darksithwas12: He could've at least let her transform into Mia Fey first, fucked her and then slit her throat. That way he's killing a ghost and the channeler!
Anonymous8: @Anonymous: I've seen worst with Chun-Li on Rule 34 where she's been treated as a dead swine to a butcher and about to be cannibalize as a chicken on a stick being grilled. It's pretty gruesome and disgustingly evil. Don't ever check them out on pg 192 for Chun-Li as you will be traumatized and thanked me later for the warning *nauseating grimace face* Definitely those disturbing abhorring arts belongs to a Louvre for serial killers and other incredible mentally sick fucks. >.<
Anonymous9(8): @Anonymous: *and another sick one with her* about to be cannibalize as a chicken on a stick being grilled. It's pretty gruesome and disgustingly evil. Don't ever check them out on pg 192 for Chun-Li as you will be traumatized and thanked me later for the warning *nauseating grimace face* Definitely those disturbing abhorring arts belongs to a Louvre for serial killers and other incredible mentally sick fucks. >.<
But yeah, I definitely agree with you on this dark Maya Fey art.
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But yeah, I definitely agree with you on this dark Maya Fey art.