LadyStardust: @Anon1: Beautiful . . ? No, this isn't beautiful, this is CREEPY. I mean, Jesus Christ, I thought only those "Gadget" fans got this obsessed over a cartoon character, and the little notes like "36A is still too big for you, silly :P" really multiply the creepiness factor 4x.
Anonymous14: Milestones: Orange Box' All-Dorkian Journey To Creeping The Shit Out Of Normal Humans
12: First time realising that The Simpsons are more awesome than anything he will ever do in life.
13: Writing first bullshit stories (aka fan fiction).
14: Getting beaten up by a girl he tried to 'be gentle to'. Submitting himself to RL celibacy.
15: Falling in love with Lisa Simpson.
16: Thinking Lisa loves him back.
18: Marries Lisa...
Anonymous16: all anon, ncluded me, will one day burn in hell, ya know this. Also who is more pathetic, orange box or us that browse for porn in internet, producing nothing but annoying comments and considering the level of posting, even if we stop browsing, won't get any social life whatsoever, becasue admit it, we suck, are worthless shit that no one truly like. Oh yes , in hell we, anon trolls, got one releife, we got to rape Lady Stardust with a mixer. (well barely compensate being flayed alive and whipped with salt covered barbed wire.)
Epyon_X: I'm not sure how this means the artist has no life any more than anything else on here, I mean, besides the time spent to not make it look like ass. And since everyone bitches when something looks bad anyway....
Freezer: Some folks sure do have a violent reaction to anything other than "LOL BOOBS" or "EPIC FAIL". Some of us can express things in ways other than 4chan-speak. Some of us can even *GASP* express admiration for good work! Even porn of fictional characters.
If the idea of literate porn fans disturbs some of you that much, I don't know what to tell you... other than "/b/ is that way, Skippy."
Spiffy: i find it funny that Orange box drew this, and also most of the Orange box's achievements on PC (Team Fortress 2) are Milestones that give you special weapons D:
tyciol: This is pretty awesome, though it would've been better if it was totally presented in chronological order (it jumps around on the ages) and including the months instead of only years so you know exactly when everything happens.
Anonymous43: This artist should die. Not only is Simpsons pathetic but so is every rule 34 picture on this site.
All of you need to get a life. Also I'm a parent, wondering why my kid is viewing this page at the age of 12.
A grounding is in order but the removal of this web site is also in the works. I'm not going to stop until this nasty porn site is gone from the internet and you are all in jail.
Anonymous53: I wonder what would happen if the PaedoBear caught wind of this site. CP can be cartoon and still illegal I think. 'Com8ng up in Breaking News: Will the Supreme Court stand by the right to pics of cartoon elementary girls being raped by men? More at 11.'
tehwalrus: At one point I liked the computer because you didn't have to deal with idiots... reading these comments just reminded me that there are idiots everywhere.
Anonymous61: This is terrifying. I've seen jsut about every r34 on this site, but this artist needs to be sent to an insane asylum. On the other hand, very hot and well drawn
Anonymous77: I am Anonymous, and it appears that, despite my painstaking efforts to belittle the person who drew this picture and the picture itself, I keep coming back for more. DAMN
Pic still making me feel angstful about never having an actual romantic experence. That 6 months with that other male did not count cause even he said we were jsut fuck bu-
Anonymous97: Dear lord, what's with all the whiners? If you think this is creepy, welcome to the first level of the internet, mo-fo! If this is creeping you out, then Gee Tee Ef Oh mutha fucka, 'cus this is what the internet considers "charming" and "qaint"!
Anonymous98: I agree with a number of you, here. This is actually cute, hhhooottt, and, I like the art and concept. Was it done by , Matt Goening /life in hell, first? Maybe, but it has also been said that there is nothing new under the sun, but, there are new people, new materials, and new ways of implementing those things. Like the first person to look at an oyster, and think, "Ummmm, I could have sex with that."
Titanium: Anon98 - um, not in the USA it's not... I am hoping you are not from there, otherwise you really need to read up on the first amendment cases.
Anonymous101: See, now I actually learned something from this, that an electric toothbrush, has uses, other than the obvious! Enlighten us, oh, Internet, teach us, oh, Rule34. We are unworthy to bask in the afterglow, YOU so generously bestow upon us, We, who are but fwapping sinners in your sight.
Anonymous130: Hmmm, not a bad picture, bet simpson porn thing i ever seen, and it was interesting... though disturbing seeming how most children are having sex around fifteen... meh, i cant complain... but yea it is creepy i feel like a perveted stalker
Anonymous132: Nice work. One of the few genuinely fap-worthy pics on here.
Also, some of these comments clearly demonstrate that a lot of people don't quite get the point of Rule 34. PROTIP: Rule 34 does NOT say "If it exists, there is tasteful porn of it. With some exceptions."
Anonymous136: Animated is not illegal because there are no victims- so unless you really think thought-crime is here, don't worry. Unless you think Lisa Simpson is real... like this artist does.
Urbane_Guerrilla: 140, I'm afraid so. Lovecraft didn't write retarded -- he thought the middle nineteenth century was the pinnacle of English style. "A sentiment" as Lewis Carroll put it, "open to doubt." Come to think of it, the Snark seems to have had appetites like those of L's Elder Gods and other slushy nastinesses.
Anonymous141: has anyone located the arist? he has dropped from the radar for quite a while now..... like years! (also im on the internetz on A PS3 BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!)
Anonymous143: Seriously laughing my ass off at a bunch of these comments. People can look at guro porn all night and day so long as there's no dialogue, but add some text that isn't on the same page as "RAPE ME!!! FUCK MY ASSHOLE!" and everyone is suddenly creeped the fuck out and disgusted.
Bigg-E: I like how some of u say the artists has no life because he/she drew this when he/she actually is doing something, ART. Most of u that complain and don't draw ur selfs actually have no life. At least said artist is doing this for ur viewing pleasure yet u still complain when its nothin nasty like guro or wat ever that shit is called. U just can't please the internet.
Anonymous160: Possibly the best one I've Seen, There should be one for Maggie, Bart, Marge, and Homer, And For some odd reason Milhouse, which we all know might end up being his hand lul jk
Anonymous163: funny how I started masturbating younger than Lisa did, I had to be at least her actual age (7) when I started... yikes LOL. I'm not sure what that means for a little girl, but eh.
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First golden shower?
First time with a dog?
anon3: if she has an abortion she doesnt leave a 6 year old child motherless :S
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This is only gonna be part 1? Cool... ^__^
And DarkMage20, in another of OB's arts, Marge was teaching Lisa how to show her cunny, so my guess is Marge is sitting next to her in that panel. :)
12: First time realising that The Simpsons are more awesome than anything he will ever do in life.
13: Writing first bullshit stories (aka fan fiction).
14: Getting beaten up by a girl he tried to 'be gentle to'. Submitting himself to RL celibacy.
15: Falling in love with Lisa Simpson.
16: Thinking Lisa loves him back.
18: Marries Lisa...
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Please get the fuck off the internet, you do not belong here.
Awesomely Creepy, at least.
First nice touch would have been anal.
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If the idea of literate porn fans disturbs some of you that much, I don't know what to tell you... other than "/b/ is that way, Skippy."
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Whatever. I'm glossing over this and hoping for something soulshattering next time.
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you know who you are!
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Second, what the f-DUCK
Next thing you know it'll be all "Candlejack LOLILADLEDLU" and then we're all go-
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and LSD:
TITS PLZ before you go
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Compared to most Simpsons pictures which inspire horror in ways Lovecraft would be jealous about.
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I love you
All of you need to get a life. Also I'm a parent, wondering why my kid is viewing this page at the age of 12.
A grounding is in order but the removal of this web site is also in the works. I'm not going to stop until this nasty porn site is gone from the internet and you are all in jail.
If you're a parent, you're not a very successful one.
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Well done OB
Still. good ending! ^.^
urge to fap, lowering.
Urge to kill... staying the same
You made me a sad man.
>_> I guess it would be hot if I was... completely obsessed with her.
=D Muahahaha...
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The other side found this beatuful and fap at this.
Who is right one?
That is all.
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also, i usually dont like simpsons pron, but this is fucking saved.
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and drawn well.
Very cute :3
first wanted- jimbo
first dirty chat- louis
first undress- Kerny
first eatout- Kerny
first cum on tummy- Jimbo
first all the way - Nelson
first- pregnancy- (random sap)
first extramarital affair - Nelson
first abortion- Nelson's or random sap's child
first divorce - random sap for Nelson
first dirty sanchez- nelson
first abe lincoln - jimbo
first falcon punch - nelson
second (child)- falcon punch abortion
third -abortion
first anal- milhouse
fourth -abortion
That being said, I can't find the artist anywhere whatsoever. Any search I use, I just get the Orange Box game and Simpsons game box art.
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I have a mentol problem.
Now I'm even more aware I'm failing life. =(
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It's not a numbering system, it's her age.
Fuck. Back to the Bowser section. ;_;
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Pic still making me feel angstful about never having an actual romantic experence. That 6 months with that other male did not count cause even he said we were jsut fuck bu-
Such as
Anonymous77: First kiss at 8? Okay, i'm lonely - never got one, never even got hugged.
IsNotAnon: No one cares you dumbshit. Post some witty comment/old&unfunny meme or fap and GTFO.
I have a mentol problem.
oro-chan: This picture made me sad because it reminded me I was going to die alone.
oro-chan: Wow epic fail use pf past/present tense right there.
Now I'm even more aware I'm failing life. =(
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That made melol, but aside from that it's just 3 kinds of creepy and fucked up
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Hm,maybe cause thumbs are down...
Also, some of these comments clearly demonstrate that a lot of people don't quite get the point of Rule 34. PROTIP: Rule 34 does NOT say "If it exists, there is tasteful porn of it. With some exceptions."
Either way, Its a nice unique picture
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I'm sorry, I promised I wouldn't cry.
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