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Faptacular: Part 2.
Part 1 here.
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GoodPorn: Yeah im tired of all the futa...
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Anonymous1: Not a futa lover but the art is excellent, keep up the good work!
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loliKhorne: @GoodPorn: Pffft. Futa on non-futa is the best shit ever. What are you, gay? You want filthy male characters in your porn? Ew.
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GoodPorn: @loliKhorne: If it has a dick it is a man as far as I care.
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ButtsAreBest: I wish my life was empty enough so that cartoon porn can make me cry.
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Otaku_H: @GoodPorn: Well then, it's a good thing it doesn't matter what you care, isn't it?
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GoodPorn: @Otaku_H: Judging by the responses a lot of folk do seem to care. :3
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loliKhorne: @GoodPorn: "Real" futas are technically hemaphrodites (they're not supposed to have balls, but rather a dick and pussy).

Still, I don't see how a male character is in any way better than a female character with a cock (even if it isn't a "true" futa).
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ButtsAreBest: Hey, if you prefer man cock over girl cock, Mr_Nahual, that's totally cool, no reason to be a baby about it. Normal human beings don't judge, so go look at as much cock as you want.
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ButtsAreBest: Right, Seth Mcfarlane is definitely a figure of authority with an opinion I care about.

You know, there's this cool concept, it's actually been around for a really long time, a feature of human brains that most people have. I think people refer to it as... "Imagination" or something like that. See, "imagination" is the act of thinking about whatever you want. You could be laying in bed like some fat, lazy slob, but you close your eyes and now you're riding a unicorn through space while an orchestra of Viking midgets play Ride of the Valkyries. Sounds fuckin' amazing, right? That's the power of imagination.

This is fake cartoon porn, you walnut. The thumbnail left nothing to the imagination, yet you came here anyway to cry like a little bitch. You could have just gone to watch some man cock getting sucked, but naw. If fake cartoon porn makes you so sad and so angry, then maybe you need help. That's why I think you came here to cry, you're crying for help. You need to reach out, find someone to talk to, to guide you through these troubling times, because no one here is gonna do that for you.
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loliKhorne: @Mr_Nahual2099: Methinks the faggot dost protest too much.

It is okay to come out of the closet, bro.
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Anonymous2: @loliKhorne:
A futa IS male r-tard. It's just a glorified dude with tits. Roughly 95 % of all futa in porn are male.

Anyhow: If he is obsessed with guys and hyper dicks, then that's his bushiness.
I can say though: It would be nice if porn sites could learn to tag that shit properly. Atm on places like HF and whatnot, there's a roughly 50 % chance I'll find straight or gay porn if I search for lesbians.

That: And if he could stop half-assing his females, that would be nice. If you wana spend 2 hours on a single dick: Have at it. Just don't come here spending 30 seconds on a pussy, and call it even.
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Otaku_H: @Anonymous: Awww, looks like someone was triggered. You need to go to a safe space where no one threatens your fragile masculinity?
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ButtsAreBest: Hey, if you think futanari are male in fake cartoon porn, then that's entirely on you, buckaroo.

Look inward, dive deep into your psyche and come to the realization that your own limited scope of imagination doesn't have to turn into a whiny bitch.
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loliKhorne: @Anonymous: You're wrong. Futanari are hermaphrodites according to the original Japanese origin. Look up classic hentai such as Bible Black where female characters grow a dick while keeping their pussy for an example.

It is just that the term has been diluted to the point where any female character with male genitalia is called a futa these days. I repeat: transexuals are not futanari.
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Anonymous3: @Mr_Nahaul2099
Displaying your toxicity on a porn website is by far the most pathetic thing I've seen online. We're all here to enjoy the show and have fun. No need to push your standards down everyone's throat.
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Anonymous4: Autism kills (comment sections)
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Anonymous5: Guys just appreciate the art and shut up
If you don't like it don't view it
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Anonymous6: Holy shit it's like a youtube comment section up in here.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Mr_Nahual2099: Therefore all right thinking persons should savage them? "I call on all people to EXERT YOUR PREJUDICE, AND RIGHT NOW!!"
Keerist, you've left nothing for the Communists and the antigun pervs. You need a better agenda, of course.
And how many clinically diagnosable crazy homos do you know, hmm? One? Fewer than one?
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Anonymous7: welp this comment section is getting a bit out of hand
good thing there's a picture of Huntress Wizard getting that good futa dick above it
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Pyroking: Kinda wish Marceline's head moved a bit. Looks static, otherwise.

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