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main image
TagsBatman, Batman_(series), Candra, DC, Jonathan_Crane, Scarecrow, featured_image
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LockedYes (Only admins may edit these details)
Info781x1100 // 220KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: no
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Anonymous2(1): I don't think so.
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Cat_Bountry: wat.
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Anonymous4: AW HELL NAW!
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CreamyThang: heehee. Penises.
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Anonymous5: this is beautifully done artistically
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Selene: Now there's something you don't see everyday.....unless you're on this site.
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Anonymous6: It is nice work (the artist is called Candra I believe, she had a page over at Deviantart).

Pairings like this are usually enjoyed by either gay fans or , suprisingly, female fans (who like 'Yaoi'), and I believe Candra is female.
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Titanium: Featured
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Anonymous7: lawl
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Max_Payne: Anon 3, stop ripping off my bit.
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Anonymous8: And then he turns into the scarebeast and eats the batman. Who is prepared for this eventuality with salt n' pepper.

It makes me a little sad, knowing that as soon as I imagined this that there would be a vore image of my idea already on someone's template...
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Anonymous9: Doctor Crane isn't here right now but if you'd like to make an appointment...
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Anonymous10: MAN SHOULDERS
also, I see a serious lack of rule 34 content
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Kyhin: The sheer artistic beauty is blocking out the gay.
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Anonymous11: This was my favourite scene in Batman Begins.
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Anonymous12: lol sGayreCrow
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SimpohJack: "Would you like to see my porn? I use it in my experiments."

<ten seconds later>

"They scream...and they cry..."
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Anonomos: There's no porn...
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Anonymous13: Not porn and it's a crap drawing. Take away the photoshop and the line work is garbage. Fuck this.
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Stormfin: His name's Jonathon Crane.
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Anonymous14: @Anon13: I'd like to see you do better. Please, do take me up on that challenge. I dare you ;)
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Anonymous15: ..Not porn.
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Anonymous16: Softcore is allowed with <2 pages of real porn. Apparently we have too little of one of those tags.
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BNSF: please delete this.
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Anonymous17: What the fuck, this isn't funny, and it isn't even even porn. Why the hell is it here in the first place?
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LadyStardust: @Anon18: We're being treated to "pretty and artistic" features. I'm just as pissed as you are. o.o
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Anonymous18: Bitch bitch bitch, whine whine whine.
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LadyStardust: @Anon19: Are you bitching about our bitching? Gawd, look up "irony".
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Anonymous19: About time this got featured.
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Anonymous20: Coolest featured picture ever
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Anonymous21: Robin is pissed.
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taffer: I think scarecrow has got batman doped up on some serious shit to have him this confused.
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Peekaboozer: His name's Jonathan, not Jonathon, Fixed
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Anonymous22: The art is great, but the concept makes me want to fucking gouge my eyes out.
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Hertzel: It's not even near to being porn. Why is this shit featured?
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tyciol: Even though softcore is allowed with <2pg of porn, I still think featuring non-porn still sort of the violates the point. In the very least, someone post a link to the DeviantArt so I can stalk the artist.
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LadyStardust: This isn't even softcore. Here's a refresher on the rule concerning "softcore porn":

"If there is under one page of "real" porn of a character, then "soft" porn is allowed until there is enough "real" porn. By "soft", I mean ecchi, topless men, or lots of cleavage."

This picture is far from erotic. At the most it's "romantic". No one is topless, Crane is wearing a shirt, and even though it's only half on you can't even see any nip and I don't even think one could say there's "lots of cleavage". This picture shouldn't even be allowed on the site let alone be featured.
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lorik: Ick
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lorik: If batman was doind anyone it was , In Order
Robin ( any of them )
Harly Quinn
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JoethePlumber: HEY let's argue about if this is porn or not!

NO >:O
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Cheesecake: lack of penorz! *tries to lift the goddamn cape*
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marcusabroad: It's nice enough as a pic, but the only softcore porn I can see is that gargoyle at the bottom right - you can sort of see its vagina... or at least its right pussy lip.
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Witchan: Nice pic. :)
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Anonymous23: (first reaction)
Oh for fuck sake...!
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Anonymous24: I think I like this Image. It represents L(to, ME) the Scarecrow's Greatest Fear: That He Is GAY, and sexually attracted to The Batman! He's thinking, "He is looking good in that skin-tight outfit, and has me alone, and defenseless on this roof...Punish Me!"
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LadyStardust: @marcusabroad: You're seeing things. That gargoyle is male and its crotch is clad in armor.

Also, I've never seen so many . . I believe people around here call them "samefags", in one comments section before. Anons 20 & 21 and Anon24 & Witchan are PRIME suspects.

This isn't 34, there is no loop-hole to this being 34 since it doesn't meet any of the qualifications for being softcore, and no number of people making multiple posts posing as different people saying how "wonderful" this picture is will change that.
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Anonymous25: y s0 srus?
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Anonymous26: So much gay..
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FatalUmbreon: ...god damn it!
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Titanium: Find me more Dr. Crane, and I'd delete this. Until then, quit your bitching and enjoy it.
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Anonymous27: Gods DAMN it. We're /featuring/ this not-porn? This is fucking kid-safe. Hell, it even looks like Batman and a chick. Nothing that could run in a Disney movie (I'm not talking about those hidden-sex theories) should be on this site, much less featured. If there're less than 2 pages of a character, soft porn is allowed. This is not soft porn!
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this_site_made_me_furry: How the Fuck did this shit get featured?
Somebody Fucking failed, and failed hard.
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notanonymous: I bet Titanium is spanking the monkey over all the BAAAAAAWing in here.
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Anonymous28: Canon!
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Krawczyk: LSD 4 EM OH DEE

also we've featured notpr0n before.
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LadyStardust: @Titanium: Uh, no, how about you delete this NOW because it shouldn't be here and you know it? As a moderator it is your duty to uphold the rules to this site, not to bend them and even break them as you see fit.

If you LOVE this "Dr. Crane" so much why don't YOU go find some ACTUAL 34 of him instead of featuring something you know violates the rules because . . why? Is he your fetish? Are you on some kind of power trip? Honestly, if you're not going to follow the own rules you're supposed to be enforcing then you shouldn't have the position you currently hold.
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evilpika: LSD vs. Titanium on Saturday Night Debate, y'all!
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Anonymous29: Why so penis?
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Anonymous30(17): Titanium: There are 46 pics with the tag "Scarecrow", most of them with Jonathan Crane in them. People have just been too lazy to tag them with his name.
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LadyStardust: Well Titanium, after following Anon33's lead and checking all the Scarecrow pics, I have tagged a number of them with "Jonathan Crane", since in those particular pics he is not in costume or at least not wearing his mask. Most of them include nudity, and there's even one by the same artist of this featured image where Crane's ass is completely uncovered.

I find it hard to believe that you at the very least didn't notice ONE of these other pics when you decided to feature this one, but I suppose everyone makes mistakes. I do wish though that you would admit to them instead of being stubborn. You hold a very important position here at Paheal. Shape up and fly right, or you might lose it. -LSD (Unofficial Moderator)
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evilpika: I'm sorry Titanium, but now that she's found a picture of Crane's ass, I'm officially siding with LSD. You should have featured that one.
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Titanium: LSD - You are not an unoffical moderator, and are in no position to say "Shape up and fly right, or you might lose it."

I was unaware of more pornographic pics of Jonathan Crane when I added this to my list of future features. I chose it because I liked it for it's art.

As you are aware, tags with less than 2 pages worth of material are allowed to contain "ecchi". You can argue whether this is "ecchi".

As LSD said, we all make mistakes. If you consider this one, so be it. Perhaps it wasn't the best choice. These featured images get changed every 2 to 4 days. If you don't like it just wait. Just remember wiiaboo's "stop crying" pic.
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warrior: LSD - Officially annoys the staff
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lorik: Ick ... Nice art but icky content.
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LadyStardust: Of course I consider it to be a mistake Tit, because it IS one. This picture is in no way perverted, it's simply romantic, and so it's NOT ecchi. I know it's not ecchi, YOU know it's not ecchi, so stop playing the "I'm a big ol tough moderator who knows best!" card and just get rid of it. Your incompetence sickens me . .
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stfu about this before I ban you. I'm bored.
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Hertzel: The "stop crying" pic was damn hilarious because of it's randomness. This is just generic faggotry, only with better-than-average art.
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LadyStardust: @warrior: I only "annoy" staff members when they're not doing their job or ignoring the rules set forth by the creator of this site. Rule34d and Rat are VERY good at their jobs here and they're my bffs, and Tit maybe could take a lesson from their excellent performance records.

Of course . . I'd shut up if Tit would just say "I'm sorry, I know this image violates the rules, but I'm keeping it up anyway because (insert reason here)." His un-willingness to admit his obvious mistake is what annoys me, not the actual picture.
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warrior: lol warned ya.
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LadyStardust: And . . with the threat of a ban if I continue my crusade against incompetent moderators now looming over me, I will now "stfu". Good day. o.o
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Titanium: LSD - You don't know 1/10 the work I do for this site. I just don't comment on images as much. I don't think the image violates the rules, but I am "sorry" for featuring it. Don't worry, Warrior won't ban you for saying your opinion (edit: you are unbanned).
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LadyStardust: Well . . thank you for unbanning me. I was about ready to type up an angry e-mail to warrior. And I suppose that MAYBE I overreacted about this whole thing, and MAYBE was a little hard on you . . Wait, scratch that, I did overreact, and I was hard on you. I apologize. Friends? <3 (I hope I don't get banned again for not shutting up.)
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Nymousano: LOL Be careful LSD, warrior´s consistent if you insult an admin (see >>189969 XD)!

BTW Titanium, I like this pic for it´s "Gothic" atmosphere. And you´re right, the art for itself is gorgeous!
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Nymousano: OPS, Mylady were faster than me, hihi!
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Nymousano: Dammit, I mean "WAS faster"! ^^;
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Titanium: LSD - I won't ever ban someone for expressing their opinions (eg Desumilk). Friends.
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Rat: Indeed you have no need to worry LSD, not even PRESIDENT OBAMA can keep you banned when I'm around, and I always am and forever will be, no matter what.

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LadyStardust: Hey, he's not president YET, he's only the president elect. Many things can happen between now and January . . >:) . . . I'm only joking, I don't wish death upon the man, but SHAME on you for trying to get me started on politics again! The people here hate it when I bring that stuff up. >.<;

P.S. - How's that art comin along? <3
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Rat: The art's nearly done, after your last PM on gaia I decided to add one more thing before uploading it to make it complete.

I'll send you a pm on gaia with a link so you can see what it looks like so far. ^^
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Anonymous31: Can i get a ban if i ask nicely? thanks
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Anonymous32: Doooo nooooot waaaaannnnnttt!
But yeah, besides the gayness, the art is really nice.
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Anonymous33: i would pay good money for a gargoly as cool as that one in the upper left
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Anonymous34: Not porn...
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Anonymous35: wat? no pron? ;_;
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Anonymous36: Anonymous 26, back for more. Again, this is a good image. The subject matter may, or may not be your particular cup of tea, but, you can't deny that. Case closed
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Serealkiller: Damn, I've never sread so much drama and hatred over a feature before. As far as I'm concerned, Rule 34 states that if it exists there is porn of it. To me this is implied porn. Porn is going to happen here. We just see the "before sex" scene.
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Anonymous37: OMG! IT'S a nightmare! 0_0!
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slightlymad: Pretty Scarecrow fails. Needs more gangly ugly Scarecrow.
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Anonymous39: .....please excuse me while i go burn every copy of batman comics and graphic novels i own
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Anonymous40: Wait, so there's Batman/Scarecrow on here, but no Batman/Two-Face (which may as well be cannon)?
I no long believe in rule 34.
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Anonymous41: Solution: throw the bitch off
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CrawlingChaos: All this bitching RUINED IT.
But I still epically love this picture.
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evilpika: Bitching is the hallmark of a great feature. ;p
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Anonymous42: People are missing the point of an artistic and "pretty" feature...

Tell me, would this be mind-devastating if it was made by an eight year-old with Down's syndrome and Parkinson's in MS Paint?


The more well done and erotic it is, the more disturbing it is to the non-insane crowd.

Anywhom, back to fapping.
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tyciol: Why is this supposed to be disturbing though?
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Vixenated: No. I don't like this. Crane isn't gay.
Ugh, other fangirls, always fucking shit up. :/
We need moar yuri fangirls like me.
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CrawlingChaos: GODDAMNIT i have such a fucking hardon for Dr. Crane.
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dododonpachi: ♫ he ain't scared of getting shit on his dick ♫
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Anonymous43: @Stormfin: Actually, it's Jonathan Crane
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Anonymous44(43): @Vixenated: Screw off, yaoi is SO much better than yuri, you lesbian.
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Anonymous45: I love it . LOVE the yaoi
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Anonymous46: love it so cool
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Anonymous47: YEAH

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