Anonymous1: I like this version of Meg, with BIG Tits, and, WIDE Hips, Big Ass! I realize this isn't on model, and, speaking for myself, that's PRECISELY why I like it.😋
Chupacabra555: Funny thing is, her aureola are 'on model', since I recall her once mentioning that she had the kind that 'covered most of her breasts' ^_^
Anonymous2(1): @Chupacabra555: Yeah, I remember that, too, and, I generally used to write that off as a "Sometimes Thing", depending on the writer's whims. She does look good with great big, aureolaes, and, as this artist has depicted her, vestigial breast/nipples, and, impressively thick bush! They're not there, ALL the time, but, it like when they ARE!
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