TheKingOfStupidEdits: Ah, yeah, this picture is beautiful. Truly perfect in every way.
As far as I can see, there are zero problems with anything in the general vicinity of this web page.
Great writing, amazing artwork, and an awe inspiring story...
I think a tear is cumming... pardon me for a moment.
Anonymous5: This is actually disturbing. How many people will the artist of this kill when he goes to school tomorrow? He clearly has some mental problems to deal with.
Anonymous14: I have no problem with the pairing, just ya know... Where's the context? What makes these two a likely couple? It makes zero sense. And also these god awful models... Just horrid
Anonymous18: Hey remember when in canon spiderman fucked Mary Jane and she died from fucking SUPER CANCER? Would that happen to lucina as well? Lemme know, Thanks.
As far as I can see, there are zero problems with anything in the general vicinity of this web page.
Great writing, amazing artwork, and an awe inspiring story...
I think a tear is cumming... pardon me for a moment.
In all honesty, it's kinda sad how dedicated one guy is to try and make this ship popular with all the low quality models and whatnot.