hot & raring to go. Wanna get it on, boy-girl?
NicePeter: @Anonymous: Actually, given that currently worldwide for international relations English is the most spoken language, it should be the other way around and people should learn English.
NicePeter: @Anonymous: Okay, let me rephrase it then, since I wasn't clear enough. In my international relations career, English has been way more useful than freaking spanish everywhere
Anonymous5: - Wasn't this a character invented by Lisa to get into Bart's math class in an episode where the boys & girls were split into gender spacific school curriculum.
- Reply
- Reply
- Jake/Lisa): I'm sprouting a working wang and chasing girls.
- Bartina/Bart): My junk is limp but my new tunnel of love is now hot & raring to go. Wanna get it on, boy-girl?