Anonymous4: @RIP_America_1776-1913 And you spend your time bitching and moaning about black people on a cartoon porn site. You've hit pathetic rock bottom.
MrEqualizer: @Anonymous: His lack of self-awareness when he rage posts, is greatly amusing. It's a part of my motivation to upload these edits. The harder he and other useless neckbeards rage in the form of "Let me tell you about the negroes/cucks that rustle my jimmies!", the more inclined I am to post.
And I have a few gigs of unposted edits, with a collection growing daily.
Anonymous5: @Anonymous: don't put me together with the kind of people that make this edits, all of the people that make these edits are racist whites that see us blacks like we are some kind of animal or fetish for them.
MrEqualizer: @RIP_America_1776-1913: That you accuse others of having pathetic lives, but you stalk and click on the things that rustle your jimmies. Just to complain. Like an amusing social/actual retard. Which has no negative impact on the pics I upload, since comments are below the pics. Nor does it put a damper on my will to upload anything. It actually emboldens me to, a bit.
Anonymous6: @Anonymous: From what I can tell its not really blacks doing it, its a urban white millennial fetish thing, mixes in with some trolls getting their kicks.
Could be all the estrogen in the water, or maybe all the guilt being shoved on them by feminists.
MrEqualizer: @RIP_America_1776-1913: I was more referring to your sudden comments on multiple pics of mine. Since your comments and laughable anger do absolutely nothing to stop them from being posted and do absolutely nothing to the pics when posted, I'll just continue posting them. Rage on. It's the cherry on top of my uploads.
Anonymous7: @Anonymous: "Whites are racist when they make blacks look better than whites". "Whites are racist if they don't depict blacks in a favorable light"
Is there nothing that doesn't makes whites (oddly just whites) racist at this point? You fucking porch monkey's have extrapolated the word "racist" so much that it literally means anything and everything. TO the point where nothing anybody does can ever be right because you'll always find some fucking stupid angle to shout "racist!!!" "Fuck white people!!" (ironic coming from a high and mighty groid) from. What do you think the intent was? Was this "racist white person" also racist to whites for the depiction in an unfavorable light? If so WHO was it racist against and what was their aim/bais FOR? Clearly it's not for the gain of their own race so what on earth is the point of the edit? You make no sense and just want to make some bullshit up about "fetishization". Come the fuck on. What nonsense, as if the cuckold white leftist that made this had it out for blacks?
It might surprise you to know that people come on these sites to fetishize. You're just as guilty as anyone else here you moron. Fetishism is what humans do. I think this racial mixing shit is disgusting and the fact that it's becoming more prominent on these sites is nauseating.
Anonymous8(5): @RIP_America_1776-1913: Pretty unlikely, look artist like kennycomix or the pit they are all whites that see black people only as a fetish and nothing else.
@Anonymous: None of this art or edits makes us black people in positive/superior light, for people like MrEqualizer or other cuck fetishist black are like animals is like the equivalent of the horse fucking a woman, or the ork, or the tentacle monster. The only difference is that it degrades everyone involved. It makes black people a walking penis, white women mindless whores and white men incompetent, there are also racial mixing that is disgusting and the stereotypical ghetto racist talk that you see in this kind of art.
In the case of normal racist, at least they see us like humans, yes they see us as inferior but at least this is because of ignorance or because of they involvement with the worst of the community, something that every race has.
"It might surprise you to know that people come on these sites to fetishize"
That doesn’t mean i cannot criticize them, people can have all the fetishes the want but that doesn’t make them immune to critique, especially people that have the most heinous type of fetishes like scat or cuckoldry.
"I think this racial mixing shit is disgusting and the fact that it's becoming more prominent on these sites is nauseating."
Anonymous10: @Anonymous: ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER DO YOU SPEAK IT you little shit (that's my pet name for you to show my adoration; do you like it my love?)?!
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And I have a few gigs of unposted edits, with a collection growing daily.
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Could be all the estrogen in the water, or maybe all the guilt being shoved on them by feminists.
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Is there nothing that doesn't makes whites (oddly just whites) racist at this point? You fucking porch monkey's have extrapolated the word "racist" so much that it literally means anything and everything. TO the point where nothing anybody does can ever be right because you'll always find some fucking stupid angle to shout "racist!!!" "Fuck white people!!" (ironic coming from a high and mighty groid) from. What do you think the intent was? Was this "racist white person" also racist to whites for the depiction in an unfavorable light? If so WHO was it racist against and what was their aim/bais FOR? Clearly it's not for the gain of their own race so what on earth is the point of the edit? You make no sense and just want to make some bullshit up about "fetishization". Come the fuck on. What nonsense, as if the cuckold white leftist that made this had it out for blacks?
It might surprise you to know that people come on these sites to fetishize. You're just as guilty as anyone else here you moron. Fetishism is what humans do. I think this racial mixing shit is disgusting and the fact that it's becoming more prominent on these sites is nauseating.
@Anonymous: None of this art or edits makes us black people in positive/superior light, for people like MrEqualizer or other cuck fetishist black are like animals is like the equivalent of the horse fucking a woman, or the ork, or the tentacle monster. The only difference is that it degrades everyone involved. It makes black people a walking penis, white women mindless whores and white men incompetent, there are also racial mixing that is disgusting and the stereotypical ghetto racist talk that you see in this kind of art.
In the case of normal racist, at least they see us like humans, yes they see us as inferior but at least this is because of ignorance or because of they involvement with the worst of the community, something that every race has.
"It might surprise you to know that people come on these sites to fetishize"
That doesn’t mean i cannot criticize them, people can have all the fetishes the want but that doesn’t make them immune to critique, especially people that have the most heinous type of fetishes like scat or cuckoldry.
"I think this racial mixing shit is disgusting and the fact that it's becoming more prominent on these sites is nauseating."
I agree with you 100%
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[black insecurity intensifies]