Anonymous4: But..why would you do that?She said"I thought we were gonna have a little fun tonight".So she literally just said"let's have sex".So what's the point of this?It would be more fun to see them save sex,rather than this.
Anonymous5: @Anon4 Because it was like, a Skype video call. You cant exactly have sex over the internet. But you can hack a robot over the internet with a Trojan. So might aswell tease ya know.
fishmonger: God damnit, now I have to play this game again. By the way, Curly's panties were not correct; they had a bow in the center. Or, maybe she has a different pair on because this is after Quote stole hers... regardless, I have to play this game again. Jerks, making me play fun games that I forgot about and I enjoy. How dare you?!
Anonymous7: Is she going to return the favor? I thought when she grabbed the table she was gonna be mad and say something like "You're gonna get it now" Since they are both connected via a hack she could just override his connect and in return "punish him".
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